National debt is getting scary

What kind of weirdo wakes up in the morning worrying about the national debt?

someone that gives a shit about their kids and grand kids...or the next generation in general.

what kind of a freeloader is cool with kicking the bill down the road to future generations?

Oh lordy. You care about future generations when it comes to debt but not so much concern when it comes to the civil, moral and social fabric that is disintegrating before our very eyes?

Civil, moral and social fabric is always in a constant state of flux. My grand parents thought my parents generation was the the most immoral ever and they think mine is and so on and so forth. Each generation decides its own civil, moral and social fabric, it is not for us to dictate on the next generation.

Is it a coincidence that American society has become more and more violent, depraved and suicidal since the baby boomer generation?
What kind of weirdo wakes up in the morning worrying about the national debt?

someone that gives a shit about their kids and grand kids...or the next generation in general.

what kind of a freeloader is cool with kicking the bill down the road to future generations?

Oh lordy. You care about future generations when it comes to debt but not so much concern when it comes to the civil, moral and social fabric that is disintegrating before our very eyes?

Civil, moral and social fabric is always in a constant state of flux. My grand parents thought my parents generation was the the most immoral ever and they think mine is and so on and so forth. Each generation decides its own civil, moral and social fabric, it is not for us to dictate on the next generation.

Is it a coincidence that American society has become more and more violent, depraved and suicidal since the baby boomer generation?

I do not think you can show the statistics to back up that claim.
What kind of weirdo wakes up in the morning worrying about the national debt?

someone that gives a shit about their kids and grand kids...or the next generation in general.

what kind of a freeloader is cool with kicking the bill down the road to future generations?

Oh lordy. You care about future generations when it comes to debt but not so much concern when it comes to the civil, moral and social fabric that is disintegrating before our very eyes?

Civil, moral and social fabric is always in a constant state of flux. My grand parents thought my parents generation was the the most immoral ever and they think mine is and so on and so forth. Each generation decides its own civil, moral and social fabric, it is not for us to dictate on the next generation.

Is it a coincidence that American society has become more and more violent, depraved and suicidal since the baby boomer generation?

I do not think you can show the statistics to back up that claim.

Were drive bys and mass shootings something YOU had to think about when growing up?

United States Crime Rates 1960 - 2017
As Conservatives and Liberals flail away at each other, one thing is becoming frighteningly clear:

Neither side is doing a damn thing about our massive national debt.

Presidents Obama and Trump have done little more than pay lip service to this growing problem, and as ultra partisanship and tribalism becomes more acceptable, neither side is even trying to look at it. American taxpayers pay enormous amounts of money in interest on our 22 trillion (yes...that's trillion with a "T") debt. This is money we could use to upgrade our infrastructure, military, healthcare or better still, pay down the deficit. Other countries won't agree to buy our paper forever. Something has to be done - Soon, or America will face a financial crisis that will make the great depression look like a rehearsal. Maybe it's time for the finger pointing to stop, and for our lawmakers (on both sides) to do their jobs.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Yep..... The really cool thing here is that a reset is coming that's going to be felt on the dark side of the moon. All the big financiers know it.....but nobody knows just when. Can't avoid it ...can't fix it either. It just has to happen. Man it's gonna suck.

Why do we have debt? Who do we owe it to and where did they get it?
In June 2018, China owned $1.18 trillion of U.S. debt and Japan owned $1.03 trillion. That's more than one-third of foreign holdings. Federal Reserve - $2.46 trillion.Mar 29, 2019
Who Owns the US National Debt? How Much Is Owed? - The Balance

The Real Owner of the U.S. Debt Will Surprise You
If we owe most of it to ourselves, why do we call it debt?
a lot of it is held by private entities and not subject to just ignoring it, very little is held by the government,,,but I dont see why we are paying interest to the fed reserve since its their job to control the money and not let it get out of hand,,,
As Conservatives and Liberals flail away at each other, one thing is becoming frighteningly clear:

Neither side is doing a damn thing about our massive national debt.

Presidents Obama and Trump have done little more than pay lip service to this growing problem, and as ultra partisanship and tribalism becomes more acceptable, neither side is even trying to look at it. American taxpayers pay enormous amounts of money in interest on our 22 trillion (yes...that's trillion with a "T") debt. This is money we could use to upgrade our infrastructure, military, healthcare or better still, pay down the deficit. Other countries won't agree to buy our paper forever. Something has to be done - Soon, or America will face a financial crisis that will make the great depression look like a rehearsal. Maybe it's time for the finger pointing to stop, and for our lawmakers (on both sides) to do their jobs.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Don’t worry. We can address the debt during good economic times !.....ooooops.
Why do we have debt? Who do we owe it to and where did they get it?
In June 2018, China owned $1.18 trillion of U.S. debt and Japan owned $1.03 trillion. That's more than one-third of foreign holdings. Federal Reserve - $2.46 trillion.Mar 29, 2019
Who Owns the US National Debt? How Much Is Owed? - The Balance

The Real Owner of the U.S. Debt Will Surprise You
If we owe most of it to ourselves, why do we call it debt?
a lot of it is held by private entities and not subject to just ignoring it, very little is held by the government,,,but I dont see why we are paying interest to the fed reserve since its their job to control the money and not let it get out of hand,,,
I don't see why we owe anything to the Fed.
Why do we have debt? Who do we owe it to and where did they get it?
In June 2018, China owned $1.18 trillion of U.S. debt and Japan owned $1.03 trillion. That's more than one-third of foreign holdings. Federal Reserve - $2.46 trillion.Mar 29, 2019
Who Owns the US National Debt? How Much Is Owed? - The Balance

The Real Owner of the U.S. Debt Will Surprise You
If we owe most of it to ourselves, why do we call it debt?
a lot of it is held by private entities and not subject to just ignoring it, very little is held by the government,,,but I dont see why we are paying interest to the fed reserve since its their job to control the money and not let it get out of hand,,,
I don't see why we owe anything to the Fed.
I see why,,,I just dont agree with it,,,
As Conservatives and Liberals flail away at each other, one thing is becoming frighteningly clear:

Neither side is doing a damn thing about our massive national debt.

Presidents Obama and Trump have done little more than pay lip service to this growing problem, and as ultra partisanship and tribalism becomes more acceptable, neither side is even trying to look at it. American taxpayers pay enormous amounts of money in interest on our 22 trillion (yes...that's trillion with a "T") debt. This is money we could use to upgrade our infrastructure, military, healthcare or better still, pay down the deficit. Other countries won't agree to buy our paper forever. Something has to be done - Soon, or America will face a financial crisis that will make the great depression look like a rehearsal. Maybe it's time for the finger pointing to stop, and for our lawmakers (on both sides) to do their jobs.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

The debt can't be decreased until the deficit is eliminated. So the first thing to do is balance the budget and end the deficit.

Clinton did do that. He balanced the budget. Paid social security back all the money reagan/bush stole from it for 12 years and started to pay down the national debt. In fact he left a plan for the reagan/bush national debt to be paid by 2010.

Too bad the bush boy trashed it all and took us back to conservative out of control deficit spending with his very first budget. He also returned us back to the stealing from social security even though he promised not to in the 2000 campaign. He went on to over double the national debt and leave historic deficit high. Just like reagan and the first bush did.

Obama was working on the deficit. Obama slashed the bush boy's 1.4 trillion dollar deficit by nearly a trillion dollars down to 400 and something billion by the time he left office.

trump has us back to republican out of control spending and high deficits again. In fact after 2 years he's got the deficit up to around 1 trillion dollars again.

If you want to balance the budget and pay off the national debt stop voting for any conservative or republican.
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As Conservatives and Liberals flail away at each other, one thing is becoming frighteningly clear:

Neither side is doing a damn thing about our massive national debt.

Presidents Obama and Trump have done little more than pay lip service to this growing problem, and as ultra partisanship and tribalism becomes more acceptable, neither side is even trying to look at it. American taxpayers pay enormous amounts of money in interest on our 22 trillion (yes...that's trillion with a "T") debt. This is money we could use to upgrade our infrastructure, military, healthcare or better still, pay down the deficit. Other countries won't agree to buy our paper forever. Something has to be done - Soon, or America will face a financial crisis that will make the great depression look like a rehearsal. Maybe it's time for the finger pointing to stop, and for our lawmakers (on both sides) to do their jobs.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

The debt can't be decreased until the deficit is eliminated. So the first thing to do is balance the budget and end the deficit.

Clinton did do that. He balanced the budget. Paid social security back all the money Reagan/bush stole from it for 12 years and started to pay down the national debt. In fact he left a plan for the Reagan/bush national debt to be paid by 2010.

Too bad the bush boy trashed it all and took us back to conservative out of control deficit spending with his very first budget. He also returned us back to the stealing from social security even though he promised not to in the 2000 campaign. He went on to over double the national debt and leave historic deficit high. Just like reagan and the first bush did.

Obama was doing working on the deficit. Obama slashed the bush boy's 1.4 trillion dollar deficit by nearly a trillion dollars down to 400 and something billion by the time he left office.

trump has us back to republican out of control spending and high deficits again. In fact after 2 years he's got the deficit up to around 1 trillion dollars again.

If you want to balance the budget and pay off the national debt stop voting for any conservative or republican.
sorry but clinton in no way achieved a zero deficit, what he did would put any private citizen or company in jail,,,

he used dbl book keeping and used the loans from the government as assets to balance the books,,,highly illegal,,,

and he added I think almost 3 trillion to the debt,,,well he signed off but all money spending start in the house
The only time the National Debit becomes an issue is when a republican is in the White House. It's like "Catch 22" when democrats whine about the Debt but they fight the President every time he tries to cut federal funded programs. Here's a thought, eliminate the (secretly funded) CIA since there are no secrets left and they haven't been on top of any event including 9-11 anyway. You almost gotta laugh that the former head of the CIA has become a cheap hack for CNN trying to achieve what the Russians failed to do which was undermine the orderly transition of government after an election.

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