Navalny dies in putin jail

Now we'll see the ususal suspects agreeing that putin had navalny killed without proof while screaming prove it when someone suggests that biden tooks showers with his underage daughter, even though its all in her diary. Lol.

Poisoning him did not help
Neither did shipping him to Siberia

I am sure Putin offered the best medical care Russia can provide
Where were those values when you let one of your own, you mofos disagreed with, die in Ukrainian sell? I mean Gonzalo Lira of course.
First, I.don't know of whom you speak of. Second, don't speak to me that way as I let NOONE suffer in that manner. I personally know of government/police abuses, experiencing it without recourse in my own country and I wll stand with any man or woman from any nation, of any vocation if they stand for principles of liberty, fair justice and honourable traits. I am not a fan of injustice and cowardice regardless of source or location.
BBC reporting. Natural causes I guess,

Even a blind man on a galloping horse can see Putin had him bumped off.
Young people are dying all over the place from heart attacks, strokes, myocarditis and they're calling it natural causes.
Navalny was killed today in a 🇷🇺 🐖🇸🇦putin´prison. The cause of death was "sudden collapse while walking", and it is basically concluded that he was poisoned by oriental despot Putin. In fact, Navalny was already poisoned by Putin´s Novichok at least 2 times , but the German doctors at that time were so skillful that they managed to save Navalny . However, Navalny was not so lucky this time. Putin's poisoning of Navalny is a very strong signal that Putin's regime (and empire ) is not stable. Therefore, Putin needs to kill Navalny to make an example of him and to consolidate his power.

As predicted Trumpsters, Woke - Marxists, ultra - greenies , antifa- marxists , etc. are here defending the war criminal . despot Putin....


Rant all day but it changes nothing. We have had countless people killed. It's not our place to be the world police and risk American lives over some internal Russian issues.
Rant all day but it changes nothing. We have had countless people killed. It's not our place to be the world police and risk American lives over some internal Russian issues.
Trump used similar words to defend khan Putin in 2015: "our country does plenty of killing also.”What a coincidence...
Trump used similar words to defend khan Putin in 2015: "our country does plenty of killing also.”What a coincidence...

Is the statement wrong? Why was it OK for Obama but not OK for Putin?

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