National Geographic on 9/11

The 9/11 Commission Report wasn't about how the buildings collapsed.

It was the NIST Report that explained the buildings collapses and was proclaimed by many Physicists, Scientists, Engineers, Architects, Professors, around the world to literally re-write physics.

I can post MANY well documented, verifiable statements from those people too.

The NIST Report was appointed to be headed by Bush's personal friend Frank Gayle who wrote the final report. There were people who adamantly told Frank Gayle the NIST Report was flat out wrong and the Twin Towers should have easily stood.

Here is a simple comprehensive example that depicts how the NIST investigation went when Bush appointed his personal friend to head the NIST Report and collapse investigation.

The NIST investigation did NOT look at the possibility in explosives in the collapses....even though there are countless witnesses live on the news who heard many explosions.





editorial cartoons are not evidence, the pictures you posted are nice, but they prove nothing either.

As stated above, I am starting to lean a little more towards thinking your a retard
The entire 9/11 Commission Report is a farse and nothing but a cover-up, as stated by the people directly involved with the 9/11 Commission Report. They were stonewalled from the FACTS and EVIDENCE by the Whitehouse and top CIA. They state they ended up with a report completely void of ANY facts.

Many anti-truthers make the claim that the Commission Report did not get any "facts" wrong so there's nothing to contest...but the FACT of the matter is the 9/11 Commission Report is VOID OF ANY FACTS.
.......So what could they get wrong if all the FACTS and EVIDENCE were hidden from them?.......

Here are some disturbing statements from the very people involved in the 9/11 Commission Report and it is beyond me why a few people post full time on many message boards to defend and sway people from asking for a new investigation....

The following paragraph is very compelling so I pasted it at the top...

Co-Chair of the Congressional Inquiry into 9/11 and former Head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Bob Graham:... "A U.S. government informant was the landlord to two of the hijackers for over a year, but the White House refused to let the 9/11 inquiry interview him."

Here is a news link on it...
Hijackers Lived With FBI Informant - CBS News


Co-chairs of the 9/11 Commission Thomas Keane and Lee Hamilton:... "The CIA and the White House obstructed our investigation".

Co-chairs of the 9/11 Commission also said:... "The 9/11 Commissioners knew that military officials misrepresented the facts to the Commission, and the Commission considered recommending criminal charges for such false statements, yet didn't bother to tell the American people."

Co-chairs of the Commission now admit that the Commission largely operated based upon political considerations.

9/11 Commission co-chair Lee Hamilton:... "I don't believe for a minute we got everything right, the Commission was set up to fail, the people should keep asking questions about 9/11, the 9/11 debate should continue."

9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerrey:... "There are ample reasons to suspect that there may be some alternative to what we outlined in our version, we didn't have access."

9/11 Commissioner Timothy Roemer:... "We were extremely frustrated with the false statements we were getting."

9/11 Commissioner Max Cleland resigned from the Commission, stating: "It is a national scandal"; "This investigation is now compromised"; "One of these days we will have to get the full story because the 9-11 issue is so important to America. But this White House wants to cover it up".

9/11 Commissioner John Lehman:... “We purposely put together a staff that had – in a way - conflicts of interest".

Senior Counsel to the 9/11 Commission John Farmer who led the 9/11 staff's inquiry:... "I was shocked at how different the truth was from the way it was described .... The tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public for two years.... This is not spin. This is not true."


Co-Chair of the Congressional Inquiry into 9/11 and former Head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Bob Graham:... "A U.S. government informant was the landlord to two of the hijackers for over a year, but the White House refused to let the 9/11 inquiry interview him."
Hijackers Lived With FBI Informant - CBS News

U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy:... "The two questions that the congress will not ask . . . is why did 9/11 happen on George Bush's watch when he had clear warnings that it was going to happen? Why did they allow it to happen?"

Republican Congressman Ron Paul calls for a new 9/11 investigation and states:... "We see the 9/11 investigations that have been done so far as more or less cover-up and no real explanation of what went on"

Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich:... "We aren't being told the truth about 9/11."

Democratic Senator Mike Gravel:... "I support a new 9/11 investigation, we don't know the truth about 9/11."

Republican Senator Lincoln Chaffee:..."A new 9/11 investigation is needed."

U.S. Democratic Congressman Dan Hamburg:..."The U.S. government assisted in the 9/11 attacks, I think there was a lot of help from the inside."

U.S. Republican Congressman and senior member of the House Armed Services Committee, and who served six years as the Chairman of the Military Research and Development Subcommittee Curt Weldon:..."The U.S. tracked hijackers before 9/11. I am open to hearing information about explosives in the Twin Towers, and open to the possibility that 9/11 was an inside job."






Welcome to the tea party. Yrou need to keep the loonieness down to a minimum as the tea party groups won't put up with the BS the twoofers do without kicking you out.
Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation

“I think all the records that NIST has assembled should be archived. I would really like to see someone else take a look at what they’ve done; both structurally and from a fire point of view.”

“I think the official conclusion that NIST arrived at is questionable,”
Dr. Quintiere said he originally “had high hopes” that NIST would do a good job with the investigation. “They’re the central government lab for fire. There are good people there and they can do a good job. But what I also thought they would do is to enlist the service of the ATF [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives], which has an investigation force and a laboratory of their own for fire. And I thought they would put people out on the street and get gumshoe-type information. What prevented all of this? I think it’s the legal structure that cloaks the Commerce Department and therefore NIST. And so, instead of lawyers as if they were acting on a civil case trying to get depositions and information subpoenaed, those lawyers did the opposite and blocked everything.” “I found that throughout your whole investigation it was very difficult to get a clear answer. And when anyone went to your advisory panel meetings or hearings, where they were given five minutes to make a statement; they could never ask any questions. And with all the commentary that I put in, and I spent many hours writing things, and it would bore people if I regurgitated all of that here, I never received one formal reply.”

“In my opinion, the WTC investigation by NIST falls short of expectations by not definitively finding cause, by not sufficiently linking recommendations of specificity to cause, by not fully invoking all of their authority to seek facts in the investigation, and by the guidance of government lawyers to deter rather than develop fact finding.

OpEdNews - Page 2 of Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation

Followed by:

Eots, you know they will ignore that.

Let me ask you something Curvelight. Do you know what Dr. Quintiere says he thinks caused the collapses? Have you read his paper and read his conclusion?
The fact remains that the program on National Geographic was excellent, and should be read into the congressional record as the final word on the nature of the treasonous twoofers.
The program clearly showed, as does the conversation here, that twoofers choose to rely on their faith that boooooosh caused 911 to happen, even when confronted with facts and evidence.
They choose the side of terrorists, and do their best to help the terrorists spread disinformation. That's called propaganda, and is light treason at best.
The twoofers show no regard for polite discourse, as they are so faithful in their belief that boooosh caused 9111, they become disagreeable and even hostile when confronted.
The US government investigated and released much, but not all of the information they gathered to the public. The twoofers refuse to accept that. Is it because they distrust the government that much, or is it because they choose to work on the side of Al Quaida? Again, this is treason, heavy treason.
The twoofers movement consists of white surpremacists, New World Order believers, anti-semites(jews are the force behind NWO), fundamentalist christian nutcases, and mentally unstable general malcontents(no not you malcontent, real ones).
Twoofers are only concerned about spreading their message of distrust and discontent, even at the expense of alienating their audience. The divisive message they choose to prothesize is not about freedom, or civil rights, or bringing criminals to trial. The message they choose to spread is about division. These twoofers choose to spread a message of division in order to create a climate in which their prophecies of revolution or new world order, even ethnic cleansing can take place.

Despite the claims that they are looking for the "truth" about 911, that is'nt in any way their intent. They are about obstrcuting the truth for their own purposes.

That makes them treasonous.
No. You do not have it right. Your analogy just proved my point. The "body" represents the collapsed towers. If they investigated how the body got there and why, that would be an investigation. For 9E, they saw the "body" (collapsed towers) and immediately formed a conclusion on how the towers collapsed (how the body got there and why). They made their conclusion before any investigation could start. Thank you for revealing your stupidity again. Acknowledging the collapsed towers, just like seeing a dead, is not drawing a conclusion on how or why it happened.

gee.... you think the TWO FUCKING AIRPLANES FLYING INTO THE BUILDINGS might be a big fucking clue as to why they collpased? :lol:

and then you are surprised that the investigation reaches the same conclusion? :cuckoo:

my god you twoofers are a bunch of dumb fucking morons....

There was no investigation into why they collapsed. You can't admit that but you want to call others stupid?

You mean to tell me that if someone witnessed this person getting shot in the head they would look for a knife as the weapon?!

The "body" represents the collapsed towers. If they investigated how the body got there and why, that would be an investigation. For 9E, they saw the "body" (collapsed towers) and immediately formed a conclusion on how the towers collapsed (how the body got there and why). They made their conclusion before any investigation could start. Thank you for revealing your stupidity again. Acknowledging the collapsed towers, just like seeing a dead, is not drawing a conclusion on how or why it happened.


You're forgetting one important piece. The witnesses to the act.

As I said in my previous post, if there was a witness or witnesses that said they saw someone shoot this person in the head with a gun, why would they look for a knife? Unless the autopsy showed a knife wound.

How many people saw the planes hit the towers?

Thanks for playing.
Secure in the knowledge that a lawsuit for defamation attempted by a public figure is extraordinarily difficult (practically impossible to win for the plaintiff, in fact), the Twoofers are pretty gutless scum for suggesting that the 9/11 attacks were the treasonous efforts of U.S. Government officials.

I still think it would be terrific if -- since he can't really sue the vermin -- a man like President Bush could walk up to a fucking puss like id-eots or Terrral and just punch him in the nadz.
No. You do not have it right. Your analogy just proved my point. The "body" represents the collapsed towers. If they investigated how the body got there and why, that would be an investigation. For 9E, they saw the "body" (collapsed towers) and immediately formed a conclusion on how the towers collapsed (how the body got there and why). They made their conclusion before any investigation could start. Thank you for revealing your stupidity again. Acknowledging the collapsed towers, just like seeing a dead, is not drawing a conclusion on how or why it happened.

gee.... you think the TWO FUCKING AIRPLANES FLYING INTO THE BUILDINGS might be a big fucking clue as to why they collpased? :lol:

and then you are surprised that the investigation reaches the same conclusion? :cuckoo:

my god you twoofers are a bunch of dumb fucking morons....

no plane hit the wtc 7 fire alone is what NIST claims caused the collapse

Are you claiming that it's 100% impossible for ANY steel framed structure to collapse due to fire?
gee.... you think the TWO FUCKING AIRPLANES FLYING INTO THE BUILDINGS might be a big fucking clue as to why they collpased? :lol:

and then you are surprised that the investigation reaches the same conclusion? :cuckoo:

my god you twoofers are a bunch of dumb fucking morons....

There was no investigation into why they collapsed. You can't admit that but you want to call others stupid?

You mean to tell me that if someone witnessed this person getting shot in the head they would look for a knife as the weapon?!


I think he is saying that if they didn't look for poison, the witnesses were part of the cover-up that the victim was stabbed........
You mean to tell me that if someone witnessed this person getting shot in the head they would look for a knife as the weapon?!

If someone burns to death in a house they look for a bullet wound you dumb ass...

The NIST Report was appointed to be headed by Bush's personal friend Frank Gayle and was told to not look at the possibility of explosives to explain the collapses.

This is how the NIST Report ended up literally rewriting physics when trying to explain how the top floor in each building could hit the ground almost as fast as a ball would if dropped right beside it..........while somehow crushing straight down through 47 vertical support columns that run from bedrock to the top floor.

The debunking propaganda intentionally misleads by not addressing the vertical core columns that run from bedrock to the top floor.



Somehow everything but the steel was exploded into a huge cloud of dust before it even hits the ground.
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As shown on both the popular mechanics debunking, as well as the National Geographic expose', the steel softened, it did not melt or break up like the concrete structure attached to the steel.

You refuse to accept FACTS, and the laws of physics.

When addresses with FACTS, you choose to engage in name calling. You only repeat the same arguments over and over, no matter how many times you have been debunked, rejecting the source in an attempt to spread lies and disinformation-propaganda.

Spreading propaganda against the country you live in is TREASON!

You sir, are a treasonous twoofer that is serving the best interests of Al Quaida.
As shown on both the popular mechanics debunking, as well as the National Geographic expose', the steel softened, it did not melt or break up like the concrete structure attached to the steel.

You refuse to accept FACTS, and the laws of physics.

When addresses with FACTS, you choose to engage in name calling. You only repeat the same arguments over and over, no matter how many times you have been debunked, rejecting the source in an attempt to spread lies and disinformation-propaganda.

Spreading propaganda against the country you live in is TREASON!

You sir, are a treasonous twoofer that is serving the best interests of Al Quaida.

Yes the fucking steel softens but they modeled the fucking floor trusses not the vertical core columns.

The vertical core columns are like having 47 vertical tree trunks.

The debunking propaganda showing the horizontal piece represents a tree branch to the perimeter of the vertical core columns..

This is why many physicists around the world believe 9/11 was an inside job

The NIST Report was appointed to be headed by Bush's personal friend Frank Gayle and was told to not look at the possibility of explosives to explain the collapses.

This is how the NIST Report ended up literally rewriting physics when trying to explain how the top floor in each building could hit the ground almost as fast as a ball would if dropped right beside it..........while somehow crushing straight down through 47 vertical support columns that run from bedrock to the top floor.

The debunking propaganda intentionally misleads by not addressing the vertical core columns that run from bedrock to the top floor.
The debunking propaganda misleads by focusing on the horizontal trusses at the perimeter of the core of the vertical support columns.

The horizontal trusses are simply tree branches and

the vertical core columns are the 47 tree trunks.



Somehow everything but the steel was exploded into a huge cloud of dust before it even hits the ground.
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The NIST investigation did NOT look at the possibility in explosives in the collapses....even though there are countless witnesses live on the news who heard many explosions.

fucking liar.

“Simulations of hypothetical blast events show that no blast event played a role in the collapse of WTC 7″
As shown on both the popular mechanics debunking, as well as the National Geographic expose', the steel softened, it did not melt or break up like the concrete structure attached to the steel.

You refuse to accept FACTS, and the laws of physics.

When addresses with FACTS, you choose to engage in name calling. You only repeat the same arguments over and over, no matter how many times you have been debunked, rejecting the source in an attempt to spread lies and disinformation-propaganda.

Spreading propaganda against the country you live in is TREASON!

You sir, are a treasonous twoofer that is serving the best interests of Al Quaida.

Yes the fucking steel softens but they modeled the fucking floor trusses not the vertical core columns.

The vertical core columns are like having 47 vertical tree trunks.

The debunking propaganda showing the horizontal piece represents a tree branch to the perimeter of the vertical core columns..

This is why many physicists around the world believe 9/11 was an inside job


The floor trusses are connected to concrete floors. The stress builds up to the breaking point and everything jsut shatters, at least ENOUGH TO MAKE THAT DUST CLOUD.
The FACT is that the steel columns were left as a mangled twisted mass sticking up out of the smoking rubble.

Then they took the steel and recycled it into a battleship:)clap2::clap2::clap2:)
If the steel columns had "exploded" as you claim, there wouldn't be a new battleship made from that steel.

If you persist in your obscene name calling, you won't have anyone to talk to, or even read your posts. I might be the only one that doesn't have you on ignore, but that could change.

I am guessing you have no real life family or friends, and because of that am giving you another pass because it is clear you just do not know how to interact with reasonable people.

So....if you want to end up ignored, and talking to yourself once again, keep it up. If your really interested in discussing, discuss, don't antagonize.

When you make a thread that nobody answers, it isn't because everyone is in awe of your message, it is because everyone has you on ignore due to your inability to engage in discussion in even a semi-polite manner.

When everyone has you on ignore, and therefore cannot see your posts, it doesn't aggrandize you, it makes you insignificant.

You have only a few, including me, that will even talk with you. If you want to lose one more, me, and make one more move towards insignificance, keep up the childlike obscene banter.

Soon, you will not only not have friends or family in person, but will also be all alone in your looney threads on the internet.
The NIST investigation did NOT look at the possibility in explosives in the collapses....even though there are countless witnesses live on the news who heard many explosions.

fucking liar.

“Simulations of hypothetical blast events show that no blast event played a role in the collapse of WTC 7″

You can shove your rigged simulations up your ass!

They place a 1/2" thick horizontal metal beam over the fire with no fireproofing and the same alleged heat. Not only is this a farse because it was NOT placed vertical like the actual support columns....but it was only 1/2" thick compared to the actual vertical core columns that are up to 4.91" thick........that somehow cut themselves and blew out of the way fast enough all the way down so the top floor of each building would hit the ground almost as fast as a ball would if dropped right beside them.

We will get more into how much fireproofing could have been lost and what sides, areas, etc later.

This has nothing to do with the 47 tree trunks, vertical support columns that run from bedrock to the top floor which are welded together fusing them to be one tree trunk each or 47 tree trunks all the way up.

The horizontal beam they heat up could only represent a tree branch, floor truss on the perimeter of the core columns.


They have this same demolition "expert" on every debunking propaganda...

He portrays the dinosaur methods of controlled demolition using dynamite, one of the oldest forms of explosives ever made. There are now countless forms of explosives that have been developed and they play dumb using dynamite with miles of wires. This method of demolition may be more cost economical when bidding demolition contracts instead of using exotic explosives...but don't play it off as the ONLY type of explosives EVER developed.

They play it out like the ONLY way to use explosives is with miles of wires. So your telling me that the cave dwellers in Afghanistan, Iraq etc are more advance than our best military technology when they can use a cell phone wireless signal to detonate bombs? With todays wireless technology they play it out like there MUST have been some evidence of wires.

They clear out the entire floor of the building to show what it's like when controlled demolition explosives go off. This produces thunderous loud bangs trying to prove what it should have sounded like if explosives were used in the WTC buildings.

All the vertical support columns were in the core of the WTC buildings and the outer shell would actually act like a muffler keeping decibels way down. Like the difference on how loud your car before or after the muffler falls off.
Or the difference how loud a gun is with our without a silencer...etc.

I have thoroughly researched controlled demolitions and it is far different than the dinosaur method the debunking propaganda portrays.

There has been extensive research developments on controlled demolition methods. These are in areas of controlling sound decibels, ground vibration, and even controlling horizontal direction of debris. This is to prevent damaging nearby buildings windows by keeping sound decibels down and protect underground pipes by keeping ground vibrations down.

This is accomplished by using many smaller explosives that produce a harmonic rumbling sound and not the loud bangs with fewer larger explosives.

I distincly recall seeing episodes on the learning channels like 15yrs ago where they were showing new technology. One of the things I seen was where they put only one droplet of a substance on an ink pen that was powerful enough so when someone clicked it would have blown their head off. It was liquid form and dried.

I really love the part where they use 5/8" thick cement board which is used for tile backing and call it a scaled down pentagon wall and fire a 500 mile an hour projectile through it...LOL

I really love how they use a lb. of explosives on the whole cement board apparatus and blow the whole thing to smithereens and portray it like another segment of the scaled down experiment...OMFG!!!

They kept showing footage of flight 93 crashsite where there was no sign of a plane and I was really looking forward to hearing that part but they didn't address it.

So why did they try and portray it like those are the only types of explosives available (first type invented) and there have been no further developments in explosives and wireless technology?

There is technology to wireless control several Unmanned Planes with various flight paths and destinations now completely automated with computers but this doesn't cross over to controlling explosives?

First steel frame collapse in history vs controlled demolition:
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The NIST investigation did NOT look at the possibility in explosives in the collapses....even though there are countless witnesses live on the news who heard many explosions.

fucking liar.

“Simulations of hypothetical blast events show that no blast event played a role in the collapse of WTC 7″

You can shove your rigged simulations up your ass![

right after you you stop licking and move your head out of the way.
This is how the NIST Report ended up literally rewriting physics when trying to explain how the top floor in each building could hit the ground almost as fast as a ball would if dropped right beside it..........while somehow crushing straight down through 47 vertical support columns that run from bedrock to the top floor.

I spoke of this before, but you conveniently ignored it. Please explain to or show me how you are getting the idea that the floors were supported by 47 steel columns from below thus creating the "crushing down" of the floors on top of the 47 columns.

As shown here:

The floor trusses were connected to the OUTSIDE faces of the core columns and perimeter columns. You keep saying that that top floor reached the ground as fast as a ball being dropped next to it, and I quote, "crushing straight down through through 47 vertical support columns". If the floors were constructed AROUND the 47 core columns, how did they then CRUSH them down?

Furthermore, if your claim that the "top floor" fell all the way down to the ground and crushed the 47 vertical columns, how come this portion of the core still stood in this photo?

That photo right there PROVES that your claim, that the top floor crushed the core columns all the way down to the ground, is pure idiocy.

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