National Geographic on 9/11


let me guess. thats you in the skirt, right? :ahole-1:
“I think the official conclusion that NIST arrived at is questionable,”
Dr. Quintiere said he originally “had high hopes” that NIST would do a good job with the investigation. “They’re the central government lab for fire. There are good people there and they can do a good job. But what I also thought they would do is to enlist the service of the ATF [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives], which has an investigation force and a laboratory of their own for fire. And I thought they would put people out on the street and get gumshoe-type information. What prevented all of this? I think it’s the legal structure that cloaks the Commerce Department and therefore NIST. And so, instead of lawyers as if they were acting on a civil case trying to get depositions and information subpoenaed, those lawyers did the opposite and blocked everything.” “I found that throughout your whole investigation it was very difficult to get a clear answer. And when anyone went to your advisory panel meetings or hearings, where they were given five minutes to make a statement; they could never ask any questions. And with all the commentary that I put in, and I spent many hours writing things, and it would bore people if I regurgitated all of that here, I never received one formal reply.”

“In my opinion, the WTC investigation by NIST falls short of expectations by not definitively finding cause, by not sufficiently linking recommendations of specificity to cause, by not fully invoking all of their authority to seek facts in the investigation, and by the guidance of government lawyers to deter rather than develop fact finding.

OpEdNews - Page 2 of Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation

As stated, they are nothing more than attention whores. Why do you think Alex Jones carries around a bullhorn? It isn't to remain anonymous; people's common sense have taken care of that and he and his bullhorn are trying desperately to break through.

Question ignored by OCTA for the third time. Wonder why you all ignored such a simple question?

Think about this:

Rebuilding of the new WTC 7 completed in: four years.

Explaining how the old WTC 7 collapsed:


and how many times did you ignore the question about whether you thought the Mays were lying?

what difference does it make how long the investigation took? its not significant. doesnt the fact that the investigation was so thorough and that it was investigated so long actually help support the fact that it was NOT an inside job? if it really was an inside job they would have had an explanation ready as to why it collapsed before it even hit the ground.:cuckoo:

you mean like this agent

[ame=]YouTube - Fake "Witness" to 9/11 Government Killings Of Its Citizens[/ame]
what the skinny little Mexican snorkeler ?-
proof you are a racist as well as a moronic troofer

You are the dumbass. Want evidence? You keep trying to dismiss the poll to avoid admitting you fucked up. Pay. Attention. You. Useless. Bitch. It doesn't matter if the poll is legit or not. Why? You accused creativedreams of lying for saying NG said 1/3 of Americans suspect an inside job. It has been repeatedly proven NG in fact did say that and they cited that poll. It doesn't matter if you like the poll or not. Creativedreams did not lie as you accused. Now do your usual routine of ignoring the facts because you have no self respect so you have nothing to lose by lying yourself. Bitch.
more deflection and projection
No. You do not have it right. Your analogy just proved my point. The "body" represents the collapsed towers. If they investigated how the body got there and why, that would be an investigation. For 9E, they saw the "body" (collapsed towers) and immediately formed a conclusion on how the towers collapsed (how the body got there and why). They made their conclusion before any investigation could start. Thank you for revealing your stupidity again. Acknowledging the collapsed towers, just like seeing a dead, is not drawing a conclusion on how or why it happened.

gee.... you think the TWO FUCKING AIRPLANES FLYING INTO THE BUILDINGS might be a big fucking clue as to why they collpased? :lol:

and then you are surprised that the investigation reaches the same conclusion? :cuckoo:

my god you twoofers are a bunch of dumb fucking morons....

no plane hit the wtc 7 fire alone is what NIST claims caused the collapse
another LIE
Why aren't the Twoofers that claim America was behind 9/11 trying to free an innocent Khalid Sheikh Mohammed?

because he is a terrorist and a dupe..
HE planned the attack, dipshit
if his people didnt actually DO the attack(the government did it, not terrorists) then how the fuck is he a terrorist?
gee.... you think the TWO FUCKING AIRPLANES FLYING INTO THE BUILDINGS might be a big fucking clue as to why they collpased? :lol:

and then you are surprised that the investigation reaches the same conclusion? :cuckoo:

my god you twoofers are a bunch of dumb fucking morons....

no plane hit the wtc 7 fire alone is what NIST claims caused the collapse
another LIE

you are the lie divemoroncon

[ame=]YouTube - NIST Video: Why the Building (WTC7) Fell[/ame]
Shyam sunders exact quote is.."wtc 7 collapsed because of fires' "we have shown for the first time fire an cause a progressive collapse "...the only mention of damage from debris is when it is credited for starting the fire...then goes on to show a computer model explanation of the collapse where fire alone is the cause of the collapse regardless of any damage...why ya gotta lie like that dive ??
Shyam sunders exact quote is.."wtc 7 collapsed because of fires' "we have shown for the first time fire an cause a progressive collapse "...the only mention of damage from debris is when it is credited for starting the fire...then goes on to show a computer model explanation of the collapse where fire alone is the cause of the collapse regardless of any damage...why ya gotta lie like that dive ??
you are the proven liar
right blah blah blah,,no way.. you are...anyway those were the direct quotes clearly you can not dispute that fact or if so then tell us what role according to nist how did fuel fires or falling debris contribute to the collapse ??? can you answer that question with something other than denial ?
right blah blah blah,,no way.. you are...anyway those were the direct quotes clearly you can not dispute that fact or if so then tell us what role according to nist how did fuel fires or falling debris contribute to the collapse ??? can you answer that question with something other than denial ?
wrong, you ASSUME the "alone"
and its not there
that makes you a liar because this has been explained to you before
so you can not answer what role if any NIST claims that fuel fires or falling debris played in the collapse of wtc 7 or the computer that correct ?...or do you conceed that the only role damage to wtc 7 from falling debris is credited for is the intiation of the fire..
so you can not answer what role if any NIST claims that fuel fires or falling debris played in the collapse of wtc 7 or the computer that correct ?...or do you conceed that the only role damage to wtc 7 from falling debris is credited for is the intiation of the fire..
you lie once again'
so you can not answer what role if any NIST claims that fuel fires or falling debris played in the collapse of wtc 7 or the computer that correct ?...or do you conceed that the only role damage to wtc 7 from falling debris is credited for is the intiation of the fire..

It's funny as hell how that useless penis germ obsessively accuses people of lying every single time they point to facts he does not like. He regularly rewrites the CR and anything else about 9E to try and hide his own ignorance.

As stated, they are nothing more than attention whores. Why do you think Alex Jones carries around a bullhorn? It isn't to remain anonymous; people's common sense have taken care of that and he and his bullhorn are trying desperately to break through.

Question ignored by OCTA for the third time. Wonder why you all ignored such a simple question?

Think about this:

Rebuilding of the new WTC 7 completed in: four years.

Explaining how the old WTC 7 collapsed:


and how many times did you ignore the question about whether you thought the Mays were lying?

what difference does it make how long the investigation took? its not significant. doesnt the fact that the investigation was so thorough and that it was investigated so long actually help support the fact that it was NOT an inside job? if it really was an inside job they would have had an explanation ready as to why it collapsed before it even hit the ground.:cuckoo:

I never dodged the question about the Mays and have always said I've never accused them of lying. Want to be even more embarrassed by having me link the posts or do you want to ignore your fucking stupid claim like you ignored your "competency" claim about the poll NG cited?

Then you create a strawman and say if it was an inside job they would have had an explanation prepared. Where do you come up with this stupid shit? Oops. Never mind......I've read enough of your posts. Thank you for affirming what I said about OCTAs relying on one of three methods for ignoring information about 9E.
proof you are a racist as well as a moronic troofer

You are the dumbass. Want evidence? You keep trying to dismiss the poll to avoid admitting you fucked up. Pay. Attention. You. Useless. Bitch. It doesn't matter if the poll is legit or not. Why? You accused creativedreams of lying for saying NG said 1/3 of Americans suspect an inside job. It has been repeatedly proven NG in fact did say that and they cited that poll. It doesn't matter if you like the poll or not. Creativedreams did not lie as you accused. Now do your usual routine of ignoring the facts because you have no self respect so you have nothing to lose by lying yourself. Bitch.
more deflection and projection

Your fellow OCTAs see you are ignoring your fuck up but none of you have an ounce of integrity so you assholes always circle the wagons when you are wrong because your "friendships" on here are nothing but childish utilitarian illusions designed to maintain the fantasy you jackasses are honest or slightly informed.

Now that it's clear you falsely accused creativedreams of lying you move on to falsely accuse eots of lying. Everyone knows poop mechaniks is the OCTAs best friend outside of Bush circles and even they admit NIST claims fire alone brought WTC7 down.

"Fire alone brought down the building, the report concludes, pointing to thermal expansion of key structural members as the culprit. The report also raises concerns that other large buildings might be more vulnerable to fire-induced structural failure than previously thought."


"Today's report confirms that a fire was, indeed, the cause. "This is the first time that we are aware of, that a building taller than about 15 stories has collapsed primarily due to fires," Sunder told reporters at the press conference. "What we found was that uncontrolled building fires —similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings—caused an extraordinary event, the collapse of WTC7."


"In fact, the report concludes: "Even without the structural damage, WTC 7 would have collapsed from fires."
World Trade Center Tower 7 - NIST Report debunks 9/11 Conspiracy Theories - Popular Mechanics

You will call me a liar, leave childish comments with the rep button, say I need mental help, and anything else your dumbass feels necessary to avoid the facts. I don't post this information for you or your OCTA clan. I post it for honest readers.
There was physical damage to Bldg 7. Alone, it is not at all clear that the physical damage to Bldg 7 would have caused a collapse.

But the fires did cause it to come down.

Why that conclusion is so difficult for you idiot troofers to grasp is hard to explain.
all the evidence points in one direction.... yet you still scream "i dont know what happened"!!!!!! :lol:

fucking moron.

I support both the Official 911 commission report and the NIST report based on the fact they are issued with the full faith and force of the US Government. I accept the Popular Mechanics official report as a public service from a highly respected testing facility.
clownlight, you on the other hand stand back and offer nothing, yet claim intelelectual superiority. That just doesn't cut the pancakes on sunday morning and you know it.

This is a perfect example of how you guys went from truthers, to troofers, and finally to twoofers.

People, I am telling you we have a truther deficit here at usmb and it is just a shame.
These so-called twoofers are just wanna-be pretenders, well except for eots, he's a misguided wanna be truther.....

Question ignored by OCTA.....for the second time.

You still have not asked a question, for more time than twice.

I am starting to think you might be a retard

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