NATO should put the screws into Belarus.

And you would love it if he were to attack Russia. We must show Putin who’s boss in his backyard. RIGHT?


President Potatohead is the one with a record of supporting wars like I listed above. He is the one you need to write and tell him your concerns.
President Potatohead is the one with a record of supporting wars like I listed above. He is the one you need to write and tell him your concerns.
Why? Do you write the president when you have concerns? You apparently are very concerned about old Joe. Write him a letter. I’m sure he’ll address your concerns immediately.
Why? Do you write the president when you have concerns? You apparently are very concerned about old Joe. Write him a letter. I’m sure he’ll address your concerns immediately.
LOL! You are doing the bitching so I told you the only thing you can do. Don't get pissed at me just because nobody gives a shit about what you think.
LOL! You are doing the bitching so I told you the only thing you can do. Don't get pissed at me just because nobody gives a shit about what you think.
All you do is bitch about Joe and the D Party like a good little toady of the duopoly.
All you do is bitch about Joe and the D Party like a good little toady of the duopoly.

You are the one that doesn't want war but have no problem with Potatohead's record of being a war monger. I just pointed out what you can do about it. Write the sonofabitch and tell him not to go to war with the Russkies.
You are the one that doesn't want war but have no problem with Potatohead's record of being a war monger. I just pointed out what you can do about it. Write the sonofabitch and tell him not to go to war with the Russkies.
You want war. Tell old Joe.
You want war. Tell old Joe.
Who did you vote for in 2008? Did you vote for that war monger Worthless Negro and his dumbass VP that bombed Libya and fought the war in Iraq for three years? I voted for Ron Paul a non interventionists.

Who did you vote for in 2012? Did you vote for that war monger Worthless Negro and his dumbass VP that escalated the war in Afghanistan? I voted for Ron Paul, a non interventionists.

Who did you vote for in 2016? Did you vote for Crooked Hillary that supported the invasion of Iraq and was Secretary of State when the Worthless Negro was doing his war mongering shit? I voted for Ron Paul, a non interventionist. I had to write him in that year because he wasn't on the ballot.

Who did you vote for in 2020? Did you vote for that Potatohead who supported the invasion of Iraq and and all the war mongering that the Worthless Negro did? I voted for Trump that was the first President in my lifetime that didn't get us into another foreign conflict and who initiated the withdrawal of troops from the Worthless Negro's escalation in Afghanistan.

You have big mouth but you ain't worth a shit. You have no idea what you are talking about most all of the time.
Who did you vote for in 2008? Did you vote for that war monger Worthless Negro and his dumbass VP that bombed Libya and fought the war in Iraq for three years? I voted for Ron Paul a non interventionists.

Who did you vote for in 2012? Did you vote for that war monger Worthless Negro and his dumbass VP that escalated the war in Afghanistan? I voted for Ron Paul, a non interventionists.

Who did you vote for in 2016? Did you vote for Crooked Hillary that supported the invasion of Iraq and was Secretary of State when the Worthless Negro was doing his war mongering shit? I voted for Ron Paul, a non interventionist. I had to write him in that year because he wasn't on the ballot.

Who did you vote for in 2020? Did you vote for that Potatohead who supported the invasion of Iraq and and all the war mongering that the Worthless Negro did? I voted for Trump that was the first President in my lifetime that didn't get us into another foreign conflict and who initiated the withdrawal of troops from the Worthless Negro's escalation in Afghanistan.

You have big mouth but you ain't worth a shit. You have no idea what you are talking about most all of the time.
You’re a typical brain dead con. Caught in the duopoly matrix and too dumb to know it.

I never voted D in my life. I voted R mostly I’m ashamed to admit. I don’t vote anymore. It clearly means nothing.
You’re a typical brain dead con. Caught in the duopoly matrix and too dumb to know it.

I never voted D in my life. I voted R mostly I’m ashamed to admit. I don’t vote anymore. It clearly means nothing.

You fucking don't have a clue what you believe in, do you?

You are just a confused stupid American hating Moon Bat, aren't you?
Lukashenko would have to be an idiot to send his army into Ukraine after the Ukrainian army chewed up the Russian army.
But according to intel, he's thinking about it. And the effect on Ukraine's defenses would not be insignificant.
Belarus has a tiny army (48,000,000) which probably didn't look as good as the Russian army in the recent war games.
Uh, Belarus active duty forces 45K. Reserves 290K. They don't want to get involved, but ultimately it will be up to Moscow.

Meanwhile, this morning in the port of Berdyansk. 3 LST's hit. one destroyed at the dock, two underway. one leaving on fire.

They were offloading naval infantry and ammunition- these are resupply missions.

The fixed pier is destroyed, which probaly cuts the port's capacity by about half. There was also a warehouse full of munitions destroyed according to reports.

Uh, Belarus active duty forces 45K. Reserves 290K. They don't want to get involved, but ultimately it will be up to Moscow.

Meanwhile, this morning in the port of Berdyansk. 3 LST's hit. one destroyed at the dock, two underway. one leaving on fire.

They were offloading naval infantry and ammunition- these are resupply missions.

The fixed pier is destroyed, which probaly cuts the port's capacity by about half. There was also a warehouse full of munitions destroyed according to reports.

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