Navalny dies in putin jail

First, I.don't know of whom you speak of. Second, don't speak to me that way as I let NOONE suffer in that manner. I personally know of government/police abuses, experiencing it without recourse in my own country and I wll stand with any man or woman from any nation, of any vocation if they stand for principles of liberty, fair justice and honourable traits. I am not a fan of injustice and cowardice regardless of source or location.

American journalist Gonzalo Lira has died in a Ukrainian prison at the age of 55, where he was being held for criticizing the Zelensky and Biden governments.

Lira, a dual citizen of Chile and the U.S., had been living in Kharkiv and was arrested multiple times, facing imprisonment under Ukraine’s wartime propaganda laws.

Igor Girkin-Strelkov’s wife Miroslava Reginskaya on the death of Alexei Navalny:“I’m very worried about my husband.”Yes Yes Yes Yes. :auiqs.jpg:

The spin is already starting using this guys death to try and force the Ukraine funding bill, along with the Russian space nukes hysteria.

Weird how we're told Russia is broke and using tanks from 100 years ago but they are putting nukes in space...

Either way I'm more concerned with the treatment of the Jan 6 freedom fighters being held hostage in US jails while illegals committing violent crimes are being set free with no bail.
Yep. The DEI Vice President is spinning in Munich now. The shills at FOX are selling Munich as the same way as pre-world War 2. Harris is spinning us turning completely inward which is full of crap. Give Harris and the Progs some rifles and get their asses over there.
There were reports that Navalny was on a hunger strike. Wasn't he found guilty of insurrection?
Aleksei A. Navalny, the most outspoken domestic critic of President Vladimir V. Putin, has died in prison, Russian state media said on Friday.

Aleksei Navalny stood up to the despotic Putin and for the Russian people and now has paid for it for his life.

It is so sad that MAGAs like Tommy Tuberville and Tucker Carlson bend over backwards to support the despicable Putin.

Navalny died a hero fighting for a free and democratic Russia.

J6 Political prisoners still rotting in DC Gulag with no trial date
Navalny sought to bring democracy to Russia and MAGA idiots sought to destroy it here.

Navalny is a hero to democracy; J6 defendants are traitors to it.

Next Insurrection might be for real, then you can compare and contrast
No but he still could have been tried in absentia.

So you were told without a shred of evidence of anything. Putin would tell you the same about Navalny.

“When a U.S. citizen goes abroad to wage war against America, and is actively plotting to kill U.S. citizens, and when neither the United States nor our partners are in a position to capture him before he carries out a plot,” the president said, “his citizenship should no more serve as a shield than a sniper shooting down on an innocent crowd should be protected from a SWAT team. That’s who Anwar Awlaki was—he was continuously trying to kill people.”2

"In the years since his death, new evidence has emerged to underscore Obama’s central point that al-Awlaki was putting his considerable talent and energy into trying to kill Americans and other Western non-Muslims. In late May in Manhattan, a Vietnamese-British convert to Islam, Minh Quang Pham, was sentenced to 30 years in prison after describing how al-Awlaki had taught him how to make a bomb and instructed him to blow himself up at London’s Heathrow airport, advising him to try to kill Americans and Israelis.3"


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