Native American activist Nathan Phillips is a poseur and likely phony veteran

He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
Fascinating.....well, not really. We know from experience that conservative republicans love to jump at the chance to denigrate veterans if they go against the conservative republican grain.
Mr. Phillips should show his DD214. Has the media even demanded he produce it yet? Or is his word considered "good enough" because of his leftist bonafides?
You’ll just say it was photoshopped. Did you see there’s a pic of him floating around where he’s seen in Cuba with Harvey Lee Oswald?
He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
Fascinating.....well, not really. We know from experience that conservative republicans love to jump at the chance to denigrate veterans if they go against the conservative republican grain.

No, the question here is whether or not he is a veteran at all. All we have now is the gentleman's word on it.

And you heard about the Lies of Senator Blumenthal, haven't you? Liberal lying about this isn't unheard of.
He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
Fascinating.....well, not really. We know from experience that conservative republicans love to jump at the chance to denigrate veterans if they go against the conservative republican grain.
Well, we know he’s a liar.
He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
Fascinating.....well, not really. We know from experience that conservative republicans love to jump at the chance to denigrate veterans if they go against the conservative republican grain.
He is NOT old enough to be a veteran of Vietnam pretty simple concept even you brain dead lefties SHOULD be able to grasp it.
Mr. Phillips should show his DD214. Has the media even demanded he produce it yet? Or is his word considered "good enough" because of his leftist bonafides?
If Phillips wore a MAGA hat we’d know Philips favorite ice cream.

That's the truth. In 2008, Americans knew more about the background of Joe the Freaking Plumber than we did about the Democrat nominee for President.
He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.

He looks old enough to have fought in the Civil War.

Of course copious amounts of fire water does that to one's face and brain.
He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
He had bone spurs so I highly doubt he went to Nam....

Although, he could have rehab'd his injury for a year and then went to Nam like that terrorist muslim traitor Bob Mueller did
Mr. Phillips should show his DD214. Has the media even demanded he produce it yet? Or is his word considered "good enough" because of his leftist bonafides?
If Phillips wore a MAGA hat we’d know Philips favorite ice cream.

That's the truth. In 2008, Americans knew more about the background of Joe the Freaking Plumber than we did about the Democrat nominee for President.
Only if you were a racist idiot.....

Speaking of Joe the Plumber...remember when you idiots wanted him to be Senator, and Sarah Palin to be president?
He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.

Just a wannabe blanked ass who may he was a reservist. In the military, one doesn’t have to go to the place we are at war with to get the medal for it or be considered a “Vietnam era” veteran. So he could have been in any branch, and as long as that branch was there, he would get a medal and credit for being there. I doubt highly this dude is anything more then a local res drunk and meth head pissed off that his Indian check may not come.
think that if he is lying that he is guilty of something called STOLEN VALOR isn't he ?? Now that'd be interesting to see eh ??
Let's just wait and see, shall we? :71:

Tho, I must admit, it's amusing to watch conservative republicans double down on denigrating a REAL veteran and then spinning around to say these thugs are Military Academy material.


You have proof he served? All the vets I saw online say he wasn't as there is no such thing as a recon ranger in Vietnam.
Oh well, if you saw some folks say so on line .....
This 64 year old guy claimed to be a "Recon Ranger", which there is no such thing, but lets assume he was Forest Recon. How was he able to go through bootcamp, then through Recon training, yet still make it to Vietnam at the age of... 17?

Sorry, but the numbers dont add up. He couldnt have made it to Vietnam before we pulled everyone out in 73. Hes not only a racist douche, hes a stolen valor douche.

Force (Not "Forest") Recon are Marines.
Spellcheck error. My dad was Force Recon.
Well we know that another Indian (Elizabeth Warren) is a liar so why not all Indians?

A good friend of mine was a Cherokee and as Conservative as they came. I would qualify that statement with "Dem" Indians. but still; I am sure there are some exceptions.

Since he already misrepresented himself as a Vet I'm betting he's not really a native American either.

They said he fought in Vietnam, they didn't say he fought on our side.

Oh one of Janey Fonda's boys eh?

Well we know that another Indian (Elizabeth Warren) is a liar so why not all Indians?

A good friend of mine was a Cherokee and as Conservative as they came. I would qualify that statement with "Dem" Indians. but still; I am sure there are some exceptions.

Since he already misrepresented himself as a Vet I'm betting he's not really a native American either.

They said he fought in Vietnam, they didn't say he fought on our side.

Oh one of Janey Fonda's boys eh?


He seems like that kind of twat.
I heard on the radio that he was involved in the mysterious death of Marilyn Monroe OP. Didjya hear that one as well?

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