National Suicide! Japan To Embark On An Era Of "Mass Foreign Immigration"

This all goes back to women not having babies. Japanese women in Japan not having babies, Chinese women in China not having babies, white women in America not having babies.

Something has to be done about this.

Not really. The world is pumping out more and more babies all the time. Perhaps the world needs a better system

Imagine if China worked with Africa, gave Africa lots of jobs and opportunities, and then they got rich together, rather than having the problems they will inevitably have.
IM2 and other disgruntled knee grows should apply, I'm sure Japan would be happy to take them. On second thought ...
Japan's No. 1 skilled worker visa is similar to Australia's working holiday visa, which allows up to 600,000 foreign workers in 5 years to work in Australia for up to a year. Most of the jobs for working holiday makers have been in hospitality or harvest work.

An Australian working holiday visa is normally a one-year, once in a lifetime entitlement for eligible visitors. However since 2005, working holiday visa holders can extend their stay in Australia by another year by applying for a second working holiday visa. The extension is available only to those who had worked as a seasonal worker in specified industries (primarily agricultural) in regional Australia[19] for a minimum of three months during their first visa period. Typical work to qualify for the second working holiday visa includes farming, pearling, construction and other specified work in a regional area.

(1) Horrifying news!!!

(2) But at least most of the immigrants will be from Asian countries.

(3) If they ever allow immigration from a "certain" continent, Japan will have committed suicide.
The "funny" part of this is, these immigrants will be treated like shit by the native Japanese. It is as predictable as the sun rising in the East.

The most successful societies are the ones with the least diversity. The U.S. is nearly unique in that it was founded and populated almost exclusively by people who came from someplace else. Australia is the same way. We are forced to have some "diversity" and it's tearing us apart.
sure, we can trade notes on how neat and tidy all our yards are soon...... :rolleyes: ~S~
A Japanese man, speaking to the U.S. Congress, expressed fears that Russia could repeat a nuclear bomb attack..... :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
There has been cross-migration between Japan and Brazil for a very long time. The first immigrants FROM Japan to Brazil (plantations) arrived in large numbers starting in 1908. In the 1980s economic conditions led to a significant increase in immigration from Brazil TO Japan. Today there are over 250,000 Brazilian immigrants in Japan. This number is likely to increase many fold.

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