NBA's Sterling Brown Arrest Video Released Shows NBA Player Getting Tased

BTW, here's the OG footage. It's best to make your decision based on all the facts. This is a lesson in how not to respond to police:

He seems polite and respectful

At which point?
When he got up in the cops face or when he refused to take his hands from his pockets?

He seemed to be standing still. It was the cop that was all agitated

He didn’t refuse to take his hands out of his pockets, he wisely told them he had something in his hand

That is when the cops went apeshit

He was being an ass from the beginning. He got too close to the cop. He would not take his hands out of his pockets.
BTW, here's the OG footage. It's best to make your decision based on all the facts. This is a lesson in how not to respond to police:

He seems polite and respectful

At which point?
When he got up in the cops face or when he refused to take his hands from his pockets?

He seemed to be standing still. It was the cop that was all agitated

He didn’t refuse to take his hands out of his pockets, he wisely told them he had something in his hand

That is when the cops went apeshit

Using all brain cells for life support......
BTW, here's the OG footage. It's best to make your decision based on all the facts. This is a lesson in how not to respond to police:

He seems polite and respectful

At which point?
When he got up in the cops face or when he refused to take his hands from his pockets?

He seemed to be standing still. It was the cop that was all agitated

He didn’t refuse to take his hands out of his pockets, he wisely told them he had something in his hand

That is when the cops went apeshit

He was being an ass from the beginning. He got too close to the cop. He would not take his hands out of his pockets.

Too close ?
He was just standing there
He told the cops he had something in is hands and the cops went apeshit.

By the way, the cops apologized and the officers were reprimanded
BTW, here's the OG footage. It's best to make your decision based on all the facts. This is a lesson in how not to respond to police:

He seems polite and respectful

At which point?
When he got up in the cops face or when he refused to take his hands from his pockets?

He seemed to be standing still. It was the cop that was all agitated

He didn’t refuse to take his hands out of his pockets, he wisely told them he had something in his hand

That is when the cops went apeshit

He was being an ass from the beginning. He got too close to the cop. He would not take his hands out of his pockets.

Too close ?
He was just standing there

No, he wasn't. He was standing too close. Please don't pretend to be such a pussy that you don't understand the inherent threat of such a move.

He told the cops he had something in is hands and the cops went apeshit.

Another pretend subtle threat. A threat that a person in touch with reality sees, but with just a thin veneer of bullshit, so that willful dupes like yourself can tell yourself he was just an innocent.

By the way, the cops apologized and the officers were reprimanded

Yep. That's who the little games were meant for. The stupid Authority figure who would punish the supposed bad guys, ie the cops, while the little punk gets off being an entitled dick.

Stupid games like this are tearing this nation apart.
------------------------------------------------ i only heard about this story , not really interested BUT , could it have just been a setup to catch the stupid cops . I heard that the ball player had parked illegally in a couple of Handicapped spaces . One space i can understand but a couple spaces is unusual in my opinion . -------------- so thats just a question . The whole thing is stupid . Doesn't really matter to me but my uninformed opinion is that the cops were stupid .
I'm pretty sure proper procedure requires them to immediately relay the vehicle plate to dispatch, so they had to have know who he was and nothing from the article indicates that they mistook him for someone robbing the store.
------------------------------------------------ i only heard about this story , not really interested BUT , could it have just been a setup to catch the stupid cops . I heard that the ball player had parked illegally in a couple of Handicapped spaces . One space i can understand but a couple spaces is unusual in my opinion . -------------- so thats just a question . The whole thing is stupid . Doesn't really matter to me but my uninformed opinion is that the cops were stupid .
I'm pretty sure proper procedure requires them to immediately relay the vehicle plate to dispatch, so they had to have know who he was and nothing from the article indicates that they mistook him for someone robbing the store.

The moment they started talking to him, they knew he was an ass out for trouble.
nothing to do with robbing [imo] but from what i HEARD the guy was being a pwick as he took up 2 handicapped spaces in what i'd call an entitled manner . That got the cops out there and then they acted as dummies . Just seems like a setup to get the dumb cops to me . But hey , i don't know , don't really care Mariyam .
------------------------------------------------ i only heard about this story , not really interested BUT , could it have just been a setup to catch the stupid cops . I heard that the ball player had parked illegally in a couple of Handicapped spaces . One space i can understand but a couple spaces is unusual in my opinion . -------------- so thats just a question . The whole thing is stupid . Doesn't really matter to me but my uninformed opinion is that the cops were stupid .
I'm pretty sure proper procedure requires them to immediately relay the vehicle plate to dispatch, so they had to have know who he was and nothing from the article indicates that they mistook him for someone robbing the store.

The moment they started talking to him, they knew he was an ass out for trouble.
------------------------------------------ but its the cops that got the trouble [i guess] as this guy talks , probably about racist cops Correl .
------------------------------------------------ i only heard about this story , not really interested BUT , could it have just been a setup to catch the stupid cops . I heard that the ball player had parked illegally in a couple of Handicapped spaces . One space i can understand but a couple spaces is unusual in my opinion . -------------- so thats just a question . The whole thing is stupid . Doesn't really matter to me but my uninformed opinion is that the cops were stupid .
I'm pretty sure proper procedure requires them to immediately relay the vehicle plate to dispatch, so they had to have know who he was and nothing from the article indicates that they mistook him for someone robbing the store.

The moment they started talking to him, they knew he was an ass out for trouble.
------------------------------------------ but its the cops that got the trouble [i guess] as this guy talks , probably about racist cops Correl .

Because the wrong guy never gets in trouble?

Man, you must have had a nice life, to still believe that.
He seems polite and respectful

At which point?
When he got up in the cops face or when he refused to take his hands from his pockets?
He seemed to be standing still. It was the cop that was all agitated

He didn’t refuse to take his hands out of his pockets, he wisely told them he had something in his hand

That is when the cops went apeshit

He was being an ass from the beginning. He got too close to the cop. He would not take his hands out of his pockets.
Too close ?
He was just standing there

No, he wasn't. He was standing too close. Please don't pretend to be such a pussy that you don't understand the inherent threat of such a move.

He told the cops he had something in is hands and the cops went apeshit.

Another pretend subtle threat. A threat that a person in touch with reality sees, but with just a thin veneer of bullshit, so that willful dupes like yourself can tell yourself he was just an innocent.

By the way, the cops apologized and the officers were reprimanded

Yep. That's who the little games were meant for. The stupid Authority figure who would punish the supposed bad guys, ie the cops, while the little punk gets off being an entitled dick.

Stupid games like this are tearing this nation apart.
Sterling was calm and polite through the whole confrontation

The cop should have just written a ticket and gone on his way
Instead, he escalated, called for backup and then beat the guy and tased him
At which point?
When he got up in the cops face or when he refused to take his hands from his pockets?
He seemed to be standing still. It was the cop that was all agitated

He didn’t refuse to take his hands out of his pockets, he wisely told them he had something in his hand

That is when the cops went apeshit

He was being an ass from the beginning. He got too close to the cop. He would not take his hands out of his pockets.
Too close ?
He was just standing there

No, he wasn't. He was standing too close. Please don't pretend to be such a pussy that you don't understand the inherent threat of such a move.

He told the cops he had something in is hands and the cops went apeshit.

Another pretend subtle threat. A threat that a person in touch with reality sees, but with just a thin veneer of bullshit, so that willful dupes like yourself can tell yourself he was just an innocent.

By the way, the cops apologized and the officers were reprimanded

Yep. That's who the little games were meant for. The stupid Authority figure who would punish the supposed bad guys, ie the cops, while the little punk gets off being an entitled dick.

Stupid games like this are tearing this nation apart.
Sterling was calm and polite through the whole confrontation

The cop should have just written a ticket and gone on his way
Instead, he escalated, called for backup and then beat the guy and tased him

I already crushed your supporting arguments for that claim.

You ignored the fact that they were refuted and just re asserted your claim.

That is the act of a dishonest asshole.
------------------------------------------------ i only heard about this story , not really interested BUT , could it have just been a setup to catch the stupid cops . I heard that the ball player had parked illegally in a couple of Handicapped spaces . One space i can understand but a couple spaces is unusual in my opinion . -------------- so thats just a question . The whole thing is stupid . Doesn't really matter to me but my uninformed opinion is that the cops were stupid .
I'm pretty sure proper procedure requires them to immediately relay the vehicle plate to dispatch, so they had to have know who he was and nothing from the article indicates that they mistook him for someone robbing the store.

Why would they know who he was?
I watch basketball and I've never heard of him.
He seemed to be standing still. It was the cop that was all agitated

He didn’t refuse to take his hands out of his pockets, he wisely told them he had something in his hand

That is when the cops went apeshit

He was being an ass from the beginning. He got too close to the cop. He would not take his hands out of his pockets.
Too close ?
He was just standing there

No, he wasn't. He was standing too close. Please don't pretend to be such a pussy that you don't understand the inherent threat of such a move.

He told the cops he had something in is hands and the cops went apeshit.

Another pretend subtle threat. A threat that a person in touch with reality sees, but with just a thin veneer of bullshit, so that willful dupes like yourself can tell yourself he was just an innocent.

By the way, the cops apologized and the officers were reprimanded

Yep. That's who the little games were meant for. The stupid Authority figure who would punish the supposed bad guys, ie the cops, while the little punk gets off being an entitled dick.

Stupid games like this are tearing this nation apart.
Sterling was calm and polite through the whole confrontation

The cop should have just written a ticket and gone on his way
Instead, he escalated, called for backup and then beat the guy and tased him

I already crushed your supporting arguments for that claim.

You ignored the fact that they were refuted and just re asserted your claim.

That is the act of a dishonest asshole.
Self proclaimed victories are so shallow

You need to bring your A game
------------------------------------------------ i only heard about this story , not really interested BUT , could it have just been a setup to catch the stupid cops . I heard that the ball player had parked illegally in a couple of Handicapped spaces . One space i can understand but a couple spaces is unusual in my opinion . -------------- so thats just a question . The whole thing is stupid . Doesn't really matter to me but my uninformed opinion is that the cops were stupid .
I'm pretty sure proper procedure requires them to immediately relay the vehicle plate to dispatch, so they had to have know who he was and nothing from the article indicates that they mistook him for someone robbing the store.

Why would they know who he was?
I watch basketball and I've never heard of him.
Think he was a rookie second round pick
BTW, here's the OG footage. It's best to make your decision based on all the facts. This is a lesson in how not to respond to police:

He seems polite and respectful

Right. So your priceless advice is to advance into a cop's face to the point where he has to tell you to back off, talk smack to the other cops, refuse to follow lawful orders, get manhandled and tased.

You're on a roll.
Obey lawful orders from the police and you won't get tazed. It's just that simple.
Bull, this was an abuse of state police powers. Brown wasn't an absconding felon, his vehicle was parked improperly.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least if they already knew who he was by having run the vehicle's plates.

When a police officer asks you a question, you answer it POLITELY... and without being a jerk.
When a police officer tells you to do something, you DO IT.... POLITELY... and without being a jerk.

Where does this idea that if you are not a felon, that you now can treat others, especially officers, with disrespect and arrogance? No. Sorry, you can't. You need to have some humble pie shoved in your face, and start acting like you are not 'all that' because you are not.

I had an officer pull me over, for some reason who knows even, and he pulled his gun on me.

What did I do? Start mouthing off? Start acting like my pride was wounded? Start having a little self-entitled melt down, and start screaming about being profiled and how all cops are pigs?

No... I answered with "yes, sir", and answered only the questions asked, and followed every order he gave me. He wrote me a warning, and he let me go.

If all these moronic fools would simply follow that plan, they would all be let go.
Where does this idea that if you are not a felon, that you now can treat others, especially officers, with disrespect and arrogance? No. Sorry, you can't. You need to have some humble pie shoved in your face, and start acting like you are not 'all that' because you are not.
Look at all of the aggression and frustration you're demonstrating in just one comment as you display your lack of understanding of the escalation of the use of force.

In our legal system punishment is to be commensurate with the severity of the crime committed. Illegal parking, refusing to show respect to an LEO (whatever that means), mouthing off to a police officer are not violations of the law for which tasering is an appropriate nor lawful response. Our police officers are supposed to be able to behave as professionals at all times and this was not a professional response to a civil infraction of the law (as opposed to an absconding felon since you're unable to discern the difference).
Brown did not handle it right when it got underway but it got underway because the officer was awkward at best

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