Zone1 “ Native American reservations” must be eliminated and they can join us fellow Americans

Wow, what an ignorant racist.

I'm sitting in my 2-story brick home after serving my country for 35 years, looking out at my property as I have breakfast, reading some ignorant racist's post about how Native Americans live in stick homes or trailers.

Yet, I wasn’t speaking to you.

But to no one’s surprise, you completely miss the point…
Yet, I wasn’t speaking to you.

But to no one’s surprise, you completely miss the point…

That you are an ignorant racist? If that's the point, I didn't miss it.

That you own land that was owned by someone else previously? Got it - still not impressed.
That you are an ignorant racist? If that's the point, I didn't miss it.

That you own land that was owned by someone else previously? Got it - still not impressed.
Nothing I said was “racist” simpleton.
No way that several tribes in MN want that.
They literally have a monopoly on gambling that they protect with a vengeance with one of the most powerful lobbys in the state. Any effort to extend gaming has failed because of it.
Several tribes near the Twin Cities have seen massive increases in income and that is also reflected in a large amount of infrastructure added to the reservations.
They also have unlimited fishing and hunting rights outside of the reservations that no other citizens of the state have.
They also have sovereign status.
Enlighten me. Show me the post that puts race, as the point of criticism. Don’t worry. I’ll wait…

(Insert childish, snickering, dog emoji here for the win.)

I already did - now you are just trying to weasel and squirm your way out of it.

I am not a priest, so if you are looking for absolution I'm not your guy.

If you are looking to convince me you are not an ignorant racist after suggesting Native Anericans live in twig/thatch huts or trailers I'm definitely not your guy.
I already did - now you are just trying to weasel and squirm your way out of it.

I am not a priest, so if you are looking for absolution I'm not your guy.

If you are looking to convince me you are not an ignorant racist after suggesting Native Anericans live in twig/thatch huts or trailers I'm definitely not your guy.
You still don’t get it. I never wrote nor suggested twig/thatch. Which is exactly the point. You might want to get an adult to explain my post to you. Because you clearly aren’t of the intellect to understand what was being clearly stated…
Is this your idea of more getting rid of our history? It's part of my heritage like it is for over half of the US Citizens that lived west of the Mississippi since 1800 or so. You can cancel your own heritage if you wish but leave mine alone.
My heritage is AMERICAN. Shame you don't see it that way
Brutality was all the rage back then...we're somewhat more sophisticated today.

But like all conservatives, the view of history is warped in ways that are hard to imagine until someone like the OP verbalizes it and lets us know just how far 'round the bend they have traveled.
Yep, until they say the quiet part out loud. I recall being similarly idiotic. Then I finally began listening. I'm grateful now whenever this stuff gets discussed. Ignorance is truly bliss.
Yep, until they say the quiet part out loud. I recall being similarly idiotic. Then I finally began listening. I'm grateful now whenever this stuff gets discussed. Ignorance is truly bliss.
Its not a proud chapter of the history of the Anglo. Nor is it a proud chapter of the history of the Native American.

Conservatives are masters of the "our shit don't stink" argument. And they couldn't be more wrong. Most of them are so full of shit their eyes are brown.
Its not a proud chapter of the history of the Anglo. Nor is it a proud chapter of the history of the Native American.

Conservatives are masters of the "our shit don't stink" argument. And they couldn't be more wrong. Most of them are so full of shit their eyes are brown.
They killed women and children in the most brutal fashion and call us savages.
I forgot to mention the criminal destruction of statues of Andrew Jackson. There was that as well. That is something every single American suppose. Show us white men going around destroying statues of tribesmen of America who owned slaves and who fought in expansionist wars just like white people dead. So we don’t have mutual respect in this country because of a small and powerful number of rich white people who are making things worse for so many of us. It is rich white Elite liberals living in a fantasy world making our realities as patriotic Americans are living nightmare. Where we had to wake up every day and see this an even playing field where statues of Christopher Columbus, Andrew Jackson get toppled but no statues of Indians who owned slaves or who fought in expansionist wars get toppled. No it’s nonsense. But thankfully most Americans whether we are white whether Native American, black we are united in America. And we will win because were the ones who support equality we support helping the poor we support helping refugees

There is a timeless example of these conversations where people who oppose common sense don’t even care at the people they are talking to support a quality. There’s so brainwashed they just laugh or Mark order ride people who say back up a second we want to rebuild the statues of Christopher Columbus. Back up a second why do we have reservations in a country where we are all supposed to be equal as Americans. People oppose reservations rightfully and they are from all sorts of background including Native Americans. None of them should be called bigots. It is evil to call somebody a bigot for no good reason.

This topic is a prime example were the great majority of all people in this country want equality. But a loud and small number of radical Americans mostly disgruntled white people they have this sort of feeling where they have no pride in their ancestors and they actually believe these things like the “white man stole land”

Yes it is a straightforward topic. We cannot have different law systems throughout our country. You know what we should have equal Second Amendment laws in every single state for example. We cannot have this thing where we have sovereign land for Irish Americans sovereign land for black Americans sovereign land for Mexican Americans. I mean for example let’s talk about the Spanish let’s talk about the English let’s talk about the French they were all here for hundreds of years do they have sovereign land, no they don’t. Common sense wins in this topic there is no room for native sovereign land it doesn’t make any sense it actually hurts native people.

Let’s look all throughout Europe where land have changed hands so many times do we have sovereign land for certain groups in certain countries. No it doesn’t work like that in the proper civilized world. Although of course there’s tons of problems and many European countries today with a radical far left people attempting to destroy those countries and change them for the worse. So there’s that.

There are so-called scholars who devote countless hours, countless essays, books wasting so much time on how “the white man” took land from the Indian or how the white man destroyed Indians through disease. Such an idea is blatantly offensive. It’s like saying you know with the Mexicans or the refugees coming up through South America that they bring with them death and disease. Talking like that is terrible. It is self defeating it is self-loathing.

Another thing is this the clean debate zone? I thought this was the place where people cannot laugh at posts or mark posts? But I often see in these types of discussions for example when I look at television interviews or a group think tanks the people who often lose it are those who are in capable of having a civilized discussion. When you have someone say they believe in equality among man and want to see Indian reservations dismantled and then someone on the other side says oh you’re a bigot that person on the other side has lost all semblance of civilized behavior and they cannot say they are part of a civilized society

Yes it really is a simplistic topic. All of us as human beings we are all equal under the eyes of our Lord. All of us we all descend from slaves and slave owners. Once we start from this level field of mutual respect we as an American society can go anywhere the sky is the limit. But when we have white people who say you know the blacks steal from us you know the Indians are drunks and alcoholics you know the Irishman or nothing but drunk thieves, when people talk like this when people say oh you know the white man stole land. It gets us absolutely nowhere. We live in a country where a small but loud number of people mostly disgruntled white people have gone around destroying statues of Christopher Columbus They been able to brainwash some minorities including some Black people and some native Americans. With a great majority of Americans whether they be Native Americans, whether they be black white or they be white what are they be Christian what are they be Muslim we are proud of our ancestors we will always be proud of our ancestors and thank God for that. We make this country we are America we will push this country forward and we will win because we are united.

United we stand divided we fall.
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Pretending that indians were not the same as the Europeans is stupid as well..........they were not just peaceful environmentalists......they practiced slavery, human sacrifice, torture and stole land from each other all the time.......

Indeed, and they practiced genocide, imperialist conquests, the whole thing. They could be hired by traders to slaughter entire peoples for a few kegs of rum. PEople hate it when its pointed out the Spaniards had some 200,000 narive allies in thier conquests of the nasty vile Aztecs, too; apparently tossing female children into pits and volcanoes is a fine and admirable thing to the usual assortment of hippies, faggot,s and commies as well.
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I forgot to mention the criminal destruction of statues of Andrew Jackson. There was that as well. That is something every single American suppose. Show us white men going around destroying statues of tribesmen of America who owned slaves and who fought in expansionist wars just like white people dead. So we don’t have mutual respect in this country because of a small and powerful number of rich white people who are making things worse for so many of us. It is rich white Elite liberals living in a fantasy world making our realities as patriotic Americans are living nightmare. Where we had to wake up every day and see this an even playing field where statues of Christopher Columbus, Andrew Jackson get toppled but no statues of Indians who owned slaves or who fought in expansionist wars get toppled. No it’s nonsense. But thankfully most Americans whether we are white whether Native American, black we are united in America. And we will win because were the ones who support equality we support helping the poor we support helping refugees

There is a timeless example of these conversations where people who oppose common sense don’t even care at the people they are talking to support a quality. There’s so brainwashed they just laugh or Mark order ride people who say back up a second we want to rebuild the statues of Christopher Columbus. Back up a second why do we have reservations in a country where we are all supposed to be equal as Americans. People oppose reservations rightfully and they are from all sorts of background including Native Americans. None of them should be called bigots. It is evil to call somebody a bigot for no good reason.

This topic is a prime example were the great majority of all people in this country want equality. But a loud and small number of radical Americans mostly disgruntled white people they have this sort of feeling where they have no pride in their ancestors and they actually believe these things like the “white man stole land”

Yes it is a straightforward topic. We cannot have different law systems throughout our country. You know what we should have equal Second Amendment laws in every single state for example. We cannot have this thing where we have sovereign land for Irish Americans sovereign land for black Americans sovereign land for Mexican Americans. I mean for example let’s talk about the Spanish let’s talk about the English let’s talk about the French they were all here for hundreds of years do they have sovereign land, no they don’t. Common sense wins in this topic there is no room for native sovereign land it doesn’t make any sense it actually hurts native people.

Let’s look all throughout Europe where land have changed hands so many times do we have sovereign land for certain groups in certain countries. No it doesn’t work like that in the proper civilized world. Although of course there’s tons of problems and many European countries today with a radical far left people attempting to destroy those countries and change them for the worse. So there’s that.

There are so-called scholars who devote countless hours, countless essays, books wasting so much time on how “the white man” took land from the Indian or how the white man destroyed Indians through disease. Such an idea is blatantly offensive. It’s like saying you know with the Mexicans or the refugees coming up through South America that they bring with them death and disease. Talking like that is terrible. It is self defeating it is self-loathing.

Another thing is this the clean debate zone? I thought this was the place where people cannot laugh at posts or mark posts? But I often see in these types of discussions for example when I look at television interviews or a group think tanks the people who often lose it are those who are in capable of having a civilized discussion. When you have someone say they believe in equality among man and want to see Indian reservations dismantled and then someone on the other side says oh you’re a bigot that person on the other side has lost all semblance of civilized behavior and they cannot say they are part of a civilized society

Yes it really is a simplistic topic. All of us as human beings we are all equal under the eyes of our Lord. All of us we all descend from slaves and slave owners. Once we start from this level field of mutual respect we as an American society can go anywhere the sky is the limit. But when we have white people who say you know the blacks steal from us you know the Indians are drunks and alcoholics you know the Irishman or nothing but drunk thieves, when people talk like this when people say oh you know the white man stole land. It gets us absolutely nowhere. We live in a country where a small but loud number of people mostly disgruntled white people have gone around destroying statues of Christopher Columbus They been able to brainwash some minorities including some Black people and some native Americans. With a great majority of Americans whether they be Native Americans, whether they be black white or they be white what are they be Christian what are they be Muslim we are proud of our ancestors we will always be proud of our ancestors and thank God for that. We make this country we are America we will push this country forward and we will win because we are united.

United we stand divided we fall.

This reminds me of a post of yours where you asked for a book recommendation re Jackson and the Cherokees. A book by John Elhe:

While it is far more sympathetic to them than they warrant, he goes into a lot of detail of the events leading up to Jackson's exile, including how their chiefs scammed the govt. out of millions of dollars as well as supplies and then squandered it and refused to abide by their agreement, as well as their robberies, murders, and looting raids on whites outside of the Cherokee Nation and then racing back across its borders and the Chiefs doing nothing to stop them. That was the main reason all thier neighbors hated them, it had zero to do with 'finding gold n stuff'; that's just a made up excuse to portray them as hapless victims of Da Evul White Man rubbish popular with halfwits and commies.

They brought their 'Tears' on themselves; almost half the Cherokees had already relocated and were doing just fine, but these last ones just basically stole all kinds of loot and then laughed at Jackson.

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