NBA's Sterling Brown Arrest Video Released Shows NBA Player Getting Tased

Where does this idea that if you are not a felon, that you now can treat others, especially officers, with disrespect and arrogance? No. Sorry, you can't. You need to have some humble pie shoved in your face, and start acting like you are not 'all that' because you are not.
Look at all of the aggression and frustration you're demonstrating in just one comment as you display your lack of understanding of the escalation of the use of force.

In our legal system punishment is to be commensurate with the severity of the crime committed. Illegal parking, refusing to show respect to an LEO (whatever that means), mouthing off to a police officer are not violations of the law for which tasering is an appropriate nor lawful response. Our police officers are supposed to be able to behave as professionals at all times and this was not a professional response to a civil infraction of the law (as opposed to an absconding felon since you're unable to discern the difference).

Because.... if you simply treat authority with respect, we wouldn't need to have a discussion about escalation and use of force.

Again... I've had run ins with police numerous times in my past. Never once have I been tazed, shot, or anything. Because treated all officers with the respect they deserve.

It's really that simple.

When you start acting like an idiot to the police..... THAT ACTION ALONE, justifies punishment.

Let's say I do something completely ridiculously lame.... like J-walking.

If I jay walk, and the officer sees me, he might decide to stop me.

Now if the officer just whips out a night-stick and starts beating me with it, before he even says anything, or I even say anything....

Then you have point! If that is what happened in that video, I'd be on your side of this argument.

But,.... if I start cussing the officer out, start mouthing off, refuse to obey his lawful commands, act like an idiot, start provoking the officer....

And then he beats the snot out of me.... I would deserve what I got, for being a disrespectful snot of person.

That's what I see in most of these videos. People act like trash.... get treated like trash... and the complain the officer wasn't nice, when they were scum to the officer.

For the record, I don't know if the officer was out of line in this specific video or not. I'm just saying, likely nothing would have happened, if the man had been treating the officer with complete respect.
Where does this idea that if you are not a felon, that you now can treat others, especially officers, with disrespect and arrogance? No. Sorry, you can't. You need to have some humble pie shoved in your face, and start acting like you are not 'all that' because you are not.
Look at all of the aggression and frustration you're demonstrating in just one comment as you display your lack of understanding of the escalation of the use of force.

In our legal system punishment is to be commensurate with the severity of the crime committed. Illegal parking, refusing to show respect to an LEO (whatever that means), mouthing off to a police officer are not violations of the law for which tasering is an appropriate nor lawful response. Our police officers are supposed to be able to behave as professionals at all times and this was not a professional response to a civil infraction of the law (as opposed to an absconding felon since you're unable to discern the difference).

Because.... if you simply treat authority with respect, we wouldn't need to have a discussion about escalation and use of force.

Again... I've had run ins with police numerous times in my past. Never once have I been tazed, shot, or anything. Because treated all officers with the respect they deserve.

It's really that simple.

When you start acting like an idiot to the police..... THAT ACTION ALONE, justifies punishment.

Let's say I do something completely ridiculously lame.... like J-walking.

If I jay walk, and the officer sees me, he might decide to stop me.

Now if the officer just whips out a night-stick and starts beating me with it, before he even says anything, or I even say anything....

Then you have point! If that is what happened in that video, I'd be on your side of this argument.

But,.... if I start cussing the officer out, start mouthing off, refuse to obey his lawful commands, act like an idiot, start provoking the officer....

And then he beats the snot out of me.... I would deserve what I got, for being a disrespectful snot of person.

That's what I see in most of these videos. People act like trash.... get treated like trash... and the complain the officer wasn't nice, when they were scum to the officer.

For the record, I don't know if the officer was out of line in this specific video or not. I'm just saying, likely nothing would have happened, if the man had been treating the officer with complete respect.

My last 2 interactions with LEOs were both bad. Very unprofessional. One was illegal.
To me it wasn't worth going to jail to shine the light on the officer's wrongdoing.
Where does this idea that if you are not a felon, that you now can treat others, especially officers, with disrespect and arrogance? No. Sorry, you can't. You need to have some humble pie shoved in your face, and start acting like you are not 'all that' because you are not.
Look at all of the aggression and frustration you're demonstrating in just one comment as you display your lack of understanding of the escalation of the use of force.

In our legal system punishment is to be commensurate with the severity of the crime committed. Illegal parking, refusing to show respect to an LEO (whatever that means), mouthing off to a police officer are not violations of the law for which tasering is an appropriate nor lawful response. Our police officers are supposed to be able to behave as professionals at all times and this was not a professional response to a civil infraction of the law (as opposed to an absconding felon since you're unable to discern the difference).

Because.... if you simply treat authority with respect, we wouldn't need to have a discussion about escalation and use of force.

Again... I've had run ins with police numerous times in my past. Never once have I been tazed, shot, or anything. Because treated all officers with the respect they deserve.

It's really that simple.

When you start acting like an idiot to the police..... THAT ACTION ALONE, justifies punishment.

Let's say I do something completely ridiculously lame.... like J-walking.

If I jay walk, and the officer sees me, he might decide to stop me.

Now if the officer just whips out a night-stick and starts beating me with it, before he even says anything, or I even say anything....

Then you have point! If that is what happened in that video, I'd be on your side of this argument.

But,.... if I start cussing the officer out, start mouthing off, refuse to obey his lawful commands, act like an idiot, start provoking the officer....

And then he beats the snot out of me.... I would deserve what I got, for being a disrespectful snot of person.

That's what I see in most of these videos. People act like trash.... get treated like trash... and the complain the officer wasn't nice, when they were scum to the officer.

For the record, I don't know if the officer was out of line in this specific video or not. I'm just saying, likely nothing would have happened, if the man had been treating the officer with complete respect.

My last 2 interactions with LEOs were both bad. Very unprofessional. One was illegal.
To me it wasn't worth going to jail to shine the light on the officer's wrongdoing.

I have no idea what LEO means.

Anyway, I would agree with you, that we do have bad police officers... or honestly a bigger problem is simply untrained officers.

I also think we need to have fewer laws. Unfortunately the push from the left-wing is to have more laws, which makes it more difficult for officers to enforce a million different laws.

But again.... even if the officer is acting in an unprofessional way... the left-wing seems to think that's grounds for being unprofessional yourself. No. Someone else acting badly, is not grounds for you to act badly, or maybe we should just make murder legal..... right?

If you are telling me, that you can do whatever you want, because someone else is acting badly, then if you follow that logic to the end, that's anarchy.

No. Sorry, that ideology is wrong. You should treat the officer with respect at all times, no matter what.

The only time you are allowed to respond badly, is when you are defending yourself. If Rodney King has been just doing what he was told, and following the officers orders, and they just randomly started beating him, no one would have defended those cops, or any cops.

That isn't the case.
BTW, here's the OG footage. It's best to make your decision based on all the facts. This is a lesson in how not to respond to police:

He seems polite and respectful

Right. So your priceless advice is to advance into a cop's face to the point where he has to tell you to back off, talk smack to the other cops, refuse to follow lawful orders, get manhandled and tased.

You're on a roll.

Do the people who say stuff like this, not drive you nutz?

"I acted like an idiot to armed men until they hurt me, now I'm crying about it!"

Aba..... how do we reach these people with common sense? It's now practically a super power. We need to replace the Black Panther and Superman, with "Common Sense Man!" and start a comic series on it.
Where does this idea that if you are not a felon, that you now can treat others, especially officers, with disrespect and arrogance? No. Sorry, you can't. You need to have some humble pie shoved in your face, and start acting like you are not 'all that' because you are not.
Look at all of the aggression and frustration you're demonstrating in just one comment as you display your lack of understanding of the escalation of the use of force.

In our legal system punishment is to be commensurate with the severity of the crime committed. Illegal parking, refusing to show respect to an LEO (whatever that means), mouthing off to a police officer are not violations of the law for which tasering is an appropriate nor lawful response. Our police officers are supposed to be able to behave as professionals at all times and this was not a professional response to a civil infraction of the law (as opposed to an absconding felon since you're unable to discern the difference).

Because.... if you simply treat authority with respect, we wouldn't need to have a discussion about escalation and use of force.

Again... I've had run ins with police numerous times in my past. Never once have I been tazed, shot, or anything. Because treated all officers with the respect they deserve.

It's really that simple.

When you start acting like an idiot to the police..... THAT ACTION ALONE, justifies punishment.

Let's say I do something completely ridiculously lame.... like J-walking.

If I jay walk, and the officer sees me, he might decide to stop me.

Now if the officer just whips out a night-stick and starts beating me with it, before he even says anything, or I even say anything....

Then you have point! If that is what happened in that video, I'd be on your side of this argument.

But,.... if I start cussing the officer out, start mouthing off, refuse to obey his lawful commands, act like an idiot, start provoking the officer....

And then he beats the snot out of me.... I would deserve what I got, for being a disrespectful snot of person.

That's what I see in most of these videos. People act like trash.... get treated like trash... and the complain the officer wasn't nice, when they were scum to the officer.

For the record, I don't know if the officer was out of line in this specific video or not. I'm just saying, likely nothing would have happened, if the man had been treating the officer with complete respect.

My last 2 interactions with LEOs were both bad. Very unprofessional. One was illegal.
To me it wasn't worth going to jail to shine the light on the officer's wrongdoing.

I have no idea what LEO means.

Anyway, I would agree with you, that we do have bad police officers... or honestly a bigger problem is simply untrained officers.

I also think we need to have fewer laws. Unfortunately the push from the left-wing is to have more laws, which makes it more difficult for officers to enforce a million different laws.

But again.... even if the officer is acting in an unprofessional way... the left-wing seems to think that's grounds for being unprofessional yourself. No. Someone else acting badly, is not grounds for you to act badly, or maybe we should just make murder legal..... right?

If you are telling me, that you can do whatever you want, because someone else is acting badly, then if you follow that logic to the end, that's anarchy.

No. Sorry, that ideology is wrong. You should treat the officer with respect at all times, no matter what.

The only time you are allowed to respond badly, is when you are defending yourself. If Rodney King has been just doing what he was told, and following the officers orders, and they just randomly started beating him, no one would have defended those cops, or any cops.

That isn't the case.



I just smiled and let the little fucker keep trying to get a rise out of me in the 1st instance.

In the second, the bastard curb-slammed me just after he got the 2nd cuff clicked. I was complying, not resisting.

I went off like a rocket after that. I know how it works. He knew he had fucked up.
Where does this idea that if you are not a felon, that you now can treat others, especially officers, with disrespect and arrogance? No. Sorry, you can't. You need to have some humble pie shoved in your face, and start acting like you are not 'all that' because you are not.
Look at all of the aggression and frustration you're demonstrating in just one comment as you display your lack of understanding of the escalation of the use of force.

In our legal system punishment is to be commensurate with the severity of the crime committed. Illegal parking, refusing to show respect to an LEO (whatever that means), mouthing off to a police officer are not violations of the law for which tasering is an appropriate nor lawful response. Our police officers are supposed to be able to behave as professionals at all times and this was not a professional response to a civil infraction of the law (as opposed to an absconding felon since you're unable to discern the difference).

Because.... if you simply treat authority with respect, we wouldn't need to have a discussion about escalation and use of force.

Again... I've had run ins with police numerous times in my past. Never once have I been tazed, shot, or anything. Because treated all officers with the respect they deserve.

It's really that simple.

When you start acting like an idiot to the police..... THAT ACTION ALONE, justifies punishment.

Let's say I do something completely ridiculously lame.... like J-walking.

If I jay walk, and the officer sees me, he might decide to stop me.

Now if the officer just whips out a night-stick and starts beating me with it, before he even says anything, or I even say anything....

Then you have point! If that is what happened in that video, I'd be on your side of this argument.

But,.... if I start cussing the officer out, start mouthing off, refuse to obey his lawful commands, act like an idiot, start provoking the officer....

And then he beats the snot out of me.... I would deserve what I got, for being a disrespectful snot of person.

That's what I see in most of these videos. People act like trash.... get treated like trash... and the complain the officer wasn't nice, when they were scum to the officer.

For the record, I don't know if the officer was out of line in this specific video or not. I'm just saying, likely nothing would have happened, if the man had been treating the officer with complete respect.

My last 2 interactions with LEOs were both bad. Very unprofessional. One was illegal.
To me it wasn't worth going to jail to shine the light on the officer's wrongdoing.

I have no idea what LEO means.

Anyway, I would agree with you, that we do have bad police officers... or honestly a bigger problem is simply untrained officers.

I also think we need to have fewer laws. Unfortunately the push from the left-wing is to have more laws, which makes it more difficult for officers to enforce a million different laws.

But again.... even if the officer is acting in an unprofessional way... the left-wing seems to think that's grounds for being unprofessional yourself. No. Someone else acting badly, is not grounds for you to act badly, or maybe we should just make murder legal..... right?

If you are telling me, that you can do whatever you want, because someone else is acting badly, then if you follow that logic to the end, that's anarchy.

No. Sorry, that ideology is wrong. You should treat the officer with respect at all times, no matter what.

The only time you are allowed to respond badly, is when you are defending yourself. If Rodney King has been just doing what he was told, and following the officers orders, and they just randomly started beating him, no one would have defended those cops, or any cops.

That isn't the case.



I just smiled and let the little fucker keep trying to get a rise out of me in the 1st instance.

In the second, the bastard curb-slammed me just after he got the 2nd cuff clicked. I was complying, not resisting.

I went off like a rocket after that. I know how it works. He knew he had fucked up.

And see? That is how an adult should act. You didn't do anything, until you were harmed.

Until the point where you were defending yourself, you respected him, even if he wasn't respectable.

That is the pure essence of being mature and an adult. I'm 100% with you on that, taking what you said at face value.

I would have done exactly the same.

Most of the people that are on here posting 'police brutality' videos, are flying off at officers, before they are being body slammed. They are attacking, resisting, provoking, taunting, doing everything in their power to make the officers react, and then crying about it, when they get whats coming to them.
He was being an ass from the beginning. He got too close to the cop. He would not take his hands out of his pockets.
Too close ?
He was just standing there

No, he wasn't. He was standing too close. Please don't pretend to be such a pussy that you don't understand the inherent threat of such a move.

He told the cops he had something in is hands and the cops went apeshit.

Another "pretend subtle" threat. A threat that a person in touch with reality sees, but with just a thin veneer of bullshit, so that willful dupes like yourself can tell yourself he was just an innocent.

By the way, the cops apologized and the officers were reprimanded

Yep. That's who the little games were meant for. The stupid Authority figure who would punish the supposed bad guys, ie the cops, while the little punk gets off being an entitled dick.

Stupid games like this are tearing this nation apart.
Sterling was calm and polite through the whole confrontation

The cop should have just written a ticket and gone on his way
Instead, he escalated, called for backup and then beat the guy and tased him

I already crushed your supporting arguments for that claim.

You ignored the fact that they were refuted and just re asserted your claim.

That is the act of a dishonest asshole.
Self proclaimed victories are so shallow

You need to bring your A game

Says the man that is still ignoring that I refuted all his points, directly above.

BTW, here's the OG footage. It's best to make your decision based on all the facts. This is a lesson in how not to respond to police:

He seems polite and respectful

Right. So your priceless advice is to advance into a cop's face to the point where he has to tell you to back off, talk smack to the other cops, refuse to follow lawful orders, get manhandled and tased.

You're on a roll.

My advice is that cops not escalate a parking ticket into a physical confrontation

He did nothing to warrant being taken to the ground
Too close ?
He was just standing there

No, he wasn't. He was standing too close. Please don't pretend to be such a pussy that you don't understand the inherent threat of such a move.

He told the cops he had something in is hands and the cops went apeshit.

Another "pretend subtle" threat. A threat that a person in touch with reality sees, but with just a thin veneer of bullshit, so that willful dupes like yourself can tell yourself he was just an innocent.

By the way, the cops apologized and the officers were reprimanded

Yep. That's who the little games were meant for. The stupid Authority figure who would punish the supposed bad guys, ie the cops, while the little punk gets off being an entitled dick.

Stupid games like this are tearing this nation apart.
Sterling was calm and polite through the whole confrontation

The cop should have just written a ticket and gone on his way
Instead, he escalated, called for backup and then beat the guy and tased him

I already crushed your supporting arguments for that claim.

You ignored the fact that they were refuted and just re asserted your claim.

That is the act of a dishonest asshole.
Self proclaimed victories are so shallow

You need to bring your A game

Says the man that is still ignoring that I refuted all his points, directly above.


I ignore comments that do nothing to support your case
But,.... if I start cussing the officer out, start mouthing off, refuse to obey his lawful commands, act like an idiot, start provoking the officer....

And then he beats the snot out of me.... I would deserve what I got, for being a disrespectful snot of person.

That's what I see in most of these videos. People act like trash.... get treated like trash... and the complain the officer wasn't nice, when they were scum to the officer.

Um, no, "Contempt of Cop" is not a punishable offense. We don't live in a police state, and we are not obgligated to bow down to the police.

Too many of us do, because, hey, we know some of them are overcompensating bullies, most of them are just guys trying to do their jobs.

This case, some cops escalated a parking infraction into a use of less lethal force incident.

that's just nuts. These guys should be trained to de-escalate situations, not escalate them.
No, he wasn't. He was standing too close. Please don't pretend to be such a pussy that you don't understand the inherent threat of such a move.

Another "pretend subtle" threat. A threat that a person in touch with reality sees, but with just a thin veneer of bullshit, so that willful dupes like yourself can tell yourself he was just an innocent.

Yep. That's who the little games were meant for. The stupid Authority figure who would punish the supposed bad guys, ie the cops, while the little punk gets off being an entitled dick.

Stupid games like this are tearing this nation apart.
Sterling was calm and polite through the whole confrontation

The cop should have just written a ticket and gone on his way
Instead, he escalated, called for backup and then beat the guy and tased him

I already crushed your supporting arguments for that claim.

You ignored the fact that they were refuted and just re asserted your claim.

That is the act of a dishonest asshole.
Self proclaimed victories are so shallow

You need to bring your A game

Says the man that is still ignoring that I refuted all his points, directly above.


I ignore comments that do nothing to support your case

Tell me again, how you are such a pussy, that you don't understand the inherent threat of standing too close to someone.
Sterling was calm and polite through the whole confrontation

The cop should have just written a ticket and gone on his way
Instead, he escalated, called for backup and then beat the guy and tased him

I already crushed your supporting arguments for that claim.

You ignored the fact that they were refuted and just re asserted your claim.

That is the act of a dishonest asshole.
Self proclaimed victories are so shallow

You need to bring your A game

Says the man that is still ignoring that I refuted all his points, directly above.


I ignore comments that do nothing to support your case

Tell me again, how you are such a pussy, that you don't understand the inherent threat of standing too close to someone.

Very big black man

Does a cop need more of a reason to call for backup?
Sterling Brown acted like an ass. Can’t say I’m sorry that an ass like him got tased.

I think the cops could of probably handled the situation better, but hindsight is 20-20.

I’m sure some whites do this too, but it seems like it is part of black culture to resist authority.
Sterling Brown acted like an ass. Can’t say I’m sorry that an ass like him got tased.

I think the cops could of probably handled the situation better, but hindsight is 20-20.

I’m sure some whites do this too, but it seems like it is part of black culture to resist authority.

Guy, if being an ass were grounds for being tased, you'd be getting tased hourly.

Um, yeah, why would people whose ancestors were brought here in chains and experienced 400 years of oppression not be cool with the whole authority thing.
Sterling Brown acted like an ass. Can’t say I’m sorry that an ass like him got tased.

I think the cops could of probably handled the situation better, but hindsight is 20-20.

I’m sure some whites do this too, but it seems like it is part of black culture to resist authority.

Guy, if being an ass were grounds for being tased, you'd be getting tased hourly.

Um, yeah, why would people whose ancestors were brought here in chains and experienced 400 years of oppression not be cool with the whole authority thing.
Guess both you and I would have our share of taser burn marks if tased for being an ass.
The minute Brown said he could not take his hands out of his pockets because he had something in his hands he deserved to be taken down.

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