National debt per person $58K. Per taxpayer, it's triple that.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
We all know that most of the people in America don't pay tax. It is deceptive to divide the national debt per person. The actual debt load is per taxpayer and that is now nearly $180K. Is that a problem? It seems like a problem.
We all know that most of the people in America don't pay tax. It is deceptive to divide the national debt per person. The actual debt load is per taxpayer and that is now nearly $180K. Is that a problem? It seems like a problem.
That's their debt, not mine.
What makes you think most Americans don't pay taxes?

He’s exaggerating. Actually 45% of people don’t pay taxes. But the trend is moving to a higher percentage.

New Estimates Of How Many Households Pay No Federal Income Tax
The Tax Policy Center has updated its estimate of the percentage of households that will not pay federal income tax this year. We now figure it is 45.3 percent, nearly 5 percentage points higher than our 2013 estimate of 40.4 percent. But that doesn't mean more Americans have moved off the tax rolls.Oct 6, 2015
We all know that most of the people in America don't pay tax. It is deceptive to divide the national debt per person. The actual debt load is per taxpayer and that is now nearly $180K. Is that a problem? It seems like a problem.
Fuck it let the grandkids deal with it
We all know that most of the people in America don't pay tax. It is deceptive to divide the national debt per person. The actual debt load is per taxpayer and that is now nearly $180K. Is that a problem? It seems like a problem.
I don't even know what our interest debt expense is on this!
I do not understand 1) why this is not more discussed, and 2) why this will not bring us down ultimately?
We all know that most of the people in America don't pay tax. It is deceptive to divide the national debt per person. The actual debt load is per taxpayer and that is now nearly $180K. Is that a problem? It seems like a problem.
I don't even know what our interest debt expense is on this!
I do not understand 1) why this is not more discussed, and 2) why this will not bring us down ultimately?

Interest is nearing $500B per year. It will collapse the country IMVHO, same as the housing bust "they" caused.

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