Zone1 “ Native American reservations” must be eliminated and they can join us fellow Americans

So? They stole the land and then we stole it from them. Just because they suck at fighting doesnt mean we should feel sorry for them. And yes, Indians were bullshit warriors. Dont let anyone tell you otherwise. The only wars that indians ever won were when they had the enemy extremely outnumbered.

Indians were BRUTAL people. They deserved to die and i am glad that we killed them. Until they become fellow Americans, i dont give two shits about any fucking indian or any troubles they have today. If they lose their reservations and special rules and become an American, i will welcome them with open arms and defend your freedom, but until then they can suck my dick.
The Democratic Party thanks you for the support.
Is this your idea of more getting rid of our history? It's part of my heritage like it is for over half of the US Citizens that lived west of the Mississippi since 1800 or so. You can cancel your own heritage if you wish but leave mine alone.
If your heritage is "indian", why the fuck would you want to keep it? As far as i can tell, there isnt a single redeeming quality with natives. Its been nothing but pure suckiness for centuries. When they werent slaughtering women and children, they were getting their asses handed to them by men. Indians are shit people. They always will be until they ditch their shit culture and join us Americans.
That these exist in America is a shame. At the Seneca casinos…. non-so-called natives cannot join the union….

With a topic like this it’s never enough to say I believe in equality and respect for all….the far left is crazy …in pursuit of “ social Justice “ they don’t understand common sense. Yes this is a simplistic issue violence and land expansion is a human thing not limited to anyone group of history.

That some Americans feel the need to defend reservations is really mind-boggling. It makes no sense because every group of people have their struggles that’s it yes there is right there

Reservations are a disaster according to those who live there. Alcoholism is rampant as is depression. Reservations promote weakness and are a disgrace to the tribes of America.

If non native people get hurt on so-called soverign land they can’t sue… happened to a friend of mine…. there’s many other examples of these types of injustices.

The biggest of all look at the Seneca casino if you’re not a part of the seneca nation and you work at this casino you cannot join your union. Nobody can make an excuse for this crime by the seneca nation.

Americans who think that we “stole their land” have led to a weakness in our society.

As a “Irish” American I don’t hate the British… The same logic has to apply to every group of people in the world.

The day we demolish all native reservations is one of the great days of this country’s history. We should’ve never had these reservations in the first place. We don’t have any Spanish or Mexican or French reservations in this country so there is literally no logic for Indian reservation to exist in this country. They need to be eliminated there’s no more sovereign land that we are all equal as Americans that’s it.

It’s 2023 ….

Why are you attempting to take away Native Americans' 'reparations' - their own nation given to them because whites killed them and stole their land? Hands off our casinos!

If your heritage is "indian", why the fuck would you want to keep it? As far as i can tell, there isnt a single redeeming quality with natives. Its been nothing but pure suckiness for centuries. When they werent slaughtering women and children, they were getting their asses handed to them by men. Indians are shit people. They always will be until they ditch their shit culture and join us Americans.
Do you think Native Americans - their culture, history, heritage - are like some historic / confederate statue racists / antifa / BLM want to tear down / believes needs to be torn down?
Lol! We didn't steal their land. It's still right there where it always was. We conquered them, and their culture. And as a result; what was once their shit, is now our shit. Welcome to humanity. The meek shall inherit NOTHING...
They always will be until they ditch their shit culture and join us Americans.


'Native AMERICAN' ...Hellooooo.

We were here before the greedy, land-stealing, indigenous people-murdering 'White Euro Refugees' ever set foot on our shores.


No offense, but Native Americans are more 'American' than 'African' Americans, who have NEVER BEEN TO AFRICA - not only are our descendents from HERE but we have also BEEN and LIVE HERE!

Again, nothing personal, but don't you have some statue of someone of your own race to pull down somewhere you can focus on and just leave us alone?!

(Why are you people always f*in with us? Lie after lie, broken treaty after broken treaty...every time we moved to a nice place you wanted it, shoved us at times onto some of the worst freakin' land available, forced us to stay there - FINALLY said we could have the land / reservations we now have today ... and here you lying, treaty-breaking bastards are again wanting us to Give up our land AGAIN?)

Lol! We didn't steal their land. It's still right there where it always was. We conquered them, and their culture. And as a result; what was once their shit, is now our shit. Welcome to humanity. The meek shall inherit NOTHING...

'Manifest Destiny' - Our (white) belief in our God-given right to take your shit.

When the govt comes in and tells you they are going to take you little beach front property because they want it more than you do, because they believe they can use it better - put a massive hotel there for tourists / collect massive taxes / revenue and they tell you to take a fraction of what they just admitted your property is worth, and if you don't take it they seize your property...

When the govt tells you they are taking your land tou put a highway in or tells a strughling farmer they are going to put a cell phone tower in the middle of his crop field - again, take this little bit of money in compensation or we will take the land ...

Every time I hear some white person (or other) whine or complain how this govt STOLE their land, I will now laugh and think:

'The govt didn't STEAL your land - you have been CONQUERED, bitch!

The problem here is how there is often a knee-jerk reaction if folks see somebody say that we need to get rid of the Indian reservations. No that’s the right thing to do.

. Like for example what we saw during the summer of 2020 how some tribal Americans destroyed statues of Christopher Columbus. We can’t then say that all tribal Americans oppose the existence of white people …. even though some of them committed criminal actions to destroy statues of great men, these actions are offensive and they build resentment. The US Gov dropped the ball by not preventing that

It’s always an unfortunate sight when the United States government caves into things that make no sense like doing nothing about the destruction of statues of Christopher Columbus. Well actually we can ask ourselves is this being done on purpose? . You see these things keep happening …we keep seeing anti-American actions and no wonder people are saying is it being done on purpose?

. Nobody in the country is afaik literally nobody is calling for the elimination of any group of people. But this is the problem that this even has to be said.

Another problem with these conversations is how some people on the left will resort sarcasm or they won’t take things seriously and in their own minds they will think it’s absolutely fine that tribes can live on sovereign land and have better rights compared to non-tribal people. I mean the clear-cut example is how the travel casinos don’t allow non- natives to join the union. And this is a galvanizing cause for liberals to talk about. Liberals should do something about this

And it’s going to stop being sad. It’s really unfortunate to see for example on the media when sometimes people have to preface things because they’re afraid of being called a racist or something. There’s no place in America or in any civilized Society

These are very straightforward issues. If one is not a native American they cannot join the union at a tribal casino. That’s .1 that’s just a crime that’s immoral

.2 for example is this idea where if you’re not a part of the tribe and you get hurt on Southern land that you cannot sue are you gonna have a very difficult time going to court. So that his case in point number to a clear-cut injustice that makes absolutely no sense.

Point number three the fact that we have statues of tribal Americans but we are seeing Black Lives Matter supporters, tribal Americans and their white supporters destroying statues of Christopher Columbus. This is a moral this is a clear-cut case of a Pockrus he. Slavery was a worldwide issue. Indians own slaves so did Europeans.

And there are certainly many other points showing us a clear-cut situation where our own government is allowing this to happen they allow these situations to occur where we do not have mutual respect between groups in America. We need to have equality for all

Problem with all this is that 1) these crimes are often state-level crimes and 2) despite "nothing" being done, the leader of the protest that destroyed the CC statue was arrested and charged with a felony over it Protest organizer charged in toppling of Christopher Columbus statue at Minnesota State Capitol
Lol! We didn't steal their land. It's still right there where it always was. We conquered them, and their culture. And as a result; what was once their shit, is now our shit. Welcome to humanity. The meek shall inherit NOTHING...
I see nothing wrong with them wanting to keep their own customs, cultures and heritage.
Yes you did. Not only that you tried to eliminate our culture. You failed. We are still here.
Lol! As you type in English, on the internet, with the lights on in a stick built house, or trailer, with a car or truck in the driveway. Enjoy your copium. Because I'm sure as shit, enjoying my 40 acres of land that used to belong to the now defeated, and conquered natives...
Lol! As you type in English, on the internet, with the lights on in a stick built house, or trailer, with a car or truck in the driveway. Enjoy your copium. Because I'm sure as shit, enjoying my 40 acres of land that used to belong to the now defeated, and conquered natives...
Not only are we not conquered, we are more united than you white folks.
Karma is coming for you.
I was born in america from two swedish parents who were also born here. I identify as a SWEDISH american. My swedish heritage is equal in value to my citizenship.
Lol! As you type in English, on the internet, with the lights on in a stick built house, or trailer, with a car or truck in the driveway. Enjoy your copium. Because I'm sure as shit, enjoying my 40 acres of land that used to belong to the now defeated, and conquered natives...

Wow, what an ignorant racist.

I'm sitting in my 2-story brick home after serving my country for 35 years, looking out at my property as I have breakfast, reading some ignorant racist's post about how Native Americans live in stick homes or trailers.


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