Nativity display removed from Arkansas court house


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Why do we have to keep fighting this battle over and over? The Constitution makes it clear that government can neither encourage nor discourage religion. It must remain neutral. If christians were a minority religion would they feel comfortable with the majority religion's religious symbols on public property.

“Nativity scenes are only appropriate for private property,” said Roy Speckhardt, executive director of the American Humanist Association. “When the government allows a holiday display that represents just one faith, it implies endorsement of that faith, excluding all others, regardless of what they believe.”

Humanist Group Gets Nativity Display Removed from Arkansas Courthouse
Why do we have to keep fighting this battle over and over? The Constitution makes it clear that government can neither encourage nor discourage religion. It must remain neutral. If christians were a minority religion would they feel comfortable with the majority religion's religious symbols on public property.

“Nativity scenes are only appropriate for private property,” said Roy Speckhardt, executive director of the American Humanist Association. “When the government allows a holiday display that represents just one faith, it implies endorsement of that faith, excluding all others, regardless of what they believe.”

Humanist Group Gets Nativity Display Removed from Arkansas Courthouse

War on Christmas? Liberals say what war on Christmas?

Nothing to see here except they have Been doing this for probably a 100 years plus.
Did that satan statue ever get put up in Oklahoma?

No, the group ran out of money. It was just a farce to attack Christians, they never intended on actually going through with it.
I just checked. They built it but Oklahoma's supreme court ordered the courthouse to take down the 10 commandments and other religious symbols. So now they are planning on installing it somewhere in Arkansas.
Did that satan statue ever get put up in Oklahoma?

No, the group ran out of money. It was just a farce to attack Christians, they never intended on actually going through with it.

Nope. The statue was built, but Oklahoma declared a moratorium on accepting any statues until the ACLU case is settled. In the mean time it was put up in Detroit. There is plenty of money for that statue and many more.
Did that satan statue ever get put up in Oklahoma?

No, the group ran out of money. It was just a farce to attack Christians, they never intended on actually going through with it.
They stopped trying when the illegal Ten Commandments was removed a few weeks ago.

Good..... I hadn't heard that was removed.
A few weeks ago, late at night. About damn time.
'“Nativity scenes are only appropriate for private property,” said Roy Speckhardt, executive director of the American Humanist Association. “When the government allows a holiday display that represents just one faith, it implies endorsement of that faith, excluding all others, regardless of what they believe.”'


What's ridiculous is Establishment Clause case law affords governments the framework of what is Constitutional and what is not Constitutional with regard to religious displays on government property. (see Allegheny County v. ACLU)
'“Nativity scenes are only appropriate for private property,” said Roy Speckhardt, executive director of the American Humanist Association. “When the government allows a holiday display that represents just one faith, it implies endorsement of that faith, excluding all others, regardless of what they believe.”'


What's ridiculous is Establishment Clause case law affords governments the framework of what is Constitutional and what is not Constitutional with regard to religious displays on government property. (see Allegheny County v. ACLU)
Nothing is ever good enough for the American Taliban, as evil as the real one.
Why do we have to keep fighting this battle over and over? The Constitution makes it clear that government can neither encourage nor discourage religion. It must remain neutral. If christians were a minority religion would they feel comfortable with the majority religion's religious symbols on public property.

“Nativity scenes are only appropriate for private property,” said Roy Speckhardt, executive director of the American Humanist Association. “When the government allows a holiday display that represents just one faith, it implies endorsement of that faith, excluding all others, regardless of what they believe.”

Humanist Group Gets Nativity Display Removed from Arkansas Courthouse

That's not what my Constitution says.
Another assault on the 1st Amendment by the fucking Khmer Rouge?

Anyone surprised?
No one is surprised that this sort of ignorance and stupidity is coming from the right.

Following settled, accepted Establishment Clause jurisprudence is not an 'assault' on the First Amendment – quite the opposite, in fact; it's consistent and conforms with the First Amendment.
Why do we have to keep fighting this battle over and over? The Constitution makes it clear that government can neither encourage nor discourage religion. It must remain neutral. If christians were a minority religion would they feel comfortable with the majority religion's religious symbols on public property.

“Nativity scenes are only appropriate for private property,” said Roy Speckhardt, executive director of the American Humanist Association. “When the government allows a holiday display that represents just one faith, it implies endorsement of that faith, excluding all others, regardless of what they believe.”

Humanist Group Gets Nativity Display Removed from Arkansas Courthouse

That's not what my Constitution says.
There's only one Constitution, and it belongs to everyone.
and all the intolerant Fascist in the country had an orgasm over it.

Guano dug it up and had to post it for some reason.
"Why do we have to keep fighting this battle over and over?"

Because there are many on the right ignorant of Establishment Clause jurisprudence.

And there are of course some who know the law but have unwarranted contempt for First Amendment jurisprudence.

There are also those on the social right who know very well their actions are un-Constitutional, but proceed anyway to provoke a conflict for some perceived partisan gain.

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