Zone1 “ Native American reservations” must be eliminated and they can join us fellow Americans

Kind of late in the game to "just get rid of reservations". That's like "just" getting rid of welfare or Social Security.
Kind of late in the game to "just get rid of reservations". That's like "just" getting rid of welfare or Social Security.

Most native Americans have already assimilated or live far away from reservations. They are mostly just fronts for criminal activity of all kinds.

Is crime higher on reservations?

On a number of Native American reservations Native Women are murdered at a rate representing ten times the national average. Violent crime rates over all on Native American reservations are 2.5 times the national average while some individual reservations reach 20 times the national average of violent crime.

... and so on. They take to violent crime like fish to water. That why few natives would be caught dead near a reservation, much less live on one. Like most minorities with any self-respect and work ethic, they much prefer to live out here with Evul Racist Whitey than with their own.
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Most native Americans have already assimilated or live far away from reservations. They are mostly just fronts for criminal activity of all kinds.

Is crime higher on reservations?

On a number of Native American reservations Native Women are murdered at a rate representing ten times the national average. Violent crime rates over all on Native American reservations are 2.5 times the national average while some individual reservations reach 20 times the national average of violent crime.

... and so on. They take to violent crime like fish to water. That why few natives would be caught dead near a reservation, much less live on one. Like most minorities with any self-respect and work ethic, they much prefer to live out here with Evul Racist Whitey than with their own.

It's not yours to judge, white eyes.
That these exist in America is a shame. At the Seneca casinos…. non-so-called natives cannot join the union….

With a topic like this it’s never enough to say I believe in equality and respect for all….the far left is crazy …in pursuit of “ social Justice “ they don’t understand common sense. Yes this is a simplistic issue violence and land expansion is a human thing not limited to anyone group of history.

That some Americans feel the need to defend reservations is really mind-boggling. It makes no sense because every group of people have their struggles that’s it yes there is right there

Reservations are a disaster according to those who live there. Alcoholism is rampant as is depression. Reservations promote weakness and are a disgrace to the tribes of America.

If non native people get hurt on so-called soverign land they can’t sue… happened to a friend of mine…. there’s many other examples of these types of injustices.

The biggest of all look at the Seneca casino if you’re not a part of the seneca nation and you work at this casino you cannot join your union. Nobody can make an excuse for this crime by the seneca nation.

Americans who think that we “stole their land” have led to a weakness in our society.

As a “Irish” American I don’t hate the British… The same logic has to apply to every group of people in the world.

The day we demolish all native reservations is one of the great days of this country’s history. We should’ve never had these reservations in the first place. We don’t have any Spanish or Mexican or French reservations in this country so there is literally no logic for Indian reservation to exist in this country. They need to be eliminated there’s no more sovereign land that we are all equal as Americans that’s it.

It’s 2023 ….
Do you hate British people who say that Ireland ought to remain conquered and assimilated into Britain? Do you believe it is Ireland's destiny to be a state of a British subjects?

From what I've seen, the Scots simply have alot more balls and moxie in maintaining their identity than the Irish. A few years back there was a vote to see if the majority of Scots would prefer to secede from the UK. It didn't work out, but obviously more scots have a hankering for independence than the Irish do. I wish they had succeeded. I would have considered Scots the true heroes of the British Isles....and in fact I do anyway just for trying.
Wow, what an ignorant racist.

I'm sitting in my 2-story brick home after serving my country for 35 years, looking out at my property as I have breakfast, reading some ignorant racist's post about how Native Americans live in stick homes or trailers.

A “stick home” is a way to refer to a typical wooden framed home.
They still dont vote. Indians dont participate in the American experience. They just brood on their reservations all day long every fucking day.
There are probably more Indians living off the reservations, than on.
Then you arent one of the ones im talking about. If you know anything about the reservations, you know damn well that what i am saying is true. They are racist as fuck.
There aren’t good or bad races. All races have good members and bad members. Judging anyone by their race is stupid.
Ireland is NOT "conquered."
Ireland and Scotland were both conquered by Great Britain and kept in line by military force while being bled dry by having their men serve in the British Army and their land controlled by absentee (mostly) Protestant landlords. The Irish eventually made enough trouble that the British allowed home rule for most of the country. Even in WWII there were a very large number of Irishmen serving in the British Army.
Do you hate British people who say that Ireland ought to remain conquered and assimilated into Britain? Do you believe it is Ireland's destiny to be a state of a British subjects?

From what I've seen, the Scots simply have alot more balls and moxie in maintaining their identity than the Irish. A few years back there was a vote to see if the majority of Scots would prefer to secede from the UK. It didn't work out, but obviously more scots have a hankering for independence than the Irish do. I wish they had succeeded. I would have considered Scots the true heroes of the British Isles....and in fact I do anyway just for trying.
I don’t hate anyone. I have a lot of respect for the history of England for the longest time it was a Catholic kingdom and it produced many people I deeply admire like Robin Hood, King Arthur, Richard the Lionheart. May even say Winston Churchill. Of course Churchill came long after England was a Catholic kingdom.

I understand the British people who want to hang onto what is left of the British empire which as we all know is not much. They are admiring their ancestors and that is something to admire

Throughout history there’s a difference of fof opinions on this matter. Of course there are some number of Irish protestants and even some number of Irish Catholics throughout history that wanted to remain remain with the English or British.

I see similarities between the Scots and the Irishman. We are in a sense brothers bound by centuries of the Catholic faith.

I would agree that throughout the middle ages Scotland and the Scottish people were able to achieve more victories against their English overlords compared to the Irish.

I certainly have respect for Robert the Bruce. But yes I respect the Irish leaders of the 1798 rebellion and I think that that was the most united and greatest rebellion in Irish history. Even though it was a losing effort many Irish bravely died and they took on torture they died a glorious death.

By the way some number of leaders of of the IRA that fought during the times of the troubles were protestants. Not a lot of people know that. Of course the IRA of the 1970s and 1980s was mostly Catholic it wasn’t as nearly united as the 1798 Irish revolutionaries led by the legendary Wolf Tone… an Irish protestant who commanded the respect of Irish protestants and Irish Catholics united in the cause of Irish freedom.
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Why do they call Indians 'Native Americans?' America didn't exist when indigenous people first came to this continent. Of course, they are not East 'Indians' either but 'indigenous' is close, maybe they should be called 'Indigens?'
Why do they call Indians 'Native Americans?' America didn't exist when indigenous people first came to this continent. Of course, they are not East 'Indians' either but 'indigenous' is close, maybe they should be called 'Indigens?'
Many of those folks prefer to go by their tribe. Like Seneca American or mohawk American. That’s really the way forward. Sort of like Irish American or German American.
Many of those folks prefer to go by their tribe. Like Seneca American or mohawk American. That’s really the way forward. Sort of like Irish American or German American.
Fine but, do they get to keep the casinos that are now on what's called 'native American' land?
Yes, it is, actually. Nobody wants to be judged by people with red eyes.

Just when you first wake up and you see those burning red eyes and you don't want them to be judging you. Well, white eyes, those with red eyes don't think you have the right to judge them either.
Just when you first wake up and you see those burning red eyes and you don't want them to be judging you. Well, white eyes, those with red eyes don't think you have the right to judge them either.

What if we don't give a shit whether they like it or not? If they stayed away from the dope and booze, their eyes wouldn't be red and burning. They did their best to mass murder each other, and then white people. They lost. Tough. They're still weak and stupid, true to their past and 'culture'.
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Ireland and Scotland were both conquered by Great Britain and kept in line by military force while being bled dry by having their men serve in the British Army and their land controlled by absentee (mostly) Protestant landlords. The Irish eventually made enough trouble that the British allowed home rule for most of the country. Even in WWII there were a very large number of Irishmen serving in the British Army.

And before that Ireland was a haven for pirates and slavers for hundreds of years, which is why their neighbors didn't care whether they were treated fairly or not. Kill people for long enough then it truly sucks when they get the upper hand.

The Evul WASPS of the U.S. is the only country that rebuilds its former enemies into global powers and allows many millions of diverse ethnic groups to thrive if they so choose to. There is nobody forcing them to stay if they feel all oppressed n stuff, either. One country who kicked us out recently was running to us and sniveling for protection from a violently racist dictatorship maybe a year after they kicked us out. lol
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What if we don't give a shit whether they like it or not? If they stayed away from the dope and booze, their eyes wouldn't be red and burning. They did their best to mass murder each other, and then white people. They lost. Tough. They're still weak and stupid, true to their past and 'culture'.

I have a ton of Ute friends that live on the Rez and also work at the Casinos. I also have a ton of friends from the Navajo Rez as well. For the most part, they are all good people. And I don't have the right to take their "Property' away from them. And that Reservation is THEIR property. It would be like taking away your home and forcing you to move into government owned project housing and not allowing you to work at anything other than jobs on the newly formed "White Rez" or below min wage field work. How long before you start losing your "Civility".
I have a ton of Ute friends that live on the Rez and also work at the Casinos. I also have a ton of friends from the Navajo Rez as well. For the most part, they are all good people. And I don't have the right to take their "Property' away from them. And that Reservation is THEIR property. It would be like taking away your home and forcing you to move into government owned project housing and not allowing you to work at anything other than jobs on the newly formed "White Rez" or below min wage field work. How long before you start losing your "Civility".

Anecdotal stories about 'friends'. lol They will leave when Whitey quits subsidizing them, same as every other minority would. They don't live there because thy give a crap about their 'culture', which is mostly fictional in the first place. They have nothing in common with the peoples from before the 17th century.
There aren’t good or bad races. All races have good members and bad members. Judging anyone by their race is stupid.
Agreed. Race is irrellevent. Only culture matters and indian culture is fucking attrocious. Anyone who has spent much time on a rsservation knows this is a fact.

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