NBC News Video of Police Officer SHOOTING Ashley Babbit on Jan. 6th

A. The 50 Senators who had been in the Senate Chambers were all gone by the time the MAGArats got there.

B. No one has any idea what would have happened to those legislators had the rioters got them but they were all SCARED SHITLESS.

Hawley ran for his life.

Cruz hid in a fucking closet
So once the Chamber was cleared of Reps nothing much happened? That basically proves my point that there was no reason for Byrd to shoot anyone because the House Chamber was ALSO going to be clear of Reps LONG before the protesters broke through those last two sets of doors! My guess is the same thing would have happened in the House Chamber as happened in the Senate Chamber.
What's "bullshit" is the claim that Byrd was protecting Reps, Faun! The timeline of the shooting and when the last of the Reps was cleared from the House Chamber floor has the last few Reps being escorted out and the protesters still haven't breached the door leading to the hallway outside of the Chamber let alone breached the last door INTO the Chamber! Byrd shot and killed an unarmed protester who hadn't harmed anyone.
Stop fucking lying

There were still legislators in the Chambers when Ashes took one in the face
And I've asked you repeatedly to show me ANY video that has Michael Byrd yelling out a warning before he shoots! Just one? I think we both know you can't because it's quite obvious from listening to the audio from the cell phone recordings that he never DID yell a warning!
You were shown that the guy standing behind Ashes heard the cop warn her.

You yourself pointed out that various people were yelling GUN GUN..and Ahses kept on going.

Be gone now you dispicable troll
Simple solution to proving that Baranyi was accurate with his recollection, Faun! Show me anywhere on those audio recordings where you hear police and Secret Service agents saying "get back, get down, get out of the way"! You won't hear that EITHER just as you won't hear Michael Byrd shouting a warning before he fires!
So you've been shown that Baranyi heard Byrd warn her

You've been shown that there were still legislators in the House Chamber when Babbitt was shot.

You admit that rioters standing feet away from Ashes saw the gun and were shouting warnings.

And yet you soldier on...lie upon lie upon lie
Stop fucking lying

There were still legislators in the Chambers when Ashes took one in the face

That was the story that the main stream media pushed Lesh but the truth is that the Chamber was almost completely clear when Babbitt was shot. Byrd's lawyer claimed that Byrd yelled a warning before shooting and the that hallway was filled with 100 members of Congress and Staff...both of which is a total fabrication. The hallway was nearly empty and Byrd didn't utter a sound before firing.

"In a January 6, 2021, summary report of an interview of another United States Capitol Police officer by the Internal Affairs Division investigator, the interviewee, who was immediately behind Byrd in the Speaker’s Lobby when Byrd shot Babbitt, said “He did not see Ms. McEntee [Babbitt] in possession of any potential weapons.” The report continued, “He reiterated that he did not observe that she was armed.” The United States Capitol Police officer claimed that “Lieutenant Byrd was shaking, he did not say anything…. Byrd was nervous, teary-eyed, and appeared very upset. His voice also shaky when he called for medical assistance over the radio. Lieutenant Byrd was still very upset.”

In the January 16, 2021, interview transcript of the above United States Capitol Police officer who witnessed the shooting of Babbitt, he reported that a man with a beard in a suit attended to Babbitt after she was shot, and both he and the sergeant above believed the man was with the House Sergeant-at-Arms office, but neither provided his identity. When asked about Lt. Byrd’s demeanor after the shooting, the officer said about Byrd, “He was shaky. He was, he was teary eyed. You know, you can just tell, like, I ain’t gonna say when somebody regrets to do something, when somebody is just nervous, you know, they’ll rub their head, they’ll pace back and forth.” When asked if he heard any verbal commands given by police prior to Babbitt being shot, he replied, “Not at that point” and then “I do not recall that.”

Another Capitol Police officer interviewed on February 4, 2021, by Metro PD’s Internal Affairs Division advised that prior to Babbitt being shot, “He did not hear any verbal commands.”

Another Capitol Police officer was interviewed on February 4, 2021. In the transcript of his interview, he said that after the shooting of Babbitt, Lt. Byrd “was down and out” and “almost in tears.” He noted that when Babbitt was shot, “it wasn’t that loud”, despite having one of his ears completely uncovered. He also reported that he did not hear any verbal commands given by officers."
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but the truth is that the Chamber was almost completely clear when Babbitt was shot
First you claim that the House Chamber was empty...now you admit that it was "almost completely clear"

That means it was NOT empty jackass.

Should Byrd have said..."oh...there's only a couple Congressman in there now...go ahead and get em"?

Jesus dude. Stop while you're behind
First you claim that the House Chamber was empty...now you admit that it was "almost completely clear"

That means it was NOT empty jackass.

Should Byrd have said..."oh...there's only a couple Congressman in there now...go ahead and get em"?

Jesus dude. Stop while you're behind
The last of the remaining Reps were being escorted down the stairs by the Speaker's dais when the shot that killed Babbitt was heard which means the protesters would have had to still breach that door leading to the hallway and the door leading to the Chamber which would have provided ample time to evacuate the rest of the Reps from the floor.
For some reason Byrd decided to leave the Chamber and go out into the hall. That's an officer that's looking for a confrontation with protesters...not someone who's intent on protecting Reps inside of the chamber.
The last of the remaining Reps were being escorted down the stairs by the Speaker's dais when the shot that killed Babbitt was heard which means the protesters would have had to still breach that door leading to the hallway and the door leading to the Chamber which would have provided ample time to evacuate the rest of the Reps from the floor.
Stop lying. I proved that to be false in post 442

Byrd was defending a barricade behind which were US Legislators

Ashes deserved what she got

That was the story that the main stream media pushed Lesh but the truth is that the Chamber was almost completely clear when Babbitt was shot. Byrd's lawyer claimed that Byrd yelled a warning before shooting and the that hallway was filled with 100 members of Congress and Staff...both of which is a total fabrication. The hallway was nearly empty and Byrd didn't utter a sound before firing.

"In a January 6, 2021, summary report of an interview of another United States Capitol Police officer by the Internal Affairs Division investigator, the interviewee, who was immediately behind Byrd in the Speaker’s Lobby when Byrd shot Babbitt, said “He did not see Ms. McEntee [Babbitt] in possession of any potential weapons.” The report continued, “He reiterated that he did not observe that she was armed.” The United States Capitol Police officer claimed that “Lieutenant Byrd was shaking, he did not say anything…. Byrd was nervous, teary-eyed, and appeared very upset. His voice also shaky when he called for medical assistance over the radio. Lieutenant Byrd was still very upset.”

In the January 16, 2021, interview transcript of the above United States Capitol Police officer who witnessed the shooting of Babbitt, he reported that a man with a beard in a suit attended to Babbitt after she was shot, and both he and the sergeant above believed the man was with the House Sergeant-at-Arms office, but neither provided his identity. When asked about Lt. Byrd’s demeanor after the shooting, the officer said about Byrd, “He was shaky. He was, he was teary eyed. You know, you can just tell, like, I ain’t gonna say when somebody regrets to do something, when somebody is just nervous, you know, they’ll rub their head, they’ll pace back and forth.” When asked if he heard any verbal commands given by police prior to Babbitt being shot, he replied, “Not at that point” and then “I do not recall that.”

Another Capitol Police officer interviewed on February 4, 2021, by Metro PD’s Internal Affairs Division advised that prior to Babbitt being shot, “He did not hear any verbal commands.”

Another Capitol Police officer was interviewed on February 4, 2021. In the transcript of his interview, he said that after the shooting of Babbitt, Lt. Byrd “was down and out” and “almost in tears.” He noted that when Babbitt was shot, “it wasn’t that loud”, despite having one of his ears completely uncovered. He also reported that he did not hear any verbal commands given by officers."

From your own link, lyin' con (emphasis mine)...

While he heard the shot that Lieutenant Byrd fired, he did not see it. Lieutenant Byrd was at the pillar to his right side. Ms. McEntee was to his left, approximately 11 o'clock. Lieutenant Byrd was approximately 1 o'clock from his position. Lieutenant Byrd was ordering the demonstrators to, "Back up." He was also ordering the crowd to back up, and had his weapon drawn."

... now stop with the lies already.
The last of the remaining Reps were being escorted down the stairs by the Speaker's dais when the shot that killed Babbitt was heard which means the protesters would have had to still breach that door leading to the hallway and the door leading to the Chamber which would have provided ample time to evacuate the rest of the Reps from the floor.

Which means there were still members of Congress inside the House chamber when Ashes Targetpractice committed suicide by cop.

A justifiable shoot.
But the officer had no knowledge of the "SWAT style" officers, so their presence is irrelevant.

You're bending over backwards here to ignore the obvious. More rioters can get through that window. That's a reasonable conclusion.

And you ignore that setting an example has never been an acceptable use of deadly force for police officers.
Stop lying. I proved that to be false in post 442

Byrd was defending a barricade behind which were US Legislators

Ashes deserved what she got
Byrd was defending a barricade...behind which was a hallway...that led to another barricaded door...behind which stood a number of Secret Service agents...all armed with high capacity automatics. To be quite blunt? Those legislators were NEVER in any imminent danger from Ashli Babbitt or any other protester! Byrd went out into that hallway because he wanted to shoot someone. If he'd done what every other law enforcement agent did that day Babbitt would be alive today.
One cop, the others tried to help her.

One bad trigger happy cop.
Did you notice where the SWAT officer that was right beside Babbitt when she was shot trained his weapon, Marty? It wasn't at the protesters...it was at the asshole on the other side of the door that had just fired IN THEIR DIRECTION! This is the same moron that is seen in photos from inside of the House Chamber moments before the shooting with his weapon pointed at the backs of Secret Service agents at the barricaded doorway with his finger on the trigger! To be quite blunt, Michael Byers was someone that shouldn't have even HAD a gun let alone be using it to shoot people! He doesn't seem to understand even the basics of gun safety!

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