Nathan Bedford Forrest statue causing controversy

Just like if a state bails on the forced healthcare tax.

It is not about preventing access to band-aids and liver pills.
Because we all make mistakes means we can't judge? Wow, try that it philosophy class or in Sunday School class, and we all watch you be bid farewell.

Present-ism does not preclude me from judging the Holocaust, or American slavery, or the almost complete eradication of Native America from 1500 to 1600, or Ghengis Khan's devastations, or the Inquisition -- does not prevent me from judging them as morally and colossally evil.

Nor does it prevent one from judging the North's atrocities in the South equally morally and colossally evil.
You are more than welcome to document such, but I have yet to have view a credible work that builds an overwhelming colossal brutalization of blacks by Northern troops.

Please provide such a bibliography if you have one.

Because we all make mistakes means we can't judge? Wow, try that it philosophy class or in Sunday School class, and we all watch you be bid farewell.

Present-ism does not preclude me from judging the Holocaust, or American slavery, or the almost complete eradication of Native America from 1500 to 1600, or Ghengis Khan's devastations, or the Inquisition -- does not prevent me from judging them as morally and colossally evil.

Nor does it prevent one from judging the North's atrocities in the South equally morally and colossally evil.
You got it backwards, OODA. Failure of the South to accept the constitutional, electoral process that resulted in their defeat. Secession was neither illegal nor legal, and the force of arms decided that issue for all time.

Not for Lincoln, it didn't.

Precisely. Thus the seccession.

Federal authority failure to respect settled law = no union.
My ancestors fought against the Southern traitors and held our home counties for the Union.

You meathead, I would have had to be an adult before 1875 and voting for the GOP.

You bozo.

Cheer up Jakey; you can STILL be a scalawag today. I certainly don't want you to feel left out. All you have to do, is turn your back on your ancestors, your heritage, your history, and the majority of your fellow Southerners....oh wait; you did that already. Yep, you're a Scalawag, alright.

there was a different mindset back then.

people thought of themselves as New kers or Virginians. When Lee resigned from th army he went with his stste. State loyalty came first.
If the south would have won the War of Northern Aggression.

Americans, at least those in the south, would live in a nation that still follows the Constitution.

And we wouldn't be subservient to a bloated and corrupt Federal government like we are today. :cool:
We follow the Constitution today because the North won.

Some Americans are going to go southern-stupid again, I suspect, and will pay the full price of the law.

If the south would have won the War of Northern Aggression.

Americans, at least those in the south, would live in a nation that still follows the Constitution.

And we wouldn't be subservient to a bloated and corrupt Federal government like we are today. :cool:
You are more than welcome to document such, but I have yet to have view a credible work that builds an overwhelming colossal brutalization of blacks by Northern troops.

Please provide such a bibliography if you have one

Just FYI: Blacks were not only people living in the South and the North was an equal opportunity abuser.

Camp Douglas Civil War Prison, Chicago
Thank you for admitting you have no documentation of massive, continued abuse of southern blacks by members of the northern army.

Civil War prisoner of war abuse in the north and the south was an endemic problem to both sides.

You are more than welcome to document such, but I have yet to have view a credible work that builds an overwhelming colossal brutalization of blacks by Northern troops.

Please provide such a bibliography if you have one

Just FYI: Blacks were not only people living in the South and the North was an equal opportunity abuser.

Camp Douglas Civil War Prison, Chicago
Thank you for admitting you have no documentation of massive, continued abuse of southern blacks by members of the northern army.

Civil War prisoner of war abuse in the north and the south was an endemic problem to both sides.

Again, I made no comment about " massive, continued abuse of southern blacks by members of the northern army." You pulled that strawman out of your own fevered imagination. I spoke of atrocities and gave a well documented example.

From the link:

Civilian doctors, who inspected Camp Douglas on April 5, 1863, called it an extermination camp. They drew an unrelenting picture of "wretched inmates without change of clothing, covered, with vermin, in wards reeking with filth and foul air, and blankets in rags . . . it will be seen that 260 out of 3,800 prisoners had died in twenty-one days, a rate of mortality which, if continued would secure their total extermination in about 320 days."

I'm afraid it is not doccumented if the Nazis followed the North's example when making their extermination camps.
One atrocity does not a massive problem make. Hasty generalization so move along.

To suggest your hasty generalization is reflective of much larger problem is a straw man argument.

Thank you for admitting you have no documentation of massive, continued abuse of southern blacks by members of the northern army.

Civil War prisoner of war abuse in the north and the south was an endemic problem to both sides.

Again, I made no comment about " massive, continued abuse of southern blacks by members of the northern army." You pulled that strawman out of your own fevered imagination. I spoke of atrocities and gave a well documented example.

From the link:

Civilian doctors, who inspected Camp Douglas on April 5, 1863, called it an extermination camp. They drew an unrelenting picture of "wretched inmates without change of clothing, covered, with vermin, in wards reeking with filth and foul air, and blankets in rags . . . it will be seen that 260 out of 3,800 prisoners had died in twenty-one days, a rate of mortality which, if continued would secure their total extermination in about 320 days."

I'm afraid it is not doccumented if the Nazis followed the North's example when making their extermination camps.
Military crime occurs in all wars. The Soviet soldiers raped, murdered and terrorized East Prussia at the end of WWII and then tore Berlin apart. American soldiers massacred German guards in liberated concentration camps, or formed rings in which Jews with clubs were allowed to beat the guards to death. American Marines and grunts took very few prisoners in the Pacific, even when Japanese tried to surrender.

Camp Douglas? Significant to those who suffered as well as those at Andersonville.
"One atrocity does not a massive problem make." think atrocities are only minor problems? Why then all the outrage about slavery?
Careful there, Yankee, before you start foaming at the mouth...:lol:You want us out, you let us vote on it. We'll likely vote to leave. See how simple that is?

Try being a man for once in your life and vote with your feet.
You apparently think atrocities are only minor problems, because I sad and suggested nothing of the sort.

You are only continuing silly here.

"One atrocity does not a massive problem make." think atrocities are only minor problems? Why then all the outrage about slavery?
Damn right I hate the North, and the scum who still populate it, and I hate its filthy culture, and a thousand years from now, I hope all descendants of Confederates will hate them with the same ferocity.

Then GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRY, YOU UNAMERICAN SCUMBAG. Take your RIDICULOUS hate, shove it up your ass, and go find some other country where you can have it packed nice and hard the way you like it. You're no American, North, South, East, or West. You are just another irrelevant big-mouth loser who will NEVER have the courage of his convictions. Stop pretending to have principles, PUSSY.
Go piss into the wind.

You are also welcome to leave my ONE nation.
Monument to Nathan Bedford Forrest stirs dispute - News Weather and Sports for Montgomery, AL.

Someone needs to tell that carpetbagging son of a bitch to go back up north. Oh and they should also give him a few sources showing what Sherman did on his march to the sea in my beloved there ain't nothing worse than a southerner who hates the south and her heritage.

Let's rush to the defense of the bigots!

You mean bigots like Lincoln who wouldnt touch the skin of a black man, or General US Grant who had two personal slaves that attended to him through most of the war?

That kind of bigot?

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