Nature: No Gay Gene.

For decades the homo's claimed it was a gay gene, not choice, that made them fudge packers.
Now that the homo gene has been proven by science not to exist.
The homo crowd is searching frantically for some other excuse to explain their perverted behavior. ... :gay:

Because they also know they have been standing in direct defiance of ancient human biological imperative AND God . . . and their shame must be unimaginable and unbearable. They're searching for someone, anyone to justify their anti-human behavior.
Because they also know they have been standing in direct defiance of ancient human biological imperative AND God . . . and their shame must be unimaginable and unbearable. They're searching for someone, anyone to justify their anti-human behavior.
Hate to break this to you Pilgrim..
But there NO evidence of 'god/s,' genetic or otherwise.

Because they also know they have been standing in direct defiance of ancient human biological imperative AND God . . . and their shame must be unimaginable and unbearable. They're searching for someone, anyone to justify their anti-human behavior.
Hate to break this to you Pilgrim..
But there NO evidence of 'god/s,' genetic or otherwise.


You are certainly entitled to your opinion, as am I. Just as I am absolutely confident in the primeval compliance . . . the solidity of the ground upon which my opinion stands.
Not making a political or cultural point here...just sharing an article that I found interesting.

I have been of the mind that sexual preference is not a choice based on the fact that I could not choose to be attracted to a dude. But this study seems to imply that there is more to sexual preference than biological imperative...

Ganna and his colleagues also used the analysis to estimate that up to 25% of sexual behaviour can be explained by genetics, with the rest influenced by environmental and cultural factors — a figure similar to the findings of smaller studies.​
“This is a solid study,” says Melinda Mills, a sociologist at the University of Oxford, UK, who studies the genetic basis of reproductive behaviours.​
It's idiotic to think that sexual orientation has to be based on the existence of a specific gene OR be a choice. To do so is to just dumb down the complexity of human sexuality and ignores the other biological factors as well as psych-social implications. If you are really interested in the subject, google "epigenetics"

You are dead wrong. Human beings exist for the fulfillment of one primordial, ancient biological cause—one that underlies and exceeds all other imperatives: reproduction or propagation or continuation of the species. Homosexuality stands in direct conflict to this ancient human biological imperative. To assume that you or any other single unit of human being can stand in the way of this imperative or defy it without consequence is the height of ignorance and naïveté and represents the greatest enemy of mankind.
Well for starters, you reply acually has nothing to do with my point. But, since you brought it up
Gay people are not steril. They have children, have families and are parents

Now please wipe the spit off of your chin


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Not making a political or cultural point here...just sharing an article that I found interesting.

I have been of the mind that sexual preference is not a choice based on the fact that I could not choose to be attracted to a dude. But this study seems to imply that there is more to sexual preference than biological imperative...

Ganna and his colleagues also used the analysis to estimate that up to 25% of sexual behaviour can be explained by genetics, with the rest influenced by environmental and cultural factors — a figure similar to the findings of smaller studies.​
“This is a solid study,” says Melinda Mills, a sociologist at the University of Oxford, UK, who studies the genetic basis of reproductive behaviours.​

A campaign to deceive Americans into believing homosexuality had been an endemic feature of human behavior since ancient times was launched about a century ago. Its propaganda was introduced into every facet and level of American life, from Hollywood produced entertainment to college level curriculum and even public school history curricula. The result? A century later at least one third or more Americans believe homosexuality to be innate to the human condition. But this is a total lie and represents yet another attack on American civilization and the propagation of the human race at large. It is anti-human reproduction . . . period.

So why do some people quote the Old Testament in opposing the rights of the LGBTQ community? The Old Testament is thousands of years old, so it must have been known. And this only covers the factions of the Abrahamic faiths that have their origins in the Middle East that oppose LGBTQs, not all cultures and religions.

How did you arrive at the conclusion that the belief that homosexuality is innate to the human condition is a lie? How exactly is this an attack on American civilization?

There are plenty of people out there reproducing; some willy-nilly and some overdoing it.
So why do some people quote the Old Testament in opposing the rights of the LGBTQ community? The Old Testament is thousands of years old, so it must have been known.
Murder and rape were also known and happened in the ancient world.
But like homosexuality, they were condemned by the people as perverse and uncivilized, and those who engaged in that behavior needed to be eliminated for the good of society.. ... :cool:
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Not making a political or cultural point here...just sharing an article that I found interesting.

I have been of the mind that sexual preference is not a choice based on the fact that I could not choose to be attracted to a dude. But this study seems to imply that there is more to sexual preference than biological imperative...

Ganna and his colleagues also used the analysis to estimate that up to 25% of sexual behaviour can be explained by genetics, with the rest influenced by environmental and cultural factors — a figure similar to the findings of smaller studies.​
“This is a solid study,” says Melinda Mills, a sociologist at the University of Oxford, UK, who studies the genetic basis of reproductive behaviours.​
Was the number the same for women and men? It seems that women are more fluid.
I'm going to continue to hold onto the hope that a gay gene or combination of genes can and will be found.

Imagine the leftardz reaction when a genetic test can predict a gay child in a gay test during pregnancy (like downs is tested for) and then the parents can decide to abort it if they want to avoid the challenges associated with having a gay child.
I'm going to continue to hold onto the hope that a gay gene or combination of genes can and will be found.

Imagine the leftardz reaction when a genetic test can predict a gay child in a gay test during pregnancy (like downs is tested for) and then the parents can decide to abort it if they want to avoid the challenges associated with having a gay child.

That would be interesting, although the reality is that the Gay Community is big on looking to recruit new members. The common thought is that Homos are made and not born.

That is a better explanation, as it explains why such a large percentage of the people in areas like Greenwich Village, NY used to be Normative but now the areas are almost all homo. Not just Greenwich Village, but San Fran, Sodom, West Hollywood, Gomorrah , etc. Recruitment seems a lot more logical in explaining why Normative people would become gay instead of genes.
Not making a political or cultural point here...just sharing an article that I found interesting.

I have been of the mind that sexual preference is not a choice based on the fact that I could not choose to be attracted to a dude. But this study seems to imply that there is more to sexual preference than biological imperative...

Ganna and his colleagues also used the analysis to estimate that up to 25% of sexual behaviour can be explained by genetics, with the rest influenced by environmental and cultural factors — a figure similar to the findings of smaller studies.​
“This is a solid study,” says Melinda Mills, a sociologist at the University of Oxford, UK, who studies the genetic basis of reproductive behaviours.​
Was the number the same for women and men? It seems that women are more fluid.
No fool. It would be the moronic God freaks and Trumpanzee's who would have the kids aborted.
I'm going to continue to hold onto the hope that a gay gene or combination of genes can and will be found.

Imagine the leftardz reaction when a genetic test can predict a gay child in a gay test during pregnancy (like downs is tested for) and then the parents can decide to abort it if they want to avoid the challenges associated with having a gay child.
No fool. It would be the moronic God freaks and Trumpanzee's who would have the kids aborted. And while you claim to want a gene to be found, you bigots keep bleating that gay is a choice, because the identification of a gene would legitimize being gay.
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I'm going to continue to hold onto the hope that a gay gene or combination of genes can and will be found.

Imagine the leftardz reaction when a genetic test can predict a gay child in a gay test during pregnancy (like downs is tested for) and then the parents can decide to abort it if they want to avoid the challenges associated with having a gay child.

That would be interesting, although the reality is that the Gay Community is big on looking to recruit new members. The common thought is that Homos are made and not born.

That is a better explanation, as it explains why such a large percentage of the people in areas like Greenwich Village, NY used to be Normative but now the areas are almost all homo. Not just Greenwich Village, but San Fran, Sodom, West Hollywood, Gomorrah , etc. Recruitment seems a lot more logical in explaining why Normative people would become gay instead of genes.
Hey Dude, tell us some of your man on man prison rape stories that you have so many of. Tell us about how prison turns men gay.
I'm going to continue to hold onto the hope that a gay gene or combination of genes can and will be found.

Imagine the leftardz reaction when a genetic test can predict a gay child in a gay test during pregnancy (like downs is tested for) and then the parents can decide to abort it if they want to avoid the challenges associated with having a gay child.

That would be interesting, although the reality is that the Gay Community is big on looking to recruit new members. The common thought is that Homos are made and not born.

That is a better explanation, as it explains why such a large percentage of the people in areas like Greenwich Village, NY used to be Normative but now the areas are almost all homo. Not just Greenwich Village, but San Fran, Sodom, West Hollywood, Gomorrah , etc. Recruitment seems a lot more logical in explaining why Normative people would become gay instead of genes.

Whatever the cause. . .

My ass is immune to it.
I had the following discussion with a friend once.
"Gay son or Down Syndrome son?"
I said Down Synrome and he said gay.
He got ratty and called me homophobic. I said, "WTF. You don't like Down Syndrome kids!!"
Not making a political or cultural point here...just sharing an article that I found interesting.

I have been of the mind that sexual preference is not a choice based on the fact that I could not choose to be attracted to a dude. But this study seems to imply that there is more to sexual preference than biological imperative...

Ganna and his colleagues also used the analysis to estimate that up to 25% of sexual behaviour can be explained by genetics, with the rest influenced by environmental and cultural factors — a figure similar to the findings of smaller studies.​
“This is a solid study,” says Melinda Mills, a sociologist at the University of Oxford, UK, who studies the genetic basis of reproductive behaviours.​
Was the number the same for women and men? It seems that women are more fluid.
No fool. It would be the moronic God freaks and Trumpanzee's who would have the kids aborted.
I'm going to continue to hold onto the hope that a gay gene or combination of genes can and will be found.

Imagine the leftardz reaction when a genetic test can predict a gay child in a gay test during pregnancy (like downs is tested for) and then the parents can decide to abort it if they want to avoid the challenges associated with having a gay child.
No fool. It would be the moronic God freaks and Trumpanzee's who would have the kids aborted. And while you claim to want a gene to be found, you bigots keep bleating that gay is a choice, because the identification of a gene would legitimize being gay.

Fish on !
Not making a political or cultural point here...just sharing an article that I found interesting.

I have been of the mind that sexual preference is not a choice based on the fact that I could not choose to be attracted to a dude. But this study seems to imply that there is more to sexual preference than biological imperative...

Ganna and his colleagues also used the analysis to estimate that up to 25% of sexual behaviour can be explained by genetics, with the rest influenced by environmental and cultural factors — a figure similar to the findings of smaller studies.​
“This is a solid study,” says Melinda Mills, a sociologist at the University of Oxford, UK, who studies the genetic basis of reproductive behaviours.​
The study authors also point out that they followed convention for genetic analyses by dropping from their study people whose biological sex and self-identified gender did not match. As a result, the work doesn’t include sexual and gender minorities (the LGBTQ community) such as transgender people and intersex people.
I'm not seeing your point.

The study is of biological sex drives.

They didn't include people whose biological sex didn't match their self identified gender.

A gay man who self identified as male, or a lesbian woman who self identified as a woman was not excluded.

IOW...Ellen Page the gay woman would have been included, but Elliott Page the transgendered man would have been excluded from the study.
Ha! That thing you quoted is a gay gene!
Not making a political or cultural point here...just sharing an article that I found interesting.

I have been of the mind that sexual preference is not a choice based on the fact that I could not choose to be attracted to a dude. But this study seems to imply that there is more to sexual preference than biological imperative...

Ganna and his colleagues also used the analysis to estimate that up to 25% of sexual behaviour can be explained by genetics, with the rest influenced by environmental and cultural factors — a figure similar to the findings of smaller studies.​
“This is a solid study,” says Melinda Mills, a sociologist at the University of Oxford, UK, who studies the genetic basis of reproductive behaviours.​
Was the number the same for women and men? It seems that women are more fluid.
No fool. It would be the moronic God freaks and Trumpanzee's who would have the kids aborted.
I'm going to continue to hold onto the hope that a gay gene or combination of genes can and will be found.

Imagine the leftardz reaction when a genetic test can predict a gay child in a gay test during pregnancy (like downs is tested for) and then the parents can decide to abort it if they want to avoid the challenges associated with having a gay child.
No fool. It would be the moronic God freaks and Trumpanzee's who would have the kids aborted. And while you claim to want a gene to be found, you bigots keep bleating that gay is a choice, because the identification of a gene would legitimize being gay.

Fish on !
The progressive puto always shows herself in these threads.
For decades the homo's claimed it was a gay gene, not choice, that made them fudge packers.
Now that the homo gene has been proven by science not to exist.
The homo crowd is searching frantically for some other excuse to explain their perverted behavior. ... :gay:
It came from a vaccine !!
Not making a political or cultural point here...just sharing an article that I found interesting.

I have been of the mind that sexual preference is not a choice based on the fact that I could not choose to be attracted to a dude. But this study seems to imply that there is more to sexual preference than biological imperative...

Ganna and his colleagues also used the analysis to estimate that up to 25% of sexual behaviour can be explained by genetics, with the rest influenced by environmental and cultural factors — a figure similar to the findings of smaller studies.​
“This is a solid study,” says Melinda Mills, a sociologist at the University of Oxford, UK, who studies the genetic basis of reproductive behaviours.​
Was the number the same for women and men? It seems that women are more fluid.
No fool. It would be the moronic God freaks and Trumpanzee's who would have the kids aborted.
I'm going to continue to hold onto the hope that a gay gene or combination of genes can and will be found.

Imagine the leftardz reaction when a genetic test can predict a gay child in a gay test during pregnancy (like downs is tested for) and then the parents can decide to abort it if they want to avoid the challenges associated with having a gay child.
No fool. It would be the moronic God freaks and Trumpanzee's who would have the kids aborted. And while you claim to want a gene to be found, you bigots keep bleating that gay is a choice, because the identification of a gene would legitimize being gay.

Fish on !
Is that supposed to be a rational and reasonable response to my post? It is actually quite pathetic. Don't try to tell me that you god freaks (and "g" in lower case is intentional) are so fucking homophobic and hypocritical as to not find some way of rationalizing abortion of gay kids. And don’t deny the hypocrisy. Most of you “prolife assholes, while decrying abortion are also opposed to life sustaining programs for children and families after the child is born like health care, nutritional assistance and housing. You are clearly full of shit and out of your depth on the issues. Both issues and more

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