NBC: Only 45% of Americans Believe 6 Jan Is Trump's Fault

So the OP thinks that it's good thing almost half the country blames him...
Less than half, meaning less than half believe the Democrats' latest bullshit 'Impeachment Attempt 3.0', in which Democrats have already been caught lying and dodging their own failures.

Americans are realizing that if Pelosi had called for National Guard troops as advised there would have been no '6 Jan', no sham committee hearing...

...which is why she refuses to testify.

She is possibly the most important witness in this whole thing but refuses to give answers that only she can give.
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Less than half, meaning less than half believe tbe Democrats' latest bullshit 'Impeachment Attempt0', in which Democrats have already been caught lying and dodging their own failures.

Americans are realizing that if Pelosi had called for National Guard troops as advised there would have been no '6 Jan', no sham committee hearing...

...which is why she refuses to testify.

She is possibly the most important witness in this whole thing but refuses to give answers that only she can give.
Uh....Trump isn't President. He can't be impeached. And Pelosi has nothing to do with the proceedings.

I love the smell of desperation from the right wing in the morning/afternoon/evening/24x7...:auiqs.jpg:
Well, then, it ought to turn out alright for you and Donny, but doubt you will convince the public.
ME? You don't like what I'm saying so you try to lump me in, somehow connect me?


Tell me, snowflake, after Pelosi was warned of potential violence by the FBI and advised to call in the National Guard, had she done so do you think the events on 6 Jan would have happened?

The answer, of course, is hell NO.

The military would have prevented it, not held doors open like the Capitol Police.

PELOSI had the opportunity to prevent all of this, but she CHOSE not to.

Pelosi has the answers to some of the most important questions that need to be answered ... and she refuses to testify...

...proving this whole thing is a 1-sides, Democratic fake news producer put-on political theater production of Pelosi & Schiff's 'Impeachment 3.0, Revenge Of The Seditious Traitors'.
I expect there will be damage to a lot of Republican politicians and a few alt-right media figures.
Their names get read aloud for the public to hear. And they are forever associated with an attempted insurrection.

I don't expect it to change the minds of the soft, weak lemmings like you...but it will possibly sway enough independent voters.

I know you're scared. But don't worry. No one is going to prison.
Your savior will run again in 2024. :)

You "expect".


And the best ya got is someone's name gets read aloud? Scary shit, Dumbass. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
So the OP thinks that it's good thing almost half the country blames him...


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  • The data shows that on J6, the lion's share blaming Trump held Trump SOLELY responsible. (RED)

  • Last month that had shifted to now where the lion's share merely hold him MAINLY responsible, meaning they realize now there were at least OTHER factors. (ORANGE)

  • Projecting forward then, by the midterms, most Trump Blamers will only hold him mainly to somewhat responsible. They tried to get MTG kicked out ineligible in politics and failed--- you seriously think they can pull that off on Teflon Trump who is actually GAINING in popularity and whom a larger growing number hold as not responsible at all? (BLUE)

Seriously, Trump made it clear at the Eclipse to go down and peacefully protest and show support for Pence not certifying until more facts were known. Then later, people tried to get Trump to Tweet for folks to stop and go home--- you've seen the brouhaha there--- you really think people there were checking for tweets on their phone? Trump did in fact do that, but his worst criticism is that he waited hours.

Maybe Trump was too fascinated. Maybe he thought it would resolve sooner on its own. But no one can credulously claim that had Trump tweeted a message 15 minutes into the start of it that everyone would have seen it and just packed up and gone home, so now he should be barred from office?!

I think I can make a far better case for barring BIDEN from office for things he has obviously deliberately done, like the BORDER.

Pure, baseless speculation. The entire J6 committee fails miserably no matter what they think they can present to make the case that TRUMP tried to overthrow our republic with not one person there so much as even carrying a knife, much less even know the floor plan to the capitol to know where to go!

FAR WORSE is the fact that this broadcast hearing is highly irregular and unfair (as all things democrat always are) in that if they REALLY have evidence, take it to a criminal prosecuting body! Instead, they hope to only air it on TV with no one on Trump's side able to speak in his defense with the sole intent of simply POISONING the electorate's mind to hopefully help throw the election more in their favor this Fall.

SHAMEFUL that networks will air an essentially ATTACK PIECE making charges and allegations against a whole host of people, none of which were even near the Capitol that day, with none of them having any opportunity to present arguments or evidence on their behalves in their defense.

Apparently drumhead trials are NOT dead after all but still alive and well in the DNC as they continue to make a travesty of jurisprudence in their raw lust for control and power. I hope all the networks carrying this BS get their asses sued.
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The less we realize how much of waste of taxpayer money this charade is, the more this Jan 6 obsession fantasy will look oblivious.
The less we realize how much of waste of taxpayer money this charade is, the more this Jan 6 obsession fantasy will look oblivious.

They spent 2-3 years and around 40 million dollars on the Mueller Hearings, the last sure gotcha, and apparently all along, Bob Mueller knew the whole Russa Russia Russia thing had been made up by Hillary and the DNC.

I want a refund, Bob.
ME? You don't like what I'm saying so you try to lump me in, somehow connect me?


Tell me, snowflake, after Pelosi was warned of potential violence by the FBI and advised to call in the National Guard, had she done so do you think the events on 6 Jan would have happened?

The answer, of course, is hell NO.

The military would have prevented it, not held doors open like the Capitol Police.

PELOSI had the opportunity to prevent all of this, but she CHOSE not to.

Pelosi has the answers to some of the most important questions that need to be answered ... and she refuses to testify...

...proving this whole thing is a 1-sides, Democratic fake news producer put-on political theater production of Pelosi & Schiff's 'Impeachment 3.0, Revenge Of The Seditious Traitors'.
I don't care what you say, and who was I lumping you in with, somebody you don't approve of? About Pelosi, one could say the optic scared her and she did not want to appear to over react. Also, Guard troops are not under her command, and I have problems with them being kept out as as long after the assault took place. Bottom line on Nancy, is her constituents (none in TN) keep sending her back up there. To my experience, there are plenty of General don't like to deal with them, as they are not in their chain of command. I know for certain, my boss didn't. They pretty much had to put up with them and were glad when a congress person left their AO.
The less we realize how much of waste of taxpayer money this charade is, the more this Jan 6 obsession fantasy will look oblivious.
How much are we paying this TV producer to put on this Dimwinger Shit Show?
I don't care what you say, and who was I lumping you in with, somebody you don't approve of? About Pelosi, one could say the optic scared her and she did not want to appear to over react. Also, Guard troops are not under her command, and I have problems with them being kept out as as long after the assault took place. Bottom line on Nancy, is her constituents (none in TN) keep sending her back up there. To my experience, there are plenty of General don't like to deal with them, as they are not in their chain of command. I know for certain, my boss didn't. They pretty much had to put up with them and were glad when a congress person left their AO.
Pelosi could have requested the National Guard be used, along with the DC mayor. I will try to find the article again that talked about it in depth.

Again, had the advice of calling the Natl Guard in had been heeded there would have been no '6 Jan' and no need for a committee.

Why wasn't the advice heeded? Pelosi knows. She knows who was involved with this decision and who officialy made the call ... but we may never know because she refuses to testify ... and of course her Select Committee will never subpoena her.
Also, Guard troops are not under her command,
SO you have been told by the media, yet some few from inside congress suggest otherwise.

Bottom line on Nancy, is her constituents keep sending her back up there.
---She keeps getting reelected. You just take it on good faith that the people keep doing so, yet I have friends in the area out there who tell me they detest what the democrats have done to their state with a white hot burning hate, so just who keeps reelecting her? The "people?"
Pelosi could have requested the National Guard be used, along with the DC mayor. I will try to find the article again that talked about it in depth.

Again, had the advice of calling the Natl Guard in had been heeded there would have been no '6 Jan' and no need for a committee.

Why wasn't the advice heeded? Pelosi knows. She knows who was involved with this decision and who officialy made the call ... but we may never know because she refuses to testify ... and of course her Select Committee will never subpoena her.
If she requests, she request through the people that report to the pres and it is request not order. As far as I know she is not in the chain of command unless the Pres and the vice Pres are no longer functional. This is the problem with congress persons and Generals. On a visit to my direct boss, senior rater and the only rater, at all in my rating chain, the General was totally polite, deferential, but guarded with info and nebulous on any recommendations/observations made and there were some, as it was a member of the Armed Service Committee. He knew he would not be getting a second star, didn't want one. He told me Washington politicians gave him gas. If you were not planning to move up, nothing they could do for you but had to be dealt with politely as they could cause problems for you. Nancy calling out the guard for what would be a Federal activation would be a sticky wicket for somebody whose boss was sitting 4 blocks away at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. If you remember, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs had politely declined the suggestion in conversation with the President himself that maybe Army troops were needed in American cities, as well as a suggestion or conversation they should or be might be used to secure the election. That stuff is at what we called echelons above reality and I never operated at that level, but I can't see it, unless there is some protocol, I am totally unaware of.
If she requests, she request through the people that report to the pres and it is request not order. As far as I know she is not in the chain of command unless the Pres and the vice Pres are no longer functional. This is the problem with congress persons and Generals. On a visit to my direct boss, senior rater and the only rater, at all in my rating chain, the General was totally polite, deferential, but guarded with info and nebulous on any recommendations/observations made and there were some, as it was a member of the Armed Service Committee. He knew he would not be getting a second star, didn't want one. He told me Washington politicians gave him gas. If you were not planning to move up, nothing they could do for you but had to be dealt with politely as they could cause problems for you. Nancy calling out the guard for what would be a Federal activation would be a sticky wicket for somebody whose boss was sitting 4 blocks away at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. If you remember, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs had politely declined the suggestion in conversation with the President himself that maybe Army troops were needed in American cities, as well as a suggestion or conversation they should or be might be used to secure the election. That stuff is at what we called echelons above reality and I never operated at that level, but I can't see it, unless there is some protocol, I am totally unaware of.

Sgts-At-Arms of both House & Senate delayed/ denied national guard requests
- Both resigned after 6 Jan

DC Mayor wanted only light police presence

Ex-Capitol police chief requested prior to 6 Jan Natl Guard support 6 times & every time was denied or delayed

'No one from the Capitol requested it'

'the National Guard and other additional security support could have been provided, but no one at the Capitol requested it.'


FBI & NY Police warned Capitol Police of pending violence- Ex-head of Capitol police asked for National Guard / help 6 times - denied / delayed


Sgts-At-Arms of both House & Senate delayed/ denied national guard requests
- Both resigned after 6 Jan

DC Mayor wanted only light police presence

Ex-Capitol police chief requested prior to 6 Jan Natl Guard support 6 times & every time was denied or delayed

'No one from the Capitol requested it'

'the National Guard and other additional security support could have been provided, but no one at the Capitol requested it.'


FBI & NY Police warned Capitol Police of pending violence- Ex-head of Capitol police asked for National Guard / help 6 times - denied / delayed

That rabbit hole is too deep and twisted for me.
That rabbit hole is too deep and twisted for me.
What 'rabbit hole'??

The FBI reportedly warned the DC Mayor, the Capitol Police Chief, Pelosi, & the Sgts-at-arms...they were advized to call upon the Natl Guard...the Police Chief requested the help 6 times before & during 6 Jan & he was denied.

Had they called out the national guard there was have been no '6 Jan' trouble.

So why aren't the DC Mayor, Pelosi, tge Sgts-at-arms, etc... testifying?

The fact that they are not proves this whe thing is a 1-sided partisan shit show.

NBC: Only 45% of Americans Believe 6 Jan Is Trump's Fault​

I think we have to recognize, with respect to polls like this, that The Following (Trump's base supporters) skew virtually all issues based polls because they have been brainwashed by right wing media. The proof for this can be found spewed all over this board in the lies and misinformation posted by the Orange Fraud's ignorant, adoring fans.

For example, The Following couldn't care less about things like this either.

Michigan widens probe into voting system breaches by Trump allies: report

Michigan State Police has warrants to seize voting equipment and election records across three towns and one county as it ramps up its probe into allies of former President Trump attempting to gain unauthorized access to voting systems, according to a new Reuters report.

The expansion of the investigation, which happened in the last six weeks, includes records such as search warrants and investigators’ memos that show the efforts of state authorities to obtain voting machines, poll books, data storage devices and phone records, according to Reuters.

Overall, there were at least 17 incidents across the country, including 11 in Michigan, in which Trump supporters gained or sought to access voting machines without authorization, Reuters added.


Sometimes, the drip, drip, drip, as more information is revealed can make it appear less dangerous.

NBC: Only 45% of Americans Believe 6 Jan Is Trump's Fault​

I think we have to recognize, with respect to polls like this, that The Following (Trump's base supporters) skew virtually all issues based polls because they have been brainwashed by right wing media. The proof for this can be found spewed all over this board in the lies and misinformation posted by the Orange Fraud's ignorant, adoring fans.

For example, The Following couldn't care less about things like this either.

Michigan widens probe into voting system breaches by Trump allies: report

Michigan State Police has warrants to seize voting equipment and election records across three towns and one county as it ramps up its probe into allies of former President Trump attempting to gain unauthorized access to voting systems, according to a new Reuters report.

The expansion of the investigation, which happened in the last six weeks, includes records such as search warrants and investigators’ memos that show the efforts of state authorities to obtain voting machines, poll books, data storage devices and phone records, according to Reuters.

Overall, there were at least 17 incidents across the country, including 11 in Michigan, in which Trump supporters gained or sought to access voting machines without authorization, Reuters added.


Sometimes, the drip, drip, drip, as more information is revealed can make it appear less dangerous.
I doubt they think this is important either.

House panel probes ‘serious deficiencies’ in Trump’s accounting of foreign gifts

A House committee on Tuesday announced an investigation into former President Donald Trump over his administration's apparent failure to properly record gifts from foreign government officials as required by law.

House Oversight and Reform Committee Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., sent a letter Monday to the National Archives seeking documents about "mismanaged gifts" received from foreign government officials while Trump was in office. She said the committee's concerns stem from information recently provided by the State Department.

“These revelations raise concerns about the potential for undue influence over former President Trump by foreign governments,” Maloney wrote.


Because he has always felt he is above the law.
LOL! The "fault" of the 1/6 protest was the goddamn Democrats stealing the election.
What 'rabbit hole'??

The FBI reportedly warned the DC Mayor, the Capitol Police Chief, Pelosi, & the Sgts-at-arms...they were advized to call upon the Natl Guard...the Police Chief requested the help 6 times before & during 6 Jan & he was denied.

Had they called out the national guard there was have been no '6 Jan' trouble.

So why aren't the DC Mayor, Pelosi, tge Sgts-at-arms, etc... testifying?

The fact that they are not proves this whe thing is a 1-sided partisan shit show.
You are welcome to your viewpoint.

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