NBA's Sterling Brown Arrest Video Released Shows NBA Player Getting Tased

BTW, here's the OG footage. It's best to make your decision based on all the facts. This is a lesson in how not to respond to police:

He seems polite and respectful

Right. So your priceless advice is to advance into a cop's face to the point where he has to tell you to back off, talk smack to the other cops, refuse to follow lawful orders, get manhandled and tased.

You're on a roll.

My advice is that cops not escalate a parking ticket into a physical confrontation

He did nothing to warrant being taken to the ground

Then you try it. You will learn that it has nothing to do with race.

A free life lesson for you today. :)
I already crushed your supporting arguments for that claim.

You ignored the fact that they were refuted and just re asserted your claim.

That is the act of a dishonest asshole.
Self proclaimed victories are so shallow

You need to bring your A game

Says the man that is still ignoring that I refuted all his points, directly above.


I ignore comments that do nothing to support your case

Tell me again, how you are such a pussy, that you don't understand the inherent threat of standing too close to someone.

Very big black man

Does a cop need more of a reason to call for backup?

Tell me again, how you are such a pussy, that you don't understand the inherent threat of standing too close to someone.
BTW, here's the OG footage. It's best to make your decision based on all the facts. This is a lesson in how not to respond to police:

He seems polite and respectful

Right. So your priceless advice is to advance into a cop's face to the point where he has to tell you to back off, talk smack to the other cops, refuse to follow lawful orders, get manhandled and tased.

You're on a roll.

My advice is that cops not escalate a parking ticket into a physical confrontation

He did nothing to warrant being taken to the ground

Then you try it. You will learn that it has nothing to do with race.

A free life lesson for you today. :)

A white person would have gotten a lecture and a ticket
Self proclaimed victories are so shallow

You need to bring your A game

Says the man that is still ignoring that I refuted all his points, directly above.


I ignore comments that do nothing to support your case

Tell me again, how you are such a pussy, that you don't understand the inherent threat of standing too close to someone.

Very big black man

Does a cop need more of a reason to call for backup?

Tell me again, how you are such a pussy, that you don't understand the inherent threat of standing too close to someone.

Cop freaked out over a tall black man in a hoodie
Says the man that is still ignoring that I refuted all his points, directly above.


I ignore comments that do nothing to support your case

Tell me again, how you are such a pussy, that you don't understand the inherent threat of standing too close to someone.

Very big black man

Does a cop need more of a reason to call for backup?

Tell me again, how you are such a pussy, that you don't understand the inherent threat of standing too close to someone.

Cop freaked out over a tall black man in a hoodie

Your race card just shows you to be a race baiting asshole.

Tell me again, how you are such a pussy, that you don't understand the inherent threat of standing too close to someone.
BTW, here's the OG footage. It's best to make your decision based on all the facts. This is a lesson in how not to respond to police:

He seems polite and respectful

Right. So your priceless advice is to advance into a cop's face to the point where he has to tell you to back off, talk smack to the other cops, refuse to follow lawful orders, get manhandled and tased.

You're on a roll.

My advice is that cops not escalate a parking ticket into a physical confrontation

He did nothing to warrant being taken to the ground

Then you try it. You will learn that it has nothing to do with race.

A free life lesson for you today. :)

A white person would have gotten a lecture and a ticket

Then try it. You will learn what white people can do.
another post that proves to be crap
he was NOT tazed for a parking 'infraction''......if you do not understand that, there is no use trying to explain anything to you because it proves your denseness
...I ask you--do you understand that he was NOT tazed for a the simple parking infraction??

No, he was tazed for "Contempt of Cop" That's actually a little worse. At least a parking violation was an actual law that was broken.

So how exactly was the cop to know if he gad a gun in his pocket?
A Liberal Has a Secret Desire to Be Raped by Some Sweaty Beast

According to wallowing Liberal degenerates, all Blacks are non-violent angels. The reason Blacks act like uncivilized creatures from the jungle is PREJUDICE!!! That is all Whitey's fault, so we deserve to take our punishment when the Liberals turn them loose on us.
another post that proves to be crap
he was NOT tazed for a parking 'infraction''......if you do not understand that, there is no use trying to explain anything to you because it proves your denseness
...I ask you--do you understand that he was NOT tazed for a the simple parking infraction??

No, he was tazed for "Contempt of Cop" That's actually a little worse. At least a parking violation was an actual law that was broken.

So how exactly was the cop to know if he gad a gun in his pocket?
when the person is black, that changes all the rules/common sense/ for the leftists/blacks/etc

What the hell is it with black people and simple commands from police that everyone else adheres to yet they refuse to?
Seems to me if I were black I'd go out of my way to be compliant since my brothers seem to go out of their way to be assholes.
Suit-Coated Wannabe Gangbangers

When apparently respectable law-abiding Blacks take the side of the confrontational thugs, that shows they really want to act that way but are afraid of the consequences to their Affirmative Action middle-class lives.
You can blame the black community for that.

Um,no, what I blame for that is generations of corrupt police departments like Chicago's that cover up the crimes of the Police.

Like Commander Burge, who tortured suspects in his precient.

Or Jason van Dyke, who shot LaQuan Mcdonald 16 times, lied about it and still hadn't gone on trial four years later.

Blacks commit the majority of crime which of course puts a target on the backs of honest members of the black community.

But of course dishonest blacks dont give a shit about that based on how they kill each other in such prolific numbers.
Whenever We Are Turned Into Third World, Willie Horton Will Be on Mt. Rushmore

What "honest members of the Black community"? As long as they vote for the feralphile Liberals, they are wannabe gangstas. And they don't care at all about the Black community or they'd demand Jim Crow tactics, which are the only ones that can make it safe.
------------------------------------------------ i only heard about this story , not really interested BUT , could it have just been a setup to catch the stupid cops . I heard that the ball player had parked illegally in a couple of Handicapped spaces . One space i can understand but a couple spaces is unusual in my opinion . -------------- so thats just a question . The whole thing is stupid . Doesn't really matter to me but my uninformed opinion is that the cops were stupid .
I'm pretty sure proper procedure requires them to immediately relay the vehicle plate to dispatch, so they had to have know who he was and nothing from the article indicates that they mistook him for someone robbing the store.

Why would they know who he was?
I watch basketball and I've never heard of him.
Think he was a rookie second round pick
Whine, Get a Check. Whine, Get a Check.

That's why he has to provoke a confrontation that will help him win a big lawsuit against the city. The retard is probably going nowhere in basketball, which means he'll spend the rest of his life as a street-corner punk if he doesn't hit the jackpot with race extortion.
So telling a suspect to back away and to keep his hands out of his pockets is racist?

I wish you'd become a cop and get an inner city beat.
You'd be dead before the year was out.

again, cops kill 1200 civilians a year, while only 50 cops a year are feloniously killed. (More die in traffic accidents). The idea that cops need to routinely abuse the civil rights of suspects to protect themselves is laughable.

you don't have to answer the question or respond to the commands--but you are definitely a threat--and as a threat, you will be legally taken down

Yup, and the cops who do it will lose their jobs and the city will pay out large settlements.

Or maybe- you know, maybe we can get the cops to learn de-escalation tactics... not let a $200 Parking violation escalate into a multi-million dollar lawsuit. Just saying.
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.
Black males have made up 42 percent of all cop-killers over the last decade, though they are only 6 percent of the population.
Table 43
out of 543 known killers of cops, 206 were black --

....there are around 30 MILLION calls for police assistance --this is not counting traffic stops/etc..they cops killed around 1200 per year----please do the math if you can=there is NOT a major problem of cops killing anyone
..and most of those killed are dangerous per the NYPOST article
So even with open season on blacks, the majority of cop killers were still white?
So telling a suspect to back away and to keep his hands out of his pockets is racist?

I wish you'd become a cop and get an inner city beat.
You'd be dead before the year was out.

again, cops kill 1200 civilians a year, while only 50 cops a year are feloniously killed. (More die in traffic accidents). The idea that cops need to routinely abuse the civil rights of suspects to protect themselves is laughable.

you don't have to answer the question or respond to the commands--but you are definitely a threat--and as a threat, you will be legally taken down

Yup, and the cops who do it will lose their jobs and the city will pay out large settlements.

Or maybe- you know, maybe we can get the cops to learn de-escalation tactics... not let a $200 Parking violation escalate into a multi-million dollar lawsuit. Just saying.
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.
Black males have made up 42 percent of all cop-killers over the last decade, though they are only 6 percent of the population.
Table 43
out of 543 known killers of cops, 206 were black --

....there are around 30 MILLION calls for police assistance --this is not counting traffic stops/etc..they cops killed around 1200 per year----please do the math if you can=there is NOT a major problem of cops killing anyone
..and most of those killed are dangerous per the NYPOST article
So even with open season on blacks, the majority of cop killers were still white?
You're white. You having thoughts?
You can blame the black community for that.

Um,no, what I blame for that is generations of corrupt police departments like Chicago's that cover up the crimes of the Police.

Like Commander Burge, who tortured suspects in his precient.

Or Jason van Dyke, who shot LaQuan Mcdonald 16 times, lied about it and still hadn't gone on trial four years later.

Blacks commit the majority of crime which of course puts a target on the backs of honest members of the black community.

But of course dishonest blacks dont give a shit about that based on how they kill each other in such prolific numbers.
Whenever We Are Turned Into Third World, Willie Horton Will Be on Mt. Rushmore

What "honest members of the Black community"? As long as they vote for the feralphile Liberals, they are wannabe gangstas. And they don't care at all about the Black community or they'd demand Jim Crow tactics, which are the only ones that can make it safe.

I know a few honest black people who recognize that the dem party still run the plantations.
------------------------------------------------ i only heard about this story , not really interested BUT , could it have just been a setup to catch the stupid cops . I heard that the ball player had parked illegally in a couple of Handicapped spaces . One space i can understand but a couple spaces is unusual in my opinion . -------------- so thats just a question . The whole thing is stupid . Doesn't really matter to me but my uninformed opinion is that the cops were stupid .
I'm pretty sure proper procedure requires them to immediately relay the vehicle plate to dispatch, so they had to have know who he was and nothing from the article indicates that they mistook him for someone robbing the store.

Why would they know who he was?
I watch basketball and I've never heard of him.
Think he was a rookie second round pick
Whine, Get a Check. Whine, Get a Check.

That's why he has to provoke a confrontation that will help him win a big lawsuit against the city. The retard is probably going nowhere in basketball, which means he'll spend the rest of his life as a street-corner punk if he doesn't hit the jackpot with race extortion.

Also known as winning the ghetto lottery.
The minute Brown said he could not take his hands out of his pockets because he had something in his hands he deserved to be taken down.
If he pulled something out of his pocket he would have been shot
Dindu Dodo

He couldn't tell the cops what he had in his pocket? You race traitors are willing to believe anything about your pet pit bulls.
I ignore comments that do nothing to support your case

Tell me again, how you are such a pussy, that you don't understand the inherent threat of standing too close to someone.

Very big black man

Does a cop need more of a reason to call for backup?

Tell me again, how you are such a pussy, that you don't understand the inherent threat of standing too close to someone.

Cop freaked out over a tall black man in a hoodie

Your race card just shows you to be a race baiting asshole.

Tell me again, how you are such a pussy, that you don't understand the inherent threat of standing too close to someone.

Parking while black

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