National Debt is 110% of GDP. Highest since WWII

The national debt currently sits at $22.5 trillion. By the end of 2008, when former President Barack Obama was first elected, the national debt sat at $10 trillion. In 2016, it was $19.6 trillion.

The U.S. GDP for the second quarter of this fiscal year was revised down to a 2 percent increase, down from 3.1 percent the previous quarter.

So, I guess the question for all the Trumpniks out there is, why is this rapid accumulation of debt a bad thing only when recovering from an economic catastrophe, but not when it is spent on frivolities like a Russian steel wall, and the confiscated ranch land to build it on?

US national debt is now 110 percent of GDP — largest debt-to-GDP ratio since WWII
It is amazing how Democrats - seemingly understanding the US is over its head in all this debt - believe their continued facilitation of illegal immigration, aiding and abetting over 1 million illegals enter the US per year, spending millions of tax dollars and adding millions more in debt to pay for 'free' health care, housing, sustenance, education, etc... for these criminals is in no way contributing to that massive and growing deficit...

It is amazing how these criminal hypocrites can attempt to lay all of the blame for the deficit at the feet of President Trump and Republicans when they have / continue to spend tax payer and deficit dollars in illegals, seditious/treasonous investigations as part of a witch hunt to undermine and Impeach the US President, to promise both illegals and Americans so much 'free stuff'.

Snowflakes SAY they understand the deficit and who is to blame, but their actions prove differently.

Being Trillions in debt / deficit does not mean the United States is 'BROKE'. It means the United States would have to pay trillions of dollars just to get back to the point of being 'BROKE'.

Having a deficit if trillions means - no matter how much you want to take in the world's unskilled poor people - you don't have the money to help anyone outside of your own country because you are MORE than just -BROKE'.

Having a deficit means you can't afford to pay for everyone's college, health care, etc... Again, you are trillions of dollars BELOW being 'BROKE' you can't afford it.

Having trillions in deficit / debt means you can't afford a $100+ Trillion plan to save the entire planet by making using fossil fuels and the internal combustion engine illegal, rearing solar powered high-speed rail, and winning the war against cow farts BECAUSE YOU ARE ALREADY TRILLIONS IN DEBT.

Snowflakes ignore the fact that the Democrats have controlled the House - and thus spending, the budget, the economy... - since 2018 but have been too busy funding illegal immigration and their attempts to undo the 2016 election to actually do anything to solve the deficit problem - instead they just needlessly add to it.

Snowflakes parrot their Democrat indoctrinators' talking points about the growing deficit then cheer on and support Democrats promises to add an insane more amour of deficit to give criminal illegals - the 22+ million here and more coming - free stuff, to pay for every Americans' college tuition, to pay for a 'Green New Deal' that even AOC admitted would collapse the country economically long before we ever got close to completing the deal...

Snowflakes are bitching about huge deficits while cheering on the Democrats who promise to throw gasoline on the fire....

Since none of what you said is true about democrats funding illegal aliens, may I suggest you eat your oatmeal, take your meds, and go rest.
Our corporate establishment parties do not care about reducing our debt. Team D says it will spend but gets stymied by Team R. Team R rails against spending as long as Team D is in power. Guess what happens when Team R gains a majority...
In a GOOD economy???
Trump's Deficit Economy by Joseph E. Stiglitz - Project Syndicate › commentary › trump-trade-and-fiscal-...

Aug 9, 2019 - Economists have repeatedly tried to explain to Donald Trump that trade agreements may affect which countries the US buys from and sells to, ...
Trump's Budget Deficits Could Almost Double Obama's - Forbes › sites › chuckjones › 2019/07/29 › trumps-budge...

Jul 29, 2019 - Trump's budget deficits are about to explode past Obama's due to the tax cut, increased ... Trump's deficits to hit $1 trillion in a good economy.
Our corporate establishment parties do not care about reducing our debt. Team D says it will spend but gets stymied by Team R. Team R rails against spending as long as Team D is in power. Guess what happens when Team R gains a majority...
The last 2 democratic presidents had to clean up republican messes. We need to stop lying to ourselves about the parties being the same.
Our corporate establishment parties do not care about reducing our debt. Team D says it will spend but gets stymied by Team R. Team R rails against spending as long as Team D is in power. Guess what happens when Team R gains a majority...
The last 2 democratic presidents had to clean up republican messes. We need to stop lying to ourselves about the parties being the same.

Never said they were the same. That aside they have more in common than partisans want to admit.
The national debt currently sits at $22.5 trillion. By the end of 2008, when former President Barack Obama was first elected, the national debt sat at $10 trillion. In 2016, it was $19.6 trillion.

The U.S. GDP for the second quarter of this fiscal year was revised down to a 2 percent increase, down from 3.1 percent the previous quarter.

So, I guess the question for all the Trumpniks out there is, why is this rapid accumulation of debt a bad thing only when recovering from an economic catastrophe, but not when it is spent on frivolities like a Russian steel wall, and the confiscated ranch land to build it on?

US national debt is now 110 percent of GDP — largest debt-to-GDP ratio since WWII
We need a new party that actually cares.
The national debt currently sits at $22.5 trillion. By the end of 2008, when former President Barack Obama was first elected, the national debt sat at $10 trillion. In 2016, it was $19.6 trillion.

The U.S. GDP for the second quarter of this fiscal year was revised down to a 2 percent increase, down from 3.1 percent the previous quarter.

So, I guess the question for all the Trumpniks out there is, why is this rapid accumulation of debt a bad thing only when recovering from an economic catastrophe, but not when it is spent on frivolities like a Russian steel wall, and the confiscated ranch land to build it on?

US national debt is now 110 percent of GDP — largest debt-to-GDP ratio since WWII
It is amazing how Democrats - seemingly understanding the US is over its head in all this debt - believe their continued facilitation of illegal immigration, aiding and abetting over 1 million illegals enter the US per year, spending millions of tax dollars and adding millions more in debt to pay for 'free' health care, housing, sustenance, education, etc... for these criminals is in no way contributing to that massive and growing deficit...

It is amazing how these criminal hypocrites can attempt to lay all of the blame for the deficit at the feet of President Trump and Republicans when they have / continue to spend tax payer and deficit dollars in illegals, seditious/treasonous investigations as part of a witch hunt to undermine and Impeach the US President, to promise both illegals and Americans so much 'free stuff'.

Snowflakes SAY they understand the deficit and who is to blame, but their actions prove differently.

Being Trillions in debt / deficit does not mean the United States is 'BROKE'. It means the United States would have to pay trillions of dollars just to get back to the point of being 'BROKE'.

Having a deficit if trillions means - no matter how much you want to take in the world's unskilled poor people - you don't have the money to help anyone outside of your own country because you are MORE than just -BROKE'.

Having a deficit means you can't afford to pay for everyone's college, health care, etc... Again, you are trillions of dollars BELOW being 'BROKE' you can't afford it.

Having trillions in deficit / debt means you can't afford a $100+ Trillion plan to save the entire planet by making using fossil fuels and the internal combustion engine illegal, rearing solar powered high-speed rail, and winning the war against cow farts BECAUSE YOU ARE ALREADY TRILLIONS IN DEBT.

Snowflakes ignore the fact that the Democrats have controlled the House - and thus spending, the budget, the economy... - since 2018 but have been too busy funding illegal immigration and their attempts to undo the 2016 election to actually do anything to solve the deficit problem - instead they just needlessly add to it.

Snowflakes parrot their Democrat indoctrinators' talking points about the growing deficit then cheer on and support Democrats promises to add an insane more amour of deficit to give criminal illegals - the 22+ million here and more coming - free stuff, to pay for every Americans' college tuition, to pay for a 'Green New Deal' that even AOC admitted would collapse the country economically long before we ever got close to completing the deal...

Snowflakes are bitching about huge deficits while cheering on the Democrats who promise to throw gasoline on the fire....

Since none of what you said is true about democrats funding illegal aliens, may I suggest you eat your oatmeal, take your meds, and go rest.
Shoving your head up your ass and pretending you see nothing does not make the facts go away, lil' reality-denying snowflake...
Obama spent to inject money Into a near dead economy to stimulate it. If he had done what conservatives wanted, our economy would have died. So comparing the debt made by Obama to Trumps is dishonest. Trump did not have to cut taxes then increase spending like he did.
He sure did stimulate his wealthy donors. The rest of us got screwed.
That's not what happened. You really need to stop repeating the stormfront version of the Obama presidency.
It’s exactly what happened. It is so sad that we live in a fact free society today. O was an absurd corporatist who did nothing for the average American. This is why we have Donnie. O turned his back on the working class. The very first thing he did after leaving the WH, was give well paid speeches to his Wall Street donors.

The D Party is no different from the R party on this score.

Bullshit. You're the fact free one. Trump was not elected because of economic anxiety. He was put in due to what he ran on and what he hopes to run on again... Racial resentment. That's why we have Donnie.
You are delusional.

The nation elected a black man TWICE. then in your small mind, the nation turned to racism electing Donnie. WTF!
Trump inherited the greatest debt in human history from the biggest predatory lender in human history, Barack Hussein Obama.
BS. Most of the debt happened in his first term as he was cleaning up a republican mess. As the article shows, the debt was decreasing under Obama.
LOL. Nearly all your posts are wrong. This one is no exception.
Jeff Bezos is worth $131 billion.

If we implemented a wealth tax at just 1%, we'd have an extra $1.3 billion to invest in deteriorating infrastructure or affordable housing or climate change mitigation.

And that's from just ONE rich guy paying his taxes.

We need a wealth tax.
National Debt is 110% of GDP. Highest since WWII

...He racked up more debt than all other presidents before him put together....

Why do you keep repeating this lie?

Only two presidents have managed to do that, FDR and Ronald Reagan.
Even after being called out on that lie and not educating himself, terri will just go about his merry little way continually posting that garbage, over and over and over again.
(Sorry I edited and added "not" after the ratings.)
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Obama spent to inject money Into a near dead economy to stimulate it. If he had done what conservatives wanted, our economy would have died. So comparing the debt made by Obama to Trumps is dishonest. Trump did not have to cut taxes then increase spending like he did.
He sure did stimulate his wealthy donors. The rest of us got screwed.
That's not what happened. You really need to stop repeating the stormfront version of the Obama presidency.
It’s exactly what happened. It is so sad that we live in a fact free society today. O was an absurd corporatist who did nothing for the average American. This is why we have Donnie. O turned his back on the working class. The very first thing he did after leaving the WH, was give well paid speeches to his Wall Street donors.

The D Party is no different from the R party on this score.

The parties turned their back on working Americans so the answer was to elect a billionaire who literally lives in a gilded penthouse!

Surely you can see the irony there.
It was the old lesser of two evils. Most of us know she was evil and intended to continue Obama’s corporatist ways. Donnie talked about helping average Americans and stopping O’s warmongering. It does appear it was all talk, though the warmongering has been reduced.
I never voted for Obama because of his domestic policies. Glad Trump didn't pull the wool over my eyes, given the debt he's running up in economic good times, with any slow down we're really screwed.
What were Obamas domestic policies?


But seriously, I thought his national health care wasn't well defined and all I could make of it during the campaign was just another entitlement program we couldn't afford. For me though the most serious damage to his campaign was what I thought was an inarticulate response to Joe the Plumber when Obama spoke of redistribution of wealth which sounded more like a hand out rather than a hand up.

I wasn't disappointed he won in '08 because if I had to define McCain's foreign policy in a word it would be "deadly". I liked McCain as first my congressman and then my senator, but for sure I didn't want him as our commander-in-chief. For years here in Arizona we heard him come off like the U.S. had to be involved in every country's foreign affairs hiccup.

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