National debt is getting scary


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
As Conservatives and Liberals flail away at each other, one thing is becoming frighteningly clear:

Neither side is doing a damn thing about our massive national debt.

Presidents Obama and Trump have done little more than pay lip service to this growing problem, and as ultra partisanship and tribalism becomes more acceptable, neither side is even trying to look at it. American taxpayers pay enormous amounts of money in interest on our 22 trillion (yes...that's trillion with a "T") debt. This is money we could use to upgrade our infrastructure, military, healthcare or better still, pay down the deficit. Other countries won't agree to buy our paper forever. Something has to be done - Soon, or America will face a financial crisis that will make the great depression look like a rehearsal. Maybe it's time for the finger pointing to stop, and for our lawmakers (on both sides) to do their jobs.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
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If you think the national debt is scary ... wait until you see my personal one.
Fear not!

More tax cuts for the billionaires will fix all our problems.
National debt is getting scary
I used to think so too, fiscal responsibility, shrink it until it is small enough to drag down the hall and drown in a bathtub.
No more, the quickest way to destroy this beast is to encourage exponential spending growth while cutting taxes in ridiculous ways and amounts.
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What kind of weirdo wakes up in the morning worrying about the national debt?
What kind of weirdo wakes up in the morning worrying about the national debt?

Not too long ago, it was the republicans bitching about Obamas’ debt.

Not too long ago, both parties were against gay marriage and for tough border security. Now neither can make up their mind what they care about. Oh wait, it's the same thing it's always been.

I'm hoping that the infrastructure funding can be used to get the US finances in order. I'd like to see the gas tax raised, the top tax rate raised, a remittance tax on funds sent out of the US, a transaction tax on stocks, a new Federal sales tax, and to implement the fixes for SS & Medicare. That should more than pay for everything.
As long as people are willing to buy the bonds, national debt is a good thing. It is only when the fed is the only one "buying" them that it gets a little more problematic.
A roaring economy and trimming government programs are the best ways to pay down the debit but it seems that democrats are against both.
Why do we have debt? Who do we owe it to and where did they get it?
In June 2018, China owned $1.18 trillion of U.S. debt and Japan owned $1.03 trillion. That's more than one-third of foreign holdings. Federal Reserve - $2.46 trillion.Mar 29, 2019
Who Owns the US National Debt? How Much Is Owed? - The Balance

The Real Owner of the U.S. Debt Will Surprise You
If we owe most of it to ourselves, why do we call it debt?
What kind of weirdo wakes up in the morning worrying about the national debt?

someone that gives a shit about their kids and grand kids...or the next generation in general.

what kind of a freeloader is cool with kicking the bill down the road to future generations?
What kind of weirdo wakes up in the morning worrying about the national debt?

someone that gives a shit about their kids and grand kids...or the next generation in general.

what kind of a freeloader is cool with kicking the bill down the road to future generations?

Oh lordy. You care about future generations when it comes to debt but not so much concern when it comes to the civil, moral and social fabric that is disintegrating before our very eyes?
What kind of weirdo wakes up in the morning worrying about the national debt?

someone that gives a shit about their kids and grand kids...or the next generation in general.

what kind of a freeloader is cool with kicking the bill down the road to future generations?

Oh lordy. You care about future generations when it comes to debt but not so much concern when it comes to the civil, moral and social fabric that is disintegrating before our very eyes?

Civil, moral and social fabric is always in a constant state of flux. My grand parents thought my parents generation was the the most immoral ever and they think mine is and so on and so forth. Each generation decides its own civil, moral and social fabric, it is not for us to dictate on the next generation.

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