Navalny dies in putin jail

If this is true,
Where were those values when you let one of your own, you mofos disagreed with, die in Ukrainian sell? I mean Gonzalo Lira of course.
RAPIST🇸🇦🐖🇷🇺 , here in the Free World we dont care what you looter , rapist , killer think or feel, your place in the Hague

“When a U.S. citizen goes abroad to wage war against America, and is actively plotting to kill U.S. citizens, and when neither the United States nor our partners are in a position to capture him before he carries out a plot,” the president said, “his citizenship should no more serve as a shield than a sniper shooting down on an innocent crowd should be protected from a SWAT team. That’s who Anwar Awlaki was—he was continuously trying to kill people.”2

"In the years since his death, new evidence has emerged to underscore Obama’s central point that al-Awlaki was putting his considerable talent and energy into trying to kill Americans and other Western non-Muslims. In late May in Manhattan, a Vietnamese-British convert to Islam, Minh Quang Pham, was sentenced to 30 years in prison after describing how al-Awlaki had taught him how to make a bomb and instructed him to blow himself up at London’s Heathrow airport, advising him to try to kill Americans and Israelis.3"

Point out the exception in the Constitution please.
YES THIS STATEMENT IS WRONG, THATS WHY you live in US not in Omsk, North Korea or Iran

question , do you agree that czar putin killed navalny ?

Noted: you did nothing to not where it's wrong. You just ranted.
🇷🇺🤡RT: “Washington & Brussels are to blame for Navalny’s death, :auiqs.jpg:
Noted: you did nothing to not where it's wrong. You just ranted.

German 🇷🇺 🐖 🇸🇦 Empress Alexandra was not very in touch with the common folk

But she is on the record of stating:

Nicki the 🇸🇦 🇷🇺 Muscovites luv the whip

Spot on
Have to see how Biden responds to Putin

Won’t be one of Trumps
“Maybe he did, maybe he didn’t” responses
Fox just mentioned Navalny's wife visited him prison on February 12. I don't follow how killing Navalny would benefit Putin. I can follow how killing Navalny benefits the US trying to force the endless funding of the Ukraine. So yeah the time is questionable.
how can the time be explained?

Russian state media reported that the cause was a blood clot. It is possible that the heat shock caused by fluctuations in blood pressure from temperature differences in the Far East caused a cerebral infarction or myocardial infarction. He went for a walk and he suddenly collapsed upon returning to the prison.
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Aleksei A. Navalny, the most outspoken domestic critic of President Vladimir V. Putin, has died in prison, Russian state media said on Friday.

Aleksei Navalny stood up to the despotic Putin and for the Russian people and now has paid for it for his life.

It is so sad that MAGAs like Tommy Tuberville and Tucker Carlson bend over backwards to support the despicable Putin.

Navalny died a hero fighting for a free and democratic Russia.
Navalny was a long time MI6 asset, he was funded by the West, but you already know what happened before any inquest, do me a favour, and just a month before the election in Russia, convenient.
They've made Navalny a sacred victim after all.
They have to distract the crowd somehow from the fact that the ukrainians are being beaten in Avdiivka.
And what is interesting is that the reaction of the EU and other LGBT communities like NATO is instantaneous.
I didn't notice such a reaction regarding Belgorod bombing or the downed airplane with prisoners.

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