Navy Pilot Describes UFO Encounter

With all the surveillance enveloping Planet Earth and vicinity, there is no way visitors from space could zoom around completely undetected.

Besides, because of the vastness of time and space, the chances of another intelligent race capable of producing the technology necessary to get here existing concurrently with our own are infinitely small.

You think any species capable of such travel couldn’t have figured those problems out?

To a species that advanced, solving those problems would likely be trivial.

They still have to deal with the same Periodic Table and Physics we do

It's like an ant saying, "You can only build an ant house!
With all the surveillance enveloping Planet Earth and vicinity, there is no way visitors from space could zoom around completely undetected.

Besides, because of the vastness of time and space, the chances of another intelligent race capable of producing the technology necessary to get here existing concurrently with our own are infinitely small.

You think any species capable of such travel couldn’t have figured those problems out?

To a species that advanced, solving those problems would likely be trivial.

They still have to deal with the same Periodic Table and Physics we do
Actually they do not as those are simply what we know, no telling what things we don't know yet.

Hydrogen is the same throughout the universe. So is every other element
They have the same properties wherever you go

They have to follow the same rules of physics we do

The same rules that can't explain: the Sun's Corona, how something the size of the Moon is in orbit around the Earth or why Earth still has a magnetic field after 4 Billion years? You mean those rules of physics?
Movies just never get an alien that looks believable.....
Movies just never get an alien that looks believable.....
I thought the original Alien did a good job. That thing was frightening. Newer movies just got silly but interesting on possibilities and horrors of genetic engineering.
Movies just never get an alien that looks believable.....
I thought the original Alien did a good job. That thing was frightening. Newer movies just got silly but interesting on possibilities and horrors of genetic engineering.
Dunno, lots of aliens in movies are metal with big teeth and lots or drooling!
I had not heard about this. Interesting story. Believable?

For most of his 18-year career as a U.S. Navy pilot, Cmdr. David Fravor said his mother-in-law used to ask him a question: Had he seen a UFO? For 15 years, the answer was no.

But one clear afternoon off the coast of California in 2004, he says, that changed.

Fravor, the commanding officer of a Navy squadron at the time, said he saw a flying object about the size of his plane that looked like a Tic Tac after a break in a routine training mission. The object moved rapidly and unlike any other thing he had ever seen in the air. He has not forgotten it since.

Fravor’s story emerged this week after the Pentagon publicly acknowledged for the first time the existence of a recent program dedicated to studying unidentified flying objects. The funding for what was known as the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program ran from 2007 to 2012. But officials familiar with it said some of its efforts have continued.

Former Navy pilot describes UFO encounter studied by secret Pentagon program


My question is....What happened to that flying object?

We are light years away from the nearest solar system. Meaning, at the speed of light, it would take years to reach earth

After being spotted by that Navy plane, did the UFO just turn around and go home?
Would take years if you are trapped into thinking space and time are linear.
Movies just never get an alien that looks believable.....
I thought the original Alien did a good job. That thing was frightening. Newer movies just got silly but interesting on possibilities and horrors of genetic engineering.
Dunno, lots of aliens in movies are metal with big teeth and lots or drooling!
Thing did have bad table manners.
I had not heard about this. Interesting story. Believable?

For most of his 18-year career as a U.S. Navy pilot, Cmdr. David Fravor said his mother-in-law used to ask him a question: Had he seen a UFO? For 15 years, the answer was no.

But one clear afternoon off the coast of California in 2004, he says, that changed.

Fravor, the commanding officer of a Navy squadron at the time, said he saw a flying object about the size of his plane that looked like a Tic Tac after a break in a routine training mission. The object moved rapidly and unlike any other thing he had ever seen in the air. He has not forgotten it since.

Fravor’s story emerged this week after the Pentagon publicly acknowledged for the first time the existence of a recent program dedicated to studying unidentified flying objects. The funding for what was known as the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program ran from 2007 to 2012. But officials familiar with it said some of its efforts have continued.

Former Navy pilot describes UFO encounter studied by secret Pentagon program


My question is....What happened to that flying object?

We are light years away from the nearest solar system. Meaning, at the speed of light, it would take years to reach earth

After being spotted by that Navy plane, did the UFO just turn around and go home?
Would take years if you are trapped into thinking space and time are linear.

Or unless you believe in magic
I had not heard about this. Interesting story. Believable?

For most of his 18-year career as a U.S. Navy pilot, Cmdr. David Fravor said his mother-in-law used to ask him a question: Had he seen a UFO? For 15 years, the answer was no.

But one clear afternoon off the coast of California in 2004, he says, that changed.

Fravor, the commanding officer of a Navy squadron at the time, said he saw a flying object about the size of his plane that looked like a Tic Tac after a break in a routine training mission. The object moved rapidly and unlike any other thing he had ever seen in the air. He has not forgotten it since.

Fravor’s story emerged this week after the Pentagon publicly acknowledged for the first time the existence of a recent program dedicated to studying unidentified flying objects. The funding for what was known as the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program ran from 2007 to 2012. But officials familiar with it said some of its efforts have continued.

Former Navy pilot describes UFO encounter studied by secret Pentagon program


My question is....What happened to that flying object?

We are light years away from the nearest solar system. Meaning, at the speed of light, it would take years to reach earth

After being spotted by that Navy plane, did the UFO just turn around and go home?
But who knows what technologies exist elsewhere.....

Technology can change
Chemistry and physics can't
I had not heard about this. Interesting story. Believable?

For most of his 18-year career as a U.S. Navy pilot, Cmdr. David Fravor said his mother-in-law used to ask him a question: Had he seen a UFO? For 15 years, the answer was no.

But one clear afternoon off the coast of California in 2004, he says, that changed.

Fravor, the commanding officer of a Navy squadron at the time, said he saw a flying object about the size of his plane that looked like a Tic Tac after a break in a routine training mission. The object moved rapidly and unlike any other thing he had ever seen in the air. He has not forgotten it since.

Fravor’s story emerged this week after the Pentagon publicly acknowledged for the first time the existence of a recent program dedicated to studying unidentified flying objects. The funding for what was known as the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program ran from 2007 to 2012. But officials familiar with it said some of its efforts have continued.

Former Navy pilot describes UFO encounter studied by secret Pentagon program


My question is....What happened to that flying object?

We are light years away from the nearest solar system. Meaning, at the speed of light, it would take years to reach earth

After being spotted by that Navy plane, did the UFO just turn around and go home?
Would take years if you are trapped into thinking space and time are linear.

Or unless you believe in magic
That technology would appear that way to us...much like ours would appear like magic to a more primitive culture.
I had not heard about this. Interesting story. Believable?

For most of his 18-year career as a U.S. Navy pilot, Cmdr. David Fravor said his mother-in-law used to ask him a question: Had he seen a UFO? For 15 years, the answer was no.

But one clear afternoon off the coast of California in 2004, he says, that changed.

Fravor, the commanding officer of a Navy squadron at the time, said he saw a flying object about the size of his plane that looked like a Tic Tac after a break in a routine training mission. The object moved rapidly and unlike any other thing he had ever seen in the air. He has not forgotten it since.

Fravor’s story emerged this week after the Pentagon publicly acknowledged for the first time the existence of a recent program dedicated to studying unidentified flying objects. The funding for what was known as the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program ran from 2007 to 2012. But officials familiar with it said some of its efforts have continued.

Former Navy pilot describes UFO encounter studied by secret Pentagon program


My question is....What happened to that flying object?

We are light years away from the nearest solar system. Meaning, at the speed of light, it would take years to reach earth

After being spotted by that Navy plane, did the UFO just turn around and go home?
When we fully understand Strings the path way will be shown to us and it will not involve ftl.
even if they were much more advanced, with the distances involved, chances are they are not that advanced to travel those distances, etc
you're talking Star Wars fantasy
I had not heard about this. Interesting story. Believable?

For most of his 18-year career as a U.S. Navy pilot, Cmdr. David Fravor said his mother-in-law used to ask him a question: Had he seen a UFO? For 15 years, the answer was no.

But one clear afternoon off the coast of California in 2004, he says, that changed.

Fravor, the commanding officer of a Navy squadron at the time, said he saw a flying object about the size of his plane that looked like a Tic Tac after a break in a routine training mission. The object moved rapidly and unlike any other thing he had ever seen in the air. He has not forgotten it since.

Fravor’s story emerged this week after the Pentagon publicly acknowledged for the first time the existence of a recent program dedicated to studying unidentified flying objects. The funding for what was known as the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program ran from 2007 to 2012. But officials familiar with it said some of its efforts have continued.

Former Navy pilot describes UFO encounter studied by secret Pentagon program
In 1944 a Pilot here in SoCal at March AFB saw a plane with no propeller while on a training mission. He told his commanding officer, who knew it was a jet and called his buddy at Edwards to let him know someone saw his secret plane. The guy at Edwards said have him fly up here tomorrow at 0900.
At 0900 the jet is up there to meet him. Pilot had a gorilla mask and top hat on. The guy landed, told what he saw to the commander. Commander said if you ever say a word about any of this I’ll have you locked up in an insane asylum.

True story.

Moral of the story your guy probably saw some new technology being tested.
Well maybe they saw what was here and thought "uh, no thanks"....

My question is....What happened to that flying object?

We are light years away from the nearest solar system. Meaning, at the speed of light, it would take years to reach earth

After being spotted by that Navy plane, did the UFO just turn around and go home?

Those are questions that wen't through my mind as well. Did the pilot follow him and for how long in total.. what happened at the end?

As for the speed of light - it is possible that technology thousands of years in our future (assuming we survive Trump ;-) already exists.

FYI: Can Anything Move Faster Than Light?
no--I don't see anything about ''that technology'' existing in that article
it says
Yes, the universe itself will eventually outpace the speed of light

  1. the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.
    "advances in computer technology"
    • machinery and equipment developed from the application of scientific knowledge.
    • the branch of knowledge dealing with engineering or applied sciences
I had not heard about this. Interesting story. Believable?

For most of his 18-year career as a U.S. Navy pilot, Cmdr. David Fravor said his mother-in-law used to ask him a question: Had he seen a UFO? For 15 years, the answer was no.

But one clear afternoon off the coast of California in 2004, he says, that changed.

Fravor, the commanding officer of a Navy squadron at the time, said he saw a flying object about the size of his plane that looked like a Tic Tac after a break in a routine training mission. The object moved rapidly and unlike any other thing he had ever seen in the air. He has not forgotten it since.

Fravor’s story emerged this week after the Pentagon publicly acknowledged for the first time the existence of a recent program dedicated to studying unidentified flying objects. The funding for what was known as the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program ran from 2007 to 2012. But officials familiar with it said some of its efforts have continued.

Former Navy pilot describes UFO encounter studied by secret Pentagon program


My question is....What happened to that flying object?

We are light years away from the nearest solar system. Meaning, at the speed of light, it would take years to reach earth

After being spotted by that Navy plane, did the UFO just turn around and go home?
But who knows what technologies exist elsewhere.....

Technology can change
Chemistry and physics can't
LOL physics as WE know it, science learns new things before physics it was unknown and I am sure some dweeb insisted that what we knew was the be all end all of science.
With all the surveillance enveloping Planet Earth and vicinity, there is no way visitors from space could zoom around completely undetected.

Besides, because of the vastness of time and space, the chances of another intelligent race capable of producing the technology necessary to get here existing concurrently with our own are infinitely small.
You don't think that a race capable of interstellar travel couldn't come up with a way to be undetectable to us?
With all the surveillance enveloping Planet Earth and vicinity, there is no way visitors from space could zoom around completely undetected.

Besides, because of the vastness of time and space, the chances of another intelligent race capable of producing the technology necessary to get here existing concurrently with our own are infinitely small.
Unless they're already here and have been for millennium
Klaatu barada nikto, Frank.
With all the surveillance enveloping Planet Earth and vicinity, there is no way visitors from space could zoom around completely undetected.

Besides, because of the vastness of time and space, the chances of another intelligent race capable of producing the technology necessary to get here existing concurrently with our own are infinitely small.
Unless they're already here and have been for millennium

So THAT is where liberals come from!

i knew they were spacey, but I thought any aliens would have superior intelligence and not just be spacey!

Maybe that is why Kevin Spacey is gay!

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