NBC News Panel: Obama Sees Democracy As 'Stumbling Block' To His Greatness'

When they said democracy is getting in the way, what they really mean is the Constitution is getting in the way.
It's Freedom from the Federal Government and the far left of this country hate it.
This is exactly why they want to get rid of it, by saying that it is old and outdated.

The Constitution serves the American people as an unbreakable constraint on those in power, dictating their duties and the limits on their authority.
The Socialists, Communists and Marxists of this nation want it gone and a new one put in it's place.
When they said democracy is getting in the way, what they really mean is the Constitution is getting in the way.
It's Freedom from the Federal Government and the far left of this country hate it.
This is exactly why they want to get rid of it, by saying that it is old and outdated.

The Constitution serves the American people as an unbreakable constraint on those in power, dictating their duties and the limits on their authority.
The Socialists, Communists and Marxists of this nation want it gone and a new one put in it's place.

You nailed it. Thanks.
The Left has so much invested in Barack Obama that they can't bring themselves to admit that as a President he's been at best "underwhelming" and at worst a disaster approaching Jimmy Carter status. What's amusing is that they're so consumed with getting Obama another four years that they don't seem to have considered how much worse both he and themselves are going to look after another Obama term. The guy ran out of ideas halfway through his second YEAR in office and you folks want to give him a second TERM? Why?

My advice is to cut your losses and save yourself further embarrassment...there may very well be a progressive "leader" out there somewhere but at this point it's clear that Barack Obama is not that guy.
The Left has so much invested in Barack Obama that they can't bring themselves to admit that as a President he's been at best "underwhelming" and at worst a disaster approaching Jimmy Carter status. What's amusing is that they're so consumed with getting Obama another four years that they don't seem to have considered how much worse both he and themselves are going to look after another Obama term. The guy ran out of ideas halfway through his second YEAR in office and you folks want to give him a second TERM? Why?

My advice is to cut your losses and save yourself further embarrassment...there may very well be a progressive "leader" out there somewhere but at this point it's clear that Barack Obama is not that guy.

Interesting take. Thanks.
Seriously though,what's with the weird little guy with glasses? Why did they cut to him. That was pretty hilarious. :)
Do people still get their News information from GE/NBC? Man,now i truly understand why our country is in such trouble. These people have lost it.

NBC News Panel Obama Sees Democracy As 'Stumbling Block To His Greatness' - YouTube

Should not be a Shock to anyone that Bothered to do even a little Research on the Man before he was President. He has made no attempts to hide his Views, He sees our entire system as being based on a Flawed Document, the constitution. He has said in the past the Constitution is a road block to Some of what he would do, and he wishes instead of being a list of what the Government can't do to us, that it was a list of what the government can do to us.

Hell since being elected he has basically been saying he thinks the Opposition should sit down and shut up. why? Because his Agenda could only pass if Democrats controlled it all. He does not like the Idea of the 48% of Americans that did not vote for him, having any say at all. Democracy tends to get in the way of Ideologues with an Agenda, from either side of the Isle.

The Left has so much invested in Barack Obama that they can't bring themselves to admit that as a President he's been at best "underwhelming" and at worst a disaster approaching Jimmy Carter status. What's amusing is that they're so consumed with getting Obama another four years that they don't seem to have considered how much worse both he and themselves are going to look after another Obama term. The guy ran out of ideas halfway through his second YEAR in office and you folks want to give him a second TERM? Why?

My advice is to cut your losses and save yourself further embarrassment...there may very well be a progressive "leader" out there somewhere but at this point it's clear that Barack Obama is not that guy.

I agree. If I were the DNC I would kick Barry to the curb and run with another Dem. I can't believe that anyone would seriously think this guy can get re-elected. The economy and jobs would have to do a 180 and I doubt thats gonna happen.
We can be better. We can deserve Barack! Well, no, we probably never can be that good. But we can strive.

GE: One of the top Military Contractors in the World,Doesn't pay Taxes,and Outsources Thousands & Thousands of American Jobs. You still so sure you should be getting your 'News' information from them?

Yeah, G E.

Real poopy-heads

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