Nationalist & Anti-Globalist


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Liberals hate those words for simple reasons, you cannot be a globalist and have pride in your nation nor its people. To be a globalist you must to buy into the idea that no nation leads in tech, education or ability. No two nations are the same no more than two snowflakes. No two people are the same be it on the planet or country.

To be a globalist is to be for stripping every country of its love of nation and every person stripped of their pride. To subscribe to globalist thinking is to buy into the one world order. To be a Nationalist and Anti-Globalist is to defend your right and you country's right to maintain their identity.

2014, the off year should have taught you globalists a lesson. As I remember Obama said "It will be a vote based on my policies" and you LOST your ass.
It was at least the second greatest loss in history even out doing the Second Nixon off year.

To my fellow conservatives, libertarians and members from around the world. We HAD a globalists group running around here, clown trash as you may recall. They were all about party and support nothing of national or state value. They look forward to a world of Jake's and Guno's.

RAISE the flag of your country or state on this thread. Proclaim we will not go quietly into the sunset. RAISE the flag of your country or state to show the globalist we still have and will maintain OUR RIGHT to be individuals, to be nations to be sovereign and that right is ours given and blessed by God. And no collection of globalist now or any time in the future shall remove or impede
that right.

They have heard the voices of Stratford57 Sonny Clark Dale Smith
Odium S.J. RodISHI Grampa Murked U WillHaftawaite william the wie Vigilante Obiwan Sunni Man @WeGoAgain flacaltenn Clementine tinydancer .@Lucy Hamilton

Let the globalist KNOW you do more then speak. RAISE your flag and show them you are here.



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Donald Trump is the best medicine against Globalism and Hillary Clinton is "YES!" to Globalism. Pretty darn simple! A lion or a jackass? Your choice.


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