Zone1 “ Native American reservations” must be eliminated and they can join us fellow Americans

Indeed, and they practiced genocide, imperialist conquests, the whole thing. They could be hired by traders to slaughter entire peoples for a few kegs of rum.

So you think Native Americans aevthe only o es who engaged in horrific, uncivilized behavior?


White French fur traders started the practice of scalping, collecting bounties for Indian scalps.

Whites slaughtered men, women, and children - young and old - to exterminate Native Americans, to eradicate tbem and stop the resistance of taking their land.
-- And whites called Native Americans 'uncivilized'

For a time whites actualy made it legal - lawful - to kill Native Americans. At any other time did whites / our govt make it legal to kill any other minority in the US?

We know Democrats murdered / hung blacks, but it was never legal to do so.
This reminds me of a post of yours where you asked for a book recommendation re Jackson and the Cherokees. A book by John Elhe:

While it is far more sympathetic to them than they warrant, he goes into a lot of detail of the events leading up to Jackson's exile, including how their chiefs scammed the govt. out of millions of dollars as well as supplies and then squandered it and refused to abide by their agreement, as well as their robberies, murders, and looting raids on whites outside of the Cherokee Nation and then racing back across its borders and the Chiefs doing nothing to stop them. That was the main reason all thier neighbors hated them, it had zero to do with 'finding gold n stuff'; that's just a made up excuse to portray them as hapless victims of Da Evul White Man rubbish popular with halfwits and commies.

They brought their 'Tears' on themselves; almost half the Cherokees had already relocated and were doing just fine, but these last ones just basically stole all kinds of loot and then laughed at Jackson.

How dare they oppose the white man's greed and attempt to conquer, plunder, pillage, steal, and murder?!

Shame on them!
They killed women and children in the most brutal fashion and call us savages.
There is savagery in all civilizations I suspect. I was watching a documentary the other day about the Vietnam of the soldiers who fought said something analogous to, "We didn't get to the top of the food chain by being nice" (talking about humans not any particular army or people)
White French fur traders started the practice of scalping, collecting bounties for Indian scalps.

lol another myth peddled by 1960's academics to hippie stoners that gets repeated. And self-defense is apparently bad when whites do it right?
There is savagery in all civilizations I suspect. I was watching a documentary the other day about the Vietnam of the soldiers who fought said something analogous to, "We didn't get to the top of the food chain by being nice" (talking about humans not any particular army or people)

Next we will hear some more nonsense about Da Evul Amurkins'. lol
How dare they oppose the white man's greed and attempt to conquer, plunder, pillage, steal, and murder?!

Shame on them!

Cuxz nobody else was greedy plundering genocidal mass murderers! They learned it all From Whitey!!! Never mind the facts that they outnumber Whitey for hundreds of years and couldn't push them around on their best days until the middle of the 19th century, and by then most people knew they were indeed vicious nasty savages.

And, for the Peanut Gallery, most of them 'disappeared' via assimilation and marriages into white culture, not being mass murdered, as a lot of dumb asses want to believe.
This reminds me of a post of yours where you asked for a book recommendation re Jackson and the Cherokees. A book by John Elhe:

While it is far more sympathetic to them than they warrant, he goes into a lot of detail of the events leading up to Jackson's exile, including how their chiefs scammed the govt. out of millions of dollars as well as supplies and then squandered it and refused to abide by their agreement, as well as their robberies, murders, and looting raids on whites outside of the Cherokee Nation and then racing back across its borders and the Chiefs doing nothing to stop them. That was the main reason all thier neighbors hated them, it had zero to do with 'finding gold n stuff'; that's just a made up excuse to portray them as hapless victims of Da Evul White Man rubbish popular with halfwits and commies.

They brought their 'Tears' on themselves; almost half the Cherokees had already relocated and were doing just fine, but these last ones just basically stole all kinds of loot and then laughed at Jackson.
Thanks a lot Dudley for that informative post. Part of the issue I find and you probably see this as well ….is that Google has a far left bias and so it is very difficult to get accurate information on the internet when it comes to interactions between the Americans and the various Indian tribes. And it really is a problem but thank God though that we still have history books in the left has not been able to burn them.

You recognize the problem. Some Americans think Andrew Jackson was a monster. These are hypocrites of the highest order simply pot yes it is a simplistic issue and this way the various tribes of America own slaves and fight each other just like the Europeans did.

We are dealing with people in these types of conversations who don’t care about common sense …..they’re the exact types of people who think white people “stole “land from Indians. Talking like that thinking like that is a horrible way to live,
Next we will hear some more nonsense about Da Evul Amurkins'. lol
Do you remember that commercial of the Native American crying when somebody litters. I mean it’s trash like that that creates division. Everyone has littered before that’s a worldwide issue.

One sees the site of a white man who bows down before a BLM member or a Native American. That white man is a slave. That white man is a disgrace to his ancestors. What we need in this country are Black people white people native Americans who are proud of our ancestors and we have to have mutual respect. We clearly have no mutual respect in this country because of the Rich fake liberal politicians they have mansions they are pushing people to destroy statues of Andrew Jackson and Christopher Columbus but they do nothing about the statues of blacks in Indian to owned slaves. We don’t need to write essays about this this is just common sense.

You have brought forth the most informative post I have seen on this topic. And this is excellent. The information you have is scarcely available on the Internet

do you know of any books available on the Google book webpage that actually have a neutral stance on this topic because almost all of the modern day ones are slanted. Google books search engine actually seems to have some good material on their wooden compared to the Google search engine itself….
Indians dont vote, dipshit.
When did American Indians get the right to vote?


Native Americans were not universally granted U.S. citizenship and the right to vote until 1924 — 1924. Even after the Indian Citizenship Act was passed, states still barred Native Americans from voting for decades.Jul 27, 2021

The White House › rema...
This reminds me of a post of yours where you asked for a book recommendation re Jackson and the Cherokees. A book by John Elhe:

While it is far more sympathetic to them than they warrant, he goes into a lot of detail of the events leading up to Jackson's exile, including how their chiefs scammed the govt. out of millions of dollars as well as supplies and then squandered it and refused to abide by their agreement, as well as their robberies, murders, and looting raids on whites outside of the Cherokee Nation and then racing back across its borders and the Chiefs doing nothing to stop them. That was the main reason all thier neighbors hated them, it had zero to do with 'finding gold n stuff'; that's just a made up excuse to portray them as hapless victims of Da Evul White Man rubbish popular with halfwits and commies.

They brought their 'Tears' on themselves; almost half the Cherokees had already relocated and were doing just fine, but these last ones just basically stole all kinds of loot and then laughed at Jackson.
FAFO… Fuck Around; Amd Find Out….
the United States is for all Americans. “Them “ are Our fellow Americans. Seneca Americans, Oneida Americans, Irish Americans Italian Americans this is our land …equal rights equal laws must be had for all.

Another one of my poker friends with the Sioux tribe. I have frank discussions with them all the time about native history and how we feel about these things. That’s what men do. I do not and I cannot and I would never agree with the view that “we “stole land as in we who is we were talking about events far removed from the present era.

Because the poker room at my local tribal casino closed I don’t have much of a chance to get down there and speak with some of the Seneca folks. I surely had many discussions with black panthers with Muslims I worked with at a Islamic school… Point is I hold nothing back. I am a man. I’m not afraid to dish out my viewpoint and I’m not afraid to hear what other people have to say …that’s America in motion

We live in an unequal country. I would like to see the tribal Americans who destroyed statues of Christopher Columbus apologize in public. That is a crime. Literally no different than a bunch of white people just destroying statues of tribal Americans for w/e reason they make up. It’s something that is against mutual respect. If we don’t have mutual respect we can’t have a society.
You sound like a trumpist. If you weren't invovled signing at treat, contract or piece of legislation, it is not worth the paper printed on and just as easily dismissed unilaterally. You will lose this one.

'Native AMERICAN' ...Hellooooo.

We were here before the greedy, land-stealing, indigenous people-murdering 'White Euro Refugees' ever set foot on our shores.

View attachment 755929

No offense, but Native Americans are more 'American' than 'African' Americans, who have NEVER BEEN TO AFRICA - not only are our descendents from HERE but we have also BEEN and LIVE HERE!

Again, nothing personal, but don't you have some statue of someone of your own race to pull down somewhere you can focus on and just leave us alone?!

(Why are you people always f*in with us? Lie after lie, broken treaty after broken treaty...every time we moved to a nice place you wanted it, shoved us at times onto some of the worst freakin' land available, forced us to stay there - FINALLY said we could have the land / reservations we now have today ... and here you lying, treaty-breaking bastards are again wanting us to Give up our land AGAIN?)

No one on planet Earth thinks of natives when you use the word "American". They are the furthest thing from us. I should know since i have actually spent time on reservations. Indians are racist as fuck and crime ridden. I remember one incident where one said to me... and i quote... "we scalp white people around here".

There are no broken treaties in the modern era, just shitty fucking scrubs who think of themselves as different from Americans, so i treat them as such.
When did American Indians get the right to vote?


Native Americans were not universally granted U.S. citizenship and the right to vote until 1924 — 1924. Even after the Indian Citizenship Act was passed, states still barred Native Americans from voting for decades.Jul 27, 2021
View attachment 756021
The White House › rema...
They still dont vote. Indians dont participate in the American experience. They just brood on their reservations all day long every fucking day.

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