Nativity display removed from Arkansas court house

Why do we have to keep fighting this battle over and over? The Constitution makes it clear that government can neither encourage nor discourage religion. It must remain neutral. If christians were a minority religion would they feel comfortable with the majority religion's religious symbols on public property.

“Nativity scenes are only appropriate for private property,” said Roy Speckhardt, executive director of the American Humanist Association. “When the government allows a holiday display that represents just one faith, it implies endorsement of that faith, excluding all others, regardless of what they believe.”

Humanist Group Gets Nativity Display Removed from Arkansas Courthouse

That's not what my Constitution says.
There's only one Constitution, and it belongs to everyone.

I was referring to my pocket copy. I checked it to see if the words encourage or discourage were in it.
Another assault on the 1st Amendment by the fucking Khmer Rouge?

Anyone surprised?

Oh come now, it isn't all that. Nobody's stopping you or your neighbors from putting up your own Christmas decorations. Decorate away. Same for your favorite retailers & down at the office too. Nothing's really changed.
Not genocide, speciescide. All humans, every last one of them.

You advocated killing all Jews.

That is genocide.

Your bloodlust may be so great that you want to kill everyone - you're a democrat after all - but you did openly advocated for genocide against the Jews.
You took your eye off the ball when you let the Starbucks attack on the Jesus Snowflakes distract you.

Snowflakes? Is that what you call the lines of meth laid out before you?

I worry about Pol Pot much more than I do Jesus. After all, Jesus is a myth and those who follow him do a poor job of emulating him.

Pol Pot though, was very real, and you who follow him emulate him perfectly. I support freedom of religion and the 1st Amendment not because I follow any god, but because I know what happens when those like you are able to dictate the beliefs of others.
'“Nativity scenes are only appropriate for private property,” said Roy Speckhardt, executive director of the American Humanist Association. “When the government allows a holiday display that represents just one faith, it implies endorsement of that faith, excluding all others, regardless of what they believe.”'


What's ridiculous is Establishment Clause case law affords governments the framework of what is Constitutional and what is not Constitutional with regard to religious displays on government property. (see Allegheny County v. ACLU)

Yup. As long as you display either a multipicity of faiths, or secular displays, you're in the clear. My town does it all.

If that town had just had baby Jesus holding a dradle with a Menorah in the Manger and maybe some Kwanzaa decor spread about. . . they probably would have been in the clear. It wouldn't have hurt to have Santa shepherding the sheep too. :lmao:
You took your eye off the ball when you let the Starbucks attack on the Jesus Snowflakes distract you.

Snowflakes? Is that what you call the lines of meth laid out before you?

I worry about Pol Pot much more than I do Jesus. After all, Jesus is a myth and those who follow him do a poor job of emulating him.

Pol Pot though, was very real, and you who follow him emulate him perfectly. I support freedom of religion and the 1st Amendment not because I follow any god, but because I know what happens when those like you are able to dictate the beliefs of others.
If you support the First then you agree the government cannot promote religion, any religion.
If you support the First then you agree the government cannot promote religion, any religion.

Promote <> Allow, Adolf.

This is what you totalitarian thugs can't grasp.

When you prohibit the free exercise of religion, as the OP is so happy about, you shit all over the 1st.
Why do we have to keep fighting this battle over and over? The Constitution makes it clear that government can neither encourage nor discourage religion. It must remain neutral. If christians were a minority religion would they feel comfortable with the majority religion's religious symbols on public property.

“Nativity scenes are only appropriate for private property,” said Roy Speckhardt, executive director of the American Humanist Association. “When the government allows a holiday display that represents just one faith, it implies endorsement of that faith, excluding all others, regardless of what they believe.”

Humanist Group Gets Nativity Display Removed from Arkansas Courthouse
thank you guno. This type of thing needs to be stamped out!!!
Lets get rid of the picture of Moses in the Congress that Bibi referred to, it doesn't belong there, no one knows what Moses looked like or if he even existed. A picture of Jesus should be there, not Moses, if any picture should be there at all.
If you support the First then you agree the government cannot promote religion, any religion.

Promote <> Allow, Adolf.

This is what you totalitarian thugs can't grasp.

When you prohibit the free exercise of religion, as the OP is so happy about, you shit all over the 1st.
If the local church and the local pagans want to fight it out on the public square, that is allowed, and the government has to stay neutral.
Why do we have to keep fighting this battle over and over? The Constitution makes it clear that government can neither encourage nor discourage religion. It must remain neutral. If christians were a minority religion would they feel comfortable with the majority religion's religious symbols on public property.

“Nativity scenes are only appropriate for private property,” said Roy Speckhardt, executive director of the American Humanist Association. “When the government allows a holiday display that represents just one faith, it implies endorsement of that faith, excluding all others, regardless of what they believe.”

Humanist Group Gets Nativity Display Removed from Arkansas Courthouse
Maybe they can move the display to a nearby church
Right on the heels of fucking Halloween. Hate this time of year. One holiday right after another, now they're on top of one another. We should just declare everyday is a holiday, that way nobody will even have to work anymore.

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