NBA's Sterling Brown Arrest Video Released Shows NBA Player Getting Tased

Tell me again, how you are such a pussy, that you don't understand the inherent threat of standing too close to someone.

Very big black man

Does a cop need more of a reason to call for backup?

Tell me again, how you are such a pussy, that you don't understand the inherent threat of standing too close to someone.

Cop freaked out over a tall black man in a hoodie

Your race card just shows you to be a race baiting asshole.

Tell me again, how you are such a pussy, that you don't understand the inherent threat of standing too close to someone.

Parking while black
Then you do it. Follow his fine example.

You will learn race has nothing to do with it.
Tell me again, how you are such a pussy, that you don't understand the inherent threat of standing too close to someone.

Very big black man

Does a cop need more of a reason to call for backup?

Tell me again, how you are such a pussy, that you don't understand the inherent threat of standing too close to someone.

Cop freaked out over a tall black man in a hoodie

Your race card just shows you to be a race baiting asshole.

Tell me again, how you are such a pussy, that you don't understand the inherent threat of standing too close to someone.

Parking while black

While I do see a shitload of blacks violating the handicapped parking rules they usually dont park across several of them.
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Should we refuse to show the cops our hands, oh great protector?

If the cop doesn't have probable cause, um, yeah... you should refuse.

If they bow up on the cop and refuse to follow simple commands they need an ass whipping.

"bow up"? Never mind.

Um, no, Cops aren't supposed to be beating anyone up for not respecting them. They want respect, they need to earn it back.
Should we refuse to show the cops our hands, oh great protector?

If the cop doesn't have probable cause, um, yeah... you should refuse.

If they bow up on the cop and refuse to follow simple commands they need an ass whipping.

"bow up"? Never mind.

Um, no, Cops aren't supposed to be beating anyone up for not respecting them. They want respect, they need to earn it back.

It has nothing to do with respect.
Very big black man

Does a cop need more of a reason to call for backup?

Tell me again, how you are such a pussy, that you don't understand the inherent threat of standing too close to someone.

Cop freaked out over a tall black man in a hoodie

Your race card just shows you to be a race baiting asshole.

Tell me again, how you are such a pussy, that you don't understand the inherent threat of standing too close to someone.

Parking while black

While I do see a shotload of blacks violating the handicapped parking rules they usually dont park across several of them.

It was 2 AM
He probably thought....who the hell cares at this time of morning
Sterling was calm and polite through the whole confrontation

The cop should have just written a ticket and gone on his way
Instead, he escalated, called for backup and then beat the guy and tased him

I already crushed your supporting arguments for that claim.

You ignored the fact that they were refuted and just re asserted your claim.

That is the act of a dishonest asshole.
Self proclaimed victories are so shallow

You need to bring your A game

Says the man that is still ignoring that I refuted all his points, directly above.


I ignore comments that do nothing to support your case

Tell me again, how you are such a pussy, that you don't understand the inherent threat of standing too close to someone.
I would like to ask...having seen the video....where you see the guy moving up close to the cops as opposed to the cops moving up close to him?
Tell me again, how you are such a pussy, that you don't understand the inherent threat of standing too close to someone.

Cop freaked out over a tall black man in a hoodie

Your race card just shows you to be a race baiting asshole.

Tell me again, how you are such a pussy, that you don't understand the inherent threat of standing too close to someone.

Parking while black

While I do see a shotload of blacks violating the handicapped parking rules they usually dont park across several of them.

It was 2 AM
He probably thought....who the hell cares at this time of morning

So the time of day determines when you can break the law?
Very big black man

Does a cop need more of a reason to call for backup?

Tell me again, how you are such a pussy, that you don't understand the inherent threat of standing too close to someone.

Cop freaked out over a tall black man in a hoodie

Your race card just shows you to be a race baiting asshole.

Tell me again, how you are such a pussy, that you don't understand the inherent threat of standing too close to someone.

Parking while black
Then you do it. Follow his fine example.

You will learn race has nothing to do with it.
Or...kill a church full of black people and get taken out for fast food.
I have no idea what LEO means.
It's an acronym for "law enforcement officer".

Anyway, I would agree with you, that we do have bad police officers... or honestly a bigger problem is simply untrained officers.

I also think we need to have fewer laws. Unfortunately the push from the left-wing is to have more laws, which makes it more difficult for officers to enforce a million different laws.
So far we're in agreement. I'm not sure that this is simply a training issue though, in all likelihood these officers know what the laws, policies and procedures are yet simply choose to violate them.

But again.... even if the officer is acting in an unprofessional way... the left-wing seems to think that's grounds for being unprofessional yourself. No. Someone else acting badly, is not grounds for you to act badly, or maybe we should just make murder legal..... right?

If you are telling me, that you can do whatever you want, because someone else is acting badly, then if you follow that logic to the end, that's anarchy.
You're comparing apples to oranges. Police officers have immense power granted to them by our governments including the right to do things that would land a regular citizen in prison, such as battery, assault, restraint, lethal shootings, etc. So while it's not necessarily a wise course of action to be rude or not show respect the officer believes he is due, neither of those things are illegal, while a police officer tasering someone who is not a threat, who has not committed an arrestable offense is violating their rights and thereby the policies and procedures of the law enforcement agency for whom he/she works.

The only time you are allowed to respond badly, is when you are defending yourself
But that's just it, the officers weren't defending themselves because there was no threat made against them although they tried to claim that Brown was acting "aggressive" when they were the aggressors in response to a minor offense which isn't even a violation of the criminal code.
Cop freaked out over a tall black man in a hoodie

Your race card just shows you to be a race baiting asshole.

Tell me again, how you are such a pussy, that you don't understand the inherent threat of standing too close to someone.

Parking while black

While I do see a shotload of blacks violating the handicapped parking rules they usually dont park across several of them.

It was 2 AM
He probably thought....who the hell cares at this time of morning

So the time of day determines when you can break the law?

Pretty much so.....

Most people say.....who gives a fuck
Very big black man

Does a cop need more of a reason to call for backup?
I know we've been making jokes about how scary black men are to some but did you all know that there was actually a court ruling that said that the police could consider race (black) when determining if someone was a threat or not? If I recall correctly this was around 2 to 3 years ago and I can not find the case so I can cite but I read part of the ruling and it's true.
Very big black man

Does a cop need more of a reason to call for backup?
I know we've been making jokes about how scary black men are to some but did you all know that there was actually a court ruling that said that the police could consider race (black) when determining if someone was a threat or not? If I recall correctly this was around 2 to 3 years ago and I can not find the case so I can cite but I read part of the ruling and it's true.
First I’ve heard of it
So the time of day determines when you can break the law?

I think any sensible person would say yes, if it's 2 AM and the parking lot is empty... who cares?

If I were a cop I'd see it as someone parking for a quick getaway after robbing the place.

But when the guy comes out of Walgreens and there are no indications of a robbery.......give him a ticket and move on

The dude walked out and immediately went on the defensive....

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