NBA/MLB ratings tank after social Justice warriors have their way!


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
Starved for sports? Well, wasn't a good enough reason for PATRIOTIC Americans to watch a bunch of phony-e-baloneys insult the country they love. Watch what happens-) Want to hurt these phonies? Keep dinging their pockets! This bodes well for November, it really does. People are tired of these "holier than thou" phonies in the media, and on these teams. The "silent majority" has had enough! They know that these "phonies" are few, and far between. They just make a lot of noise, and are insulting, along with irritating. They also know how to shut them up-)

And in case want to check it out yourself, many, many, MANY sites have said the same thing. Keep pressure on them, and they will collapse like the house of phony cards they are!
Never liked to watch basketball, stopped watching baseball after the last strike. As of this year I'm done with the NFL. I hope they go bankrupt, when these babies have to get a real job and live paycheck to pay check. Maybe they will finally realize, they had it good
Starved for sports? Well, wasn't a good enough reason for PATRIOTIC Americans to watch a bunch of phony-e-baloneys insult the country they love. Watch what happens-) Want to hurt these phonies? Keep dinging their pockets! This bodes well for November, it really does. People are tired of these "holier than thou" phonies in the media, and on these teams. The "silent majority" has had enough! They know that these "phonies" are few, and far between. They just make a lot of noise, and are insulting, along with irritating. They also know how to shut them up-)

And in case want to check it out yourself, many, many, MANY sites have said the same thing. Keep pressure on them, and they will collapse like the house of phony cards they are!

This is what happens when gym rats think they have political smarts.
a fundamental part of spectator sports is that fans identify with the teams. that is why the teams are based in cities.;

when the players make it clear that they disrespect the fans, or at least the white fans, this ruins the feeling of connection between the fans and their teams.

a fundamental part of spectator sports is that fans identify with the teams. that is why the teams are based in cities.;

when the players make it clear that they disrespect the fans, or at least the white fans, this ruins the feeling of connection between the fans and their teams.

Excellent point. Never thought of it in that respect, but you are probably closer to the truth than many might think! And it is just not white people, it is PATRIOTS, and they come in all shapes and sizes, along with different colors. The silent MAJORITY has had enough. Watch what happens-)
lebron grauveling.jpg
a fundamental part of spectator sports is that fans identify with the teams. that is why the teams are based in cities.;

when the players make it clear that they disrespect the fans, or at least the white fans, this ruins the feeling of connection between the fans and their teams.

Excellent point. Never thought of it in that respect, but you are probably closer to the truth than many might think! And it is just not white people, it is PATRIOTS, and they come in all shapes and sizes, along with different colors. The silent MAJORITY has had enough. Watch what happens-)

yes, even minority patriots, should feel insulted by the actions of the kneelers.

and this is still a fairly patriotic nation.

it will be interesting to see, how this impacts the attendance and ratings long term.

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