NBC/Marist Poll: Obama With Narrow Leads In Ohio, Florida And Virginia

The media was pretty bad in 2008. In 2012; they have absolutely no desire to tell any sort of truth. I put very limited stock in the polls.
Because you WANT to believe.......therefore, you do :)

You have the Washington Post (the nation's second most powerful newspaper) doing a 5,000 word front page story on a prank that Mitt Romney did as a teenager in 1965. The story immediately is shown to have flaws.

And then Ed Klein does a book, 'The Amateur' in which he has recorded dialogue of Reverend Wright making serious claims/accusations against Obama; and that same newspaper calls him up and asks, why should anyone care about this when it's now three years old (stuff that a 50 year old presidential candidate was doing); yea I think the media has went to dookie.
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No Dickless and no need to tuck... you've pretty much been exposed for the fraud you have been trying to perpetuate

He's a PAID Shill. All there is to it. One of many.

Where's my check, tin foil boy?

You leftists er progressives are like the gift that keeps on giving.

"tin foil hat boy" :lol:

I suppose anyone who doesn't believe the shit that comes out of Obamafucks mouth is a "tin foil hat boy?"

Real patriots question their government regardless of their leaders political affiliation....

Regardless of what affiliation you think I hold I questioned Bush and read the bills being proposed under Bush by congress and despite the fact I am personally conservative I opposed several ideas Bush proposed (my reasoning is an entirely different thread) but at least I was able to analyze and oppose an individual that partially shared the views I hold unlike you.
He's a PAID Shill. All there is to it. One of many.

Where's my check, tin foil boy?

You leftists er progressives are like the gift that keeps on giving.

"tin foil hat boy" :lol:

I suppose anyone who doesn't believe the shit that comes out of Obamafucks mouth is a "tin foil hat boy?"

Real patriots question their government regardless of their leaders political affiliation....

Regardless of what affiliation you think I hold I questioned Bush and read the bills being proposed under Bush by congress and despite the fact I am personally conservative I opposed several ideas Bush proposed (my reasoning is an entirely different thread) but at least I was able to analyze and oppose an individual that partially shared the views I hold unlike you.

Patriots always question thier government regardless of party.

Tick refuses to accept it as a partisan rube.
He's a PAID Shill. All there is to it. One of many.

Where's my check, tin foil boy?

You leftists er progressives are like the gift that keeps on giving.

"tin foil hat boy" :lol:

I suppose anyone who doesn't believe the shit that comes out of Obamafucks mouth is a "tin foil hat boy?"

Real patriots question their government regardless of their leaders political affiliation....

Regardless of what affiliation you think I hold I questioned Bush and read the bills being proposed under Bush by congress and despite the fact I am personally conservative I opposed several ideas Bush proposed (my reasoning is an entirely different thread) but at least I was able to analyze and oppose an individual that partially shared the views I hold unlike you.

Anyone who believes that I'm being paid to post here, has a few screws loose. If I were being paid by the Obama campaign the last thing I'd do is post on a forum that has nut cases like The T.

Now I do know a few REMFs who are on this board who were being paid by our tax dollar, and posted nonsense, but that was their personal chiseling.
Where's my check, tin foil boy?

You leftists er progressives are like the gift that keeps on giving.

"tin foil hat boy" :lol:

I suppose anyone who doesn't believe the shit that comes out of Obamafucks mouth is a "tin foil hat boy?"

Real patriots question their government regardless of their leaders political affiliation....

Regardless of what affiliation you think I hold I questioned Bush and read the bills being proposed under Bush by congress and despite the fact I am personally conservative I opposed several ideas Bush proposed (my reasoning is an entirely different thread) but at least I was able to analyze and oppose an individual that partially shared the views I hold unlike you.

Patriots always question thier government regardless of party.

Tick refuses to accept it as a partisan rube.

No, I have my own values, attitudes, and beliefs. They line up in direct opposition to your stupidity. My opinion comes from knowledge. Yours emits from your ass.

Your claim that I'm being paid to post shows what a fruitcake you actually are.
Six points in Ohio is huge.

NBC/Marist Poll: Obama With Narrow Leads In Ohio, Florida And Virginia

Polls from a trio of crucial swing states show President Barack Obama with small leads over presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney, another sign that the 2012 campaign will be extremely competitive.

The NBC/Marist surveys released Thursday polled registered voters in Ohio, Virginia and Florida — arguably the three most coveted states for both candidates. Obama enjoys his largest lead over Romney in Ohio, where the president is favored by voters over the former Massachusetts governor, 48 percent to 42 percent. Meanwhile, the president’s leads over Romney in Virginia and Florida are identical: 48 percent to 44 percent. Obama’s four-point leads in Virginia and Florida are narrowly outside the poll’s margin of error of three percentage points.


Keep dreaming, he's toast...
yea I think the media has went to dookie.

I'll drink to that.................!

Wade thru enough trash, eventually you'll find a nugget you *might* want to keep.
Six points in Ohio is huge.

NBC/Marist Poll: Obama With Narrow Leads In Ohio, Florida And Virginia

Polls from a trio of crucial swing states show President Barack Obama with small leads over presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney, another sign that the 2012 campaign will be extremely competitive.

The NBC/Marist surveys released Thursday polled registered voters in Ohio, Virginia and Florida — arguably the three most coveted states for both candidates. Obama enjoys his largest lead over Romney in Ohio, where the president is favored by voters over the former Massachusetts governor, 48 percent to 42 percent. Meanwhile, the president’s leads over Romney in Virginia and Florida are identical: 48 percent to 44 percent. Obama’s four-point leads in Virginia and Florida are narrowly outside the poll’s margin of error of three percentage points.


Keep dreaming, he's toast...

not so much ...

you know most people aren't obama-deranged hacks, right?

yea I think the media has went to dookie.

I'll drink to that.................!

Wade thru enough trash, eventually you'll find a nugget you *might* want to keep.

I see that you mindlessly chirp. Good to know for future reference.
any one of those hold for Obama, Romney is done.
But there's a long way to go yet ...

That sounds right. I would venture to guess that Romney should be able to beat Obama in Florida and Virginia. But Ohio will be tougher and he really needs it to win.
Moveon.org recently released a Poll too. Gues what it found? It found that 100% of those Polled adore the Dear Leader and just hate that bad ole Mitt Romney guy. NBC Polls are a joke. Their the biggest Obama Boot-Lickers in the Media. Dismissed.

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