NBA's Sterling Brown Arrest Video Released Shows NBA Player Getting Tased doesn't matter how many the cops kill in the, there are not as many guns in the UK....
...blacks who were armed killed by police:

Blacks who weren't armed.. Walter Scott, Mike Brown, Tamir Rice, Sandra Bland... so we really want to go there.

Keep dreaming....
Blacks are going to continue to misbehave and get tased and or shot until they stop misbehaving.

Again, I want to thank you for being honest with your racism. Now what I want you to do is make sure you share all your racial insights with your coworkers when you get back to work on Tuesday. Make sure HR is copied, I'm sure they'll marvel at your brilliance.
they were still a threat---
...but you miss the point---233 [ '''the vast majority armed and dangerous''' ] out of MILLIONS of contacts
...point being there is not a major, chronic problem of police killing any blacks [ armed or not ]

...there will always be problems/errors/misjudgments/etc--the cops are human

but considering the blacks commit crime at MUCH higher rates than whites--the cops are doing a great job at NOT shooting
please look carefully at these factual, HIGH numbers--I will put them in bold:
According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in the year 2008 black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws and drunkenness

The offending rate for African Americans was almost 8 times higher than whites, and the victim rate 6 times higher
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
they still commit these crimes at much higher rates you understand the math [ facts ] here??--all that crime committed and 233 killed/etc--millions of contacts--great job at NOT shooting
but considering the blacks commit crime at MUCH higher rates than whites--the cops are doing a great job at NOT shooting
please look carefully at these factual, HIGH numbers--I will put them in bold:

you can put up all the racist shit you want.

But when you have cops shooting black children in the back and it takes four years to put them on trial, if they go on trial at all, you really do have a problem.
but considering the blacks commit crime at MUCH higher rates than whites--the cops are doing a great job at NOT shooting
please look carefully at these factual, HIGH numbers--I will put them in bold:

you can put up all the racist shit you want.

But when you have cops shooting black children in the back and it takes four years to put them on trial, if they go on trial at all, you really do have a problem.

You can blame the black community for that.
but considering the blacks commit crime at MUCH higher rates than whites--the cops are doing a great job at NOT shooting
please look carefully at these factual, HIGH numbers--I will put them in bold:

you can put up all the racist shit you want.

But when you have cops shooting black children in the back and it takes four years to put them on trial, if they go on trial at all, you really do have a problem.
Stop "helping" us. You've totally ruined a once rising people. Decry everyone's poor behavior, regardless of race.

Race is a trivial pursuit. Behavior and character count for much more than race. doesn't matter how many the cops kill in the, there are not as many guns in the UK....
...blacks who were armed killed by police:

Blacks who weren't armed.. Walter Scott, Mike Brown, Tamir Rice, Sandra Bland... so we really want to go there.

Keep dreaming....
Blacks are going to continue to misbehave and get tased and or shot until they stop misbehaving.

Again, I want to thank you for being honest with your racism. Now what I want you to do is make sure you share all your racial insights with your coworkers when you get back to work on Tuesday. Make sure HR is copied, I'm sure they'll marvel at your brilliance.

So facts are now racist?

I won't be going to work on Tuesday,or any day for that matter.
I retired seven years ago at 46.
I retired at age 45.
Anyone interested in buying a very well mantained 180?
I've got the bug to buy a 185 with floats.
You can blame the black community for that.

Um,no, what I blame for that is generations of corrupt police departments like Chicago's that cover up the crimes of the Police.

Like Commander Burge, who tortured suspects in his precient.

Or Jason van Dyke, who shot LaQuan Mcdonald 16 times, lied about it and still hadn't gone on trial four years later.
You can blame the black community for that.

Um,no, what I blame for that is generations of corrupt police departments like Chicago's that cover up the crimes of the Police.

Like Commander Burge, who tortured suspects in his precient.

Or Jason van Dyke, who shot LaQuan Mcdonald 16 times, lied about it and still hadn't gone on trial four years later.
You fret over a mosquito bite and ignore the cancer.
You can blame the black community for that.

Um,no, what I blame for that is generations of corrupt police departments like Chicago's that cover up the crimes of the Police.

Like Commander Burge, who tortured suspects in his precient.

Or Jason van Dyke, who shot LaQuan Mcdonald 16 times, lied about it and still hadn't gone on trial four years later.

Blacks commit the majority of crime which of course puts a target on the backs of honest members of the black community.

But of course dishonest blacks dont give a shit about that based on how they kill each other in such prolific numbers.
The reason this encounter is so friggin ridiculous is that Brown hadn't violated any criminal laws, certainly nothing that warranted assaulting him with a taser. Parking incorrectly is considered a civil infraction in most jurisdictions. Also of note is how the officers involved characterized the encounter as Brown getting increasingly aggressive as the pretext for the assault they launched on him. This behavior is indefensible

Sterling Brown Arrest Video Released, Shows NBA Player Getting Tased

New police video shows Milwaukee Bucks player Sterling Brown being tased by aggressive cops during a ridiculous confrontation stemming from a parking violation.

It all went down around 2 AM on January 26 in Milwaukee when cops responded to a report of a car parked across 2 handicap spaces in an empty Walgreen's parking lot.

The cop on scene aggressively confronts Brown and begins to question him about the parking job.

Brown remains calm throughout the ordeal -- but the police officer continues to escalate the situation ... seemingly unnecessarily ... until several more cops arrive.

At one point, the cops order Brown to take his hands out of his pockets but Brown responds, "I got stuff in my hands."

At that point, cops swarm Brown from all sides and wrestle him to the ground.

A few seconds later, you hear an officer yell for the taser and Brown gets shocked.

You can hear Brown moaning in pain.

Sterling has said he did NOTHING to warrant cops using the taser and claimed the video would exonerate him.

Brown has issued a statement saying, "My experience in January with the Milwaukee Police Department was wrong and shouldn’t happen to anybody."

"What should have been a simple parking ticket turned into an attempt at police intimidation, followed by the unlawful use of physical force, including being handcuffed and tased, and then unlawfully booked."

"This experience with the Milwaukee Police Department has forced me to stand up and tell my story so that I can help prevent these injustices from happening in the future."

The mayor of Milwaukee, Tom Barrett, said he was concerned that there could be a public backlash over the incident.​
------------------------------------------------ i only heard about this story , not really interested BUT , could it have just been a setup to catch the stupid cops . I heard that the ball player had parked illegally in a couple of Handicapped spaces . One space i can understand but a couple spaces is unusual in my opinion . -------------- so thats just a question . The whole thing is stupid . Doesn't really matter to me but my uninformed opinion is that the cops were stupid .
Blacks commit the majority of crime which of course puts a target on the backs of honest members of the black community.

But of course dishonest blacks dont give a shit about that based on how they kill each other in such prolific numbers.

If cops suck at their job so bad they can't tell who to shoot based on anything but skin color, they probably should have checked something else on career day.
Blacks commit the majority of crime which of course puts a target on the backs of honest members of the black community.

But of course dishonest blacks dont give a shit about that based on how they kill each other in such prolific numbers.

If cops suck at their job so bad they can't tell who to shoot based on anything but skin color, they probably should have checked something else on career day.

Blacks can significantly lower their chance of being shot by cooperating when interacting with the police.
As long as they continue to act like savages the shootings will continue.
Oh well......
Blacks commit the majority of crime which of course puts a target on the backs of honest members of the black community.

But of course dishonest blacks dont give a shit about that based on how they kill each other in such prolific numbers.

If cops suck at their job so bad they can't tell who to shoot based on anything but skin color, they probably should have checked something else on career day.
It's so obvious that you've never been around black American culture. You're a theorist.

Go live in a real American ghetto for 6 months, then get back to us.
You can blame the black community for that.

Um,no, what I blame for that is generations of corrupt police departments like Chicago's that cover up the crimes of the Police.

Like Commander Burge, who tortured suspects in his precient.

Or Jason van Dyke, who shot LaQuan Mcdonald 16 times, lied about it and still hadn't gone on trial four years later.
please look at my previous posts with facts/numbers/links
there is not a major problem of police shootings/etc
...there will always be bad police/bad shootings/etc---but there is no where near the problem that BLM/etc make it out to be
Blacks commit the majority of crime which of course puts a target on the backs of honest members of the black community.

But of course dishonest blacks dont give a shit about that based on how they kill each other in such prolific numbers.

If cops suck at their job so bad they can't tell who to shoot based on anything but skin color, they probably should have checked something else on career day.

Blacks can significantly lower their chance of being shot by cooperating when interacting with the police.
As long as they continue to act like savages the shootings will continue.
Oh well......
and also by stop committing crimes at much higher rates than whites
You can blame the black community for that.

Um,no, what I blame for that is generations of corrupt police departments like Chicago's that cover up the crimes of the Police.

Like Commander Burge, who tortured suspects in his precient.

Or Jason van Dyke, who shot LaQuan Mcdonald 16 times, lied about it and still hadn't gone on trial four years later.
...the real problem--the ROOT of the problem--is black culture breeding criminals at much higher rates - PLUS they graduate at lower rates which all adds up to being very conducive to blacks having problems with police/etc

The afro american had an attitude and needed an attitude adjustment!

Lesson for the black community, first don't get up in a cop's face. Second, listen to the cop's instructions or he will call in more cops. Don't act like a tough guy and ignore instructions after a half dozen cops arrive. :p

Why is this stupid incident in Politics?

He seems very calm and respectful and is doing what is asked
It is the policemen who seem agitated

Why you need six cops for a parking violation is beyond me
They escalated the situation into an assault on a motorist
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The afro american had an attitude and needed an attitude adjustment!

Lesson for the black community, first don't get up in a cop's face. Second, listen to the cop's instructions or he will call in more cops. Don't act like a tough guy and ignore instructions after a half dozen cops arrive. :p

Why is this stupid incident in Politics?

He seems very calm and is doing what is asked
It is the policemen who seem agitated

Why you need six cops for a parking violation is beyond me
They escalated the situation into an assault on a motorist

Yes, encourage people not to show their hands to police. You've really got your thinking cap on today.

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