NBC: North Dakota and NY Having Same # of Senators Must Change

Who said the Left hate America?

Note they never compare Rhode Island and Texas.

NBC Reporter: North Dakota, New York Having Same Number of Senate Votes ‘Has to Change’

What do you think about DC having no reps ?
/——/ DC is not a state for a reason.

DC is a lot different thy when the constitution was written. And North Dakota didn’t even exist.

You frauds start this thread wh fake outrage over voters being left behind . Yet you don’t give a crap about DC citizens because they would elect Dems.
/——/ There was no DC when the Constitution was written. Geeeeze get a history book and read it. Your idiocy is tiresome.

Maybe you should try reading the constitution some time you ass hat . The whole point is that you have 600,000 paying taxation without representation.

Article One, Section Eight, of the Constitutionpermits the establishment of a "District (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States".[13]
No, the American people did elect Trump and his agenda. That is an undeniable fact.

Do you're saying that Donald is a wolf feasting on the American people?

Not at all. The United States is a Republic. We have an electoral college system. Hillary Clinton knew what the battleground states were going into the election. She lost them all. End of story. Why can't people accept this and move on?
Further more, the Democrats have controlled the house or senate for probably close to 70% of the last 100 or so years. If you don't like the current system, look no further than the party that has been in control most of that time.

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