Nation's first female Somali American Muslim law makers takes Oath on Koran

Christian lawmakers get sworn in on the bible all the time. King Trump is about to get sworn in on a bible this week.

I personally think all religious books and text shouldn't be anywhere near our government. But it is allowed. You allow one religious book so you can't ban the others.
Typical, simplistic snowflake reasoning.

:dunno: You're the one melting over a muslim representative being sworn in on a Quran.
Muslim is capitalized; show some respect, Snowflake.

Now you're reduced to being a grammar Nazi?

Somali Refugee Makes History In U.S. Election

She's a former refugee, a Muslim, a mom of three, and now the first Somali-American lawmaker in the United States.

"This really was a victory for that 8-year-old in that refugee camp," Ilhan Omar, 34, said. "This was a victory for the young woman being forced into child marriage. This was a victory for every person that's been told they have limits on their dreams."

Omar is the youngest of seven children. She and her family fled from the Somali civil war and spent four years in a refugee camp in Kenya. When she came to the United States in 1995, she spoke only Somali. As her English improved, she began translating for her grandfather at political events in the Twin Cities. Today, the Minneapolis organizer is well-versed in business administration and politics.

"I think I bring the voice of young people," Omar said. "I think I bring the voice of women in the East African community. I bring the voice of Muslims. I bring the voice of young mothers looking for opportunities."

That bitch! :lol:
Nation’s First Female Somali-American Muslim Lawmaker Takes Oath on Koran
Selling America out right under your noses................... lmao

how is it selling out America? she's entitled to use a koran like another lawmaker is entitled to use the new testament or another to use the old testament.

G-d bless the first amendment.
I swear you snowflakes are absolutely ignorant. Even after the Puritan Age and into the Neo-Classic Age and the Romantic Movement and through the rise Realism, the American stock - all classes - remained Protestant and Catholic.

The rise of Islam in America is not a natural progression; it is an artificial propagation of the left.

You are right about one thing: the "rise of Islam" in America is artificial.

The RISE of ISLAM is right at your back door...........and you all have no clue what is even taking place as it unfolds right before you.
Apparently you guys have no clue how many are already in the white house.............
Apparently you have no clue how schools, and churches are having to bend over and kiss thier asses their laws over our laws.............

Apparently you have never watched the documentary called " OBSESSION" about radical Islam taking over the west. .

Jesus christ what does it take to wake you zombies the hell up.

I don't think we're the zombies.

Well at least you are kind in your disagreeing or not seeing the same light as some of us do.
I can respect that.
Because we have had standards that we as Americans identify with, and we have had protocol that when these standards are honored, then we can feel unified with a person who has not a problem with being American under the standards and Constitution that creates the American character in which we have honored and cherished over the years.

The standard has been for Americans to swear in on the Holy Bible, and we see this being denide now... When we see this, then we see people who are not truly willing to unite as Americans under our flag or unite under the standards chosen by our people for hundreds of years now.

Oh, bullshit. Nowhere in this nation are people being denied the use of the Bible for swearing-in ceremonies. You don't get to decide what religious book people use when they take the oath of their office. Don't like it? Tough shit.
. A little lacking in your comprehension skills there buddy ??

Not at all. I am enjoying watching some of you people pussy ache over the fact that a women decided to use the holy book of her choose for her swearing-in ceremony.

With all respect (because I respect and like you) too many beheadings lately, coming out of that so called "holy book" koran aka the religion of piss.

That religion has to be kept at arm's length....that religion doesn't belong with The West and with Christianity.
how is it selling out America? she's entitled to use a koran like another lawmaker is entitled to use the new testament or another to use the old testament.

G-d bless the first amendment.
I swear you snowflakes are absolutely ignorant. Even after the Puritan Age and into the Neo-Classic Age and the Romantic Movement and through the rise Realism, the American stock - all classes - remained Protestant and Catholic.

The rise of Islam in America is not a natural progression; it is an artificial propagation of the left.

You are right about one thing: the "rise of Islam" in America is artificial.

The RISE of ISLAM is right at your back door...........and you all have no clue what is even taking place as it unfolds right before you.
Apparently you guys have no clue how many are already in the white house.............
Apparently you have no clue how schools, and churches are having to bend over and kiss thier asses their laws over our laws.............

Apparently you have never watched the documentary called " OBSESSION" about radical Islam taking over the west. .

Jesus christ what does it take to wake you zombies the hell up.
Oh my gawd! The mooslims are coming.
. And you refuse to acknowledge the carnage on Americans since we have edged forward in our allowance to accept any and everything now ??

What carnage and what acceptance?
Christian lawmakers get sworn in on the bible all the time. King Trump is about to get sworn in on a bible this week.

I personally think all religious books and text shouldn't be anywhere near our government. But it is allowed. You allow one religious book so you can't ban the others.
Typical, simplistic snowflake reasoning.

:dunno: You're the one melting over a muslim representative being sworn in on a Quran.
Muslim is capitalized; show some respect, Snowflake.

Now you're reduced to being a grammar Nazi?

Name-calling isn't nice, Snowflake.

You could have just cast a spell on my account.
Somali Refugee Makes History In U.S. Election

She's a former refugee, a Muslim, a mom of three, and now the first Somali-American lawmaker in the United States.

"This really was a victory for that 8-year-old in that refugee camp," Ilhan Omar, 34, said. "This was a victory for the young woman being forced into child marriage. This was a victory for every person that's been told they have limits on their dreams."

Omar is the youngest of seven children. She and her family fled from the Somali civil war and spent four years in a refugee camp in Kenya. When she came to the United States in 1995, she spoke only Somali. As her English improved, she began translating for her grandfather at political events in the Twin Cities. Today, the Minneapolis organizer is well-versed in business administration and politics.

"I think I bring the voice of young people," Omar said. "I think I bring the voice of women in the East African community. I bring the voice of Muslims. I bring the voice of young mothers looking for opportunities."
. You would think she would be so grateful for this nation, that she would embrace our standards and protocols with honor and respect. If she wants to be a Muslim to the core, and she disagrees with American standards and protocols, then why is she here ??
I swear you snowflakes are absolutely ignorant. Even after the Puritan Age and into the Neo-Classic Age and the Romantic Movement and through the rise Realism, the American stock - all classes - remained Protestant and Catholic.

The rise of Islam in America is not a natural progression; it is an artificial propagation of the left.

You are right about one thing: the "rise of Islam" in America is artificial.

The RISE of ISLAM is right at your back door...........and you all have no clue what is even taking place as it unfolds right before you.
Apparently you guys have no clue how many are already in the white house.............
Apparently you have no clue how schools, and churches are having to bend over and kiss thier asses their laws over our laws.............

Apparently you have never watched the documentary called " OBSESSION" about radical Islam taking over the west. .

Jesus christ what does it take to wake you zombies the hell up.
Oh my gawd! The mooslims are coming.
. And you refuse to acknowledge the carnage on Americans since we have edged forward in our allowance to accept any and everything now ??

What carnage and what acceptance?
. Don't play dumb..
Because we have had standards that we as Americans identify with, and we have had protocol that when these standards are honored, then we can feel unified with a person who has not a problem with being American under the standards and Constitution that creates the American character in which we have honored and cherished over the years.

The standard has been for Americans to swear in on the Holy Bible, and we see this being denide now... When we see this, then we see people who are not truly willing to unite as Americans under our flag or unite under the standards chosen by our people for hundreds of years now.

Oh, bullshit. Nowhere in this nation are people being denied the use of the Bible for swearing-in ceremonies. You don't get to decide what religious book people use when they take the oath of their office. Don't like it? Tough shit.
. A little lacking in your comprehension skills there buddy ??

Not at all. I am enjoying watching some of you people pussy ache over the fact that a women decided to use the holy book of her choose for her swearing-in ceremony.

With all respect (because I respect and like you) too many beheadings lately, coming out of that so called "holy book" koran aka the religion of piss.

That religion has to be kept at arm's length....that religion doesn't belong with The West and with Christianity.

She is free to practice her faith in any way she wishes so long as she doesn't break any laws. This whole ordeal over her using the Koran at swearing-in ceremony is just plain silly in my opinion.

I like and respect you as well, Skye. Cheers! :smiliehug:
"Many filtered into the Great Hall of the State Capitol to listen to keynote speakers congratulate and welcome Omar to the House.

Many of the speakers were prominent imams in Minnesota. One imam told the crowd that Omar would combine American values with those of the Quran – ."

Omar Gives Her Oath Twice in One Day - Alpha News

Combine American values with those of the Quran... That is impossible.....history has shown as much in theory and practice.
Because we have had standards that we as Americans identify with, and we have had protocol that when these standards are honored, then we can feel unified with a person who has not a problem with being American under the standards and Constitution that creates the American character in which we have honored and cherished over the years.

The standard has been for Americans to swear in on the Holy Bible, and we see this being denide now... When we see this, then we see people who are not truly willing to unite as Americans under our flag or unite under the standards chosen by our people for hundreds of years now.

Oh, bullshit. Nowhere in this nation are people being denied the use of the Bible for swearing-in ceremonies. You don't get to decide what religious book people use when they take the oath of their office. Don't like it? Tough shit.
. A little lacking in your comprehension skills there buddy ??

Not at all. I am enjoying watching some of you people pussy ache over the fact that a women decided to use the holy book of her choose for her swearing-in ceremony.

With all respect (because I respect and like you) too many beheadings lately, coming out of that so called "holy book" koran aka the religion of piss.

That religion has to be kept at arm's length....that religion doesn't belong with The West and with Christianity.

She is free to practice her faith in any way she wishes so long as she doesn't break any laws. This whole ordeal over her using the Koran at swearing-in ceremony is just plain silly in my opinion.

I like and respect you as well, Skye. Cheers! :smiliehug:

The Koran is anti-American.

(((((thank you mdk)))))))
Because we have had standards that we as Americans identify with, and we have had protocol that when these standards are honored, then we can feel unified with a person who has not a problem with being American under the standards and Constitution that creates the American character in which we have honored and cherished over the years.

The standard has been for Americans to swear in on the Holy Bible, and we see this being denide now... When we see this, then we see people who are not truly willing to unite as Americans under our flag or unite under the standards chosen by our people for hundreds of years now.

Oh, bullshit. Nowhere in this nation are people being denied the use of the Bible for swearing-in ceremonies. You don't get to decide what religious book people use when they take the oath of their office. Don't like it? Tough shit.
. A little lacking in your comprehension skills there buddy ??

Not at all. I am enjoying watching some of you people pussy ache over the fact that a women decided to use the holy book of her choose for her swearing-in ceremony.

With all respect (because I respect and like you) too many beheadings lately, coming out of that so called "holy book" koran aka the religion of piss.

That religion has to be kept at arm's length....that religion doesn't belong with The West and with Christianity.

She is free to practice her faith in any way she wishes so long as she doesn't break any laws. This whole ordeal over her using the Koran at swearing-in ceremony is just plain silly in my opinion.

I like and respect you as well, Skye. Cheers! :smiliehug:
If she does not break our laws, then she does not practice her faith in any manner she chooses.
Oh, bullshit. Nowhere in this nation are people being denied the use of the Bible for swearing-in ceremonies. You don't get to decide what religious book people use when they take the oath of their office. Don't like it? Tough shit.
. A little lacking in your comprehension skills there buddy ??

Not at all. I am enjoying watching some of you people pussy ache over the fact that a women decided to use the holy book of her choose for her swearing-in ceremony.

With all respect (because I respect and like you) too many beheadings lately, coming out of that so called "holy book" koran aka the religion of piss.

That religion has to be kept at arm's length....that religion doesn't belong with The West and with Christianity.

She is free to practice her faith in any way she wishes so long as she doesn't break any laws. This whole ordeal over her using the Koran at swearing-in ceremony is just plain silly in my opinion.

I like and respect you as well, Skye. Cheers! :smiliehug:

The Koran is anti-American.

(((((thank you mdk)))))))
Jews also don't take oaths on christinsanities filthy book
. A little lacking in your comprehension skills there buddy ??

Not at all. I am enjoying watching some of you people pussy ache over the fact that a women decided to use the holy book of her choose for her swearing-in ceremony.

With all respect (because I respect and like you) too many beheadings lately, coming out of that so called "holy book" koran aka the religion of piss.

That religion has to be kept at arm's length....that religion doesn't belong with The West and with Christianity.

She is free to practice her faith in any way she wishes so long as she doesn't break any laws. This whole ordeal over her using the Koran at swearing-in ceremony is just plain silly in my opinion.

I like and respect you as well, Skye. Cheers! :smiliehug:

The Koran is anti-American.

(((((thank you mdk)))))))
Jews also don't take oaths on christinsanities filthy book

jews are not going about their lives decapitating other human beings like Islamists are, naty nasty religion!
Oh, bullshit. Nowhere in this nation are people being denied the use of the Bible for swearing-in ceremonies. You don't get to decide what religious book people use when they take the oath of their office. Don't like it? Tough shit.
. A little lacking in your comprehension skills there buddy ??

Not at all. I am enjoying watching some of you people pussy ache over the fact that a women decided to use the holy book of her choose for her swearing-in ceremony.

With all respect (because I respect and like you) too many beheadings lately, coming out of that so called "holy book" koran aka the religion of piss.

That religion has to be kept at arm's length....that religion doesn't belong with The West and with Christianity.

She is free to practice her faith in any way she wishes so long as she doesn't break any laws. This whole ordeal over her using the Koran at swearing-in ceremony is just plain silly in my opinion.

I like and respect you as well, Skye. Cheers! :smiliehug:
If she does not break our laws, then she does not practice her faith in any manner she chooses.

Good thing she isn't breaking any laws. It appears the only things she is guilty of is inflaming thin-skinned whiners.
. A little lacking in your comprehension skills there buddy ??

Not at all. I am enjoying watching some of you people pussy ache over the fact that a women decided to use the holy book of her choose for her swearing-in ceremony.

With all respect (because I respect and like you) too many beheadings lately, coming out of that so called "holy book" koran aka the religion of piss.

That religion has to be kept at arm's length....that religion doesn't belong with The West and with Christianity.

She is free to practice her faith in any way she wishes so long as she doesn't break any laws. This whole ordeal over her using the Koran at swearing-in ceremony is just plain silly in my opinion.

I like and respect you as well, Skye. Cheers! :smiliehug:
If she does not break our laws, then she does not practice her faith in any manner she chooses.

Good thing she isn't breaking any laws. It appears the only things she is guilty of is inflaming thin-skinned whiners.
The Koran isn't very meaningful to her, then, is it.

How genuine was her oath?
. A little lacking in your comprehension skills there buddy ??

Not at all. I am enjoying watching some of you people pussy ache over the fact that a women decided to use the holy book of her choose for her swearing-in ceremony.

With all respect (because I respect and like you) too many beheadings lately, coming out of that so called "holy book" koran aka the religion of piss.

That religion has to be kept at arm's length....that religion doesn't belong with The West and with Christianity.

She is free to practice her faith in any way she wishes so long as she doesn't break any laws. This whole ordeal over her using the Koran at swearing-in ceremony is just plain silly in my opinion.

I like and respect you as well, Skye. Cheers! :smiliehug:

The Koran is anti-American.

(((((thank you mdk)))))))
Jews also don't take oaths on christinsanities filthy book
hateful just plain hateful.:itsok:
Not at all. I am enjoying watching some of you people pussy ache over the fact that a women decided to use the holy book of her choose for her swearing-in ceremony.

With all respect (because I respect and like you) too many beheadings lately, coming out of that so called "holy book" koran aka the religion of piss.

That religion has to be kept at arm's length....that religion doesn't belong with The West and with Christianity.

She is free to practice her faith in any way she wishes so long as she doesn't break any laws. This whole ordeal over her using the Koran at swearing-in ceremony is just plain silly in my opinion.

I like and respect you as well, Skye. Cheers! :smiliehug:
If she does not break our laws, then she does not practice her faith in any manner she chooses.

Good thing she isn't breaking any laws. It appears the only things she is guilty of is inflaming thin-skinned whiners.
The Koran isn't very meaningful to her, then, is it.

How genuine was her oath?

Of course it is meaningful to her or she shouldn't have used it for her oath of office. It is her choice what book she wishes to use. You may not like it, but who cares?

I don't have any reason to believe her oath was disingenuous.

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