Navy Yard shooting survivor....supports the 2nd Amendment....disagrees with Parkland kids


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This woman survived the Navy Yard shooting...after being shot by the killer....

"I have always been pro-Second Amendment and a supporter of the Constitution," she told Gun Power Magazine. "The shooting didn’t do anything to change my mind. What it gave me was a clearer focus of what’s the real issue when it comes to mass shootings? What are we looking at as a society and a culture when a mass shooting occurs? A cause of mass shootings really falls into one of two categories: mental illness or terrorism. There’s not much in between that. The only mass shooting they haven’t classified as either mental illness or terrorism was the Las Vegas shooting, but a good percentage of the time, it’s discovered that the shooter had a history of known mental illness."

Since Bennett actually survived a mass shooting, meaning she was actually shot and saw her attacker, she was asked what the difference was between her and the March For Our Lives children. She didn't hesitate to point out that people deviate from the law when they react emotionally.

"I don’t think they understand the full topic," said Bennet. "I think some of them have unwittingly allowed themselves to be used by the politicos to help divide the nation regarding weapons. I’m not sure they understand the whole question and what comes with it."

Showtime or Starz has a show called "Active Shooter." This woman was interviewed on the show, she was shot by the killer with a shotgun to the arm....she lost almost all of the muscle tissue of her upper arm....

Here is more of her story.....

A Washington Navy Yard shooting survivor’s journey of pain and resilence

he pain can get ugly. It travels from Jennifer Bennett’s shoulder, which was blown to pieces by the Navy Yard shooter, through her left arm, which was shredded, to her thumb, which was destroyed by a shotgun blast that tore a five-inch hole in her chest and arm.

An angry eight-inch scar crosses her chest and runs down her arm, which is now connected to her shoulder by a metal plate and 10 screws. Muscle is missing from the back of her arm, creating a two-inch crater. Most of her tricep is gone. Her thumb, which was blown inside out, has been reconstructed. But the damaged nerve endings never stop throbbing.

Alexis wanted to kill her, too. She knows because she looked him in the eye and watched him make a decision to shoot her. She doesn’t know why she did not die that day. Instead, she became one of five people who were injured.

“God left me here for a purpose,” says Bennett, 57, who reads the Bible every day and draws much of her strength from her faith. “My job is to fulfill that.”
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She is entitled to her opinion about gun violence

So are the Parkland students
It always cracks me up when people become god groupies after they've been ass raped. loves me and he showed it by destroying my home/town/family with a hurricane/mass shooter/tornado.
She is entitled to her opinion about gun violence

So are the Parkland students
When their supposed opinions are based on a lack of knowledge, it's called whining. When the falsely claim something is an assault weapon, they prove their stupidity.
She is entitled to her opinion about gun violence

So are the Parkland students
That is why more frivolous gun laws will not save a single soul
We have five times the murder rate of most of the civilized nations. They have sensible gun control

They are aghast that we can suffer 30,000 gun deaths a year and do nothing about it
She is entitled to her opinion about gun violence

So are the Parkland students
That is why more frivolous gun laws will not save a single soul
We have five times the murder rate of most of the civilized nations. They have sensible gun control

They are aghast that we can suffer 30,000 gun deaths a year and do nothing about it
Who gives a flying fuck what they think, the violence we have in this country is in progressive control the urban areas...
She is entitled to her opinion about gun violence

So are the Parkland students
That is why more frivolous gun laws will not save a single soul
That's what makes what rightwinger calls an opinion nothing more than whining by ignorant gun haters.
Those who have suffered from gun violence have a dog in the fight. They have seen, first hand the dangers of unrestricted gun access

Gabby Giffords
Ronald Reagan
Parkland survivors
Parents of Sandy Hook

All are entitled to form their own opinions

As a gun nut who surrounds himself with weapons to “feel safe” Yet has never been threatened. You are entitled to form yours
She is entitled to her opinion about gun violence

So are the Parkland students
That is why more frivolous gun laws will not save a single soul
That's what makes what rightwinger calls an opinion nothing more than whining by ignorant gun haters.
Those who have suffered from gun violence have a dog in the fight. They have seen, first hand the dangers of unrestricted gun access

Gabby Giffords
Ronald Reagan
Parkland survivors
Parents of Sandy Hook

All are entitled to form their own opinions

As a gun nut who surrounds himself with weapons to “feel safe” Yet has never been threatened. You are entitled to form yours
Someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your fucking business, and certainly none of the federal governments business
She is entitled to her opinion about gun violence

So are the Parkland students
She is entitled to her opinion about gun violence

So are the Parkland students
That is why more frivolous gun laws will not save a single soul
That's what makes what rightwinger calls an opinion nothing more than whining by ignorant gun haters.
Those who have suffered from gun violence have a dog in the fight. They have seen, first hand the dangers of unrestricted gun access

Gabby Giffords
Ronald Reagan
Parkland survivors
Parents of Sandy Hook

All are entitled to form their own opinions

As a gun nut who surrounds himself with weapons to “feel safe” Yet has never been threatened. You are entitled to form yours

When their opinions are based on knee jerk reactions and lack of facts, it's called whining.

Interesting how little you know about someone else. Typical leftist that states opinions without anything to back it up.
She is entitled to her opinion about gun violence

So are the Parkland students
That is why more frivolous gun laws will not save a single soul
That's what makes what rightwinger calls an opinion nothing more than whining by ignorant gun haters.
Those who have suffered from gun violence have a dog in the fight. They have seen, first hand the dangers of unrestricted gun access

Gabby Giffords
Ronald Reagan
Parkland survivors
Parents of Sandy Hook

All are entitled to form their own opinions

As a gun nut who surrounds himself with weapons to “feel safe” Yet has never been threatened. You are entitled to form yours
Someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your fucking business, and certainly none of the federal governments business
When 30,000 Americans die each year due to firearms
It becomes my business
She is entitled to her opinion about gun violence

So are the Parkland students
That is why more frivolous gun laws will not save a single soul
That's what makes what rightwinger calls an opinion nothing more than whining by ignorant gun haters.
Those who have suffered from gun violence have a dog in the fight. They have seen, first hand the dangers of unrestricted gun access

Gabby Giffords
Ronald Reagan
Parkland survivors
Parents of Sandy Hook

All are entitled to form their own opinions

As a gun nut who surrounds himself with weapons to “feel safe” Yet has never been threatened. You are entitled to form yours

When their opinions are based on knee jerk reactions and lack of facts, it's called whining.

Interesting how little you know about someone else. Typical leftist that states opinions without anything to back it up.

The knee jerk reactions are coming from the NRA crowd
She is entitled to her opinion about gun violence

So are the Parkland students
That is why more frivolous gun laws will not save a single soul
That's what makes what rightwinger calls an opinion nothing more than whining by ignorant gun haters.
Those who have suffered from gun violence have a dog in the fight. They have seen, first hand the dangers of unrestricted gun access

Gabby Giffords
Ronald Reagan
Parkland survivors
Parents of Sandy Hook

All are entitled to form their own opinions

As a gun nut who surrounds himself with weapons to “feel safe” Yet has never been threatened. You are entitled to form yours

When their opinions are based on knee jerk reactions and lack of facts, it's called whining.

Interesting how little you know about someone else. Typical leftist that states opinions without anything to back it up.

The knee jerk reactions are coming from the NRA crowd
The NRA is harmless...
That is why more frivolous gun laws will not save a single soul
That's what makes what rightwinger calls an opinion nothing more than whining by ignorant gun haters.
Those who have suffered from gun violence have a dog in the fight. They have seen, first hand the dangers of unrestricted gun access

Gabby Giffords
Ronald Reagan
Parkland survivors
Parents of Sandy Hook

All are entitled to form their own opinions

As a gun nut who surrounds himself with weapons to “feel safe” Yet has never been threatened. You are entitled to form yours

When their opinions are based on knee jerk reactions and lack of facts, it's called whining.

Interesting how little you know about someone else. Typical leftist that states opinions without anything to back it up.

The knee jerk reactions are coming from the NRA crowd
The NRA is harmless...
They support arming terrorists
That's what makes what rightwinger calls an opinion nothing more than whining by ignorant gun haters.
Those who have suffered from gun violence have a dog in the fight. They have seen, first hand the dangers of unrestricted gun access

Gabby Giffords
Ronald Reagan
Parkland survivors
Parents of Sandy Hook

All are entitled to form their own opinions

As a gun nut who surrounds himself with weapons to “feel safe” Yet has never been threatened. You are entitled to form yours

When their opinions are based on knee jerk reactions and lack of facts, it's called whining.

Interesting how little you know about someone else. Typical leftist that states opinions without anything to back it up.

The knee jerk reactions are coming from the NRA crowd
The NRA is harmless...
They support arming terrorists
Na, not really
They support the Second Amendment… But they are not pro gun enough.
This is a better organization
She is entitled to her opinion about gun violence

So are the Parkland students
That is why more frivolous gun laws will not save a single soul
We have five times the murder rate of most of the civilized nations. They have sensible gun control

They are aghast that we can suffer 30,000 gun deaths a year and do nothing about it

And you lie, again....

Actual gun murder in 2017...10,982

Accidental gun death compared to other types of accidental death...

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC








Gun Suicide

Expanded Homicide Data Table 4

Gun Suicide.....22,938

So....70-80% of our gun murder....10,982 are criminals murdering other criminals...of the rest, a large number of those are friends and family of criminals caught up in their violence. And almost all of that murder that happenes occurs in tiny areas of our largest cities controlled by democrats .... stay out of those democrat controlled areas and our gun murder rate is equal to or lower than in Europe...

And then, of course, you don't look at the other side....lawful self defense with law abiding Americans...according to the CDC Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminal attack....rapes, robberies and murders stopped because a good American had a legal gun.

On top of that, as more Americans own and carry guns...our gun murder rate went down 49%....our gun crime rate went down 75%...our violent crime rate went down 72%..... Britain.....where they banned and confiscated guns...their gun crime rate in London went up 42%, and across England and Wales it went up 23%...and violent crime went up 95% in some areas.....and is up all over Britain.....

You forgot to mention that....
She is entitled to her opinion about gun violence

So are the Parkland students
That is why more frivolous gun laws will not save a single soul
That's what makes what rightwinger calls an opinion nothing more than whining by ignorant gun haters.
Those who have suffered from gun violence have a dog in the fight. They have seen, first hand the dangers of unrestricted gun access

Gabby Giffords
Ronald Reagan
Parkland survivors
Parents of Sandy Hook

All are entitled to form their own opinions

As a gun nut who surrounds himself with weapons to “feel safe” Yet has never been threatened. You are entitled to form yours

We don't have unrestricted gun access.....

1.1 million times a year, Americans use their legal guns to stop rapes, robberies and many times, mass shooters...

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