NBC: Only 45% of Americans Believe 6 Jan Is Trump's Fault

So the counter-programming is starting already? :auiqs.jpg:
Not really all that surprising given that each day takes us further away from that day.

Get back to me with the number in another week.
I'll bet ya it's much higher. :)
You really think the next Story Time with Adumb Shifferbrains will push America into worrying about Jan 6?

You really are a Tardboi JackOfNoTrades
If you look at the poll itself instead of the Pundit article, It looks like most hold trump either solely responsible, mainly responsible or somewhat responsible, even in May, a year and a half later. Looks like you got a lot more work to do, to rewrite history in the eyes of the public.
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Just as they did during Pelosi's 3 failed criminal peachments, Democrats manufactured fake e idence against Trump to falsely accused him of being responsible for 6 Jan.

In another thread I posted Trump's actual EXACT WORDS he said that day. He urged people to WALK PEACEFULLY down to the Capitol to show support, told people to be respectful and obey police.

Democrats and snowflakes always try to tell people what Trump said instead of using his exact words ... because if they did they would have no case.

Once again Democrats are accusing others of what they are doing / have done.

It is the Democrats who got busted attempting to manufacture false evidence and trying to re-write history. In Pelosi's 'Trump Impeachment 3.0' they have proved they are doing the same thing.

The American people see and know.
You really think the next Story Time with Adumb Shifferbrains will push America into worrying about Jan 6?

You really are a Tardboi JackOfNoTrades
I expect there will be damage to a lot of Republican politicians and a few alt-right media figures.
Their names get read aloud for the public to hear. And they are forever associated with an attempted insurrection.

I don't expect it to change the minds of the soft, weak lemmings like you...but it will possibly sway enough independent voters.

I know you're scared. But don't worry. No one is going to prison.
Your savior will run again in 2024. :)
I expect there will be damage to a lot of Republican politicians and a few alt-right media figures.
Their names get read aloud for the public to hear. And they are forever associated with an attempted insurrection.

I don't expect it to change the minds of the soft, weak lemmings like you...but it will possibly sway enough independent voters.

I know you're scared. But don't worry. No one is going to prison.
Your savior will run again in 2024. :)
Whatever you say...I see "Let's Go Brandon" signs everywhere I go.
If you look at the poll itself instead of the Pundit article, It looks like most hold trump either solely responsible, mainly responsible or somewhat responsible
View attachment 655168

If you REALLY look at the data, W6, it shows that over time, as more time goes by and people learn more, FEWER AND FEWER hold Trump as responsible.

Screen Shot 2022-06-07 at 8.10.45 PM.png

On the three questions on Trump, whether SOLELY, MAINLY or SOMEWHAT responsible, the red shows polling immediately after the protest, the orange last month, and the green the likely result by this November election time.

1 shows the number holding Trump SOLELY is dropping precipitously.
2 shows the number holding Trump MAINLY rising slowly.
3 shows those holding him only SOMEWHAT responsible growing.

The Pale blue shows those thinking NOT RESPONSIBLE on J6 to be HIGHER than any of those.
The medium Blue shows where many of the previous people have gone, and
The Dark Blue shows the likely result by the midterms.

The greatest dynamic here is a transference of people from holding Trump SOLELY responsible to not really responsible at all.

That is not great news for democrats, and after seeing the shit show on Thursday night, those bad numbers for them are likely to get even worse when people see the specious, gossamer, stretching reaches of the Left to try to blame Trump and people loosely associated to him.
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The [Republican] Senate Intelligence Committee reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.
Senate Intel report confirms Russia aimed to help Trump in 2016

Putin could not be more pleased with his choice.

Led by their leader, former President Donald Trump who led a coup attempt on Jan. 6, 2021, to overthrow the elected government, Republicans are attacking the very basis of American democracy. They are attacking the legitimacy of America's free elections.
A CNN analysis writes, "As the January 6 hearings hit prime time, the ex-President’s thunderous demands for loyalty and the hunger for power of his acolytes in the House mean that’s not an option.

"Trump’s demand for, and the GOP’s willingness to offer, a robust defense into what are expected to be damaging details of his complicity in a coup attempt are deeply revealing about his future political intentions and the former President’s control over his party. The evolving plan to hit back against the committee on behalf of Trump also exposes the hypocrisy and the ambition of key House Republican leaders who whitewash Trump’s role in the history of the January 6, 2021, insurrection to advance their own careers.

"It offers a foreboding reality check 17 months after the Capitol insurrection about how House Republicans have chosen the promise of future political advancement over the protection of American democracy.

"The committee is expected to mount a devastating case about Trump’s behavior as he tried to steal the 2020 election in the run-up to and during the January 6 assault on the Capitol, which he incited and didn’t act to stop as lawmakers ran for their lives.

"There are potential pitfalls for Republicans who stand with Trump as the lurid tale of violence, lies and autocratic power grabs is told again for the American people and for the benefit of history. The evidence could be so damning that those who seek to discredit the hearings will find themselves defending the indefensible – a dark moment of the American story that is so heinous it will live in infamy."

Republicans are limited in their choices. They have only one.

Lie like hell.
"There are potential pitfalls for Republicans who stand with Trump as the lurid tale of violence, lies and autocratic power grabs is told again for the American people and for the benefit of history. The evidence could be so damning that those who seek to discredit the hearings will find themselves defending the indefensible – a dark moment of the American story that is so heinous it will live in infamy."
CNN reports, "The long-awaited hearings by the House select committee investigating the January 6 insurrection of the US Capitol kick off Thursday in prime time.

"The proceedings intend to “provide the American people with a summary of our findings about the coordinated, multi-step effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election.”

Committee member Rep. Jamie Raskin predicts these hearings will deliver “the story of the worst presidential political offense against the Union in American history.”

CNN continued, "Trump and his allies are desperately trying to provide “counterprogramming” to distract from the hearings.

"On Saturday, Rep. Elise Stefanik – the third-ranking member of the House GOP leadership – revealed part of their plan in an interview with Breitbart News."

Interesting, not a major network. Instead, the notice was given on a network friendly to Trump.

“We’re working very closely with President Trump and his team” on a counter-messaging effort, Stefanik said, adding that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Rep. Jim Jordan “and really all of the House Republicans will be pushing back in a rapid response fashion.”

“You will see us all over the airwaves, we will be setting the record straight,” Stefanik promised, as they will argue that the bipartisan committee’s work is “illegitimate.” And they plan to assert the panel’s true goal will be to punish political opponents and target “patriotic Trump supporters.”

"FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before Congress that the federal investigators view January 6 as an act of “domestic terrorism.” Without Trump’s lies that the 2020 election was stolen, there would have been no attempt to overturn the election, warranting the investigation," CNN.

Are Republicans going to argue the FBI is "illegitimate," too? The Jan. 6 committee will be passing on evidence to Americans, not creating it.

If Trump had accepted his defeat, as other one-term presidents had, he would not have engaged in a behind-the-scenes attempt to overturn the election.

If Trump had recognized his loss, he wouldn’t have radicalized supporters with a barrage of lies about the election.

Sixty court cases, the Supreme Court, all 50 states, even Trump's attorney general all found there was no significant fraud. Trump and those who support his lies cannot find sufficient fraud to overturn the Presidential election results.

Vladimir Putin is loving this. Americans attacking the legitimacy of their own free elections. It doesn't get better than this.
Just as they did during Pelosi's 3 failed criminal peachments, Democrats manufactured fake e idence against Trump to falsely accused him of being responsible for 6 Jan.

In another thread I posted Trump's actual EXACT WORDS he said that day. He urged people to WALK PEACEFULLY down to the Capitol to show support, told people to be respectful and obey police.

Democrats and snowflakes always try to tell people what Trump said instead of using his exact words ... because if they did they would have no case.

Once again Democrats are accusing others of what they are doing / have done.

It is the Democrats who got busted attempting to manufacture false evidence and trying to re-write history. In Pelosi's 'Trump Impeachment 3.0' they have proved they are doing the same thing.

The American people see and know.
Well, then, it ought to turn out alright for you and Donny, but doubt you will convince the public.

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