Nazis also subjugated churches under the state.

Spit it out.

“Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.”

Judge Leon M. Bazile, January 6, 1959

I asked for proof that Christians were refusing service to blacks. Christians and church in particular.
You quoted words of Circuit Judge appointed by Democrats. Try again.

So you think racist Southern Christians were not Democrats? Join the real world.
So you think racist Southern Christians were not Democrats. I highlighted the key word there.
Spit it out.

“Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.”

Judge Leon M. Bazile, January 6, 1959

I asked for proof that Christians were refusing service to blacks. Christians and church in particular.
You quoted words of Circuit Judge appointed by Democrats. Try again.

So you think racist Southern Christians were not Democrats? Join the real world.
So you think racist Southern Christians were not Democrats. I highlighted the key word there.

they were democrats----largely because LINCOLN was republican.
I asked for proof that Christians were refusing service to blacks. Christians and church in particular.
You quoted words of Circuit Judge appointed by Democrats. Try again.

What does self-delusion look like? Well, we just had some dipshit try to claim no Christians were into the whole "Whites Only" thing in the South.

I guess we are supposed to believe everyone in the picture below in Jackson, Mississippi is an atheist.

Ladies and gentlemen, you actually have to WORK HARD at deluding yourself into thinking extreme right wing Christians ( by today's standards) were not the primary force behind segregation in the South.

Unfortunately, these assholes in the photo were mainstream at the time.

Their night riding brethren chose a BURNING CROSS as their symbol!

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KKK Leader Disputes Hate Group Label: 'We're A Christian Organization'
The Huffington Post | By Shadee Ashtari
Posted: 03/21/2014 3:55 pm EDT Updated: 07/07/2015 1:59 pm EDT


The leader of the Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan is tired of “a few rogue Klansmen” ruining the group’s reputation, and argues that the group is a non-violent Christian organization.

“We don’t hate people because of their race, I mean, we’re a Christian organization,” Frank Ancona, the group's Imperial Wizard, told Virginia's NBC 12 on Thursday. "Because of the acts of a few rogue Klansmen, all Klansmen are supposed to be murderers, and wanting to lynch black people, and we're supposed to be terrorists. That's a complete falsehood.”

Ancona’s group has come under fire from residents of Chesterfield County, Va., about 20 miles south of Richmond, for distributing KKK recruitment fliers in people's yards since January.

"We picked ours up out of our driveway and threw it in the trash," Sarah Peachee told NBC 12. "We weren't interested in even reading about it."

Ancona defended the strategy, however, citing a boom in KKK membership across the country since 2008.

"In the last six years that I've been president of this organization I've seen the numbers probably triple," Ancona told NBC 12. "The funny thing is the same neighborhoods where you're saying there are people who don't want the flier are neighborhoods where our members live, and neighborhoods where people are sympathetic to our cause and are glad to hear from us.”

For more from The Huffington Post, download our app for iOS or Android.

Although Ancona insisted that the KKK is not a hate group, he added that “We just want to keep our race the white race."

"We want to stay white,” Ancona said. “It's not a hateful thing to want to maintain white supremacy."

Similar activity by the Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan was reported in Tinley Park, a suburb of Chicago, in December, after promotional fliers were found in several driveways throughout the town.

“You can sleep tonight knowing the Klan is awake!” the fliers said, according to the Chicago Tribune.

KKK Leader Disputes Hate Group Label We re A Christian Organization
This historical revisionism is sickening to watch.

All you have to do is talk to an old timer in the Deep South. They'll be happy to tell you the Bible verses that were used back in the day to justify segregation and even slavery.

The very same way the modern day bigot hides behind the Bible to justify oppressing gays.

Same bullshit, different decade.
This historical revisionism is sickening to watch.

All you have to do is talk to an old timer in the Deep South. They'll be happy to tell you the Bible verses that were used back in the day to justify segregation and even slavery.

but they do biscuits and fried chicken well
KKK Leader Disputes Hate Group Label: 'We're A Christian Organization'
The Huffington Post | By Shadee Ashtari
Posted: 03/21/2014 3:55 pm EDT Updated: 07/07/2015 1:59 pm EDT


The leader of the Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan is tired of “a few rogue Klansmen” ruining the group’s reputation, and argues that the group is a non-violent Christian organization.

“We don’t hate people because of their race, I mean, we’re a Christian organization,” Frank Ancona, the group's Imperial Wizard, told Virginia's NBC 12 on Thursday. "Because of the acts of a few rogue Klansmen, all Klansmen are supposed to be murderers, and wanting to lynch black people, and we're supposed to be terrorists. That's a complete falsehood.”

Ancona’s group has come under fire from residents of Chesterfield County, Va., about 20 miles south of Richmond, for distributing KKK recruitment fliers in people's yards since January.

"We picked ours up out of our driveway and threw it in the trash," Sarah Peachee told NBC 12. "We weren't interested in even reading about it."

Ancona defended the strategy, however, citing a boom in KKK membership across the country since 2008.

"In the last six years that I've been president of this organization I've seen the numbers probably triple," Ancona told NBC 12. "The funny thing is the same neighborhoods where you're saying there are people who don't want the flier are neighborhoods where our members live, and neighborhoods where people are sympathetic to our cause and are glad to hear from us.”

For more from The Huffington Post, download our app for iOS or Android.

Although Ancona insisted that the KKK is not a hate group, he added that “We just want to keep our race the white race."

"We want to stay white,” Ancona said. “It's not a hateful thing to want to maintain white supremacy."

Similar activity by the Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan was reported in Tinley Park, a suburb of Chicago, in December, after promotional fliers were found in several driveways throughout the town.

“You can sleep tonight knowing the Klan is awake!” the fliers said, according to the Chicago Tribune.

KKK Leader Disputes Hate Group Label We re A Christian Organization

What's your point? Which church endorses them?
I was intrigued with the statement by the BIG BAD WIZARD OF KU-----"many people support our agenda"-----_WTF IS THEIR AGENDA?
I was intrigued with the statement by the BIG BAD WIZARD OF KU-----"many people support our agenda"-----_WTF IS THEIR AGENDA?
Pretty much the same as the progressive agenda, except instead of rooting for a black coup, they're rooting for a white one.
The retard sees old time KKK members were Democrats and thinks that has some relevance to the modern day. They ignore the fact that there were far right wing Democrats behind the segregationist movement. Those far right wing Democrats are the political ancestors of the modern day far right wing Republicans.

Kennedy was in Dallas on November 22, 1963 precisely to try to court the far right element of his party so he could run for re-election the following year. Governor Connally was a leading figure of the far right Democrats.

"KKK is Democrat" as though the KKK would support the modern day Democratic platform of affirmative action, ObamaCare, gay marriage, labor unions, higher taxes, and bigger government!

I honestly do not know why their heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance. The only explanation I can come up with is that it requires actual cognition to suffer from the dissonance which would arise from such contradictory thoughts.

Just how willfully stupid do you have to be to keep banging the "KKK is Democrat" drum? Clearly, we have a cognition problem.

This is exactly the same willful stupidity that thinks the word "socialism" in National Socialism means Nazis are left wing.

There is a historical revisionist movement afoot to overturn reality so that the extreme right wing can make headway into the mainstream.

They are Republicans now.

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This historical revisionism is sickening to watch.

All you have to do is talk to an old timer in the Deep South. They'll be happy to tell you the Bible verses that were used back in the day to justify segregation and even slavery.

The very same way the modern day bigot hides behind the Bible to justify oppressing gays.

Same bullshit, different decade.

It's not JUST CHRISTIANS, EVERY religion / society on the face of the earth is AGAINST HOMOSEXUAL BEHAVIOR currently.

Owning another human being is wrong culturally worldwide, so is homosexuality.
This historical revisionism is sickening to watch.

All you have to do is talk to an old timer in the Deep South. They'll be happy to tell you the Bible verses that were used back in the day to justify segregation and even slavery.

but they do biscuits and fried chicken well
The Southern diet is delicious but deadly.

They even manage to ruin vegetables. Bacon fat in green beans! Are you freaking kidding me?
This historical revisionism is sickening to watch.

All you have to do is talk to an old timer in the Deep South. They'll be happy to tell you the Bible verses that were used back in the day to justify segregation and even slavery.

The very same way the modern day bigot hides behind the Bible to justify oppressing gays.

Same bullshit, different decade.

It's not JUST CHRISTIANS, EVERY religion / society on the face of the earth is AGAINST HOMOSEXUAL BEHAVIOR currently.

Owning another human being is wrong culturally worldwide, so is homosexuality.
Yes, there is a thousands year long "tradition" of oppressing whatever minorities exist in the midst of a population and using God as the excuse to do so.

An Armenian in the Ottoman Empire.

A Muslim in Bosnia.

A negro in Alabama.

A homosexual anywhere.

We must purify our country! Where is your flag pin/armband? Down with multiculturalism! Sieg Heil!
This historical revisionism is sickening to watch.

All you have to do is talk to an old timer in the Deep South. They'll be happy to tell you the Bible verses that were used back in the day to justify segregation and even slavery.

but they do biscuits and fried chicken well
The Southern diet is delicious but deadly.

They even manage to ruin vegetables. Bacon fat in green beans! Are you freaking kidding me?

yeah----try doing southern for a boy that grew up-------UTTERLY KOSHER. I watch the southern cooking show making mental notes on how to ADAPT--------so far I have no answer for fried ---uhm ? chiccarones (I think that's Mexican----same thing ---tex-mex) I also cannot do cheese with meat------MY HANDS ARE TIED-------no creamed anything------nope---no béchamel------NOPE
This historical revisionism is sickening to watch.

All you have to do is talk to an old timer in the Deep South. They'll be happy to tell you the Bible verses that were used back in the day to justify segregation and even slavery.

The very same way the modern day bigot hides behind the Bible to justify oppressing gays.

Same bullshit, different decade.

It's not JUST CHRISTIANS, EVERY religion / society on the face of the earth is AGAINST HOMOSEXUAL BEHAVIOR currently.

Owning another human being is wrong culturally worldwide, so is homosexuality.
Yes, there is a thousands year long "tradition" of oppressing whatever minorities exist in the midst of a population and using God as the excuse to do so.

An Armenian in the Ottoman Empire.

A Muslim in Bosnia.

A negro in Alabama.

A homosexual anywhere.

We must purify our country! Where is your flag pin/armband? Down with multiculturalism! Sieg Heil!

sorry lad------I treated an elderly BOSNIAN-----he was a Christian from Bosnia and told me (with tears in his eyes) of his childhood in MUSLIM BOSNIA--- its not the Christians who oppressed muslims in BOSNIA-----you is thinking of the SERBS who hate their guts
This historical revisionism is sickening to watch.

All you have to do is talk to an old timer in the Deep South. They'll be happy to tell you the Bible verses that were used back in the day to justify segregation and even slavery.

but they do biscuits and fried chicken well
The Southern diet is delicious but deadly.

They even manage to ruin vegetables. Bacon fat in green beans! Are you freaking kidding me?

yeah----try doing southern for a boy that grew up-------UTTERLY KOSHER. I watch the southern cooking show making mental notes on how to ADAPT--------so far I have no answer for fried ---uhm ? chiccarones (I think that's Mexican----same thing ---tex-mex) I also cannot do cheese with meat------MY HANDS ARE TIED-------no creamed anything------nope---no béchamel------NOPE

Man, that's tough. I never thought how difficult it must be for people with religious dietary restrictions in the South.

I guess that's one way to keep Muslims out of the South. Put bacon fat in everything. :D
This historical revisionism is sickening to watch.

All you have to do is talk to an old timer in the Deep South. They'll be happy to tell you the Bible verses that were used back in the day to justify segregation and even slavery.

but they do biscuits and fried chicken well
The Southern diet is delicious but deadly.

They even manage to ruin vegetables. Bacon fat in green beans! Are you freaking kidding me?

yeah----try doing southern for a boy that grew up-------UTTERLY KOSHER. I watch the southern cooking show making mental notes on how to ADAPT--------so far I have no answer for fried ---uhm ? chiccarones (I think that's Mexican----same thing ---tex-mex) I also cannot do cheese with meat------MY HANDS ARE TIED-------no creamed anything------nope---no béchamel------NOPE

Man, that's tough. I never thought how difficult it must be for people with religious dietary restrictions in the South.

I guess that's one way to keep Muslims out of the South. Put bacon fat in everything. :D

good idea
This historical revisionism is sickening to watch.

All you have to do is talk to an old timer in the Deep South. They'll be happy to tell you the Bible verses that were used back in the day to justify segregation and even slavery.

The very same way the modern day bigot hides behind the Bible to justify oppressing gays.

Same bullshit, different decade.

It's not JUST CHRISTIANS, EVERY religion / society on the face of the earth is AGAINST HOMOSEXUAL BEHAVIOR currently.

Owning another human being is wrong culturally worldwide, so is homosexuality.
Yes, there is a thousands year long "tradition" of oppressing whatever minorities exist in the midst of a population and using God as the excuse to do so.

An Armenian in the Ottoman Empire.

A Muslim in Bosnia.

A negro in Alabama.

A homosexual anywhere.

We must purify our country! Where is your flag pin/armband? Down with multiculturalism! Sieg Heil!

sorry lad------I treated an elderly BOSNIAN-----he was a Christian from Bosnia and told me (with tears in his eyes) of his childhood in MUSLIM BOSNIA--- its not the Christians who oppressed muslims in BOSNIA-----you is thinking of the SERBS who hate their guts
I did not say Bosnians. I said Bosnia.

The Serbs and Croats in Bosnia persecuted the Muslims.

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