National Debt now more than $2-trillion larger than on the day Pres Trump took office

America should realize that shutting down the government is costly, but worth it.
There hasnt been a party of fiscal responsibility for a while now.
Just rhetoric.
Fuck the duopoly
In a revealing interview, Trump predicts a ‘massive recession’ but intends to eliminate the national debt in 8 years

Some gems of macro economic wisdom from The Businessman in 2016:

The economic conditions are so perilous that the country is headed for a “very massive recession” and that “it’s a terrible time right now” to invest in the stock market

Insisted that he would be able to get rid of the nation’s more than $19 trillion national debt “over a period of eight years.”

How? Simple:

(in the first 100 days in office) "I’m renegotiating all of our deals, the big trade deals that we’re doing so badly on. With China, $505 billion this year in trade.” He said that economic growth he foresees as a consequence of renegotiated deals would enable the United States to pay down the debt.


This is the special special gift Republicans gave to this country.
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There is no such thing as the party of fiscal responsibility not Republicans not Democrats spending other people’s money like drunken sailors on leave is one of the few things the parties have in common.
Numbers posted today by @USTreasury show the National Debt ended 2018 more than $2-trillion larger than on the day Pres Trump took office. It represents a 10% increase in the Debt on Pres Trump's watch. National Debt now stands at $21.974-trillion. 1

Whatever happened to the party of fiscal responsibility?

Mark Knoller on Twitter
It never existed.

The pseudocons turn a blind eye to Republican big spending. But now that the Democrats have taken the House, they will suddenly notice all this spending going on and will hilariously try to blame the Dems.

They won't be able to stop themselves, even though they are buried in the stench of their own hypocrisy.
Amazing how it works.

When Bush handed Kennedy the Checkbook and they blew through trillions, some of us complained.

When the meat puppet DOUBLED the debt, we lost our fuckin minds.

Now that we've got a guy in there who everyone in the political whore community hates, you'd think he would work on that. I'll give him the next 2 years to get us on a decent budget, he has been dealing with a whole lot of asinine shit like witch hunts and globalist saboteurs. I'm not optimistic it's going to change though. The Cloward/Piven strategy seems to be the national policy of fiscal suicide.
Amazing how it works.

When Bush handed Kennedy the Checkbook and they blew through trillions, some of us complained.

When the meat puppet DOUBLED the debt, we lost our fuckin minds.

Now that we've got a guy in there who everyone in the political whore community hates, you'd think he would work on that. I'll give him the next 2 years to get us on a decent budget, he has been dealing with a whole lot of asinine shit like witch hunts and globalist saboteurs. I'm not optimistic it's going to change though. The Cloward/Piven strategy seems to be the national policy of fiscal suicide.

The guy never gave any serious shit about debt and if you paid attention to his proposals you would know that.

His aproach to deal with debt has always been somwhere between a meaningless word salad about trade deficit and an inverse of fiscal sanity: tax-less, spend more.

This is the proirty of debt issue for Trump:

...Trump had repeatedly shrugged off any concerns about the rising national debt because it was projected to come to a head only after he would finish a second term.

Trump is reportedly not worried about a massive US debt crisis as he'll be out of office by then
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The first year belongs to Obama.

If we start counting from Trump's first FY the amount added is $1,729,195,689,737.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

That comes out to $3,783,798,008 per day added to the debt under Trump starting at his first full FY.

For some historical reference...going by Obama's first full FY to the start of Trump's first full FY there was $2,848,864,083 added per day under Obama.

So, under Trump debt is increasing at $934,933,925 per day faster.
Numbers posted today by @USTreasury show the National Debt ended 2018 more than $2-trillion larger than on the day Pres Trump took office. It represents a 10% increase in the Debt on Pres Trump's watch. National Debt now stands at $21.974-trillion. 1

Whatever happened to the party of fiscal responsibility?

Mark Knoller on Twitter

Not auspicious beginning for a president who promised to wipe out the debt in 8 years.

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Republicans ran on balancing the budget........why is deficit increasing?
damn good Thing Trump promised to lower the debt in 8 years - that lying pos wont be there the last 6 to break his promise.
There is no such thing as the party of fiscal responsibility not Republicans not Democrats spending other people’s money like drunken sailors on leave is one of the few things the parties have in common.
the right wing is Worse; they believe in tax cut economics.
Only in the mind of the blind partisan does that logic apply that is like saying it's better to drown in water 190 feet deep instead of 200 feet deep.
Numbers posted today by @USTreasury show the National Debt ended 2018 more than $2-trillion larger than on the day Pres Trump took office. It represents a 10% increase in the Debt on Pres Trump's watch. National Debt now stands at $21.974-trillion. 1

Whatever happened to the party of fiscal responsibility?

Mark Knoller on Twitter
He signed a budget that he publicly said he hated and wouldn't do again, while two smirking jackasses McTurtle and Ryan flanked him....Though I doubt he will follow through to veto another such travesty, he at least pretended like he was interested in reigning in some of the spending.
Numbers posted today by @USTreasury show the National Debt ended 2018 more than $2-trillion larger than on the day Pres Trump took office. It represents a 10% increase in the Debt on Pres Trump's watch. National Debt now stands at $21.974-trillion. 1

Whatever happened to the party of fiscal responsibility?

Mark Knoller on Twitter
Republicans looting the country for billionaires is really expensive business.
Numbers posted today by @USTreasury show the National Debt ended 2018 more than $2-trillion larger than on the day Pres Trump took office. It represents a 10% increase in the Debt on Pres Trump's watch. National Debt now stands at $21.974-trillion. 1

Whatever happened to the party of fiscal responsibility?

Mark Knoller on Twitter

Yup, he spends like a drunken sailor. The Bankers say spend and he does.

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