Navy Yard Shooting good funding ploy...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
“If you’re like me, you heard the news about the 12 Americans who died in D.C.’s Navy Yard shooting — and you had those familiar feelings of grief and frustration,” OFA executive director Jon Carson begins. “As President Obama said, these events are too common. We all stand numb, trying to wrap our minds around another tragedy that breaks our hearts.”
Carson goes on to criticize Congress for not passing gun-control legislation and tells supporters that “we just can’t back down now” as he asks them to recommit by signing the petition, followed by a request for a donation. “We’re up against powerful special interests that will spend whatever it takes to stand in the way of progress,” the screen reads, suggesting donations ranging from $15 to $1,000."

OFA Uses Navy Yard Shooting to Fundraise | National Review Online
“If you’re like me, you heard the news about the 12 Americans who died in D.C.’s Navy Yard shooting — and you had those familiar feelings of grief and frustration,” OFA executive director Jon Carson begins. “As President Obama said, these events are too common. We all stand numb, trying to wrap our minds around another tragedy that breaks our hearts.”
Carson goes on to criticize Congress for not passing gun-control legislation and tells supporters that “we just can’t back down now” as he asks them to recommit by signing the petition, followed by a request for a donation. “We’re up against powerful special interests that will spend whatever it takes to stand in the way of progress,” the screen reads, suggesting donations ranging from $15 to $1,000."

OFA Uses Navy Yard Shooting to Fundraise | National Review Online

They have no shame.

To brazenly ask for donations before one man or woman has been buried is beyond the pale.

The word that comes to mind to describe these people.....scumbuckets.
“If you’re like me, you heard the news about the 12 Americans who died in D.C.’s Navy Yard shooting — and you had those familiar feelings of grief and frustration,” OFA executive director Jon Carson begins. “As President Obama said, these events are too common. We all stand numb, trying to wrap our minds around another tragedy that breaks our hearts.”
Carson goes on to criticize Congress for not passing gun-control legislation and tells supporters that “we just can’t back down now” as he asks them to recommit by signing the petition, followed by a request for a donation. “We’re up against powerful special interests that will spend whatever it takes to stand in the way of progress,” the screen reads, suggesting donations ranging from $15 to $1,000."

OFA Uses Navy Yard Shooting to Fundraise | National Review Online

So what? Isn't that what the NRA does every time, too? :eusa_boohoo:

It's also disingenuous in that it implies that the gun lobby is better funded, when the truth of the matter is the anti-gun nutters are much better funded, and they are funded not by the people, but almost exclusively by special interest groups.

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“If you’re like me, you heard the news about the 12 Americans who died in D.C.’s Navy Yard shooting — and you had those familiar feelings of grief and frustration,” OFA executive director Jon Carson begins. “As President Obama said, these events are too common. We all stand numb, trying to wrap our minds around another tragedy that breaks our hearts.”
Carson goes on to criticize Congress for not passing gun-control legislation and tells supporters that “we just can’t back down now” as he asks them to recommit by signing the petition, followed by a request for a donation. “We’re up against powerful special interests that will spend whatever it takes to stand in the way of progress,” the screen reads, suggesting donations ranging from $15 to $1,000."

OFA Uses Navy Yard Shooting to Fundraise | National Review Online

So what? Isn't that what the NRA does every time, too? :eusa_boohoo:

Yes, yes they do. Got the fundraising call from the NRA the day after. For $250 I could've gotten a nifty pen knife.
Democrats never let a tragedy go to waste. Hussein didn't seem too overcome when they were dragging out the corpses while helicopters were flying around. The cold fish briefly acknowledged the incident and launched into a campaign speech.

It's also disingenuous in that it implies that the gun lobby is better funded, when the truth of the matter is the anti-gun nutters are much better funded, and they are funded not by the people, but almost exclusively by special interest groups.


You are fucking high...

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, a non-profit, non-partisan that tracks campaign spending, the National Rifle Association alone spent 10 times the amount of all gun control groups combined in 2011 and 2012, spending 2 million dollars on lobbying in 2012. In addition, 1 million was directly given to candidates and political action committees.
80-90 per cent want background checks and mental health safeguards- way to stop that, Pubs and silly whackjobs.Same deal with jobs act, debt ceiling, and fair tax on the bloated rich...

OP- Stupid bs...for dupes only.

It's also disingenuous in that it implies that the gun lobby is better funded, when the truth of the matter is the anti-gun nutters are much better funded, and they are funded not by the people, but almost exclusively by special interest groups.


You are fucking high...

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, a non-profit, non-partisan that tracks campaign spending, the National Rifle Association alone spent 10 times the amount of all gun control groups combined in 2011 and 2012, spending 2 million dollars on lobbying in 2012. In addition, 1 million was directly given to candidates and political action committees.

The Battle Lines Over Guns Often Drawn by Funding | Juvenile Justice Information Exchange

“Together, newly formed super PACs launched by former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg brought in about $8.6 million during the first half of the year, a Center for Public Integrity review of federal records shows.” . . .
Meanwhile, the NRA’s political action committee amassed nearly $7.1 million in contributions so far this year — an upsurge from $4.8 million this time last year and $2.4 in 2011 — according to the group’s most recent FEC filing."

Gun groups raising unprecedented cash in 2013 | Center for Public Integrity

Last year, the NRA spent $2,205,000 lobbying Congress. The pro-gun control Brady Campaign spent $30,000. Michael Bloomberg’s pro-gun control Mayors Against Illegal Guns spent $150,000 and the anti-gun control Gun Owners of America spent $1,307,996 .
Altogether, pro-gun control groups spent $180,000 and were outspent 19-to-1 by anti-gun control groups, that spent $3,512,996."
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If the gun owners weren't constantly being demonized for the actions of a statistically insignificant minority and if Second Amendment rights were regularly being peeled back the NRA wouldn't need to lobby and could go back to staying outside of the political arena.

Push and then complain when the shooting community pushes back. :cuckoo:
The biggest tragedy of this is that under the Clinton administration, regulations were enacted that prevent military personnel on duty on military installations from having ammo in their weapons!!!!

Think of that for a minute. What in the hell is the use of having guards at the gates if their weapons are empty?

And then, comes this - even worse:

“Stand down!” at Navy Yard!

I read it and shake my head wondering what has become to the people in charge in this country. And why does it have to come from BBS? Doesn't our media tell the truth even if it reflects badly upon the current administrations? And yes, I know this comes from Atlas Shrugs Blog but it's a BBC story, you stupid Libtards.

Navy Yard: Swat team told to 'stand down' at mass shooting scene

I think I am going to be sick.

Another "stand down" order resulting in the death of Americans. More of the poison fruit of the 'stand down' adminstration. Who gave the stand down order?

I don't recognize my country.

Are police brass so afraid of lawsuits, accountability, Al Sharpton marches, etc., that mass murder is preferable to the aftermath of doing the right thing?

The blog post is @ Navy Yard: Swat team told to 'stand down' at mass shooting scene - Atlas Shrugs

And the other BBS report is @ BBC News - Navy Yard: Swat team 'stood down' at mass shooting scene

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