NBA's Sterling Brown Arrest Video Released Shows NBA Player Getting Tased

So telling a suspect to back away and to keep his hands out of his pockets is racist?

I wish you'd become a cop and get an inner city beat.
You'd be dead before the year was out.

again, cops kill 1200 civilians a year, while only 50 cops a year are feloniously killed. (More die in traffic accidents). The idea that cops need to routinely abuse the civil rights of suspects to protect themselves is laughable.

you don't have to answer the question or respond to the commands--but you are definitely a threat--and as a threat, you will be legally taken down

Yup, and the cops who do it will lose their jobs and the city will pay out large settlements.

Or maybe- you know, maybe we can get the cops to learn de-escalation tactics... not let a $200 Parking violation escalate into a multi-million dollar lawsuit. Just saying.
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.
Black males have made up 42 percent of all cop-killers over the last decade, though they are only 6 percent of the population.
Table 43
out of 543 known killers of cops, 206 were black --

....there are around 30 MILLION calls for police assistance --this is not counting traffic stops/etc..they cops killed around 1200 per year----please do the math if you can=there is NOT a major problem of cops killing anyone
..and most of those killed are dangerous per the NYPOST article
So even with open season on blacks, the majority of cop killers were still white?
what does that have to do with the FACTS I posted???
You can blame the black community for that.

Um,no, what I blame for that is generations of corrupt police departments like Chicago's that cover up the crimes of the Police.

Like Commander Burge, who tortured suspects in his precient.

Or Jason van Dyke, who shot LaQuan Mcdonald 16 times, lied about it and still hadn't gone on trial four years later.

Blacks commit the majority of crime which of course puts a target on the backs of honest members of the black community.

But of course dishonest blacks dont give a shit about that based on how they kill each other in such prolific numbers.
Whenever We Are Turned Into Third World, Willie Horton Will Be on Mt. Rushmore

What "honest members of the Black community"? As long as they vote for the feralphile Liberals, they are wannabe gangstas. And they don't care at all about the Black community or they'd demand Jim Crow tactics, which are the only ones that can make it safe.

I know a few honest black people who recognize that the dem party still run the plantations.
The Exception Proves the Rule

There are not enough Blacks standing against jungle anarchy, so no Black lives matter.
How would you know what a robber is thinking?
What does running plates have to do with anything?

Gee, I don't know, maybe anyone with common sense knows if you are robbing a place, you don't draw attention to yourself.

I forget I'm talking to racists and conservatives here, as if there's a difference.

Running the plate would tell him exactly whose car it was. Or do you really think an NBA player with a multi-million dollar contract really needs to knock over an all night pharmacy?

Getting up in a cops face and refusing to take his hands out of his pockets is covered under the 4th and 5th?

Fourth Amendment- it's none of your fucking business what he has in his pockets.

Fifth Amendment - he doesn't have to answer your questions if he doesn't want to.
How would you know what a robber is thinking?
What does running plates have to do with anything?

Gee, I don't know, maybe anyone with common sense knows if you are robbing a place, you don't draw attention to yourself.

I forget I'm talking to racists and conservatives here, as if there's a difference.

Running the plate would tell him exactly whose car it was. Or do you really think an NBA player with a multi-million dollar contract really needs to knock over an all night pharmacy?

Getting up in a cops face and refusing to take his hands out of his pockets is covered under the 4th and 5th?

Fourth Amendment- it's none of your fucking business what he has in his pockets.

Fifth Amendment - he doesn't have to answer your questions if he doesn't want to.

There are plenty of instances where athletes have broken the law and committed heinous acts including murder.
The dick got in the cops face and refused to remove his hands from his pockets which is standard procedure.
It's no different than keeping your hands on the steering wheel during a traffic stop.

And you know damn well you'd do everything the cop told you to do under the same circumstance.
There are plenty of instances where athletes have broken the law and committed heinous acts including murder.
The dick got in the cops face and refused to remove his hands from his pockets which is standard procedure.
It's no different than keeping your hands on the steering wheel during a traffic stop.

And you know damn well you'd do everything the cop told you to do under the same circumstance.

Yeah, I probably would. But I'm not pulled over on a regular basis because of racial profiling, so maybe the 20th time that happened, I might get a bit indignant about it.

Hey, just because we adapt to fascism doesn't make it a good thing.

Okay, one more time, stupid.

So the time of day determines when you can break the law?

I think any sensible person would say yes, if it's 2 AM and the parking lot is empty... who cares?

If I were a cop I'd see it as someone parking for a quick getaway after robbing the place.

But when the guy comes out of Walgreens and there are no indications of a robbery.......give him a ticket and move on

The dude walked out and immediately went on the defensive....
Defensive about what?
How would you know what a robber is thinking?
What does running plates have to do with anything?

Gee, I don't know, maybe anyone with common sense knows if you are robbing a place, you don't draw attention to yourself.

I forget I'm talking to racists and conservatives here, as if there's a difference.

Running the plate would tell him exactly whose car it was. Or do you really think an NBA player with a multi-million dollar contract really needs to knock over an all night pharmacy?

Getting up in a cops face and refusing to take his hands out of his pockets is covered under the 4th and 5th?

Fourth Amendment- it's none of your fucking business what he has in his pockets.

Fifth Amendment - he doesn't have to answer your questions if he doesn't want to.

There are plenty of instances where athletes have broken the law and committed heinous acts including murder.
The dick got in the cops face and refused to remove his hands from his pockets which is standard procedure.
It's no different than keeping your hands on the steering wheel during a traffic stop.

And you know damn well you'd do everything the cop told you to do under the same circumstance.
He didn’t refuse to remove them from his pocket.....he informed them he had something in his hand.......then they went ape shit
There are plenty of instances where athletes have broken the law and committed heinous acts including murder.
The dick got in the cops face and refused to remove his hands from his pockets which is standard procedure.
It's no different than keeping your hands on the steering wheel during a traffic stop.

And you know damn well you'd do everything the cop told you to do under the same circumstance.

Yeah, I probably would. But I'm not pulled over on a regular basis because of racial profiling, so maybe the 20th time that happened, I might get a bit indignant about it.

Hey, just because we adapt to fascism doesn't make it a good thing.

Okay, one more time, stupid.


That wasnt lethal force.
Maybe next time he'll take his hands out of his pockets and not get in the officers face.
So the time of day determines when you can break the law?

I think any sensible person would say yes, if it's 2 AM and the parking lot is empty... who cares?

If I were a cop I'd see it as someone parking for a quick getaway after robbing the place.

But when the guy comes out of Walgreens and there are no indications of a robbery.......give him a ticket and move on

The dude walked out and immediately went on the defensive....
Defensive about what?

He got all up in the cops face for no reason.
How would you know what a robber is thinking?
What does running plates have to do with anything?

Gee, I don't know, maybe anyone with common sense knows if you are robbing a place, you don't draw attention to yourself.

I forget I'm talking to racists and conservatives here, as if there's a difference.

Running the plate would tell him exactly whose car it was. Or do you really think an NBA player with a multi-million dollar contract really needs to knock over an all night pharmacy?

Getting up in a cops face and refusing to take his hands out of his pockets is covered under the 4th and 5th?

Fourth Amendment- it's none of your fucking business what he has in his pockets.

Fifth Amendment - he doesn't have to answer your questions if he doesn't want to.

There are plenty of instances where athletes have broken the law and committed heinous acts including murder.
The dick got in the cops face and refused to remove his hands from his pockets which is standard procedure.
It's no different than keeping your hands on the steering wheel during a traffic stop.

And you know damn well you'd do everything the cop told you to do under the same circumstance.
He didn’t refuse to remove them from his pocket.....he informed them he had something in his hand.......then they went ape shit

Are you really this stupid or is it an act?
That wasnt lethal force.
Maybe next time he'll take his hands out of his pockets and not get in the officers face.

You mean after he spends the big settlement that Milwaukee will end up paying him for police brutality?

Uh, dummy, Tasers are called "less lethal" force, not "non-lethal" force. A Taser could still potentially kill you.

Just like a liberal.
Approves of rewarding bad behavior.
He's still alive so no lethal force.....unfortunately.
99% of cops are good guys.

1% are bullies with badges.

We need to get rid of the latter.

That is unsupportable. Look at it this way. If there was a bad and abusive cop, one amongst the 100 as you claim, then that one would live in terror of being found out. The 99 would certainly be able to manage to reign in and even get rid of through administrative means, the one bad cop. Yet the one bad cop’s report is backed up by the others.

Making a false statement is called Perjury, and in every single state of this Union, it is a felony. So how could the good cops be good if they are willing to commit a felony to protect the one bad cop? Fear of the one bad cop?

We aren’t talking about 99 sheep who are terrorized by a wolf against whom they have no defense. We are talking about 99 cops who are apparently unable to manage the bad cop until or unless video comes out showing the bad cop for what he is.

It is not possible. Even if it was one in twenty, you would have nineteen good cops able to easily handle the one bad cop. One in ten, nine good cops can’t manage one bad cop until he is caught by the camera? The nine good cops are all willing to lie to protect the one bad cop until that video comes out?

Until you turn it around, it doesn’t make sense. It can’t. And the idea that the bad cop was good until the one incident, the very first time he ever went over the line, and was caught? Improbable to say the very least. If you honestly believe that, then please direct your attention to the Brooklyn Bridge which is for sale at rock bottom prices this week only.

The contention that 1% are bad is unsupportable. You can not expect the rest of us to even consider believing such nonsense.

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