Zone1 “ Native American reservations” must be eliminated and they can join us fellow Americans

That these exist in America is a shame. At the Seneca casinos…. non-so-called natives cannot join the union….

With a topic like this it’s never enough to say I believe in equality and respect for all….the far left is crazy …in pursuit of “ social Justice “ they don’t understand common sense. Yes this is a simplistic issue violence and land expansion is a human thing not limited to anyone group of history.

That some Americans feel the need to defend reservations is really mind-boggling. It makes no sense because every group of people have their struggles that’s it yes there is right there

Reservations are a disaster according to those who live there. Alcoholism is rampant as is depression. Reservations promote weakness and are a disgrace to the tribes of America.

If non native people get hurt on so-called soverign land they can’t sue… happened to a friend of mine…. there’s many other examples of these types of injustices.

The biggest of all look at the Seneca casino if you’re not a part of the seneca nation and you work at this casino you cannot join your union. Nobody can make an excuse for this crime by the seneca nation.

Americans who think that we “stole their land” have led to a weakness in our society.

As a “Irish” American I don’t hate the British… The same logic has to apply to every group of people in the world.

The day we demolish all native reservations is one of the great days of this country’s history. We should’ve never had these reservations in the first place. We don’t have any Spanish or Mexican or French reservations in this country so there is literally no logic for Indian reservation to exist in this country. They need to be eliminated there’s no more sovereign land that we are all equal as Americans that’s it.

It’s 2023 ….

Is this your idea of more getting rid of our history? It's part of my heritage like it is for over half of the US Citizens that lived west of the Mississippi since 1800 or so. You can cancel your own heritage if you wish but leave mine alone.
You "eliminate" them every time you simply refer to them as "tribes." We are a nation. They are separate nations.

Nobody itt is eliminating anybody.

I don’t put words in peoples mouth don’t do it to me my friend

No we are all Americans we just happen to come from different types of backgrounds religiously or ethnically. So I disagree with you. But the bottom line remains we have unequal laws we have a system where again for about the fifth or 10th time if you work at a Seneca casino and you’re not a part of the tribe you cannot get a union job. That is immoral.

We have had tribal Americans destroy statues of Christopher Columbus. But no white Americans destroying statues of tribes men who owned slaves or who fought in wars.

There is an awful knee-jerk reaction buy some Americans on the left and these types of conversations who are apparently triggered by words that are not even offensive. And so it again this is a part of the problem some Americans are even unwilling to talk about the store just shout down people who say we should oppose reservations. That’s not right that’s anti-American.
Is this your idea of more getting rid of our history? It's part of my heritage like it is for over half of the US Citizens that lived west of the Mississippi since 1800 or so. You can cancel your own heritage if you wish but leave mine alone.
Many tribesmen try to get rid of my peoples history of the Italian people. When they destroyed statues of Christopher Columbus. Thankfully these types of criminals haven’t been able to destroy all of the statues of Christopher Columbus. And there’s no logic to it because the tribesmen owned slaves in for each other. There is no logic and taking down statues of Christopher Columbus. Nobody is a racing anyone’s history with exception to the tribesmen who attempt to erase the history of Christopher Columbus who mean so much to my people the Italians.

They had no right to do that it was ugly it was a form of terrorism to take down and destroy the statues of Christopher Columbus . There are no white people going around destroying statues of tribesmen. If there were then I will disagree with it. Tribesmen of today must stand up to those who destroyed statues of Christopher Columbus or else we don’t have mutual respect. If one doesn’t respect each other we don’t have a society. If you don’t respect my people we can’t live together, if I don’t respect your people we can’t live together. Let’s respect each other.
Nobody itt is eliminating anybody.

I don’t put words in peoples mouth don’t do it to me my friend

No we are all Americans we just happen to come from different types of backgrounds religiously or ethnically. So I disagree with you. But the bottom line remains we have unequal laws we have a system where again for about the fifth or 10th time if you work at a Seneca casino and you’re not a part of the tribe you cannot get a union job. That is immoral.

We have had tribal Americans destroy statues of Christopher Columbus. But no white Americans destroying statues of tribes men who owned slaves or who fought in wars.

There is an awful knee-jerk reaction buy some Americans on the left and these types of conversations who are apparently triggered by words that are not even offensive. And so it again this is a part of the problem some Americans are even unwilling to talk about the store just shout down people who say we should oppose reservations. That’s not right that’s anti-American.

Wow, nice gaslighting.
Many tribesmen try to get rid of my peoples history of the Italian people. When they destroyed statues of Christopher Columbus. Thankfully these types of criminals haven’t been able to destroy all of the statues of Christopher Columbus. And there’s no logic to it because the tribesmen owned slaves in for each other. There is no logic and taking down statues of Christopher Columbus. Nobody is a racing anyone’s history with exception to the tribesmen who attempt to erase the history of Christopher Columbus who mean so much to my people the Italians.

They had no right to do that it was ugly it was a form of terrorism to take down and destroy the statues of Christopher Columbus . There are no white people going around destroying statues of tribesmen. If there were then I will disagree with it. Tribesmen of today must stand up to those who destroyed statues of Christopher Columbus or else we don’t have mutual respect. If one doesn’t respect each other we don’t have a society. If you don’t respect my people we can’t live together, if I don’t respect your people we can’t live together. Let’s respect each other.

Here is a history lesson. Columbus was paid by Spain, not Italy. Now, do some research on Coronado and his ilk. Too bad a good wall wasn't erected back then.
Nobody itt is eliminating anybody.

I don’t put words in peoples mouth don’t do it to me my friend

No we are all Americans we just happen to come from different types of backgrounds religiously or ethnically. So I disagree with you. But the bottom line remains we have unequal laws we have a system where again for about the fifth or 10th time if you work at a Seneca casino and you’re not a part of the tribe you cannot get a union job. That is immoral.

We have had tribal Americans destroy statues of Christopher Columbus. But no white Americans destroying statues of tribes men who owned slaves or who fought in wars.

There is an awful knee-jerk reaction buy some Americans on the left and these types of conversations who are apparently triggered by words that are not even offensive. And so it again this is a part of the problem some Americans are even unwilling to talk about the store just shout down people who say we should oppose reservations. That’s not right that’s anti-American.
I have neither shouted you down nor put words in you mouth. I've quoted you and addressed what you've stated. Stop crying.
We did steal their land. We violated treaties and/or removed them by force.

And they stole the land before that..........various tribes also ate members of other tribes too..........primitive peoples around the world did all sorts of horrible things to each wasn't until christianity came here that civilization took root......and ended human sacrifice and canablism....
As did every other civilization currently in existence. What is your point?

By the way, the Native Americans frequently fought with each other, stole each other’s lands, and even enslaved each other long before white people came here

Also, ate people and did human sacrifice....committed horrible acts of torture as well...........
Claiming we didn't is wrong. Claiming that acknowledging the truth that we did makes us "weak" is stupid.

Pretending that indians were not the same as the Europeans is stupid as well..........they were not just peaceful environmentalists......they practiced slavery, human sacrifice, torture and stole land from each other all the time.......
Claiming we didn't is wrong. Claiming that acknowledging the truth that we did makes us "weak" is stupid.

Claiming that the indians weren't as bad as the Europeans is just stupid too......

‘Her head, arms and face were full of bruises and sores,’ wrote one witness, Mary Maverick. ‘And her nose was actually burnt off to the bone. Both nostrils were wide open and denuded of flesh.’

Once handed over, Matilda Lockhart broke down as she described the horrors she had endured — the rape, the relentless sexual humiliation and the way Comanche women had tortured her with fire. It wasn’t just her nose, her thin body was hideously scarred all over with burns.

When she mentioned she thought there were 15 other white captives at the Indians’ camp, all of them being subjected to a similar fate, the Texan lawmakers and officials said they were detaining the Comanche chiefs while they rescued the others.

It was a decision that prompted one of the most brutal slaughters in the history of the Wild West — and showed just how bloodthirsty the Comanche could be in revenge.

He refers to the ‘demonic immorality’ of Comanche attacks on white settlers, the way in which torture, killings and gang-rapes were routine. ‘The logic of Comanche raids was straightforward,’ he explains.

‘All the men were killed, and any men who were captured alive were tortured; the captive women were gang raped. Babies were invariably killed.’

One by one, the children and young women were pegged out naked beside the camp fire,’ according to a contemporary account. ‘They were skinned, sliced, and horribly mutilated, and finally burned alive by vengeful women determined to wring the last shriek and convulsion from their agonised bodies. Matilda Lockhart’s six-year-old sister was among these unfortunates who died screaming under the high plains moon.’

Not only were the Comanche specialists in torture, they were also the most ferocious and successful warriors — indeed, they become known as ‘Lords of the Plains’.

They were as imperialist and genocidal as the white settlers who eventually vanquished them.

Americans who think that we “stole their land” have led to a weakness in our society.
So much for pedestrian opinion. Now how about some mighty facts and SCIENCE!
Starting in the 17th century, European settlers pushed Indigenous people off their land, with the backing of the colonial government and, later, the fledging United States. Indian removal policies intensified in the 19th century, including the forced migration of tens of thousands of people in the U.S. southeast to Oklahoma, known as the Trail of Tears.
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That these exist in America is a shame. At the Seneca casinos…. non-so-called natives cannot join the union….

With a topic like this it’s never enough to say I believe in equality and respect for all….the far left is crazy …in pursuit of “ social Justice “ they don’t understand common sense. Yes this is a simplistic issue violence and land expansion is a human thing not limited to anyone group of history.

That some Americans feel the need to defend reservations is really mind-boggling. It makes no sense because every group of people have their struggles that’s it yes there is right there

Reservations are a disaster according to those who live there. Alcoholism is rampant as is depression. Reservations promote weakness and are a disgrace to the tribes of America.

If non native people get hurt on so-called soverign land they can’t sue… happened to a friend of mine…. there’s many other examples of these types of injustices.

The biggest of all look at the Seneca casino if you’re not a part of the seneca nation and you work at this casino you cannot join your union. Nobody can make an excuse for this crime by the seneca nation.

Americans who think that we “stole their land” have led to a weakness in our society.

As a “Irish” American I don’t hate the British… The same logic has to apply to every group of people in the world.

The day we demolish all native reservations is one of the great days of this country’s history. We should’ve never had these reservations in the first place. We don’t have any Spanish or Mexican or French reservations in this country so there is literally no logic for Indian reservation to exist in this country. They need to be eliminated there’s no more sovereign land that we are all equal as Americans that’s it.

It’s 2023 ….
Have you forgotten that you're the illegal immigrant in America. If you "believe in equality and respect for all", then you would pack your bags and leave the indigenous American Indians in peace. There some right thick bakes in America.

What a derp of a thread.
Actually, the reservations should be given more autonomy.

In fact, in the coming decades when this nation will be evolving in ways that are unimaginable at this time, maybe the reservations will become completely independent.
Most of those casinos are crooked; the slots especially are rigged. I never go in any of them. Most of the 'tribes' are nothing but organized crime syndicates. I really have zero problems with getting rid of them. They can go back to China and Siberia whre they came from if they're unhappy here. Most of them only exist because Whitey feeds them and takes care of them, and kept the bigger tribes from exterminating them.
Actually, the reservations should be given more autonomy.

In fact, in the coming decades when this nation will be evolving in ways that are unimaginable at this time, maybe the reservations will become completely independent.

You overestimate 'native Americans' and their fake 'cultures' by a considerable amount. Most of their 'culture' was invented to sucker the tourists.
Brutality was all the rage back then...we're somewhat more sophisticated today.

But like all conservatives, the view of history is warped in ways that are hard to imagine until someone like the OP verbalizes it and lets us know just how far 'round the bend they have traveled.
Wow, Custer really did finally stand for nothing, ay?

lol this is the typical commie dissonance; they praise Lincoln and his generals no end for his imaginary 'war to free the poor black people', then pretend he and his generals had nothing to do with 'oppressing the poor red man n stuff'. Not that they rate any sort of sympathy, since they loved slavery and especially loved torturing captives in a variety of creative and horrible ways as a sport and a fun family activity. This is due to a bunch of idiot doper hippies in the 1960's glamorizing them and of course Hollywood idiots portraying them as 'noble' and some sort of proto 'environmentalists' who just sat around smoking pot and making wonderful handmade crafts and stuff until Whitey rampaged in and wiped them out, lol looney tunes rubbish like that.
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We did steal their land. We violated treaties and/or removed them by force.
So? They stole the land and then we stole it from them. Just because they suck at fighting doesnt mean we should feel sorry for them. And yes, Indians were bullshit warriors. Dont let anyone tell you otherwise. The only wars that indians ever won were when they had the enemy extremely outnumbered.

Indians were BRUTAL people. They deserved to die and i am glad that we killed them. Until they become fellow Americans, i dont give two shits about any fucking indian or any troubles they have today. If they lose their reservations and special rules and actually become Americans, i will welcome them with open arms and defend their freedom, but until then they can suck my dick.

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