Nation Dems Just Pledged Billions To Sending New Illegal Caravans To US Border


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Democrats just recently pledged over $12 Billion of our tax dollars to corrupt south American nations like this one...and Honduras is now preparing to send more illegal caravans headed to our US border.

New migrant caravan leaves Honduras for journey to US border

Hmmmm....if our border is so secure, why do these illegals continue to make the long dangerous trip?

It is probably because Democrats refuse to secure the border, refuse to protect Americans, refuse to enforce US / US Immigration laws, and promise to provide them safe haven and protection from our laws in illegal Sanctuary Cities run by Democrats if they make it across the border.
The Democrats have lost the last vestiges of sanity that they may have held up to now. The American people will not forget that the Democrats stood for illegal immigration and against the interests of the American people.
The Democrats have lost the last vestiges of sanity that they may have held up to now. The American people will not forget that the Democrats stood for illegal immigration and against the interests of the American people.
Sadly, many snowflakes blindly defend them despite the Democrats being caught in the last election embracing illegals voting and while they illegally provide illegal criminals safe haven in Sanctuary Cities at tax payer expense.
The longer this shutdown goes on the less it is about illegals in America and the greater need becomes to toss the bums out of Washington. And on that score political independents won't discriminate by political party.
Democrats just recently pledged over $12 Billion of our tax dollars to corrupt south American nations like this one...and Honduras is now preparing to send more illegal caravans headed to our US border.

New migrant caravan leaves Honduras for journey to US border

Hmmmm....if our border is so secure, why do these illegals continue to make the long dangerous trip?

It is probably because Democrats refuse to secure the border, refuse to protect Americans, refuse to enforce US / US Immigration laws, and promise to provide them safe haven and protection from our laws in illegal Sanctuary Cities run by Democrats if they make it across the border.
The Dems are not the ones who were in power the last two years
The longer this shutdown goes on the less it is about illegals in America and the greater need becomes to toss the bums out of Washington. And on that score political independents won't discriminate by political party.

The problem is that unless the American people demand forcefully that elected civil servants fulfill their oaths to the Constitution and proceed from that model, throwing the bums out will simply result in throwing other bums in.
Democrats just recently pledged over $12 Billion of our tax dollars to corrupt south American nations like this one...and Honduras is now preparing to send more illegal caravans headed to our US border.

New migrant caravan leaves Honduras for journey to US border

Hmmmm....if our border is so secure, why do these illegals continue to make the long dangerous trip?

It is probably because Democrats refuse to secure the border, refuse to protect Americans, refuse to enforce US / US Immigration laws, and promise to provide them safe haven and protection from our laws in illegal Sanctuary Cities run by Democrats if they make it across the border.
The Dems are not the ones who were in power the last two years

Is that your justification or excuse for Democrats illegally providing Safe Haven to human traffickers, thieves, rapists, MS-13, and cop killers by running illegal safe havens using American tax dollars to break the law in this way?
I’ve already corrected you on this twice.

It’s Trump’s state department sending money SOTB:

From about a month ago….
US pledges $10.6B aid for Central America, southern Mexico

Leaving the State Department largely intact was a major mistake by the current admin.

When you elect a clown, you get a circus. That is what we have.

The President talking about withholding aid from Mexico while his State department sends aid to Mexico.

Why you guys keep supporting this disgusting pervert…who knows?
Democrats just recently pledged over $12 Billion of our tax dollars to corrupt south American nations like this one...and Honduras is now preparing to send more illegal caravans headed to our US border.

New migrant caravan leaves Honduras for journey to US border

Hmmmm....if our border is so secure, why do these illegals continue to make the long dangerous trip?

It is probably because Democrats refuse to secure the border, refuse to protect Americans, refuse to enforce US / US Immigration laws, and promise to provide them safe haven and protection from our laws in illegal Sanctuary Cities run by Democrats if they make it across the border.
The Dems are not the ones who were in power the last two years

Is that your justification or excuse for Democrats illegally providing Safe Haven to human traffickers, thieves, rapists, MS-13, and cop killers by running illegal safe havens using American tax dollars to break the law in this way?
That is correct the GOP and Dems for over thirty years have allowed sanctuary cities to operate..
The longer this shutdown goes on the less it is about illegals in America and the greater need becomes to toss the bums out of Washington. And on that score political independents won't discriminate by political party.

The problem is that unless the American people demand forcefully that elected civil servants fulfill their oaths to the Constitution and proceed from that model, throwing the bums out will simply result in throwing other bums in.

Ain't that the truth! But unfortunately it's all we got and why when somebody says one party or the other is dead I don't put any stock in it.
That is correct the GOP and Dems for over thirty years have allowed sanctuary cities to operate..
So you are trying to blame the GOP - with the bullshit about '30 years' for DEMOCRATS illegally operating Sanctuary Cities that provide safe haven and protection from the law for illegal gangs, human traffickers, thieves, rapists, and cop killers.


Next you are going to tell us that the GOP is to blame for the illegal election fraud with illegals being allowed to vote in Broward county and are to blame for Snipes being caught in 2010, 2012, 2016, and 2018 engaging in election fraud...

:p Bwuhahahaha......
So you are trying to blame the GOP - with the bullshit about '30 years' for DEMOCRATS illegally operating Sanctuary Cities that provide safe haven and protection from the law for illegal gangs, human traffickers, thieves, rapists, and cop killers.


Next you are going to tell us that the GOP is to blame for the illegal election fraud with illegals being allowed to vote in Broward county and are to blame for Snipes being caught in 2010, 2012, 2016, and 2018 engaging in election fraud...

:p Bwuhahahaha......
I get your point, but the GOP didn't do jack shit for 2 years, nothing during the Bush monopoly, and Reagan granted amnesty without securing the border the 1st time.

Heads need to roll in both parties.
That is correct the GOP and Dems for over thirty years have allowed sanctuary cities to operate..
So you are trying to blame the GOP - with the bullshit about '30 years' for DEMOCRATS illegally operating Sanctuary Cities that provide safe haven and protection from the law for illegal gangs, human traffickers, thieves, rapists, and cop killers.


Next you are going to tell us that the GOP is to blame for the illegal election fraud with illegals being allowed to vote in Broward county and are to blame for Snipes being caught in 2010, 2012, 2016, and 2018 engaging in election fraud...

:p Bwuhahahaha......
I am blaming both parties yes since there are sanctuary states in both red and blue dominant areas.
I get your point, but the GOP didn't do jack shit for 2 years, nothing during the Bush monopoly, and Reagan granted amnesty without securing the border the 1st time.
No, you don't get my point.

The Democrats held a near super majority control of Congress and the WH under Obama, and everything they criticize the GOP for not doing now is what they refused to do then.

The GOP are gutless cowards who hate doing anything - hate rocking the boat - that may cause them to lose their jobs / benefits / perks / money. They PREFER not being in charge because when you are all the focus is on 'you'. When NOT in charge they get to sit back and blame the Democrats. THAT is their motivation for not doing anything.

Democrats have been exposed as corrupt, criminal, seditious, and treasonous. Evidence shows they have betrayed their nation for $140+ million, for permission to invade Syria, for illegal votes, etc....

The last 2 years - ACCORDING TO SCHUMER - has been about 'Resist, Obstruct, Deny, undermine, & overthrow'. It has been and is about denying the President any accomplishment and / or a 'win'.

-- This has been proven by the fact that they voted for what he is asking for in 2007 and 2013, but because HE is President and agreeing NOW to what they voted for THEN would give him a 'win' they are choosing to stand with illegals against the American people to prevent him from getting that 'win'!

-- Democrats CLAIMED under Obama that they supported and wanted to give Latinos 'DACA'...while refusing - with a near supermajority control of Congress - to give Obama and Latinos DACA. Obama, after admitting he could not legally doing anything - violated the Constitution my issuing an 'Edict' making 'DACA' the law of the land, bypassing Congress - to include his own Democrat-controlled Congress to do so. Recently the GOP offered the Democrats 'DACA' - everything they asked for, but because it would give Trump another 'win' they walked away from the table, once again screwing the Latinos. They did so to prevent Trump from getting a 'win' and because they prefer to use the ISSUE of 'DACA' to manipulate voters at election time. (Their walking away from DACA made Latinos finally see the truth about Democrats and caused many of them to walk away from the Democrats.)


The 2 are most certainly NOT the same.
They lied about it while the Dems clearly stated their goals on the issue.
Obama declared he would run the most transparent administration ever....then set a new Presidential record for illegal non-compliance with the FOIA. he and his Cabinet used aliases to conduct and hide their actions.

Democrats were PISSED in 2016 when their rigging elections, cheating in debates, and giving Hillary the nomination she could not win - accomplishing something the Russians did not / could not do: ALTERING THE 2016 ELECTION, WHICH SHOULD HAVE BEEN SANDERS VS TRUMP - was exposed.

Mueller's investigation is about to close after 2+ years as a colossal failure due to his inability to find or manufacture non-existent evidence that any crime was ever committed by the President that warranted an investigation to begin with or a Special Counsel being appointed OR finding any evidence that could be used to indict him. Evidence has been exposed - and ignored, however, proving Democrats, Obama's Cabinet / Agency Directors, and even the Special Counsel committed crimes, crimes they are hiding / ignoring.

Democrats right now are claiming to be for ending illegal immigration and enforcing US Laws / US Immigration Laws while standing with Illegals to keep the borders open and the government closed, to keep illegals criminally voting for Democrats - as seen in Broward country this last election, and to keep illegally running criminal Sanctuary Cities that provide safe haven to MS13, human traffickers, thieves, rapists, and cop killers.

Democrats are pushing a dump-truck load of manure about there being no crisis on the border while Homeland Security, US Intel Agencies, the border Patrol, and even Obama's own hand-picked Chief of Border Patrol is saying President Trump is right, 'Borders Absolutely Work', & there is a crisis / an emergency. EVIDENCE shows them to be wrong, and Pelosi declares publicly that she denounces / rejects the FACTS....

And snowflakes like you, facing all of this undeniable evidence, continue to support, defend, justify, and parrot the bullshit your 'masters' tell you.


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