Nassau Cops: PTA Mom, Boy Found Half Naked In Car

Yes, I'm sure the same is true for Vili Fulaau. :rolleyes:

Do you have evidence to support the claim that the majority of adolescent males are psychologically damaged from consensual relationships with women that are legal adults?

It goes back to the general sexualizing of our young in general. I have posted the links but I know no matter what you see you will choose to close your mind to the information. You have heard from members that work with teens or have teens of their own saying teens are not ready for the sexual responsibility. You can choose to go by studies I will choose to go by first hand experience.

I know I wasn't ready when I choose to have sex. Yes it was under age. If my parents had been as involved in my life as I am in my children's, it wouldn't of happened when it did. If you don't give them the opportunity it will not happen.

I know for a fact none of my children have or will be having sex until they are at least 18. I've also taught them that it's not the end all be all of life. Sex is not the cake or even the frosting... It's the cherry on top. It's something special and not something to take lightly.
It goes back to the general sexualizing of our young in general. I have posted the links but I know no matter what you see you will choose to close your mind to the information. You have heard from members that work with teens or have teens of their own saying teens are not ready for the sexual responsibility. You can choose to go by studies I will choose to go by first hand experience.

I know I wasn't ready when I choose to have sex. Yes it was under age. If my parents had been as involved in my life as I am in my children's, it wouldn't of happened when it did. If you don't give them the opportunity it will not happen.

I know for a fact none of my children have or will be having sex until they are at least 18. I've also taught them that it's not the end all be all of life. Sex is not the cake or even the frosting... It's the cherry on top. It's something special and not something to take lightly.

Your "experience" is not inherently superior to the knowledge that others may have. You first cannot prove any degree of "experience" on an anonymous web forum; more than that, I have not seen any links that you have posted.

If you are referring to the analyses of the magnetic resonance imaging and functional magnetic resonance imaging scans that you posted, those were sufficiently rebutted by the counter-articles that I posted that pointed out several methodological flaws and causative vs. correlative issues contained within those scans. In what manner is this not a sufficient reply to that "evidence"?

More than that, your experience is narrow and limited, as is that of all of us. But specific studies of very specific experimental groups that cover a wide range of individuals can provide a thorough amount of insight into these matters.
I'm not alone in my thinking and you know it.

It wouldn't surprise me if you've found yourself in trouble with the laws covering sexual contact with adolescents. You do sound like a NAMBLA member.
I'm not alone in my thinking and you know it.

It wouldn't surprise me if you've found yourself in trouble with the laws covering sexual contact with adolescents. You do sound like a NAMBLA member.

Not fair comment. I'm not familiar with NAMBLA's publications or press releases or whatever they have because I'm frankly disgusted with pederast organisations and pederasts themselves, but I haven't ready anything of Agna's which suggests approval for pederasty. And that's not an invitation to cut and paste. I've followed the discussions elsewhere.
I'm not alone in my thinking and you know it.

It wouldn't surprise me if you've found yourself in trouble with the laws covering sexual contact with adolescents. You do sound like a NAMBLA member.

Is this really the best trolling you can manage?

In what manner would advocating that adolescents be treated as adults make me akin to members of an organization sexually attracted to prepubescent children? Really, this is incredibly idiotic. If somebody expresses dissent or opposition, you accuse them of being criminals or sexual predators of some variety?! :cuckoo: Dissent must trouble you so, mein herr.

Congratulations on your continued failure to provide evidence to support your viewpoint.
Go argue your point in court until then you will continue to loose the debate. Notice even with your 'proof' the laws haven't changed. They can be changed but haven't due to the facts that most know about teens and their being too young to comprehend all the ramifications of their actions. You still haven't addressed the legal responsibility and the fact that those under 18 can't enter into contracts. That's because their parents are responsible for the actions of the child. Unless the parents are aware of the contract and signing off on the contract, it can be broken with no legal recourse.

I get that you are an anarchist. You clearly have shown through you siggy and avatars don't support having laws of any type. What of murderers? What of thieves? What of the rapists? I doubt you can provide a logical and realistic solution to them.
Go argue your point in court until then you will continue to loose the debate. Notice even with your 'proof' the laws haven't changed. They can be changed but haven't due to the facts that most know about teens and their being too young to comprehend all the ramifications of their actions. You still haven't addressed the legal responsibility and the fact that those under 18 can't enter into contracts. That's because their parents are responsible for the actions of the child. Unless the parents are aware of the contract and signing off on the contract, it can be broken with no legal recourse.

You are obviously unaware of the distinction between legal and ethical dimensions of this issue. It matters not if I would "loose" in court; that reveals the fact that the legal system is not on my side, but says nothing to the ethical aspect of infantilizing adolescents. Nor does the fact that such restrictive laws have existed in full force for about 50 years, (and laws prohibiting sexual relations between adolescent males and older females are only about 20 to 30 years old, because there was no conception that females could sexually abuse males in consensual relationships prior to that), do much for your case. Slavery was opposed on moral grounds by many Founding Fathers, yet remained in existence for almost a century after they recognized its brutal and unjust nature. Hence, recognizing the ethical wrongness of a practice or state of affairs does not mean that legal action will be taken to remedy this ethical wrongness.

Now, your assertions regarding legal contracts are false; I have fully addressed this by noting that I am in favor of granting youth the right to economic power, namely through right-to-work laws, in addition to their reception of the rights to make valid legal contracts and own property. I have said that their current legal inability to engage in any of those activities. This essentially constitutes a state of forced dependency for them.

I get that you are an anarchist. You clearly have shown through you siggy and avatars don't support having laws of any type. What of murderers? What of thieves? What of the rapists? I doubt you can provide a logical and realistic solution to them.

I am unsure as to why that "doubt" exists, though I strongly suspect that it's related to some misconception you may have of anarchists supporting "chaos," "disorder," or a "law of the jungle."

Firstly, the abolition of capitalism will also result in the elimination of poverty, homelessness, and the subsequent crimes that are committed because of an impoverished state. So we can expect to reduce a significant amount of crime by taking that action.

As for specific anti-social actions committed against individuals that continued to exist, there would be several options for handling such a situation. If their victim was still alive, the suspect and the victim would agree on a third party to adjudicate their dispute, and make whatever "court" arrangements they felt they needed to. If they could not agree on this matter, or the victim was dead, a court would be appointed through direct democratic means by a community assembly. The judge would be an elected official, rather than one selected through executive appointment, and the jurors would be picked by lot to ensure impartiality. Whatever forms of justice would be dispensed would then follow from there, and it is important to note that anarchists reject "punitive" theories of "justice," and favor rehabilitative ones.
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NOW, is anyone under the illusion that, were this a case of an adult MAN found naked from the waist down with a 13 year old GIRL, this would be treated as a first class felony from the start? How many sexual predator women get to enjoy a slap on the wrist for the VERY SAME ACTIONS that would put a man away for life?

Male and female predators should be treated in EXACTLY the same way.
I'm not alone in my thinking and you know it.

It wouldn't surprise me if you've found yourself in trouble with the laws covering sexual contact with adolescents. You do sound like a NAMBLA member.

:eek: I think you actually believe that. I bet you would have fit right in in colonial Salem.
My friend called me a cougar last night! I am twenty eight, there is now way I can be a cougar yet!

You could be a cougar kitten. Do you lust after a younger man? A 23 year old? Maybe that makes you a mini cougar.
I'm sure the student will never emerge from the sanitarium...Oh, the humanity! :eek:

Would you make that same statement if the child were a 13 year old girl being naked with a 30 something year old man? Or, for that matter, a male student with a male adult?
You could be a cougar kitten. Do you lust after a younger man? A 23 year old? Maybe that makes you a mini cougar.
It was because I was talking to twenty four year old guy! So I guess I could be a cougar kitten!:lol:
Male and female predators should be treated in EXACTLY the same way.

I agree with you inspite of my frivolous remarks about boys and grown women.

But though this may be a very naive question, how is it possible to rape a boy or a man? isn't consent, at least on some basic level necessary on th epart of a male victim? if, we are talking about sex where his penis is involved, anyway.

So rape between an underage boy and a woman could only be statutory.
I think there is a big difference between statutory and non statutory rape when girls and boys are involved.
It is possible to manipulate adolescents but even that is not always the caes.
Ah, the reductio ad absurdum argument.

It should first be said that there are significant differences between males and females when it comes to their conceptions of sexual activity. Since it's a sociobiological reality that males tend to view the physical aspect of sexual relations and females the emotional and romantic aspect, it is the case that females are more likely to be emotionally damaged by what they view as sexual trickery. Males are also physically stronger than females, and adolescent males are typically stronger than legal adult women.

That being said, I would not have had an objection to a legitimately consensual relationship between a 13 year old female and a 44 year old man.

Yes, I know you think that members of both sexes of that age are incapable of providing "consent." I would like to know on what basis you make that claim.


for real. WOW.


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