Nazis also subjugated churches under the state.

Far right christian crackers lie that "progressive-organized religion of communism that will tell Americans what to do."
Insurance companies will deny coverage which will force church closure.

The Affordable Care Act includes a special provision for members of Healthcare Sharing Ministries, so Medi-Share members are exempt from the mandate to purchase insurance or face financial penalties. You can review the details of the Affordable Care Act in Section 1501, page 148.

If the federal healthcare reform laws have you seeking a wise and God-honoring choice for your healthcare, you’ll find it in Medi-Share. Unlike health insurance where you pay a premium to a company, Medi-Share is a community of Christians who share each other’s medical bills. Your share dollars are never used for unbiblical procedures or treatments like abortion or the morning after pill. And you know your share is going directly to help a fellow member with an eligible medical bill.

Read our Healthcare Reform FAQs to learn more about how Medi-Share members are exempt from the individual mandate of the Affordable Care Act.

Affordable Care Act Exemptions Medi-Share CCM
Christian far right crackers are telling lies about this as well as the SC flag.

They want the old South to rise again. No.
The concept here is to destroy any religion that does not openly accept homosexuals or socialism.

Since religions are societal road maps and their little utopias are not condoned by these religions then they must destroy all religions that are not accepting.

This is all about creating a society that will ACCEPT them, the fools don't understand acceptance is like not like respect. It can not be earned, we as human beings have beliefs that we will not change. We may be forced to TOLERATE specific groups or actions of others but ACCEPTANCE like RESPECT can not be demanded.
Pretty moronic, Supposed Christian were saying the same thing in the 60's too when they were no longer allow refuse service to or give second class accommodations to black folks. Nazi this Nazi that..........Keep up the good work.

What a racist fucking retard, Christians were the compassionate ones running underground railroads and sanctuaries ..................
Look, you shit stirring bitch, SOCIETY IN GENERAL REFUSED BLACKS PRE 60's ..........................
Actually, progressive dems. The church is where the abolitionist movement started and was fueled. In fact every major shift towards freedom in the entire history of mankind has been conceived by Christians.
The concept here is to destroy any religion that does not openly accept homosexuals or socialism.

Since religions are societal road maps and their little utopias are not condoned by these religions then they must destroy all religions that are not accepting.

This is all about creating a society that will ACCEPT them, the fools don't understand acceptance is like not like respect. It can not be earned, we as human beings have beliefs that we will not change. We may be forced to TOLERATE specific groups or actions of others but ACCEPTANCE like RESPECT can not be demanded.
So said the nazis and the commies and the Muslims.
Ravi - assuming you have sigs turned off...

for a good laugh, check out babble's latest signature pic. :cuckoo:

Let me has the potential to spread like wildfire. There are many who want to see exactly that....and many of them are in positions of incredible power and have the implicit support of millions.

So, it's only happening in the minds of paranoid people...victims, and of course Nazi lovers, who parade Nazi flags in their sig line.
The concept here is to destroy any religion that does not openly accept homosexuals or socialism.

Since religions are societal road maps and their little utopias are not condoned by these religions then they must destroy all religions that are not accepting.

This is all about creating a society that will ACCEPT them, the fools don't understand acceptance is like not like respect. It can not be earned, we as human beings have beliefs that we will not change. We may be forced to TOLERATE specific groups or actions of others but ACCEPTANCE like RESPECT can not be demanded.
I think you are mistaken is assuming the GLBT folks are the reason Americans are becoming more accepting of sexual diversity, and rather, as people see the discrimination by the RR - OUTSIDE OF THE RR CHURCHES that the RR churches support - the RR is marginalized in terms of fewer people buying in.

And, on a larger scale, I don't see that churches that accommodate and welcome diversity will really gain. Rather I think we will continue on a secular decline.

And, I think the recent scotus decision was unwise, as was Roe. The Court should let political institutions work out equal protection unless it is clear they are unable to do so.
First he embraced religion. As soon as he was in power, he established that the church and clergy acknowledge the state as their primary authority. If they did not do so publically, they were prosecuted, removed from their position in the church, and frequently killed. Where do you think progressives are going with their targeting of Christians? I know. You do too.

Can't get elected in the US without sucking Jesus' cock.

Wanna talk about subjugation though take a look at Christian missionary operations in the 19th century.
The far right southern Christians in the South supported segregation.

They would do it again in a heart beat. They are Bob Jones cracker fundamentalists.

Woodrow Wilson
Bob Jones. Strom Thurmond. David Duke. Cruz. Perry.

Lets start here. Have you read original Democrat party platform that call for rights to force people into slavery? Compare it to Republican platform that calls for abolishing the slavery.
Spit it out.

“Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.”

Judge Leon M. Bazile, January 6, 1959

I asked for proof that Christians were refusing service to blacks. Christians and church in particular.
You quoted words of Circuit Judge appointed by Democrats. Try again.

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