Navy Replaces $38,000 Joystick with $30 XBox Controller


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Trump just keeps on winning.

Remember all those gritty WWII submarine movies where the skipper brings the boat up to periscope depth, drapes his arms around the handles of the scope, and scans the surface for targets? Well, that was then. The Navy is replacing the helicopter-like stick that has been used to adjust the periscopes on modern subs – with Xbox 360 controllers. Nowadays, there is no long tube that only one sailor can look through at a time – but rather video screens, so it is somehow appropriate going forward the display will be controlled by the same device that is used for video games ashore. In addition to being more user friendly than the joystick that had been in play in recent years, you also can’t beat the price.
The joysticks costs about $38,000…but the Navy can get Xbox controllers for less than $30 a pop.

The U.S. Navy's most advanced submarines will soon be using Xbox controllers
Can you imagine the savings if the Fed was actually run like a private business and people were accountable for their results?
Trump just keeps on winning.

Remember all those gritty WWII submarine movies where the skipper brings the boat up to periscope depth, drapes his arms around the handles of the scope, and scans the surface for targets? Well, that was then. The Navy is replacing the helicopter-like stick that has been used to adjust the periscopes on modern subs – with Xbox 360 controllers. Nowadays, there is no long tube that only one sailor can look through at a time – but rather video screens, so it is somehow appropriate going forward the display will be controlled by the same device that is used for video games ashore. In addition to being more user friendly than the joystick that had been in play in recent years, you also can’t beat the price.
The joysticks costs about $38,000…but the Navy can get Xbox controllers for less than $30 a pop.

The U.S. Navy's most advanced submarines will soon be using Xbox controllers
That'll kill a lot of joystick making jobs. Trump is failing bigly in his promises to protect workers from advances in technology.
Trump just keeps on winning.

Remember all those gritty WWII submarine movies where the skipper brings the boat up to periscope depth, drapes his arms around the handles of the scope, and scans the surface for targets? Well, that was then. The Navy is replacing the helicopter-like stick that has been used to adjust the periscopes on modern subs – with Xbox 360 controllers. Nowadays, there is no long tube that only one sailor can look through at a time – but rather video screens, so it is somehow appropriate going forward the display will be controlled by the same device that is used for video games ashore. In addition to being more user friendly than the joystick that had been in play in recent years, you also can’t beat the price.
The joysticks costs about $38,000…but the Navy can get Xbox controllers for less than $30 a pop.

The U.S. Navy's most advanced submarines will soon be using Xbox controllers
Do you have Trump's memo directing the Navy to do this?

My company did the exact same thing four years ago for a USCG system. Go Obama?
Trump just keeps on winning.

Remember all those gritty WWII submarine movies where the skipper brings the boat up to periscope depth, drapes his arms around the handles of the scope, and scans the surface for targets? Well, that was then. The Navy is replacing the helicopter-like stick that has been used to adjust the periscopes on modern subs – with Xbox 360 controllers. Nowadays, there is no long tube that only one sailor can look through at a time – but rather video screens, so it is somehow appropriate going forward the display will be controlled by the same device that is used for video games ashore. In addition to being more user friendly than the joystick that had been in play in recent years, you also can’t beat the price.
The joysticks costs about $38,000…but the Navy can get Xbox controllers for less than $30 a pop.

The U.S. Navy's most advanced submarines will soon be using Xbox controllers
Do you have Trump's memo directing the Navy to do this?

My company did the exact same thing four years ago for a USCG system. Go Obama?
This study has been going on for two years

Looks like we have the Great Obama to thank

Since it was an Obama initiative, Trump will probably kill it
Joysticks and system control units for military systems are hardened, able to sustain the harsh conditions of the sea and battle. These are solid, heavy, devices. Nothing like an X-box controller. They weigh far more and you can club someone to death with them.

But they are expensive.

A few years ago, the Coast Guard decided it was cheaper to just use X-box controllers and throw them in the trash when they break, rather than spend a lot of money on controllers that don't break.

It's nice to see the Navy has done the same.

I doubt you will see these battle-hardened controllers on combat helicopters being replaced with X-box controllers, though.

I'm laughing my ass off at tards trying to politicize this into some great Trump miracle. :lol:
Joysticks and system control units for military systems are hardened, able to sustain the harsh conditions of the sea and battle. These are solid, heavy, devices. Nothing like an X-box controller. They weigh far more and you can club someone to death with them.

But they are expensive.

A few years ago, the Coast Guard decided it was cheaper to just use X-box controllers and throw them in the trash when they break, rather than spend a lot of money on controllers that don't break.

It's nice to see the Navy has done the same.

I doubt you will see these battle-hardened controllers on combat helicopters being replaced with X-box controllers, though.

I'm laughing my ass off at tards trying to politicize this into some great Trump miracle. :lol:

We have been buying commercial off the shelf for decades

I remember buying computer equipment in the 80s. We insisted on designing the computers ourselves, buying blueprints and manuals, writing software code in our own computer language and ruggedizing them to death. We ended up with overpriced obsolete equipment

We can use X-box controllers or anything else you can buy at Wal-Mart. The key is the environment they will be used in, the amount of ruggedization needed, the threat from EMI, jamming or hacking.

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