Nate Silver Highlights Five 'Huge Mistakes' from Trump Campaign Post Debate


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
I cannot disagree with any of these.
  1. Vance
  2. Meandering convention speech, blowing moment of goodwill
  3. Not prepared for Harris swap
  4. Clearly not prepped well for tonight's debate and/or incapable of sustained A-game
  5. Accepting an early debate with President Joe Biden.

1. 'Vance' was a dumb pick, in that the pick doesn't grow his base. He should have gone with someone like 'Ramaswamy', 'Scott', 'Rubio', even 'Haley'. Will his pick cost him the election? In a very close election, it could easily be a deciding factor.

2. When Trump took the stage at his convention, Republicans were riding a high. They were seeing Biden going down in flames. They had just witnessed Trump rising with his fist in the air, from the rally stage ashes after a very close assassination attempt. They partied all week, and the moment of the crescendo of the convention drew near as their hero Trump took the stage. All's he had to do was make the one-foot putt, anddddddddddddd..........................................................................instead of a climatic positive beacon of light from the magic city on the hill words of wisdom...........(insert broken record sound here)..............................Trump whiffs it, with a negative meandering dark moment rambling speech.

3. He should have been ready for someone taking Biden's place, whether it was Harris, or anyone else, he and his team should have been ready, seeing that Biden was OBVIOUSLY not going to be continuing his campaign.

4. Really don't need to comment on this one, his performance spoke for itself. In short, other than his closing remarks, he sucked.

5. If these were put in order of importance, #5 would be #1. If Trump loses, this is the single biggest thing that cost him the election. Trump and his team should have IMMEDIATELY thrown a red flag in the air the moment 'June' was suggested as the date for the first debate. Historically they are late September or October, they should have known 'something was up' when a call for June was made. They should have realized what the Dims were up to. The June debate proved to be the DNC's 'safety valve'. It exposed Biden, TO WHAT MOST OF US ON THE RIGHT had been saying for months, the man was losing his cognitive abilities, and no matter how the Dims (many on this board) tried to spin it, WE WERE RIGHT!! The fact that a DNC coup was conducted is proof of it!!
'June' bailed out the Dims. Biden was exposed, and they had sufficient time to get a whole new campaign going, which obviously they have.
Had the debate been this month or next, it's likely Dims would not have had sufficient time to get a campaign up to where they have it now.
Trump and his team should have seen what was happening, and should have demanded the debates start in September or October. Had they figured this out, they likely would be measuring the Oval Office drapes as we speak! Total fuck-up on their part!

Statistician Nate Silver, founder of polling aggregator FiveThirtyEight has identified what he believes are five mistakes made by former President Donald Trump's 2024 election campaign.

Posting to X, formerly Twitter, in the hours following Tuesday's presidential debate between Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, Silver said:

"We'll see where the model is in 2 weeks, but 4 huge mistakes for the Trump campaign so far:"

The four "mistakes," according to the statistician and blog writer, were:

I cannot disagree with any of these.
  1. Vance
  2. Meandering convention speech, blowing moment of goodwill
  3. Not prepared for Harris swap
  4. Clearly not prepped well for tonight's debate and/or incapable of sustained A-game
  5. Accepting an early debate with President Joe Biden.

1. 'Vance' was a dumb pick, in that the pick doesn't grow his base. He should have gone with someone like 'Ramaswamy', 'Scott', 'Rubio', even 'Haley'. Will his pick cost him the election? In a very close election, it could easily be a deciding factor.

2. When Trump took the stage at his convention, Republicans were riding a high. They were seeing Biden going down in flames. They had just witnessed Trump rising with his fist in the air, from the rally stage ashes after a very close assassination attempt. They partied all week, and the moment of the crescendo of the convention drew near as their hero Trump took the stage. All's he had to do was make the one-foot putt, anddddddddddddd..........................................................................instead of a climatic positive beacon of light from the magic city on the hill words of wisdom...........(insert broken record sound here)..............................Trump whiffs it, with a negative meandering dark moment rambling speech.

3. He should have been ready for someone taking Biden's place, whether it was Harris, or anyone else, he and his team should have been ready, seeing that Biden was OBVIOUSLY not going to be continuing his campaign.

4. Really don't need to comment on this one, his performance spoke for itself. In short, other than his closing remarks, he sucked.

5. If these were put in order of importance, #5 would be #1. If Trump loses, this is the single biggest thing that cost him the election. Trump and his team should have IMMEDIATELY thrown a red flag in the air the moment 'June' was suggested as the date for the first debate. Historically they are late September or October, they should have known 'something was up' when a call for June was made. They should have realized what the Dims were up to. The June debate proved to be the DNC's 'safety valve'. It exposed Biden, TO WHAT MOST OF US ON THE RIGHT had been saying for months, the man was losing his cognitive abilities, and no matter how the Dims (many on this board) tried to spin it, WE WERE RIGHT!! The fact that a DNC coup was conducted is proof of it!!
'June' bailed out the Dims. Biden was exposed, and they had sufficient time to get a whole new campaign going, which obviously they have.
Had the debate been this month or next, it's likely Dims would not have had sufficient time to get a campaign up to where they have it now.
Trump and his team should have seen what was happening, and should have demanded the debates start in September or October. Had they figured this out, they likely would be measuring the Oval Office drapes as we speak! Total fuck-up on their part!

He's wrong on all counts. It's amazing how these non-biased election experts really turn out to be biased assholes after all.

Vance is the best outside of my favorite choice Sarah Huckabee-Sanders.

Trump expected Kamala would replace Biden soon as he creamed him in the debate. He said so while golfing a couple weeks before the decision was made.

He also knew what would happen in this debate. He was even ready for the cat-calls and the horse-faced mocking looks she was giving him by not looking at her. She was acting like a nasty b*tch and he refused to return the favor. He remained above the fray and refused to give in to all of the taunting that was going on.

Nobody can deal with mods that cheat to help your opponent. You just try to deal with their cheating the best way you can. That's what he did.

The only reason Kamala was able to sound intelligent was because she knew the questions in advance, they practically gave her the answers while asking them, and they made sure that Trump wasn't able to hammer on her lies. But then again, they turned around and accused Trump of lying when he really wasn't.

Kamala refused to debate Trump on Fox because Fox wouldn't give her the questions in advance. This woman is a fake. There is nothing about her that is real beside the fact that she's a megalomaniac narcissistic A hole that in real life nobody likes.

Here's a perfect example of this simple fact:

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Hilarious how Republicans now respect the wisdom of Nate Silver. 🤣

It doesn't matter whether I've respected him in the past or not, I agree with his opinions here!

If a serial killer on death row, who murdered my mother, if they made these five points I would agree with them, because I already felt this way before I read their opinion.
I cannot disagree with any of these.
  1. Vance
  2. Meandering convention speech, blowing moment of goodwill
  3. Not prepared for Harris swap
  4. Clearly not prepped well for tonight's debate and/or incapable of sustained A-game
  5. Accepting an early debate with President Joe Biden.

1. 'Vance' was a dumb pick, in that the pick doesn't grow his base. He should have gone with someone like 'Ramaswamy', 'Scott', 'Rubio', even 'Haley'. Will his pick cost him the election? In a very close election, it could easily be a deciding factor.

2. When Trump took the stage at his convention, Republicans were riding a high. They were seeing Biden going down in flames. They had just witnessed Trump rising with his fist in the air, from the rally stage ashes after a very close assassination attempt. They partied all week, and the moment of the crescendo of the convention drew near as their hero Trump took the stage. All's he had to do was make the one-foot putt, anddddddddddddd..........................................................................instead of a climatic positive beacon of light from the magic city on the hill words of wisdom...........(insert broken record sound here)..............................Trump whiffs it, with a negative meandering dark moment rambling speech.

3. He should have been ready for someone taking Biden's place, whether it was Harris, or anyone else, he and his team should have been ready, seeing that Biden was OBVIOUSLY not going to be continuing his campaign.

4. Really don't need to comment on this one, his performance spoke for itself. In short, other than his closing remarks, he sucked.

5. If these were put in order of importance, #5 would be #1. If Trump loses, this is the single biggest thing that cost him the election. Trump and his team should have IMMEDIATELY thrown a red flag in the air the moment 'June' was suggested as the date for the first debate. Historically they are late September or October, they should have known 'something was up' when a call for June was made. They should have realized what the Dims were up to. The June debate proved to be the DNC's 'safety valve'. It exposed Biden, TO WHAT MOST OF US ON THE RIGHT had been saying for months, the man was losing his cognitive abilities, and no matter how the Dims (many on this board) tried to spin it, WE WERE RIGHT!! The fact that a DNC coup was conducted is proof of it!!
'June' bailed out the Dims. Biden was exposed, and they had sufficient time to get a whole new campaign going, which obviously they have.
Had the debate been this month or next, it's likely Dims would not have had sufficient time to get a campaign up to where they have it now.
Trump and his team should have seen what was happening, and should have demanded the debates start in September or October. Had they figured this out, they likely would be measuring the Oval Office drapes as we speak! Total fuck-up on their part!

Nate is entitled to his opinions.

He’s largely wrong.
He's wrong on all counts. It's amazing how these non-biased election experts really turn out to be biased assholes after all.

Vance is the best outside of my favorite choice Sarah Huckabee-Sanders.

Trump expected Kamala would replace Biden soon as he creamed him in the debate. He said so while golfing a couple weeks before the decision was made.

He also knew what would happen in this debate. He was even ready for the cat-calls and the horse-faced mocking looks she was giving him by not looking at her. She was acting like a nasty b*tch and he refused to return the favor. He remained above the fray and refused to do all of the taunting that was going on.

Nobody can deal with mods that cheat to help your opponent. You just try to deal with their cheating the best way you can. That's what he did.

The only reason Kamala was able to sound intelligent was because she knew the questions in advance, they practically gave her the answers while asking them, and they made sure that Trump wasn't able to hammer on her lies. But then again, they turned around and accused Trump of lying when he really wasn't.

Kamala refused to debate Trump on Fox because Fox wouldn't give her the questions in advance. This woman is a fake. There is nothing about her that is real beside the fact that she's a megalomaniac narcissistic A hole that in real life nobody likes.

Here's a perfect example of this simple fact:

I agree the mods were horrible and very obviously one-sided, but I still believe Trump very much underperformed, and I believe Vance was a lousy choice. Not because I don't agree with Vance's positions, I do, but I don't see Vance adding any new voters to Trump's side. I could absolutely be wrong, but I don't think I am.

And by the way, we know the questions were leaked to Hillary in 2016, so there's no reason to believe it could not have happened here. I still believe that despite the mods, despite Kumalla maybe getting the questions, Trump still blew it.
I agree the mods were horrible and very obviously one-sided, but I still believe Trump very much underperformed, and I believe Vance was a lousy choice. Not because I don't agree with Vance's positions, I do, but I don't see Vance adding any new voters to Trump's side. I could absolutely be wrong, but I don't think I am.

And by the way, we know the questions were leaked to Hillary in 2016, so there's no reason to believe it could not have happened here. I still believe that despite the mods, despite Kumalla maybe getting the questions, Trump still blew it.
I don't think Trump under-performed. He did the best he could considering the unfair conditions.

The end.
Maybe, but on these five points I agree with him, and I pray we both are wrong!
The major flaw in all of this is the simple fact that nothing you saw last night was real.

It was all staged.

If it weren't for Kamala staging every event she shows up to she reverts to becoming her usual basketcase pumping out airheaded word-salad that is totally meaningless.

How can we expect her to be presidential when everyone she meets has to be coached on how to respond to her stupidity?

"I'm not a president but I played one on TV!"
I cannot disagree with any of these.
  1. Vance
  2. Meandering convention speech, blowing moment of goodwill
  3. Not prepared for Harris swap
  4. Clearly not prepped well for tonight's debate and/or incapable of sustained A-game
  5. Accepting an early debate with President Joe Biden.

1. 'Vance' was a dumb pick, in that the pick doesn't grow his base. He should have gone with someone like 'Ramaswamy', 'Scott', 'Rubio', even 'Haley'. Will his pick cost him the election? In a very close election, it could easily be a deciding factor.

2. When Trump took the stage at his convention, Republicans were riding a high. They were seeing Biden going down in flames. They had just witnessed Trump rising with his fist in the air, from the rally stage ashes after a very close assassination attempt. They partied all week, and the moment of the crescendo of the convention drew near as their hero Trump took the stage. All's he had to do was make the one-foot putt, anddddddddddddd..........................................................................instead of a climatic positive beacon of light from the magic city on the hill words of wisdom...........(insert broken record sound here)..............................Trump whiffs it, with a negative meandering dark moment rambling speech.

3. He should have been ready for someone taking Biden's place, whether it was Harris, or anyone else, he and his team should have been ready, seeing that Biden was OBVIOUSLY not going to be continuing his campaign.

4. Really don't need to comment on this one, his performance spoke for itself. In short, other than his closing remarks, he sucked.

5. If these were put in order of importance, #5 would be #1. If Trump loses, this is the single biggest thing that cost him the election. Trump and his team should have IMMEDIATELY thrown a red flag in the air the moment 'June' was suggested as the date for the first debate. Historically they are late September or October, they should have known 'something was up' when a call for June was made. They should have realized what the Dims were up to. The June debate proved to be the DNC's 'safety valve'. It exposed Biden, TO WHAT MOST OF US ON THE RIGHT had been saying for months, the man was losing his cognitive abilities, and no matter how the Dims (many on this board) tried to spin it, WE WERE RIGHT!! The fact that a DNC coup was conducted is proof of it!!
'June' bailed out the Dims. Biden was exposed, and they had sufficient time to get a whole new campaign going, which obviously they have.
Had the debate been this month or next, it's likely Dims would not have had sufficient time to get a campaign up to where they have it now.
Trump and his team should have seen what was happening, and should have demanded the debates start in September or October. Had they figured this out, they likely would be measuring the Oval Office drapes as we speak! Total fuck-up on their part!

Vance may have the best potential of all 4 of the candidates running for President and Vice President. He is better than Harris. That does not count for anything though. Trump is better than Harris. Vance will get experience also from this unlike Harris. Pence was better than Harris. Harris is going to be a daily photo shoot without really doing much work if installed as President.
Vance may have the best potential of all 4 of the candidates running for President and Vice President. He is better than Harris. That does not count for anything though. Trump is better than Harris. Vance will get experience also from this unlike Harris. Pence was better than Harris. Harris is going to be a daily photo shoot without really doing much work if installed as President.

Yes, I get that, but my point is, in a very close election, which this one is likely going to be close, I just don't see another all white male ticket ADDING any new voters.
I wish it wasn't the case, but that's the way I see it.
Yes, I get that, but my point is, in a very close election, which this one is likely going to be close, I just don't see another all white male ticket ADDING any new voters.
I wish it wasn't the case, but that's the way I see it.
Fact is....anyone who disliked Trump, liked the crap that ABC pulled last night. I think they lost all credibility along with millions of viewers.

Anyone who supports Trump was screaming at the TV because they just wanted to punch that smarmy c*nt's lights out.

I was mostly mad at the way she was acting, rude and obnoxious.

And she lied about everything in a obvious way.

Nothing she said was even remotely original...............and anyone who knew it (Republicans and Independents) didn't appreciate her condescending attitude.

She showed everyone a new low in how to be UN-presidential.
The major flaw in all of this is the simple fact that nothing you saw last night was real.

It was all staged.

If it weren't for Kamala staging every event she shows up to she reverts to becoming her usual basketcase pumping out airheaded word-salad that is totally meaningless.

How can we expect her to be presidential when everyone she meets has to be coached on how to respond to her stupidity?

"I'm not a president but I played one on TV!"

I don't disagree, but can we expect all viewers to see her answers were all coached answers and not from her thinking on her feet? You saw it, I saw it, probably millions saw it, but to those idiots sitting on the fence, did she come off as 'genuine', and someone who can come up with good and effective answers on their feet?

My point is, that in order to point out her phoniness, Trump needed to be right at the top of his game, and sure at times, especially his closing, he was good. Problem is, the times that he rambled on about crowd size, and migrants eating our pets, those are the moments that will be played over and over until election day. If you were a Gen Zer growing up in the era of rainbows and lollipops for information, I have a feeling that Trump would have scared the shit out of those people with his negativity, which they have trouble skipping to in their daily lives, and unfortunately, we need as many of those people as possible!

I look at it this way. I'm not worried about you and I, or partisan Dims and Republicans. I'm always looking for ways we can grow the base, and I just don't see that his performance that night will grow his base.

Again, I could be dead wrong, and this is a time I will do somersaults if I am!!!
I don't disagree, but can we expect all viewers to see her answers were all coached answers and not from her thinking on her feet? You saw it, I saw it, probably millions saw it, but to those idiots sitting on the fence, did she come off as 'genuine', and someone who can come up with good and effective answers on their feet?

My point is, that in order to point out her phoniness, Trump needed to be right at the top of his game, and sure at times, especially his closing, he was good. Problem is, the times that he rambled on about crowd size, and migrants eating our pets, those are the moments that will be played over and over until election day. If you were a Gen Zer growing up in the era of rainbows and lollipops for information, I have a feeling that Trump would have scared the shit out of those people with his negativity, which they have trouble skipping to in their daily lives, and unfortunately, we need as many of those people as possible!

I look at it this way. I'm not worried about you and I, or partisan Dims and Republicans. I'm always looking for ways we can grow the base, and I just don't see that his performance that night will grow his base.

Again, I could be dead wrong, and this is a time I will do somersaults if I am!!!
The reason you're dead wrong is simple.

It didn't matter what Trump did.

The pundits would have trashed whatever he did and declare victory.

All Kamala had to do was show up and not puke on the stage.

Sure, he had openings he didn't take advantage of, but if he had they would have called him a bully for beating on a defenseless woman.

They did exactly that when he chose to attack Biden during the first debate in 2020.

The only surprise was that Kamala didn't make a total fool of herself.....and that was the only positive the media could really hang their hats on.
I don't disagree, but can we expect all viewers to see her answers were all coached answers and not from her thinking on her feet? You saw it, I saw it, probably millions saw it, but to those idiots sitting on the fence, did she come off as 'genuine', and someone who can come up with good and effective answers on their feet?

My point is, that in order to point out her phoniness, Trump needed to be right at the top of his game, and sure at times, especially his closing, he was good. Problem is, the times that he rambled on about crowd size, and migrants eating our pets, those are the moments that will be played over and over until election day. If you were a Gen Zer growing up in the era of rainbows and lollipops for information, I have a feeling that Trump would have scared the shit out of those people with his negativity, which they have trouble skipping to in their daily lives, and unfortunately, we need as many of those people as possible!

I look at it this way. I'm not worried about you and I, or partisan Dims and Republicans. I'm always looking for ways we can grow the base, and I just don't see that his performance that night will grow his base.

Again, I could be dead wrong, and this is a time I will do somersaults if I am!!!
This is what this idiot sounds like when she's allowed to wing it:


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