National Review slams trump's National Emergency

We’re doing awesome, thanks in great part to President Trump.

Thanks for asking!
Have you noticed it’s always the liberals that have such miserable lives. Always bitching moaning and complaining.

Even when they got everything handed to them on a silver platter like theyt did under Obama, they still weren't happy.

Liberalism truly is a mental disease.
It's a magazine that was pretty good until its founder died....Then it got taken over by the greaseball used car salesman wing of the republicans.

So now the left swears by it? :laughing0301:
Like a damn fish out of water. Just keep flip flopping. Hope they rot from the ass up.
...He allowed himself to get sandbagged by republicans again, and he should have known better.

Neither the Turtle or Ryan wanted the Wall...they convinced Trump to delay getting it started long enough for the Rats to take back the House....that wasn't hard to predict. Pelousy couldn't care less about the mayhem the wetbacks are creating...the hateful old witch has her castle and wall and fuck you fly-over country peons. I'd like to see her plane bounce in a frozen cornfield in Iowa...have the crew bail out and Buddy Holly her withered old ass.
It's a magazine that was pretty good until its founder died....Then it got taken over by the greaseball used car salesman wing of the republicans.

So now the left swears by it? :laughing0301:
Like a damn fish out of water. Just keep flip flopping. Hope they rot from the ass up.

Personally, I want to see these anti-American leftist turds kicked to the curb every single day. They've been collectively waging an all-out Jihad against America since at least 1965: Bombings, protests, arson, thefts, assaults, vandalism, collusion, vote rigging, you name it. So f*ck them and the hobby horses they rode in on.

I have not one single ounce of sympathy for any of their causes, their heroes, their pet people, or anything they hold dear. My sentiment at this time is f*ck the left with a rusty AIDS-infected garden rake. They can choke on a bag of rotten dicks and I wouldn't offer a single one of them a Heimlich Maneuver. They could burst into flames and I wouldn't piss on any of them to put out the fire.
yup- they finally said F Trump, and lets go to work, then passed the bill to keep the country running .. a bill Lard-ass cant veto.

Before you start doing the jumping bean boogie, remember, Trump will win the Wall in the USSC and your poor huddled masses yearning to rip off our welfare system will have to get some rope and pitons if they plan on sneaking into our country.
Before you start doing the jumping bean boogie, remember, Trump will win the Wall in the USSC

Only in your dreams.
Trump will be impeached, the impeachment will be sent to Congress were all the members of Congress will stand up and say, with one unified voice------
Trump-- You are FIRED!!!!!
BTW, the Texas legislature has been filling their "rainy day fund" with oil dollars and have about $3B they are thinking about building their own Wall before so many shitbags sneak in they lose their state... Damn I hope they do it.....and then tell Beto he has until midnight to get out or get hanged.

Yet another lie.

"When I asked Trump about this, he said he hadn't given it a lot of thought. He's basically self-taught, never consistently working with an instructor. "I think of golf as a very natural game," he said. "I never really wanted to know a lot about my technique. I really trust instinct a lot, in golf and a lot of things...

Another impression of Trump the golfer is that he genuinely likes playing the game. On the course, playing quickly, he projects the contentment of a man in his element. Settling into a sound and relaxed address position that identifies him as a good player, he appears very much a confident golfer relishing the opportunity to flush another one.

Trump's swing is imperfect but grooved, and it soon engenders a certainty that nothing really bad is going to happen to his golf ball. He has a flat takeaway well to the inside and loads hard onto his right side. Before starting down, his shoulder plane raises into what at first looks like a duffer's over-the-top move. But Trump simultaneously unleashes the kind of aggressive opening of the left hip that is rarely seen in older amateurs, clearing the way for the club to release from an inside path.

"For me, it's all about the hips," Trump said while walking down the fairway. "Just get them out of the way as fast and as hard as I can and let the arms really swing through. I read about the hips a long time ago in Ben Hogan's book, and it became my simple key, and I've stayed with it. It might look a little crazy, but the more I clear, the straighter I hit it."

As a golfer, the 45th president is the real deal."

How Good is Trump the Golfer? - Golf Digest

We’re doing awesome, thanks in great part to President Trump.

Thanks for asking!
Have you noticed it’s always the liberals that have such miserable lives. Always bitching moaning and complaining.

Have you noticed that your post does exactly what you accuse others of? I noticed before I even got to the end of the sentence.
The GOP symbol should now be the old style projector.

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