Natl Security Nightmare Revelation - Hillary DONE!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
BREAKING NEWS: It is being reported that Hillary Clinton not only had classified info in her e-mails, she had some of the highest security clearance level material there is out there (TS/SCI/TK/NOFORN). FURTHERMORE, she hired a NON-government Denver Colorado Tech company to 'house and secure' a lot of her e-mails, a company that (initially) claims it did NOT know the e-mails contained such classified documents.
- WHO in this company had direct access to Hillary's e-mails? (Tech guys, etc...)
- Do THEY have the clearance required to handle TS/SCI/TK/NOFORN material?
- Does the company have the approval / authority and capability to legally handle material with this classification?
- Was the e-mails/date trasnfered over to them in accordance with government classification rules / regulations / laws?
- For that matter, why did Hillary's Lawyer, who does NOT have a Security Clearance at all have in his possession Hillary's e-mails that contained highly classified material? Did he share it with anyone? How do we know? We do know that he illegally had the information, transported the material illegally (not in accordance with laws / rules / regs - a full investigation is now needed to find out when he received it, from whom, where was it stored, who else had access to it, etc...)

*** All initial indications point to the answer of all these questions being 'NO'! These are EXTREMELY SERIOUS potential violations of law and endangered our National Security and possibly that of some of our allies.


Hillary had told Congress that she only used ONE personal e-mail account.
- She had SEVERAL. (Perjury)

Hillary told Congress she did not have, never received, and never sent out 'classified material'
- It was then initially revealed she had, sent, and received 'Top Secret' Information....NOW it has been discovered that she had, sent, and received TS/SCI/TK.NOFORN Data. (Perjury)

Hillary told Congress her personal e-mails, hard drives, and server were encrypted and totally secure. We then learned that the encryption she used was installed improperly and did NOT work, her personal devices were NOT in accordance with US Laws regarding the handling, storage, and transfer of classified material.

Congress demanded she hand over her e-mails. Out of 60,000+ e-mails she TOLD THEM that SHE would be the judge of what was 'theirs' and what was 'personal, then proceeded to destroy approx 30,000 e-mails. At this time Congress discovered that all e-mails regarding Benghazi - at the time of the attack - were missing...and Hillary re-assured (ROFLOL) Congress that she had NOTshredded any documents regarding Benghazi and that she simply did not use any of her e-mail accounts and/or talked about Benghazi at all from a month before the attack on 9/11/12 until several weeks after.
- NOW that the FBI has Hillary's hard drives, they will be able to recover ALL of her e-mails, to include the ones she destroyed. If any regarding Benghazi are found she will be guilty of Perjury.

AT THIS POINT HILLARY COULD BE CHARGED WITH Perjury, Mishandling of Classified Information, Illegal storage, transfer, AND destruction of classified material.


Hillary told Congress she had turned over all of her e-mails...and then Sidney Blumenthall came forward and handed over his e-mails from Hillary. They contained classified documents / material sent to him from Hillary. They contained documents Hillary did NOT turn over to Congress herself, which means she withheld e-mails and then lied to Congress (Perjury) by telling them she had done so.

ALSO, Sidney Blumenthall informed Congress (although it was already known) that HIS servers had been HACKED INTO SEVERAL MONTHS AGO and that the classified info form Hillary had most probably been taken. One of the 1st questions he was then asked was WHY was this JUST being brought to the federal government's attention? (The answer was obvious though not spoken - protecting Hillary and her lies was made a higher priority than our national security!)


- It is a proven FACT that while acting as Secretary of State she protected a foreign millionaire and his company from being hit with heavy fines, penalties, and other punishment for illegally violating the US sanctions on Iran by running contraband to the Iranians..the guy just happened to be a HUGE donor.
- It is a proven FACT that Hillary helped the Russians purchase / obtain 1/5th of the US Stockpile of Uranium.
- It is a proven FACT that Hillary tried to secretly sell, on her own, several Aleutian Islands, to include their mineral rights to the Soviets...but when the plan was uncovered it was opposed and shut down.
- It is also a proven FACT that both the Chinese and RUSSIANS have been responsible for the recent (nearly a year) hacks into Government computers and the theft of MILLIONS of govcernment employee records and other data.

Considering how Hillary has tried to sell almost anything that wasn't tied down, to include US teritorial land that was not hers to sell and how she has taken millions from foreign nations (to include those who oppress women, kill gays, and support terrorist enemies of the US), many people / politicians are beginning to wonder - rightly so - if Hillary has done all this has she gone as far as to sell Top Secret Information to go along with uranium and influence.

Her criminal activity far surpasses that of retired General David Patraeus, who was prosecuted for mishandling classified, material that was no where near as classified as the information (Yes, he GAVE classified to a female...AMERICAN. We pretty much can assume both the Chinese and Russians now have the TS/SCI/TK/NOFORN material Hillary hid, lied about, and released/transfered illegally.) Hillary Clinton allowed this material to be exposed and collected by foreign hackers. Until the exact information Hillary had and mis-handled is identified and analyzed, there is no telling how much damage has been done to this country!

- The DOJ seems to be dragging their feet on this one, though HOW they can justify that I can not understand! Any of us would already have been arrested, probably charged with treason, and be in jail already!
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With the moonbat messiah and his minions in charge of the government, I'm skeptical that Hitlary will even face charges.

I seriously believe that she could shoot a kid in the face on the Capitol steps, and not only escape prosecution, but her mindless acolytes would find a way to blame the kid.

I have lost count of how many topics have already covered this.

The material was not classified at the time it was sent to Clinton. It was retroactively classified.

No laws were broken.

End of phony scandal.
Clinton is more concerned about protecting here own secrets and image that she has a wanton disregard for IT security. Full disclosure: I am a 20 year IT Security professional. Ask any professional if it is validation and that the risk has been mitegated when they simply tell you data was encrypted and secured.
It will be downplayed by the Democrats, ignored by the mainstream network press, lied about and diverted by the leftist fanatics, and in the end nothing will come of it.

Business as usual for the Left.

Can you imagine the result if Scott Walker was found to have concealed emails, destroyed them, and mishandled Top Secret info?
I have lost count of how many topics have already covered this.

The material was not classified at the time it was sent to Clinton. It was retroactively classified.

No laws were broken.

End of phony scandal.

Information is CLASSIFIED at the time it is collected and when placed in a document. By Law and regulation it can ONLY BE DE-CLASSIFED by certain individuals and through a certain process. This never happened. If you get your hands of classified material, EVEN IF THE DOCUMENT IN MIS-MARKED or NOT MARKED AT ALL...the INFORMAITON IS STILL CLASSIFIED!

This entire argument that the HIGHLY CLASSIFIED information she had was NOT 'classified' at the time because it was lacking the appropriate classification level markings is a COMPLETE LIE / FALSE ASSUMPTION! Once the information was discovered the FBI and government did not simply suddenly classify it - it ewas already classified. They simply applied the correct, legal level of classification to the document.

If Hillary was too STUPID to understand the information she was handling was highly classified she should not have been handling it and should NEVER be allowed to do so again. STILL, mis-handling classified material, which she OBVIOUSLY did is STILL a prosecutable offense. (And HOW are you NOT going to know that gighly classified satelite imagery obtained through the use of highly classifed satelites is NOT classified? you smell that? It's the smell of B$!)
I have lost count of how many topics have already covered this.

The material was not classified at the time it was sent to Clinton. It was retroactively classified.

No laws were broken.

End of phony scandal.

Two Inspectors General for the Federal Government with direct knowledge of the situation say you are wrong. Do you think they're lying....or is Hillary? :lol:
It will be downplayed by the Democrats, ignored by the mainstream network press, lied about and diverted by the leftist fanatics, and in the end nothing will come of it.

Business as usual for the Left.

Can you imagine the result if Scott Walker was found to have concealed emails, destroyed them, and mishandled Top Secret info?

Can you imagine if he even bounced a check?

I have lost count of how many topics have already covered this.

The material was not classified at the time it was sent to Clinton. It was retroactively classified.

No laws were broken.

End of phony scandal.
If it was the end of the scandal the FBI wouldn't be investigating it. They just took possession of the server YESTERDAY.

Why don't you wait till they're done investigating before you proclaim innocence eh?
I have lost count of how many topics have already covered this.

The material was not classified at the time it was sent to Clinton. It was retroactively classified.

No laws were broken.

End of phony scandal.

Two Inspectors General for the Federal Government with direct knowledge of the situation say you are wrong.

No they don't.
BREAKING NEWS: It is being reported that Hillary Clinton not only had classified info in her e-mails, she had some of the highest security clearance level material there is out there (TS/SCI/TK/NOFORN). FURTHERMORE, she hired a NON-government Denver Colorado Tech company to 'house and secure' a lot of her e-mails, a company that (initially) claims it did NOT know the e-mails contained such classified documents.
- WHO in this company had direct access to Hillary's e-mails? (Tech guys, etc...)
- Do THEY have the clearance required to handle TS/SCI/TK/NOFORN material?
- Does the company have the approval / authority and capability to legally handle material with this classification?
- Was the e-mails/date trasnfered over to them in accordance with government classification rules / regulations / laws?
- For that matter, why did Hillary's Lawyer, who does NOT have a Security Clearance at all have in his possession Hillary's e-mails that contained highly classified material? Did he share it with anyone? How do we know? We do know that he illegally had the information, transported the material illegally (not in accordance with laws / rules / regs - a full investigation is now needed to find out when he received it, from whom, where was it stored, who else had access to it, etc...)

*** All initial indications point to the answer of all these questions being 'NO'! These are EXTREMELY SERIOUS potential violations of law and endangered our National Security and possibly that of some of our allies.


Hillary had told Congress that she only used ONE personal e-mail account.
- She had SEVERAL. (Perjury)

Hillary told Congress she did not have, never received, and never sent out 'classified material'
- It was then initially revealed she had, sent, and received 'Top Secret' Information....NOW it has been discovered that she had, sent, and received TS/SCI/TK.NOFORN Data. (Perjury)

Hillary told Congress her personal e-mails, hard drives, and server were encrypted and totally secure. We then learned that the encryption she used was installed improperly and did NOT work, her personal devices were NOT in accordance with US Laws regarding the handling, storage, and transfer of classified material.

Congress demanded she hand over her e-mails. Out of 60,000+ e-mails she TOLD THEM that SHE would be the judge of what was 'theirs' and what was 'personal, then proceeded to destroy approx 30,000 e-mails. At this time Congress discovered that all e-mails regarding Benghazi - at the time of the attack - were missing...and Hillary re-assured (ROFLOL) Congress that she had NOTshredded any documents regarding Benghazi and that she simply did not use any of her e-mail accounts and/or talked about Benghazi at all from a month before the attack on 9/11/12 until several weeks after.
- NOW that the FBI has Hillary's hard drives, they will be able to recover ALL of her e-mails, to include the ones she destroyed. If any regarding Benghazi are found she will be guilty of Perjury.

AT THIS POINT HILLARY COULD BE CHARGED WITH Perjury, Mishandling of Classified Information, Illegal storage, transfer, AND destruction of classified material.


Hillary told Congress she had turned over all of her e-mails...and then Sidney Blumenthall came forward and handed over his e-mails from Hillary. They contained classified documents / material sent to him from Hillary. They contained documents Hillary did NOT turn over to Congress herself, which means she withheld e-mails and then lied to Congress (Perjury) by telling them she had done so.

ALSO, Sidney Blumenthall informed Congress (although it was already known) that HIS servers had been HACKED INTO SEVERAL MONTHS AGO and that the classified info form Hillary had most probably been taken. One of the 1st questions he was then asked was WHY was this JUST being brought to the federal government's attention? (The answer was obvious though not spoken - protecting Hillary and her lies was made a higher priority than our national security!)


- It is a proven FACT that while acting as Secretary of State she protected a foreign millionaire and his company from being hit with heavy fines, penalties, and other punishment for illegally violating the US sanctions on Iran by running contraband to the Iranians..the guy just happened to be a HUGE donor.
- It is a proven FACT that Hillary helped the Russians purchase / obtain 1/5th of the US Stockpile of Uranium.
- It is a proven FACT that Hillary tried to secretly sell, on her own, several Aleutian Islands, to include their mineral rights to the Soviets...but when the plan was uncovered it was opposed and shut down.
- It is also a proven FACT that both the Chinese and RUSSIANS have been responsible for the recent (nearly a year) hacks into Government computers and the theft of MILLIONS of govcernment employee records and other data.

Considering how Hillary has tried to sell almost anything that wasn't tied down, to include US teritorial land that was not hers to sell and how she has taken millions from foreign nations (to include those who oppress women, kill gays, and support terrorist enemies of the US), many people / politicians are beginning to wonder - rightly so - if Hillary has done all this has she gone as far as to sell Top Secret Information to go along with uranium and influence.

Her criminal activity far surpasses that of retired General David Patraeus, who was prosecuted for mishandling classified, material that was no where near as classified as the information (Yes, he GAVE classified to a female...AMERICAN. We pretty much can assume both the Chinese and Russians now have the TS/SCI/TK/NOFORN material Hillary hid, lied about, and released/transfered illegally.) Hillary Clinton allowed this material to be exposed and collected by foreign hackers. Until the exact information Hillary had and mis-handled is identified and analyzed, there is no telling how much damage has been done to this country!

- The DOJ seems to be dragging their feet on this one, though HOW they can justify that I can not understand! Any of us would already have been arrested, probably charged with treason, and be in jail already!

You say 'she hired a NON-government Denver Colorado Tech company to 'house and secure...'
Security isn't that important anymore anyway. Booz-Hamilton of eric snowden fame is a private company given control over much of our security. And then there were the security breaches at our nuclear labs featuring Wen Ho Lee, a chinese nationalist in contact with red china.
I have lost count of how many topics have already covered this.

The material was not classified at the time it was sent to Clinton. It was retroactively classified.

No laws were broken.

End of phony scandal.
Some of the emails contained spy satellite imagery, which is automatically classified as soon as it is created. How can something that's automatically classified intelligence suddenly become unclassified, then be retroactively classified again????

Face it, Hillary lied again.... and your claims are making you look pretty stupid.
No laws were broken.

End of phony scandal.

You have NO idea what you are talking about.

- Only used one personal e-mail account, had possession of NO classified, turned over all my e-mails, 'Ok, only SECRET documents...: PERJURY

- Improper encryption on e-mails / hard drive / server; illegal transfer of classified documents, lawyer
- no security clearnace - had the classified info on a thumb drive, Colorado IT firm has TS/SCI/TK classified info from Hillary on their servers, unknown persons with access, no authority / capability to store such classified: Illegal transfer, storage, & protection of classified, release of highly classified to individuals w/out proper security clearances,

- Destroyed e-mails: Illegal destruction of classified material, impeding an investigation,

Ignorance, and in her case STUPIDITY, in this case is in no way an excuse for the crimes that have been committed. At the VERY EXTREME MINIMUM, Hillary is making the case herself that she is TOO STUPID, TOO UN-TRUSTWORTHY, TOO MUCH OF A LIAR, TOO MUCH OF A LIABILITY TO OUR NATIONAL SECURITY to EVER be entrusted with a federal / state / local job again and with any kind of Security Clearance again.
Security isn't that important anymore anyway. Booz-Hamilton of eric snowden fame is a private company given control over much of our security. And then there were the security breaches at our nuclear labs featuring Wen Ho Lee, a chinese nationalist in contact with red china.
TRANSLATION: If anybody else abused and compromised our security anywhere, that makes it OK for Hillary to do it even more.
I have lost count of how many topics have already covered this.

The material was not classified at the time it was sent to Clinton. It was retroactively classified.

No laws were broken.

End of phony scandal.

Two Inspectors General for the Federal Government with direct knowledge of the situation say you are wrong.

No they don't.

Yes they do. You should learn from Hildabeast lying doesn't work. :D

The inspectors general for the U.S. State Department and the U.S. Intelligence Community issued a joint written statement late Friday afternoon asserting that emails that Hillary Clinton had on her personal email account while she was Secretary of State, and that she kept on a personal server after she left the government, “contained classified information when they were generated,” “remain classified today” and “should never have been transmitted via an unclassified personal system.”

State Dept. Inspector General Contradicts Clinton Emails Contained Classified Information When They Were Generated
You say 'she hired a NON-government Denver Colorado Tech company to 'house and secure...'
Security isn't that important anymore anyway. Booz-Hamilton of eric snowden fame is a private company given control over much of our security. And then there were the security breaches at our nuclear labs featuring Wen Ho Lee, a chinese nationalist in contact with red china.

'Security isn't that important anyway.'
- WT* are you talking about?! So the release of TOP SECRET / TS / SCI / TK / NOFORN data, information that contains some of the highest level clearance data that is defined as having the potential to inflict 'grave danger and harm' upon our national security - information that is NON-Releasable to any foreign entity to include our allies, is NOT that big of a deal?

If it really doesn't matter, then why do we even classify the documents? We should just hang the information out there on an unprotected web site, right? ROFLOL! I don't even have to explain to everyone how ignorant and / or insane you sound. YOU made the point yourself. Have a nice day.

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