Zone1 “ Native American reservations” must be eliminated and they can join us fellow Americans

lol another myth peddled by 1960's academics to hippie stoners that gets repeated. And self-defense is apparently bad when whites do it right?
Who said whites could not defend themselves? Collecting scalps as they did animal pelts for money, though has nothing to do with self-defense.
Cuxz nobody else was greedy plundering genocidal mass murderers! They learned it all From Whitey!!! Never mind the facts that they outnumber Whitey for hundreds of years and couldn't push them around on their best days until the middle of the 19th century, and by then most people knew they were indeed vicious nasty savages.

What did you want the Native Americans to do when whites started encroaching and killing. Of course the native Americans were larger in number - they actually lived here. Did you want them to offer to defent their homes with fewer warriors to give whites a better chance?

From Chris Hedges:
Lakota chief Sitting Bull was gunned down by members of his own tribe, who served in the reservation’s police force at Standing Rock. If you stand with the oppressed, you will almost always end up being treated like the oppressed. This is why the FBI, along with Chicago police, murdered Fred Hampton and was almost certainly involved in the murder of Malcolm X, who referred to impoverished urban neighborhoods as “internal colonies.” Militarized police forces in the U.S. function as armies of occupation. The police officers who killed Tyre Nichols are no different from those in reservation and colonial police forces.

We live under a species of corporate colonialism. The engines of white supremacy, which constructed the forms of institutional and economic racism that keep the poor poor, are obscured behind attractive political personalities such as Barack Obama, whom Cornel West called “a Black mascot for Wall Street.” These faces of diversity are vetted and selected by the ruling class. Obama was groomed and promoted by the Chicago political machine, one of the dirtiest and most corrupt in the country.

“It’s an insult to the organized movements of people these institutions claim to want to include,” Glen Ford, the late editor of The Black Agenda Report told me in 2018. “These institutions write the script. It’s their drama. They choose the actors, whatever black, brown, yellow, red faces they want.”
They still dont vote. Indians dont participate in the American experience. They just brood on their reservations all day long every fucking day.
Again, I am Native American. I served my country, I vote, I am part of the American experience.

You guys sound like white guys from the 50s talking about blacks.

Again, I am Native American. I served my country, I vote, I am part of the American experience.

You guys sound like white guys from the 50s talking about blacks.

Then you arent one of the ones im talking about. If you know anything about the reservations, you know damn well that what i am saying is true. They are racist as fuck.
What did you want the Native Americans to do when whites started encroaching and killing. Of course the native Americans were larger in number - they actually lived here. Did you want them to offer to defent their homes with fewer warriors to give whites a better chance?


If they dealt honestly and honored their treaties they would have been just fine. The fact is they were dishonest lying thieves and killers an only idiots ever trusted them. They would switch sides at the drop of a hat. Jackson had personal experience with them during the tines before, during, and after the War of 1812.
Who said whites could not defend themselves? Collecting scalps as they did animal pelts for money, though has nothing to do with self-defense.
Again it was a rare thing for a white to take a scalp,and not off of live victim, not the case with you and your feral ancestors. They didn't get scalping from whites, you have it backwards. It was only used to collect bounties, since they couldn't carry a lot of bodies around, while indians did it for fun and sport, and on live victims whenever possible.
Then you arent one of the ones im talking about. If you know anything about the reservations, you know damn well that what i am saying is true. They are racist as fuck.
My grandmother grew up on the Cherokee reservation in Oklahoma. She had nothing at all good to say about them. She left the reservation at 4 a.m. the morning of her birthday that made it legal for her to be on her own and headed straight for Tulsa with 45 cents in her purse and never looked back or returned again. The only tribe she had any respect were Navahos, and few of them.
As did every other civilization currently in existence. What is your point?

By the way, the Native Americans frequently fought with each other, stole each other’s lands, and even enslaved each other long before white people came here
The natives did not claim to be peaceful, loving Christians
My grandmother grew up on the Cherokee reservation in Oklahoma. She had nothing at all good to say about them. She left the reservation at 4 a.m. the morning of her birthday that made it legal for her to be on her own and headed straight for Tulsa with 45 cents in her purse and never looked back or returned again. The only tribe she had any respect were Navahos, and few of them.
The Navajos are not located in Oklahoma.
That these exist in America is a shame. At the Seneca casinos…. non-so-called natives cannot join the union….

With a topic like this it’s never enough to say I believe in equality and respect for all….the far left is crazy …in pursuit of “ social Justice “ they don’t understand common sense. Yes this is a simplistic issue violence and land expansion is a human thing not limited to anyone group of history.

That some Americans feel the need to defend reservations is really mind-boggling. It makes no sense because every group of people have their struggles that’s it yes there is right there

Reservations are a disaster according to those who live there. Alcoholism is rampant as is depression. Reservations promote weakness and are a disgrace to the tribes of America.

If non native people get hurt on so-called soverign land they can’t sue… happened to a friend of mine…. there’s many other examples of these types of injustices.

The biggest of all look at the Seneca casino if you’re not a part of the seneca nation and you work at this casino you cannot join your union. Nobody can make an excuse for this crime by the seneca nation.

Americans who think that we “stole their land” have led to a weakness in our society.

As a “Irish” American I don’t hate the British… The same logic has to apply to every group of people in the world.

The day we demolish all native reservations is one of the great days of this country’s history. We should’ve never had these reservations in the first place. We don’t have any Spanish or Mexican or French reservations in this country so there is literally no logic for Indian reservation to exist in this country. They need to be eliminated there’s no more sovereign land that we are all equal as Americans that’s it.

It’s 2023 ….
How do you propose to do that in a way that respects treatys signed ?
An Italian with the name Iron Eyes Cody? :auiqs.jpg:

That's right, cuz actors never use fake names! Great point!!!!

Behind the tear

The campaign was based on many duplicities. The first of them was that Iron Eyes Cody was actually born Espera de Corti — an Italian-American who played Indians in both his life and on screen. The commercial’s impact hinged on the emotional authenticity of the Crying Indian’s tear. In promoting this symbol, Keep America Beautiful was trying to piggyback on the counterculture’s embrace of Native American culture as a more authentic identity than commercial culture.

The second duplicity was that Keep America Beautiful was composed of leading beverage and packaging corporations. Not only were they the very essence of what the counterculture was against; they were also staunchly opposed to many environmental initiatives.

Keep America Beautiful was founded in 1953 by the American Can Co. and the Owens-Illinois Glass Co., who were later joined by the likes of Coca-Cola and the Dixie Cup Co. During the 1960s, Keep America Beautiful anti-litter campaigns featured Susan Spotless, a white girl who wore a spotless white dress and pointed her accusatory finger at pieces of trash heedlessly dropped by her parents. The campaign used the wagging finger of a child to condemn individuals for being bad parents, irresponsible citizens and unpatriotic Americans. But by 1971, Susan Spotless no longer captured the zeitgeist of the burgeoning environmental movement and rising concerns about pollution.

lol another 'college graduate and skool teechur' who doesn't know much about anything. It's beginning to look like fentanyl is indeed the only real viable option left for Amurkin yoofs.

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