Nate Silver Gives Obama Highest Rating so far after the debate!

Aug 7, 2012
After the debate, reflecting new polls and analysis, Nate Silver's mode at Five Thrity Eight gives Obama his highest rating up till today. =D>:eusa_clap:

86.4 Obama 13.6% Romney (chance of winning)

319 Obama 218.5 Romney (electoral college)
Who the heck is Nate Silver and why should we care what he says?
Who the heck is Nate Silver and why should we care what he says?

Hey, I was going to say that.

The left is searching high and low for anyone to say something good about Obama's pitiful debate performance. They've attacked Romney and tried to cut him down to size, now they are trying to build Obama up. They can't possibly believe what they are saying, but they must save their chosen one. Desperation makes people do some weird shit.
Who you gonna believe, your own eyes and ears? Or this kid...NATE SILVER!!!


You know what would go well with Nate?.... a nicely oversampled poll that shows Obama winning by 14 points!!! WOOHOO!!!
After the debate, reflecting new polls and analysis, Nate Silver's mode at Five Thrity Eight gives Obama his highest rating up till today. =D>:eusa_clap:

86.4 Obama 13.6% Romney (chance of winning)

319 Obama 218.5 Romney (electoral college)

The ripples of the debate are not even settled and this guy is making predictions ?

That is no statistician of value.

He sounds like a hack who is trying to do damage control.
After the debate, reflecting new polls and analysis, Nate Silver's mode at Five Thrity Eight gives Obama his highest rating up till today. =D>:eusa_clap:

86.4 Obama 13.6% Romney (chance of winning)

319 Obama 218.5 Romney (electoral college)

No shit, and this is the "non partisan" hack we're supposed to believe polls from? Either he's stupid or a hack.....or pick

Every major leftwinger said he lost, even Gore said it, due to the guys are funny as shit
Why the heck don't you find out, and stop sounding like a moron?

Why don't you provide argument why I should listen to this guy instead of sitting on your butt doing nothing?

You should listen to whoever tells you what you want hear, moron. Nate is right on in this case, and you've got shit for brains.

yeah if by case you mean dick and he's right on Obamas.....oh that's right you think the NY Times is non talking, let the adults sort this out

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